March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Why won't she sleep? She's obviously exhausted, so WHY WON'T SHE SLEEP?
I ask myself that question almost daily!
Overtired? I definitely struggle more to get z to sleep if I leave it too long. Or teething? ((that old chestnut))
awww sorry rashy, im sure she will ZZzz soon :hugs:

emera- im only consistant because i have a holiday coming up :) and ive still not hit target. BOO.

and now i want a jammy dodger.

dying to hear from Mitch :haha:
I tried putting her in her swing, tried walking her, etc... nothing worked until I let her watch TV for a while, lol. Now she's snoozing. But I don't believe it'll last. Call me a pessimist!

Teething... if I ever run into the tooth fairy in a dark alley, she'd better watch out.
Hmm, moving up to size 4 nappies might have been a bad idea, he'd managed to take it off overnight! Gotta love the days that start with a bath...
Hi lads,
Thanks for the answers about metric/imperial systems! We're a bit mixed up here too, as we are supposed to be totally metric, but still refer to our weights and heights in lbs/oz and feet/inches. Most of the rest of what we do is properly metric though.

Taco salad for dinner here today... maybe I can get DH to do the cooking???
Hi lads!

We have had a few bad days and nights here with D so last night I took precautions and decided to have NO alcohol and go to bed earlier as she was just waking earlier and earlier for a feed and I was getting more and more tired. ANYWHO, she slept until 6.30 :saywhat: so pleased! It's just a shame I naturally woke at 5.30. :grr:

I hope everyone is ok?

FT, you are doing so well with your diet. Mine has gone out of the window this week. French food is not meant to be healthy, it's Judy a shame I haven't got the moderation thing down either :wacko:

Lozza, Z do any better last night?

Emera, stir fry is one of my faves, but Al hates it, so I never get it. I use lime, ginger, garlic and chili to make it less boring :)

Mouse, how long did G stay asleep for? We have the queen of no sleep here. I'm just not exactly sure how she manages it?!?
Loo, sorry D isn't being a cooperative traveller!

G tends to nap for either 20-40 minutes or like 3 hours. I swear, there are days that nothing could get her to nap! And then there are occasional days where she'll nap for 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon.

A colleague of DH's came over for dinner with his 18-month-old. Her mother's out of town so she was interested in me, I think because I'm a mommy. I couldn't spend much time with her at first because I was dealing with G... at one point she was like, "Lady! Hi!" :rofl:
Just dropping by to say hi....have been updating on fb...the wedding was lovely but you are always so.distracted with the baby that the day flies by....dropped her at SIL at around 6pm and hubby put her to.bed and headed had a lovely night but too much red head still feels fuzzy 2 days later...doh!!!!!

Ok so please agree how stupid this is of SIL....i love her and she is ace with M but sometimes i think she is on another planet. I made up 3 large bottles (in addition to the one needed before bed on friday that hubby gave M)....all ready with 210ml of water...even wrote down in the instruction sheet (i know:haha:) that all she needed to do was add 7 scoops to the 210ml. I had 2 for the morning feeds and one spare just in case. Anyway i dont think she bothered to read it as on Saturday morning she only managed to find the small avent bottle in changing bag (not in the bag with milk!!!)....125ml bottle that i had been using at the wedding for cooled boiled water for M...and to chew on whilst speeches were going on...kept her busy. Anyway found the 100ml left in there.....managed to squeeze 7 scoops into that small bottle and feed it to M. 7 scoops in frigging 3oz of water!!!!!!! FFS...i dont know how i didnt go mad...poor M. She has said that she seemed to be really fussing over it which is unlike M for first feed.....i was like no bloody wonder and it had one of the old size 2 teats....poor baby probably couldnt get F all throigh it and gave up...bless her. I arrived at 11am and decided to feed her the next bottle.....correctly done....she woofed it down :haha:. Made sure she had some.extra water that day in case she got contipated. Seems there are no ill effects:haha:

I think it may have been a while.since SIL has had such a young baby in her care hmmmmm
Oh dear Mitch :dohh: at your SIL! Just as well you were picking her up before the next feed!! She must be a bit rusty with bottles :wacko: I'm sure one crazy bottle shouldn't make M constipated, and with the extra water I'm sure she'll be dandy. I hate if I write instructions and people ignore them though!

F is sitting here in her jumperoo again! :dohh: she goes to sleep lovely at 7pm, then once she wakes up, that's it she's so fully awake! I serouslty can't be bothered with the fannying about trying to make her settle so figure she might as well use up some energy. :shrug: She's good as gold though, she doesn't fuss, she's just awake and active! Ah well if it means her going back down at 11ish and sleeping through again, then I can handle it. :)
Mitch - Yikes about your SIL!

We seem to be back on feeds every 3 hrs again all night. It was awful last night as OH and I stayed up until 2 AM watching movies and then despite the central air being on the bedroom felt like it was situated close to the sun so I couldn't sleep. Just as I drifted off she woke up for a feed! Needless to say it wasn't until about 6 am that I fell asleep!
Mitch, that's nuts! How did Mia even manage to pull that through the teat?!? Ha!

Emera, I like your style, bounce it out F! I hope she eventually got tired!

Mouse, I might just call you lady from now on :haha: I love that age. Kids can be an endless source of amusement!

Skadi, at some point we will all realise that late nights are going to bite us in the ass...until then we will walk around like very sleepy zombies!

Well we had a big massive fail last night. D fell asleep after her bedtime breastfeed without her usual 4oz top up. So I suggested we gave it her at midnight when we went to bed as a dreamfeed. She took it fine, but was a bit restless afterwards, but then woke up at 3.45! Al gave her another oz of formula thinking it would send her off, but two hours later we were both still up with her.

Seems that not only will D not take independent naps during the day, she now also uses our arms for a bed at night too!! Every single flipping time we put her down she woke up and cried. We can't fit her in the bed with us as its only a small double so our day has began at 3.45.

I don't know what to do. I get that all she wants is comfort, but this girl HAS to be rocked to sleep as the other option is no sleep and crying! I'm so frigging tired I can't think straight.

Sorry about the rant
Ah loo, sorry to hear that. We have to rock z to sleep and he'll quite often cry on th transfer to cot too so I feel your pain. I've noticed the last few nights that if we bend over him and shush really loudly in his ear while keeping a hand on his back (as he's usually on his front) he actually stops crying after about a minute. Previously I'd always grab him up straight away ad try to get him back to sleep. Maybe she needs a minute to cry and settle down? I'm sure she doesn't and you've tried everything! :hugs:

Last night Z went down at 9 and woke at 11.15 for a feed but after sucking for a few seconds started crying an pulling away. He does this in the daytime but not normally at night. Then he started really screaming an refusing to latch. Eventually I went downstairs turned the light on, threw a teething powder down him and he calmed instantly and fed ok then went back down 12-3. Had a minor row with DH when he wouldnt feed as he said I obviously can't make enough milk to feed him so need to give him formula. Does anyone think this could actually be the case? Am I starving him and that's why he wakes at night? He does so many huge poos a day I'm sure there's plenty of milk going in, it's just it's coming straight out again!
Loo, sounds like she sort of snacked it through the night and then decided night was a short one anyway, how hard. Are you still away? I really hope you're all having some Zzzzz's now?

Mitch, bit of a fail with the formula. I hope if M stays there a bit your SIL is happy to have a run through of things she might not be so au fait with as maybe she's not recently been used to the particulars of smaller babies.
Lozza, I don't think it sounds like he's not getting have hd some good nights, or at least improved ones. I would keep trying what you're trying and hope that the paediatrician can offer some sound advice and diagnosis. Maybe Z is just a wired child at the moment? He's obviously making some developmental jumps.

Well our holiday was ace. Went to Wells next the Sea last Saturday and both parents joined us on Tuesday as Dad made it out on the Monday. Amazing.

For E it was a week of so any firsts. She slept in a travel cot in her own room albeit right next to ours. We took the monitors for comfort but she was mostly fine.....clearly enjoying the space so it pushed me into ordering a really nice dropside cotbed to be delivered this week. Sleep was mixed, lots of waking up at 1am, 3am and 8am but sometimes just at 1am and then early morning. She mastered rolling really well one way and a little the other way and when she landed on her tummy, was enjoying it and having a play rather than getting cufuffled and angsty.

We took her paddling with she loved, splashing her feet as it was like being in a cool bath, I loved the look of wonder on her face. We gave her a little more avocado to try, she was holding it, squishing it and taking it from my finger with gusto. My parents were fasctinated to see this rather than using a spoon and E really anticipated the taste. The sudden mobility and her interest in food means I ordered the Hauck Alpha chair for her to spend time at the table with us.

She's begun to anticipate fun, counting 1-2-3 she starts to jump and flex her legs for impending sits up, jumps up. It's a real change from being a passive baby. She made lots of new sounds, agonising squarks but rolling of consonants and little grumbles, it was so interesting to hear. She also discovered the joys of ripping up paper and stealing glasses from your face. All in all, a fun week.
MsC, sounds idyllic! Its so lovely when they suddenly "switch on" and start truly interacting. :) for the next year or so they change and develop so quickly!!

Loo, ergh, I feel for you! I've never had to deal with a screamy baby. Both mine have been pretty chilled on the whole, but I know from when they have had their screamy periods how exhausting it is! :hugs: Wish I could think of or suggests something you haven't already tried. So just some sympathy from me i'm afraid xxx

Lozza, it really doesn't seem like a problem with your supply to me. Not from everything you've said. The constant frequent green poos sound like a little bug to me, which I think was what they decided Roh had when he was doing the same thing at Z's age. Even though tests should some mild dairy intolerance. Have you had some samples sent for testing? With Roh it lasted about 4 weeks but gradually got better after the first 2 and a bit weeks. I was weaning him already when it started, but a gradual increase in his food intake helped a lot, or seemed to anyway. As for the waking at night, I would guess its not food related, just you've landed one of those babies who wakes a lot :shrug: Not very helpful I know! :dohh: Hopefully some investigation into the poo situation will at least let you know what's gong on on that front. Xxx

Well, F slept 12-6 which I guess isn't bad at all by her own standards. The only problem is, she's awake ALL evening, so I'm not getting any downtime at all, which is sending me a bit loopy! I know its a minor thing compared to some of you other lads, but its still making my brain hurt!
MsC - sounds like a lovely holiday! And so pleased your Dad is out and able to enjoy some time relaxing with you.

Emera - yep, they sent a poo sample off (that was interesting, trying to scrape from a nappy into a pot) - I should hear back this week.

Re holidays - we've decided to go for a week in September. Mitch & FT - where are you guys going in Spain/Menorca? Are you going AI? I think that or HB may be an easier option than self catering, we won't have to worry about finding somewhere to eat each night then (although i then have to hope the hotel food is OK!)

Alternatively, we're considering a cruise... never done one before, is it a crazy idea with a baby? I like the sound of "midnight snack" buffet restaurants - I can get up to feed Z, and when i can't get him back to sleep push him down for a midnight snack :haha:
DH trying to decide if he'll spend the whole week worrying about the ship sinking, which won't make for a relaxing holiday. I've said they save people with children first so we should be ok!! sounds just what you all need :) have you got a passport sorted? I have already been abroad with Z?? I am losing track. We chose Spain...Costa del Sol as i.have been on lots of holidays around that folks used to have a villa know some places to.go.IF we venture out of the resort. Also flight times were pretty good...not ideal but best of a bad bunch. A colleague of hubbies who.has a 2 year old and 6 mobth old recommended it....its through First Choice...Holiday Vilkage in Benalmadena. Probably be full of kids but it is the week.after.most are due back to school so might be ok. We went AI so we didnt have to worry about places to find eat every day......and if its realky hot and M having a tough time we can hole up in the room in the evening and hubby.can bring up.some plates. It was either that or self catering for us.... Oh and all the rooms are one apartments with little kitchen great for sterilising Ms stuff and we can hang out in living room if M slerping.

Loo...sorry about the bad night...cant really offer much advice but glad your mums there to help

Mscrow...sounds like you.had a lovely break...we loved our center parcs UK is a far less stressful option. Fantastic news about your dad x x
MsC, sounds like the perfect holiday. You sound so relaxed!

Lozza, I really don't think you are starving Z. My mum accused me of this and it's so hurtful. I prove it by squirting milk after I've finished :haha:

Midnight snacks sound amazing!
i echo what Loo said Lozza...that amount of poo must mean you're producing loads - just the throughput a bit too quick...keep going lady :hugs: you're doing amazingly well. i told dh before I had N to back me re BFing - I know it must be tough for your DH seeing you knackered but comments like that just don't help do they.
MsC - sooo pleased to hear you had a fab hol and wonderful news on your dad. really pleased for you.
mitch OMG your SIL. I think you did very well not to say something. Outrageous. But glad you had fun at the wedding! I got N out of his pram after the meal and was surrounded by swarms of newly wedded ladies all being very broody, hilarious!!!

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