March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Bloody hell!!! Flurry of posts! I have read them all but can't keep up with girls here......thinking of you all and love you all to bits xxx

lozza - I say go for the sleep training but maybe limit it to 3-4 days or something more manageable than 2 weeks. I honestly hand on heart will say don't wait like I gets worse and harder when they can scream Mummy!!! He won't remember what you do now. I can understand your reluctance because he is such a happy little boy......but he needs sleep and so do you. You literally must be running on empty. Waula said getting N on board and I 100% agree, it needs to be all or nothing. If it doesn't work first time leave it a couple of weeks and try again.
My period arrived!!!!! 6 days after my last bf! How odd!

Ok, so I've been back and forth with the agents and I said we couldn't really afford the £15K drop, but I would accept a £10K drop (£145,000) with a condition of if anything came back on the survey there would be no more reductions. Anyway, they accepted!! They have their mortgage agreed in principle and as they are a first time buyer and the house is empty, then there should be nothing to hold it up bar the survey results. Famous last words.

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me lads!

Mouse, I LOVE that G was 'winding' you. That is the stuff of cuteness!
Wow Loo, that's awesome news! Both on the house front and the period front because now you can get reduffed while you're on your honeymoon!! :haha:

Mouse, that is sooo cute! Also good news on your house!

Since we're talking about houses, we're moving too but I'm so entirely not happy about it. The tenants we had in our 'spare' house from when we got married have trashed the place and it's going to cost about £25000 to put it right again. N's decided to sell it when it's been done up which is fine but means because we're having to spend all our savings doing it up again we can't afford to be keeping 2 houses so we have to move back in. IT's a bugger because I hate that house and swore I'd never live in it again but needs must. IT's either that or I go back to work tomorrow. :/ Bloody tenants!
Ladies im making my way through reading back - god i miss this place - i keep me sane in those terrible few months

You guys rock

L xxxxxxxxxxxxx
:happydance: maybe we're making our way back here!!
Mouse - that is such a cute image!
Loo - great news about the house!
Laura - shit news about your house, sorry! That's a hell of a lot of damage, what har they done to it?!!

About to test Z with a spinach muffin, let's hope his opinion of them is higher than N's!
Great news loo...fingers crossed for a clean survey...excited!!!

Laura...oh thats terrible....i am not sure what they have done but that seems an awful lot of money...can you not bill them? Take them to.court....probably expensive...small claims. They should be held liable!!

Lozza...big hugs with the sleeping issues...bothyou.and Z need your sleep and the earlier the better i glow says they dont really understand training a blank canvas. Good luck x x I always wonder if M is a good sleeper cos i started very early putting her to.bed....not.controlled crying, never left her that early...god forbid!!! But think gradually she just caught was a hard 2-3 weeks tbh x
Muffins (complete with cayenne pepper kick) seem to be a hit! Can't wait til he eats more than goes on the floor/ears/arms though, I'm bored of this cleaning up lark!
Lozza, got to say I agree with everything Glowie said re: sleep training. X

Bluebird, shrinking sounds positive, hope the mamagram results come back good. X

Loo, fab news about the house, sounds like a pretty much perfect result. Fingers crossed it goes quickly!

Laura, hell, that's a load of damage, what a nightmare! What have they done to it?? Poor you. At least its just a means to and end though and not permenant!

Um, may have missed a reply somewhere...

Even though little F fried my brain last night by letting me have 1hour 30 mins sleep, she's still amazingly cute! (Oh that's right, I meant to say, Mouse, G sounds so fab!!!)
Yesterday I draped a muslin over F's head and OH said she looked like a little judge, then he banged his hand on the table and said "order in the court" and F chuckled and copied him and kept copying him banging her hand on the table every time OH did! So clever and cute! :)

Teething is flipping evil though and I am hoping we don't have another night like last night again!!!

In other news, I have an ear infection and the whole of the side of my face has swollen up, and its makiing my jaw hurt too. I look like flipping Elephant man!! Ergh! My head is pounding.

Sorry for grumble, tired and achey do not a happy Mama make!
Poor emera.....hope you feel better soon. Naughty F but very clever with copying funny. M woke up yesterday and decided it would be great to try and blow raspberrys (i had been doing it with her the day before ha ha)....not great with mouth full of food but cute.

I was just thinking that i must miss alot of what M is picking up being so close to her all the time....she was sat on my mums lap this weekend and i was over the other side of the room....mum was lowing her head towards M and kissing andshr started to copy...lowering her head into my mums chest aaaaaawwwwww sooooo sweet...clever little girl. Oh and she is also trying to clap hands

Lozza...yeah on the muffins...M liked but ate hardly any of it. Making moroccan chicken from blw today....i am positive M wont have any to be honest...might mush some up. Hubby will love it though
Bluebird, I hope everything comes out positive. Or actually, I think you want the results to be negative? That always confuses me. In any event, I'm glad you've had it looked at even if it meant your poor booby had to get all streched and smooshed in the process. :hugs: Oh, and we're glad you've joined us along the way even if you haven't posted much.

Mouse- So sweet that G wanted to make sure you had no burps.

Emera- Ugh. Sorry you're ill. Again. Look at it this way... by the time your kids are school aged, you are going to have the strongest immune system ever. I bet you'll go years without even a sniffle. :)

Loo & Mouse- I'm so happy about your house news!!!! Please send your good house selling mojo my way next spring when I take the plunge by putting mine back on the market.

On the other side of the housing news.... ouch, Laura! Tat's a lot of damage. My house was rented to some terrible tenants last year. (They moved out shortly before the babies were born, and I'm pretty sure the stress of seeing all the damage is what started my pre-term labor). We were able to get the house semi-presentable (enough to re-rent it), and now we have some very good tenants. They're super picky and make me fix every tiny little thing that bothers them, but I don't mind. At least it means, they're taking care of the place!

I hate the house. Don't get me wrong; it is a lovely, huge house. But it is the house I owned with my ex-husband, and it was always too big for me to care for by myself (3500 square feet and a 1 acre lot). Now that I'm remarried and have 2 more kids, it might be more practical, but we're actually hoping to move away from here completely sometime in the next 12-18 months. So, when my tenants move out next Spring, I think we'll move in temporarily so that I can get it ready to sell.
WT, it hadn't really occurred to me, but I've never been ill this much in my life before, I guess its the lack of sleep making me run down or something? Anyway, rubbish!
True though that surely I'll develop an immune system of steel! :haha:
Oh and all of you have confirmed what my Mum told me, which is that being a landlord is a nightmare, and I shouldn't do it!! Here previous tenant trashed the house and left with months of bills and rent outstanding, nightmare. This time she thought she had a dream tenant (keeps the house beautifully, pays her rent in 6 months advance instalments etc) until the local residents association contacted my mum to complain about the tenant. Turns out she'd been operating as a high-class "escort" and had a constant flow of male visitors, and the local residents weren't too thrilled! :rofl: my mum looked in to it, discovered she's not actually doing anything illegal and let her continue to rent the house :haha: She's now having a war with the residents association though! Can't win! Think we'll avoid renting this place out unless there is np other choice!
Eurgh - that is exactly why I was determined not to rent our house. We had so many offers, but I could just see what would happen if they didn't look after it. Laura, that really sucks, and I'm sorry you are having to spend so much money to put right their mess :hugs:

Lozza, D loves the cheese and spinach muffin too! It tastes like a quiche to me. Yummy. The banana and mixed spice ones are a bit hit here too.

Love love love the fact that it's more chatty on here! x
Ok, someone needs to share the banana and mixed spice (and all flavours in general) muffin recipe with me! Roh would go crazy for banana muffins, and I bet F wouldn't be far behind!!
Love that it's chatty on here too - it almost feels like a reunion :D

Please share recipe for banana spice muffins on recipe file - I too would love to have them!
yay i had 2 whole pages to read back on :happydance:
will reply later when DH's bday cake/pudding is finished...:cake: xxx
I had a sneaky taste of the moroccan chicken...well seeing as M wont want her share thought it was worth it :) yummy!!!!

Muffins are a big hit with hubby here but carrot/orange ones bland even with a bit if cinnamon.....M doesnt care but says they are great to bang off the high chair table

Got a builder coming round to quote for extension...i am hoping it comes in less than £60k...have saved quite alot towards it so the less i habe to.add the better. I think the only mug in the UK who.took a 4 year fixed rate 2 years ago taking a punt on rates slowly now doh:dohh:

Right off to.get M sorted....hubby back soon. Anyone else feel they need a day off....have requested one from hubby...need some me time x
Emera, yuck! I hope you're feeling better soon. You'll be joining me and the legions of teachers with immune systems of steel. I was constantly ill for five years and now I'm never ill! :smug:

With the hours, were going to take them to court but that'll take time and unfortunately it needs sorting ASAP. They've damaged all the plasterwork, destroyed the kitchen, broken about half of the double glazed windows, trashed al, the floor covering, etc. etc. it's awful!
Emera, lol about your mum's tenant! And sorry about the ear infection, ouch. I hate those.

As I was growing up, my parents had a few small rental properties, and I remember what seems like an endless number of days spent cleaning up after someone had vacated and completely trashed them. I don't think I could ever be a landlord, I hate dealing with house stuff as it is.

WT, where would you move to? How about California? It's lovely out here! I know the market is slow where you are, my in-laws had a house as an investment property and ended up moving there to wait out the downturn. Hope things look up there as well? Obviously not back to 2006 levels but it seems like there's movement at least. Money's so cheap these days people are definitely starting to buy again!

Thanks for all the sweet words about G, she is such a doll. Love to hear all the sweet baby stories! Isn't it hard to believe all our tiny babies are so grown up? (Well, except Cuppie's second! :D)

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