March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Laura, that's terrible... I don't know how some people look themselves in the eye!
Evening ladies

Lovely to have chat back on here

Im having a mare of a night - E is soooo tired and sooo out of her usual routine and still squealing away to herself in her cot - She must be so confused with all the up heavling, lack of naps and lack of bed time routine, im scared that this will throw everything out of the water

LAdy is love hearing about houses - we are hoping to sell and get some thing bigger after our holiday next year - we soooo need the space

L x
Aaaw poor E...i am sure one or two days out of routine wont cause too much this age...she will wake tomorrow and slot straight back in. M was out of synch for whole hols....napping wherever and whenever and she was straight back to normsl when we got back.

Hope everything ok with your dad x x
Sugar free banana muffins (makes 12)

150g self raising flour
1/2 tsp cinnamon/nutmeg/or mixed spice (I probably used a bit more)
60g butter (plus extra for greasing)
4 large very ripe bananas
2 large eggs (beaten)

Oven 190deg (normal oven), sift flour and spices into bowl, make a well in centre.
Melt butter
In seperate bowl, smush bananas into a puree, add the eggs and melted butter and mix.
Pour banana mixture into flour and fold lightly.
Spoon into muffin tray or paper cases and cook for 10-15 mins

They are SERIOUSLY good!
Do it loo...they are sugar free after all :winkwink:

Moroccan chicken....yum yum yum. I had M's as she is obviously.not fussed about 'proper' food :haha:
I was so tired, ill and fed up tonight that we ordered Dominos! Roh ate a slice and a whole side order of wedges, and F had pizza crusts dipped in home made houmous (i figured there is nothing wrong with the crusts really, its not the dough that's unhealthy....right?). Shabby parenting round here this evening! :dohh:
For lunch she and Roh had what i like to call "fish pie fingers" which she loved, and she had a whole puree pouch for pudding so at least lunch was healthy! :haha:

So this evening F has eaten Dominos and then covered herself in her brother's wee and poo....classy chick! :blush:
I love and hate dominoes in equal measure...
We had a pie fest for DH birthday. Totally fatty bum bums. Pastry made of lard. Chocolate pavlova for pud. Burping indigestion all round. :sick:
Night night all...burp...
Thanks for the kind words lads about the mammogram - bit scary at first - but doing nothing was never an option... Should get the results back in 7/10 days.
City - such a lovely memory for you to have... :happydance:
Happy Birthday Mr Waula! Hope you loved your pies..... not at all jealous *honest* - they did look fab!
Laura- sounds awful - not only the money - but the time to rectify... grrrrr - muppets!
Emera - snigger - I suppose as long as the house was clean and rent paid on time.....
Might try some of those banana muffins tomorrow.... for M *of course*
we had our second lesson at Puddle ducks today..... He is both baffled and bemused at the same time! if he wasn't soooo interested in the other babies - he'd probably do a lot better! sigh!

Soooooo going to sign off now - as the last three nights between 23:45 and midnight - a certain little man has woke up crying - roasting cheeeeeeeeks and rubbing his ears, and grinding his gums and teeth that are already through.... Poor little man! So, the that's two teeth already through, with his top middle tooth which has just broke through - but I think I can see another two white buds for potential teeth coming through..... sooner the better

night lads x
Waula, have you considered asking N to burp you? ;)

Emera, after your day you deserve pizza! Hope you enjoyed it. Our friends had a get-together with a gluten free pizza with vegan cheese on it for me... shockingly it was actually pretty good! :shock: Of course, I haven't had real pizza since April so what do I know.

Bluebird, poor baby! Hope he's feeling better and lets you get some sleep.

Down in my office trying to get some work done... listening to G's delighted screeching upstairs. She is seriously the queen of my heart these days.
Bluebird-hope the results come back in your favor :hugs: hope the little one stops hurting as much soon. I am with you on the wishing I had introduced myself earlier, feel a bit silly that I was too chicken to write something.

Emera-hope you feel better soon and F let's you get some sleep

Loo- Exciting about the house!

Laura - sorry about the crap renters. I can't believe people would do that. I can't imagine destroying a place I was living.

Mouse-sounds like a sweet moment with G

It's nice to see a few more posts on here again. I am at home again after visiting my parents with Dagny for a week. It was a lot of fun, always nice to have some extra hands. It worked well to get her use to sleeping in a portable crib too, by the end she was crying for only about ten seconds or so when I would put her down.

Sadly it hasn't quite transitioned to back home. She has been taking all her naps and starting the night in her room but sometimes there is still quite a bit of crying. Her naps have only been 30 min too, I am going to try the 5 min before she normally wakes up thing tomorrow. I am wondering how to deal with all the night time wakings, she still wakes up regularly every two hours. I have been able to get her back to sleep without nursing all the time lately but still picking her up. She also ends up coming into our bed the second time she wakes up in her room because I am too lazy to keep going in there all night. Do i try to get her to sleep better while sleeping with us and then move to all night in her room or do it all at once? Thanks to anyone who made it through that and has any ideas. I am just tired of the crying and fighting sleep and really want some decent sleep myself so really need to do something.
Silly - I know the feeling, wish I had some advice!
I actually went out last night for dinner with some friends, having got Z to bed knackered at 6.30 after his busy day of swimming and gym babes. Had a lovely meal until I got a text at half 9 saying Z had been screaming for 20 minutes and wouldnt eat or settle. By the time is got him he'd been crying for another 20 minutes but DH was sat on the sofa with Z upstairs in the cot. Great. Apparently he'd only left him 10 mins at a time. When I went in he was stood up and we've still not lowered the mattress so it's a good thing he hasn't worked out how to fling himself over. He looked so bewildered to have been left! I fed him ad e did then do 11-3. Guess we can put it down as practice for sleep training.

He's brought up what looks like his whole feed this morning, in 4 or 5 lots. And woke up for good at 6.30, it's now 9 and I've not got him back to sleep. Tried giving him weetabix for breakfast but he didn't seem that interested, don't know if that was cps he was tired or just not feeling great? Who knows. Oh well.

Off to see a friend today who's due on Saturday! Hope she doesn't go into labour while we're there!
Oh Lozza :hugs: sounds like an eventful evening! Do you think Z might have settled if your OH had tried to settle him rather than just leaving him to cry? Don't know, I suppose I would have been a bit fed up in your position. If it was anyone other than OH I'd go home, but I guess I just expect OH to be able to deal with whatever I'd have to deal with, if you know what I mean? Glad you got to have a bit of a night out anyhow.
Poor Z being sicky, I tend to think that sicking up one feed is ok, but if they sick up 2-3 one after the other, then I suspect illness.
Hope you don't have to brush up on midwife skills with your friend!! ;)

Loving the chat on here, really missed it! :hugs:

In a miracle both kiddies let me sleep until 8.30am! Roh was awake from about 7am, but I could hear him playing in his room (he has a small box of toys for when he wakes up, and now he's learnt to turn the lights on, he has a bit of a play in the mornings), and he wasn't fussed about coming out, so I had a lovely doze! :) F woke at 12 and 5 so waay better than the last night. Hoping that the 7-5 she did for the 4 nights before that will come back, and become the norm. Would be flipping Amazing!!! To be honest, 12 and 5 wakings is amazing too!
Sillysmiles :hi: sorry D is still being hard at night. Serious respect for you lads. :hugs:
Glad you had a night(ish) out Lozza and yes, I would have been wanting oh to at least be trying to settle him :( maybe its time to lower the cot??!?! Sounds like a bit of a better night for you after then though (!) and sorry about the vom. Noah's has really calmed down now he's drinking off a valved beaker and he's not had any more yoghurt...but he always spews after every bf - just little mouthfuls but def 4-5 times per feed. It does seem to be burp related though so whilst he's still immobile it's easy enough to sit him up and get them out - heaven knows what I'll do as/when he can crawl off!
Emera - better night at your end :dance: and good boy Roh for playing in his room (lively idea to have a box of morning toys...)
Hope the move is going ok with Nic this morning :hugs:
N was up at 10,3 last night...DH kicked me at 3 cos he thought I hadn't heard him - he was doing his moany thing and I was listening to see how it got up and fed him and he really wasn't that bothered but he just lay there looking up at me touching my face :cloud9: which was lovely despite the hour!
What time are you lads doing tea for them at night? N loves tea - we usually start at 5ish but he'll eat/play til 6.15 then bath and bf but he doesn't take a lot of bf prob cos he's still full but then wakes up ~10 and is hungry. Do I start tea earlier?! Don't really want to delay bed.
Right off to sensory we go..."say hello to the sun" hahaha I hope that song is stuck in everyones head now :haha:
Waula....that song will be with me til the day i die....M loves it though. I sometimes launch into it on non baby sensory days and she smiles and laughs. Dinner wise we usually start around 5pm and finish by 5:30 as i feed her purees with a bit of finger food for play its a bit quicker i guess

Lozza...sorry about Zs sleeping and sickiness...M chucked up a load of lunch and milk over my cream rug in living room yesterday....bleuuurgh. Only managed to catch the last bit in my hand which was lovely....not!!!!!

Smiles....sorry for the sleeping issues...i have no advice reall but i know some ladies are attempting some sort of sleep training...but :hugs: to you...hope things get better soon x x

Emera...i posted a big reply this morning and lost the idea of F having Dominos crusts....she was probably looking at yours thinking when can i have the good stuff:haha:. We had a dominos a couple of weeks ago....i went for the low fat cheese option (called Delight can you believe it....was very dubious) but it was actually ok...couldnt tell the difference. Yeah for the lie in....good babbas x x

Laura...happy 7 months to A today x x xthats the great things about bnb...the birthdays on the first pag. M is tomorrow x x

So today is the first day of our new tactics...reducing milk slightly to get a better food appetite....i wonder whether yesterdays vomming was Mtelling me its all too much food mummy....aaawwwww. So this morning i fed her milk 1/2hour after she woke and she took 6oz....didnt force anymore. Then just 1/2 hour ago she took only 3oz before nap which should make her more hungry for lunch about 1:30. Then doing another small feed...will make up 4oz for 3:15.....which means she might take dinner easier then bedtime bottle the same. I reckon she will have about 19oz today which seems much more appropriate for a 3 meals baby. Fingers crossed x
Waula I used to have that problem with Roh, he'd eat well at dinner then not have much milk and wake up. I first moved dinner to start at 4.30pm, and also started giving him a bigger meal at lunch and a lighter one for dinner. He went back to taking a nice big milk feed at bedtime and stopped waking at 10-11pm again. (He'd been sleeping 8-8 before weaning). I guess if N has always woken at 10pm ish then it might not make any difference, but certainly here we are done with dinner by 5.30pm and it helps a lot. Xx
Emera....i am going to give M a bigger meal at lunchtime now to make sure she takes a good bedtime bottle.....good tip x
Sounds good Mitch. 19oz sounds a really good volume along with 3 meals. Maybe you are right. And the sick yesterday was just because she was bursting at the seams! ;). I'm sure with a bit of fiddling round with routine you'll find the perfect balance. :)

And the dominos baby meal, well, I would have let her have a little bit of the topping, but I was a bit worried she'd gag too much on the melted cheese, and because its pretty salty. She really loved the pizza dough though, I might make some pizza dough fingers for dipping in soup and stuff for her.

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