March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

FT, unfortunately there are more jabs coming... in 8 weeks. We have 2 month ones, 4 month ones, 6 month ones... and who knows how many more!! She did really well though, so it's not as intimidating.

Home alone tonight as DH is off at a meeting, so I made him a big Swiss chocolate birthday cake for his 25th birthday tomorrow. Had to hide it in the oven so he won't see it when he gets home tonight. :) Can't wait to eat it!!
crowned - oh well, jabs are over quickly and i suppose we just have to remember we are lucky our LOs have them :hugs:

mitch - cant believe she has your dress??? when there are a million dresses in the world to chose from?! seems very odd to me..... :shrug:
It is really strange FT....she didnt even realise at all....weird!!! She was showing the brochure pic around on her phone a few months ago and automatically without thinking i went 'oooh thats my dress'...i did a double take but definately knew the exact brochure shot....same woman. Doesnt bother me....she just said no it isnt...this is a new one for this year. Hmmmm i dont Alfred Angelo range 1148 is embedded in my memory. So i didnt push the issue as she had already bought it and didnt make her feel bad.

Sooo we shall see.who looks better...only joking. I really do like the girl generallt...didnt realuse she was so.judgemental....aaaah well. Its an amazing.dress
I second the hoping she gets a big red zit!!!! X
Went for a weigh in again today and some poo advice (he's been pooing loads for a week, some green) and despite the excessive pop he's put on 5oz in a week, compared to 4oz in the previous 3 weeks, hurrah! They've recommended I go to the GP though for a stool sample. When I says excessive, 9 times in 12 hours the time I counted, too bored of nappy changing to count anymore! I am so sick of poo.
Morning, laddies. I need to bitch and figure y'all won't mind.

Let me preface by saying I love my babies and my DH ooodles. But good God I need a full night's sleep. Last night both babies required a lot of tending. It all started at 1 a.m. and did not really finish until 4:30 a.m. There were, of course, lots of cat naps mixed in there, and it's not like they cried the whole time. Most of the times, I'm able to resettle them pretty quickly. But even if it only takes a few minutes, the totality of it is wreaking havoc on my sleep/mood. So I'm just feeling a bit frustrated especially since most all the other March babies are sleeping through with some regularity by now.

Will a light bulb just go off where they get it?

Of course, OH only makes things worse. This morning, he woke up at 5:00 to get some work done. Thus, when P woke up at 5:10, DH went and got him out of bed and decided that he'd just get him ready for the day. P wasn't really ready to be awake for the day, so he was screaming bloody murder as DH was washing him and changing him. DH thinks he's doing me a favor, but there's no way I can sleep through all the noise, so I eventually barged in, grabbed the baby and brought him to bed with me where all three of us (his brother was already there) slept for another 45 minutes.

When I do things like that, DH's feelings are hurt which leads him to get pissy about how I don't appreciate him, and he'll just stop doing anything. I want him to help. I just want him to use his brain when he helps. I don't have the energy to use kid gloves with my husband. I worry about our relationship. Will it ever be the same????

I'm hoping last night was particularly bad because the babies have colds and can't breathe as well. Plus, K barely ate yesterday, so he was starving in the middle of the night (he drank 8 ounces over the course of 1 hour, which he has never done ever, let alone at night). :shrug:
Wt - sorry I can't advise on the sleep, or with the relationship advice either really! I know what you mean though, DH sometimes thinks he's helping but if he's not and I tell him he flounces off and tells me to do it myself. Maybe you need some rules as to who does what when? DH takes him in the morning but not till after 6am and I've finally drummed into him I hope that he's ready for a sleep 90-120 mins later. I think now that he's seen the routine start to work he's beginning to believe me but it's taken some time to get there. :hugs: and hope someone else is more helpful!
Yeesh... just heard from a friend that my high school boyfriend (my first serious boyfriend... we went out for two years) died. :(
Ugh mouse...sad news :(

WT I cannot imagine how you're coping on so little sleep and being back at work. Sleep is such a precious commodity. My friend had twins and her and her DH pick a twin each at 7pm every night and they have to sort that twin til morning....wouldn't work in this house but it works for them!!!
Lozza great news about z weight hun!!!! Really relieved for you. Things seem to be improving and I'm really pleased for you. Shame about all the poo but some must be getting absorbed!!! Hope you get some answers with the paed...
Lozza, I hate to say it but if I were you, I'd try cutting gluten, then if that doesn't work, soy. The multiple green poos are exactly what we had. And G developed her sensitivities early, so Z could be starting to react to something in your diet.

WT :hugs: ... I think we all know how you feel, but you're dealing with it twice as much because of your two boys. I think the key is just to hold on until they grow up a little. And don't feel alone, G isn't anywhere close to sleeping through. She's done it twice but those were total flukes (and--notably?--when DH was out of town).
Lozza, you saying about the excessive green pooing has reminded me that Roh had exactly the same at about 5 months. It went on for ever!!! Soo much poo, and he was so miserable. We had a load of tests done and it came up with a mild lactose intolerance. However, we were never recommended to cut out dairy due to it. :shrug: Just popped into my head, and seems weird that it happened at 5 months. Oddly it improved a lot once we started weaning which we did at a little after 5 months.
Did you cut down on the formula this week? I remember you saying that his 3 weeks of poor gain was after 3 weeks when he had more formula?
Emera - how odd! He's probably only had about 8 single cartons of formula ever. No different this week to other weeks really, it was just i probably first gave h
Formula in those 3 weeks of poor weight gain, I used it just to see if it was hunger waking him up. In those weeks it wasnt.
Ironically he's sleeping better since he's pooing like this, the winds going straight through!! He wakes up happy from sleep instead of writhing in pain. Flip side though is bad nappy rash which really stings him to change :-(
Morning lads...
Missing the chatter on here...sometimes feels a bit disjointed over on FB. Day 3 of 11-7 :dance: at this end which is lovely!
WT how was/is your night going?? Better I hope. X
Lozza how's Z going?? Hope you're a but more rested too. Hoping today is not another poo party.
Emera how is F getting on with her new routine?? Now she can roll can she escape out of her cot bit attached to your bed?
Cuppie hope you're ok about work hun. I know what it's like to have an reasonable ideal and then it be squashed. Big :hugs:
Loo hope you're all relaxing and D is having a happy time... How was the journey?? X
Waula, I miss the chat here too, although I like having all the pictures on fb!!! :D
Freyja sticks to routine really well in the day, which is great, but ignores it at night a bit! :haha: I think she's having a growth/development spurt at the moment though, so she's swinging between great sleep and crap sleep! :haha: :sleep:
She can kind of escape from her cot bit, although so far ts not been an issue. If it is I'm probably just going to put a bed guard between the cot and the bed, rather than fully putting the side on the cot. Once she's properly crawlng though we'll have to reassess!
Hi lads. It's so lush here. Peaceful, relaxing and warm but not too warm (30 ish degrees). D dealt with the road trip well, though got completely sick on the car seat about 14 hours in (out of 16). It's a 5.5 hour car journey each side of the channel so sw stopped a few times, but after that last time she kicked off. I was driving after 2 hours sleep and feeling pretty strung out, but there we go. Hoping that D sleeps better tonight. She did an epic 1-3.40 awake and screaming sesh. Currently flat out on my chest.

I had loads to reply, but seemingly the glass of muscadet with lunch has erased my memory. Huh.

Wine was consumed with moules and crevettes btw. Lush.
Hey, lads. My night was better-ish. They slept soundly from 7:00 until midnight. I went to bed at 8:00. Between midnight and 3:00, K woke up 5 times where I had to simply pop a paci in his mouth. Between 3:00 and 4:00, they both woke up to eat, and it took until 4:00 to get them back to sleep. However, they then slept from 4:00 to 6:00 when it was time to start getting ready.

By going to bed at 8:00 myself, this translated to: solid sleep for 4 hours; broken sleep for 3 hours; awake for 1 hour; solid sleep for 2 hours. Is it sad that I consider that an improvement?
loo- mmmm lush.... have a lovely time gorgeous lady xxx

WT - Yup thats sad LOL.....also, i cant believe the twins are nearly 6months old!!! here has the time gone.
rashy - sooo sorry about your school bf. horrible news, even if not in touch now.

lozza - thats alot of poo/nappies!!!!
Lozza...sorry for all the poop

WT...sorry for the interrupted sleep but yeah for going to bed at 8!!! :haha:

Loo...sorry for Ds screaming sess byt yeah.for moules and wine yummy

So here....i went to see a nursery today...its the one that Stu went to.see a month ago.alone with M when i was at college. I.hated it...i.mean really hated it. Anyone else been to check.any out?? It had great facilities, clean, good toys etc but its in a purpose made just felt really school like. A bit clinical and the woman showing us around jyst seemed very matter of fact...not overly 'friendly' or 'motherly'. I mean i am not looking for someone to mother but i.was expecting to find somewhere a bit more homely. Fingers crossed for tomorrow...going to see has an outstanding Ofsted report which my.sil says is really difficult to achieve....hoping its more home like.

I hate it...nothing is going to be good enough for M i just know it

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