March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Thanks guys. She rang me and has been told those hormones they measure are at 103, but they didn't tell her what that meant just that they want to retest tomorrow, so I had to explain them going up and down. She's still bleeding so I guess she's def miscarried. Poor love. They're off on a cruise on Saturday so at least shes got something to look forward to and rest hopefully.

Crowned - didn't realise A was as bad, you have my commisserations! What are you planning on doing? Anything?

Lozza, so very sorry about the miscarriage. Hope your family's coping okay. Thinking of them all.

Sleeping - I started WT's sleep-training method with Alexa and it worked to a certain extent (A managed to go back to sleep with just a pacifier once in the night, and one feed - pretty good compared to before!!), but then she got a terrible cold and was having trouble nursing, so I had to nurse her in the night to make up for short/missed feeds during the day. That meant we lost all progress made and are back to square one. I'd like to try again, but have to get the courage up to withstand middle-of-the-night crying, which, even if it's just 10 minutes or so, is hard to handle when majorly sleep-deprived. Have you tried/are you planning to try anything with Z?
I get a bit sad about it being so quiet on here too - it literally kept me sane during all the bad nights... Lozza lol at your muffins!!! Hope the goulash goes well - Noah loved the beef stew the other day - lots of mmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm which I think means yum. I did naughtily put a splash (or two) of port in it - it was in the oven for five hours so I figured the alcohol would've burnt off... Is that bad??!
Well hope everyone is well. I've just eaten an enormous homemade pizza and now actually am in pain! Lots of love xxx
Not tried anything yet, I've decided to chat to the HV when I go and get him weighed on tuesday so I'll see what they suggest. He won't take a pacifier and I did try him with water one night but he just drank it for a bit then started crying so I had to feed him! For now cosleeping after the initial stretch of sleep means I get what feels like nearly enough sleep for now, I think I need to try and sit up & feed though as I was getting longer intervals that way (well 2 hrs instead of one!)
Goulash was alright actually! Your pizza looked much nicer though!
Hey lads

I know what you mean about this place, I know it's less private but it's got the great continuity of all the times we've been through and I miss that it's less busy here how. I agree, Facebook is for happier or less meaningful content, I don't mean that negatively, just that I think more about the words I write here.

Crowned I hear you on the slight backward move on sleeping. E was back to one wake up a night for which I fed her, but a cold has meant she's woken up, or been less restful over the past few days. Lozza i think whatever means you can get a good stretch it pretty important!

Definitely is a cold for E as we've all got it and feel rotten.

However, today I also noticed the little corners of her first tooth so she's been brewing that one in very jovial form considering the cold as well. The gum still felt firm but I could see and feel the tooth. Call me silly or strange but a part of me wanted to mentally push it back in. My baby, already with a tooth, time speeds along so quickly I can almost see her growing and the tooth really made my heart sigh a little bit. I can't even remember her diddyness.

Must be casserole day as I made MrC and E a chicken one today which he had and said it was lovely so she's trying her first chicken tomorrow for lunch. Today was sardines on toast which went down well, and the cats truly enjoyed the dropped spoils.
:cry: for Loo but sounds like you made it extra special and've done a grand job and a wonderful thing :hugs:

Lozza - It made me sad to hear you say your Mum had been on the phone in tears :cry: I remember mine like yesterday and can say it's the only time I've seen OH openly cry whilst I sat in the bath sobbing 'I want my baby back' and him grasping my hands...I sobbed so hard I thought my chest and heart would explode. As Waula would say it's a 'hideous' experience :nope:
:hugs: lads, I miss it here, too... if only FB had a character limit, it would force us to be back on here. ;)

Glowie, that's so awful (sad, I mean... you know what I mean). Strange to think how life works, you go through such a horrible loss and so much pain and yet it makes it possible for you to have the sweet boy you have now. I guess there's no way for it all to make sense, you just have to take it as it comes. :hugs:

As for us, had an open house today... realtors said 55 people/groups of people came by and a couple of them were pretty serious. Wish us luck! Getting the house clean for too many more showings will just about do me in.

In the plus column, we took G to a playground and put her in the baby swing and she LOVED it. She was screeching with joy--so much so that our neighbor's two-year-old got scared because she thought G was screaming about swinging. :haha:
Oh glowie... That makes me very sad :( big :hugs: and yes, it is definitely hideous and a better use of the word than what I usually use it for.
:hi: mousey - good luck with the house!! And it sounds like G had a fab time :) going to try the park tomorrow xx
Not a great night here. Up at 9/12/3/5. Ouch. I don't like teething much. Doesn't seem to affect him as much in the day (apart from naps have gone to s**t) but night times he really struggles with. Sad :(. Xx
Glow - thanks for sharing :hugs:
Waula - distraction seems to be the best cure for teething which sadly isn't an option at night! Poor N, hope he's over it soon.
We had a marginally better night, down at 6.30 (early, he only had 2 naps and was shattered), fed at 8.45, down at 9.15, woke at 10.45, walked round and held him while he farted til 11.30 when I finally gave in and fed him, then he slept 12-4.15, then quick feed and back down til 6.45. So I do think it's wind that bothers him, but even if I get loadsofburps up he still has loads, must create it himself digesting! Maybe he needs half an hour of holding in the night to get the first lot out!

Mouse saw your house on FB, it's gorgeous!! Pain having to keep it clean though!
Lozza, without a doubt, introducing food was a tricky thing with Edith and some foods like broccoli I've just left for a bit as she would wake up crying with wind from those.

Glow, my heart broke for what you went through, miscarriage is such a brutal thing. Made more difficult by its 'forgettability' when someone becomes pregnant. The memories and pain don't go way though.

Waula, I reckon N and E are matching again as we had a very similar night to your except she was up from 1:30 to 4:30. Sure it's teething as she just woke up when I put her back down and cried, refused a dummy and got herself wound up. Dentonox gel and calpol had nooooooo effect. Happy as larry now. I am destroyed.
So sorry for all the teething babies. Please pop those teeth thru soon for your mamas!

Glowie, you made me cry reading your story. I'm so sorry. :hugs:

Lozza, I don't think A's problem is wind - I think she truly has learned to fall asleep only with bfing, which is a major problem. Oddly, she doesn't need it for naps, and I don't nurse her to sleep in the evenings anymore. She goes down well at bedtime even if I put her down awake, but when she wakes in the night, 9 times out of 10 she won't sleep again unless I nurse her. I've tried water in a bottle but she just gets more upset. I tend to bring her to our bed and fall asleep nursing her, then put her back in her own bed when I wake and realize she's still there. This happens at least three times every night. I feel so bad for you with Z - it's so hard not knowing how to help them, and especially dealing with it all with next to no sleep!

BnB - I love it too. I am a little more scared by the lack of privacy on here, but I love how easy it is to read back and catch up. You ladies were there for me for such a pivotal experience in my life (pregnancy and birth) that I don't want to lose this thread just because we have Facebook now. <3 you all!!!!
Glow :hugs: So sad. xxxx

Mouse, Your house is amazing. Really beautiful. I hope you have lots of luck with selling it.

Lozza, I wish I had advice, but instead I just have support. You really have a tough time, and I can't imagine how exhausted you are. xxx :hugs:

I miss everyone posting on here too. I find it hard to keep up with both, but I'm glad there are still a few of us here.
Love your new ticker Loo!! :dance:
So the past few days N has learned to stand (supported) for ages. He giggles every time - he still won't roll but I think rolling is SO overrated!!!!! :haha: A bit like MsC said, I get so delighted with new things he's learning/new teeth but also a bit sad to see our babies get so big so quick. This afternoon I was feeling hideous from my tooth and he fed on the sofa with my duvet and then snoozed for an hour then fed a bit more. It properly reminded me of those early few days. Sadly it meant he effectively slept 4 - 6.30pm and then was up til 9pm but it was a small price to pay for such a cuddle :) :cloud9:
Right wishing crowned and Lozza in particular a good night tonight :sleep:
Love cuddly days like that! We were working so hard on lengthening naps in the cot so I've not had her nap in my arms for ages. I think I may let her today!

I get so excited about every new thing D learns. She is such a joy to be around now, so much happier and more content. I have more confidence in myself as a result, and we are all more relaxed. This appears to be a magic time, and I'm loving it! As for her getting much older though....forget it!!!

D is so snotty here and very restless at night. It's been the same for about a week now. Snot is such a bully :cry:
So in the last 4 weeks Z has put on..... Nothing! That's right, no weight at all. He feels a tonne heavier to me though :shrug:

And October 15th 2012 will officially be recorded in his baby book as the first day he didn't do a poo. Amazing. Made up for it this morning though. I gagged and while I was still making horrified noises he got upset cos he thought I was upset! Poor baby. I had to smile and laugh and then he was ok.

Didn't do so well yesterday actually. First I spilt tea on him (yep, it was fairly hot, turned his skin pink), then he bumped his head on the corner of the skirting board and it almost broke the skin (he cried). Not a successful parenting day!!!

Spoke to the HV about sleep training (ie crying) this morning. They're sending me some reading. Apparently it could take 2 weeks to crack it. Not sure I can do that to him, what if he's changed by it? He's permanently happy and smiley right now, Im worried about that going :cry:
Lozano, on the sleep training thing, I know they say two weeks but it took A two days to get it sorted. She went from 10 or so wake ups to one and now none. She is still a happy baby and still laughs and grins at me in the mornings and if anything she's happier because she's not tired all the time. I felt so guilty at the time and I'm not trying to push you at all but it really was the right thing for us. I'm not sure I'd do it again. Next time I might try pupd method before it got to that stage but that's just a council of perfection.

(I also <3 b n b and can't leave it behind! I means too much!)

Oh, Glowie, that's so sad. I'm glad you have a scrumptious J to bring smiles to everyone. :hugs:

Mouse- Excellent news on the open house. Hopefully it sells quickly. When are you planning to move to the new house?

Lozza- It is possible that it could take a week or two, but I think that's highly unlikely. It's not about breaking his spirit or seeing who can win in the battle of wills. It's just a way to teach him how to learn to sleep on his own. I suspect you'll have 2-3 rough nights, and then you'll see a dramatic improvement. And like Laura mentioned.... if anything it should make your daytimes even better since he'll be better rested. We still have occasional night wakings (usually solved by simply giving a pacifier), but every once in awhile (including last night), I have to return to a little sleep training. Last night I had to let P cry it out at 2 a.m. because giving him a paci didn't work, and even picking him up for a quick cuddle didn't work. It was actually making him more awake for me to be there. However, 9 minutes of crying, and he was asleep. (K slept through the whole thing. :shrug:) This morning, P woke up with the hugest smiles! And he slept until 7, which is a massive improvement.
Lozza, so so sorry for your sister, people are right, a loss is a loss no matter the gestation. Also, I made cheddar and broccoli muffins, OH said &#8220;kind of nice but kind of really revolting&#8221;

Loo, you made me boo with your last BF. Xxx

Waula, I often look back at old posts, I&#8217;m considering doing a retrospective pregnancy diary using the posts in there because I&#8217;m scared I&#8217;ll forget everything.

I cannot believe how weird it is that we all get on so well! I was thinking the other day, if I&#8217;d not met OH, or if he hadn&#8217;t decided we should have T, or we&#8217;d decided to wait, I&#8217;d be friends with totally different people (and they might all be rubbish). I&#8217;m so happy I&#8217;ve got you guys!

After yesterday&#8217;s meltdown (mine) T has suddenly decided to have a (so far) 2 hour nap! Easy as well. But last night he was up at 11, 1, 3, and 7. Blerg
Missy, of course your potential other friends would be rubbish. We'd kick the ass of any other friends. Hard.

Lozza, trying anything different is always a scary prospect, especially when Zack is as flipping lovely and happy as he is. 2 weeks sounds extreme, but in reality it probably wont take that long. Have a read of what your hv sends, and a good think. It could be short term upset (yours) for long term gain (both of you). Dead scary though. xxx

Well, as for us. D is STILL bunged up and spent the last hour of being awake today screaming blue murder, so I hope her snuffles don't keep her awake tonight, she could really do with a good nights sleep.

We received an offer on our Welsh house today! :yipee: It is for £140,000, rather than the asking price of £154,950 (reduced from £162,000). I really don't know how to play it. It has been on the market for a year, and in that time we have only had 5 viewings. NOTHING is selling in Machynlleth. Two doors down is also for sale at exactly the same price (£154,950), and has been on the market 8 months longer than ours. Ordinarily, I would never accept a first offer, but I'm worried that if we don't accept, they will just put the same offer on the neighbours house instead. I just want rid of the house, but am feeling I try and squeeze out a few more grand, or do I bite their hand off before they ditch us for the other house? ADVICE PLEASE!!!!
I feel.sooo bad i havent been on here for ages...its so difficult to.keep up to speed with both fb and here excuse i know and too mcluch to read bhack but have read a few of the postings....

Lozza...sooo.sorry x x

Loo...i missed your last bf!!!! Well done that girl:hugs: ticker eeeek

Please forgive me for not reading all...i am a bad bad person:cry:

I promise to come on here at least once a day....cross my heart etc etc etc

Loo regards the house...can you afford to leave it empty and wait perhaps another year.....does it leave you alot out of pocket? I suggest if you want rid and the offer covers the outstanding mortgage etc etc then go for it. I wouldnt usually accept the first offer but its a slow market over there obviously

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