March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

I wonder how our missing mamas are. I was thinking about blessed the other day. Hope she's ok.
I looked up Blessed on her a couple of weeks ago as i wondered...she is still on here (or was) but has a separate blog and group now by the looks of it. Newfie is active on FB but sadly dropped out of here. Oh and Joanna too....she is occasional on FB. Shame!!
Aww, that's a shame.


My friend is havng a "Welcome to the World" party for her son this weekend. Am I meant to get a present? If so, what?
I actually have a hard time keeping track of who is no longer posting here since so many of us are on FB now so I still feel fairly connected. I also must confess that I really need someone to make me a cheat sheet so I can keep everyone's real life names and their BnB names straight. :blush: Some names are obviously easier than others, and it's easy for me to keep the US lads straight since there are so few of us, but I constantly find myself trying to match up real baby names from FB pics to our first page here, and I sometimes get confused. If someone is up for the challenge (or already has created such a list), could you PM me?
i am a traitor missy. and I'm a little smug. shred DONE. now time for soup (not on my hips please!!!!!) :haha:
WT....done as many as i think you have on fb...dont think i missed anyone

We seem to have bought a house!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well...our second offer has been accepted!!!!!!!!

Sorry, all me, me, me...just excited!!

Ps sorry about all the !!! In this post :rofl:

Will read back a little later - hubby just poured me a glass of champagne :grin:

Lots love xxxxxxx

We seem to have bought a house!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well...our second offer has been accepted!!!!!!!!

Sorry, all me, me, me...just excited!!

Ps sorry about all the !!! In this post :rofl:

Will read back a little later - hubby just poured me a glass of champagne :grin:

Lots love xxxxxxx

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mitch - could you forward list to me!! I get a little confused at times too :blush: xx
Yay Nic, well done! :)

Right, a tad busy here as F has decided that sticking to the routine was getting totally dull, so decided after her 8oz of milk, to sleep for a full 30 mins and is currently in her jumperoo giggling hysterically having been up for over an hour! :haha: Little monkey!!!

So, just quickly, the weaning info is coming, will post in a seperate post here, and make a note of the post number this time. :)
Basic weaning info “guide”

(Disclaimer!!! I'm not a professional child nutritionist! This is all info I gathered from the first time round, so if its changed, out of date or in other ways incorrect, then sorry! :blush: )

Things to look for so you know your baby is ready for solids (likely between 4-8 months):

- they do not automatically push solids out of their mouth (lost the tongue-thrust reflex)
- they are ready and willing to chew.
- they can sit up in a highchair without slumping.
- they are starting to pick up objects between thumb and forefinger.
- they are eager to participate in mealtime and may try to grab food and put it in their mouth.

Things that aren't related to being ready for solids:
- chewing and sucking on their hands
- waking in the night when they have previously slept through
- wanting extra feeds

Good things to do at 3-6 months before starting solids:
sit them with you when you eat
give them a cup with a little bit of water/formula/ebm in.
give them plastic weaning spoons cups etc to play with at the table/high chair
give them ice chips or big ice cubes to play with
partly defrost ebm and smash it up like a slushy and give them some in a bowl with a spoon to practice with. You can freeze it in ice cube trays too, or make lollies (popsicles) with formula or breast milk!

Starting weaning
Start off with giving them a couple of teaspoons full of solids once a day. The time doesn't matter, but do it after a feed when they are relaxed and happy. Good first things to try are, steamed or boiled then pureed (with a little ebm/formula if you like)carrot, sweet potato, parsnip, swede, squash/pumpkin. You can buy baby rice in packets, but it doesn't have much flavour, and they might as well get the taste of something a bit different. When you do decide to do porridge type food, then Ready brek is way cheaper and just as good, but best not to give it before 6 months as it does contain gluten. You might find they love it, they might spit it all out and make a face. Either way, keep trying. If they really seem not to enjoy it, then stop and try the next day. If they are pushing everything out of their mouths each time you try, then wait a week and try again. Its best to start with one thing, say carrot, and try them on that for 3 days, then if that goes ok with no bad reaction, try them with something else. That means if they do seem to have a reaction to anything,you'll know what it is right away ;)
You can keep giving the veg meal and then add in another meal, say “breakfast” earlier in the day if you like. Its nice to give maybe some cereal at one meal and then vegetables at the other. If you start weaning on or after 6 months, you can forge ahead quite quickly, and once they take to it you can give mixed purees, or try just mashing thoroughly rather than blending. Also, after 6 months, you can add in white fish, chicken, mash boiled egg, cooked lentils, cream cheese etc. and also do a spoon or 2 of fruit purees mixed with natural yogurt for a sort of dessert (way healthier and cheaper than buying the kids pots of fromage frais and stuff like that) . It takes a bit of confidence, but once they are enjoying some purees, try offering finger food as soon as you can, and let them experiment with that too! The whole thing should be fun, not stressful for you or for them.
You'll work up to then giving 3 meals a day, still small quantities, maybe a couple of tablespoons full at most. Maybe one of porridge, one mashed sweetpotato and chicken and one pureed pear and yogurt with some steamed butternut squash batons and broccoli florets to play with. :shrug: Just as an example. If you are having a beef stew for dinner yourself, then cook it without salt, take some out, blend it and keep it for a baby meal the next day! No need to cook something especially all the time! Try to do milk feeds first before meals, and certainly to start with, if they begin dropping milk feeds, then reduce the amount of solids you feed for a while before increasing again. The formula or breast milk are higher calorie than the food, so they need to keep their milk intake up until they are eating decent sized balanced meals ;)
Foods to avoid before 12 months are honey, unpasturised dairy products, whole nuts (not recommended before 5 years due to the choking risk), cows milk as a drink (its ok to use on cereal though, but use full fat). Also avoid sugar and salt as much as possible. Things like hard cheese have salt in them already, and it is totally fine to include these foods in their diet in balanced quantities, but never add sugar or salt to food you are cooking for them to eat!
If you want to do baby led weaning, then its the same stuff, but instead of purees, give it in convenient sized sticks that have been steamed, roast or boiled so they are firm enough to pick up, but soft enough to gum at. Just give a few different choices of vegetable to start with and let them have fun tasting and playing with them. With BLW, they aren't all that likely to eat much until about 8-9 months, but its the exploring process thats important. There is some great recipes for finger food out there, and loaded spoons are good too for things like yogurt and cream cheese etc. If you do choose to BLW i'd definitely recommend reading the book, its really informative, if a bit militant for my personal tastes! :)

A couple of things, first, “food is for fun until one”. Don't worry about how much they eat. Milk (breast or formula) is still the main form of nutrition up to 12 months, so its a gradual transition to eating 3 meals a day (with snacks) and therefore not relying on milk nutritionally. There is no rush or stress, and to be honest, the more relaxed and enjoyable the experience is, the better eating habits your child will tend to develop. Best to concentrate on helping them experience a variety of textures and flavours and helping them explore and enjoy their food.
Second thing is, choking. Strikes terror into all of our hearts I know! But in reality, babies don't choke that often. The general rule is, if they are breathing, and or making noise, they aren't choking , they are gagging. Its actually really important to allow them to practice and perfect their gag reflex, its what stops them choking on food. If food starts obstructing their breathing, they will start gagging to move the food forwards in their mouths so they can chew it, it can look and sound really alarming, but its a good thing. If they are choking, they will be silent and won't be able to draw breathe, they will start to go red, then blue quite quickly. If they do choke, don't put your fingers in their mouth. Check to see if you can see the obstruction. Put them over your lap with their heads lower down than their feet (so gravity can help) and thump them pretty hard on the back 5 times. Check them and repeat that up to 3 times. Almost all obstructions can be cleared doing that. If you can't see what they are choking on, and thumping their back doesn't work then call an ambulance, the operators can talk you through what to do ;) For a baby to choke on things they need to be about the size of a small grape, so don't feed things that size, or that are likely to break off in that sized chunks that aren't soft enough to be smushed up in their mouth. Roh has never choked, but used to gag loads, I always just let him do it, and he always sorted any problems himself ;)

I can help out with recipe ideas whenever it comes up!
Nic!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!! AMAZING! Congrats.

Waula, you are evil... stupid shred.

Naughty old F, you're good, bringing her down, i'd be mean and keep T in his room in the dark.

Can I have the list too please? i've been meaning to do one...
Nic that's awesome news!!!!!!!!!!!! And a few extra ones for you !!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it all progresses smoothly xx
Emera thanks for the repost... I did search for it a while ago - think it was page 336 or 362 you posted it...bloody ages ago! Sorry F is still awake but yay for happy jumperoo-ing!!!!

Cuppie glad you've had a lovely day with R :) the weather makes a huge difference hey! Re early weaning and nephew was v sucky and was weaned early and puked that up too so going to persevere til 6months I think. The vom is loads better than it was, but just annoying...he's totally not bothered though and in 6-9m and size 4+ nappies so think he's growing ok!!!!

Re getting bored...I'll be honest I've not yet had a bored day yet...not sure what that says about me or my brain (!!!) but N only does 40min naps and is crap at night so I'm still quite tired...also got the two dogs to walktwice a day and a big garden and I'm loving the time for cooking yummy things...I do miss the academic side of work I suppose but know it'll come back soon enough!!!
Nic, that's AMAZING!!! I'm so pleased for you. :hugs:

WT, keep it quiet, and I'll remove it later, but my real name is *oo *indley. Sssssshhhhhhhh!!!!!

More mil drama today when Al spoke to her. She said that my text message was inappropriate (it wasn't), that Al was having to stand up for me, that she was only speaking the truth and then she got all upset and turned it round that I had been the one to upset her, not the other way round!

Al and I have had a frank talk, and it's obviously his family, so I can't expect him to feel the same, but I have to,d him that the way that I feel at the moment, I don't want anything to do with her for a couple of months, and nor will Dharma. I know I will cool off eventually, but I'm still furious and upset.

Damn right Loo. Manipulative. Knob. You absolutely deserve the time to cool off. I bet it's all referred from wedding plans but she's demonstrating why you want a private do. Knob. Big hugs xxx
Ah *oo, ive been wondering who you were. Inlaws, who'd have them.

Nic - woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waula - I didn't like to say but i can't say I've been bored either. Z is just too entertaining. There are occasions when I'm on a third pooey nappy and outfit change by 10am when I wonder what my life's become, but that's rare. Maybe my life was just dull before?! I think though he's filled the void (and then some) created by selling my horse in 2009 which gave me hours of free time that took me a long time to adjust to.

Crowned - hi! Were the inlaws ok on holiday in the end?

Are you guys all going to give vitamin drops from 6 months? Apparently it's recommended in breastfed babies or those that drink less than 500ml of formula a day. The surestart centres sell the healthy start ones pretty cheap. I never knew it was nhs recommended until today.

Oh and Mitch/missy - my sister works in godalming so if you want the name of a
Cafe to meet in I'll ask her.
Loo - I couldn't have put it better than Waula...Knob. Fact.

:hug: hope you're ok hon xx
Sorry ladies...i dumped a loads of names on a pm to WT then promptly disappeared. Watched the 200m final...woo hoo Bolt. Then wstched Tuesday Midwives programme...missy you been watching...was thinking of you. What an amazing job....and loads of babies to get broody over agin

Yeah on house Nicnak...enjoy.your champers x

Loo...its official ...your future MIL is an arse. I am angry for you. Feel sorry for Al stuck in middle really

Right bed and golf for me woooop
Thanks lads! (see only one ! this time :haha:) xxx

Excited and nervous...GULP.

At a wedding all day tomorrow and leaving A with BIL and SIL for the first time. Am nervous. Esp as she is so screamy and in pain at the moment. I hope I enjoy it. Oh yeah, think my fake tan may be a bit streaky on my legs :nope: I always cock it up...:dohh:

Hubby is working over the weekend so my sister is staying Sat night then it's just me and A on Sunday. Hope she feels less pain...for both our sakes :haha:

Night night all xxxxx

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