March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Hah, Missy, weigh gain wise, its really interesting! When i compared weights, F has always been way bigger than Roh, to compare:

Roh - 2.4kg
F - 3.6kg

5 weeks
Roh - 2.75kg
F - 4.9kg

15 weeks
Roh - 4.85kg
F - 7.05kg

24 weeks
Roh - 6.25kg
F - 7.25kg

29 weeks
Roh - 7.60kg
F - 7.60kg

Mad eh? Roh actually lost weight after 15 weeks and then piled it on like mad when i started weaning him. F just piled it all on early and has slowed riiiight down. I'm sure she's ok, she'd happy and active, and seems healthy. Apart from the night we were all ill, she's sttn now with no grumping, and i'm positive that if she was painfully hungry she's be insisting on food, she does in the day time, she gets really stroppy if i don't sort her food out fast enough!
I hate expressing, and i hadn't realised quite how much until now. Its nice not to think about it. I'm not going to get F weighed again for a few more weeks, because i really don't think there is an advantage to weighing too often, you don't get a good overall picture. I think its normal to worry a bit about these things, right?
It's absolutely normal Emera! You just want to be the best mama you can, and that means making sure F gets everything she needs. You're a fabulous mama, and she knows it!! xxxx
Wow, Emera. It's crazy that their weights are identical at 29 weeks! That should give you some reassurance that she's just finding her weight groove. :hugs: And whoop whoop for the fabulous sleep! :happydance:
WT, I was going to say the same! That's just how they even out. They just like to worry you along the way!
Emera fab advice from the other lads but I honestly think you know yourself what a happy well developed little girl F is....just looks at what she's doing! she's ace. If it's any consolation my SIL's 3rd baby decided NEVER to take a bottle again after 6 months!

We all have our own set of worries, I'm confused when to introduce lunch :shrug: J currently has 3 bottles a day but he's probably only having around 15oz out of those sometimes up to 20oz but no more than that. He has bottle, nap, breakfast usually porridge & toast, nap, bottle about 5oz, tea 2 courses and then bedtime bottle. He's really chunky and I get paranoid that people think I'm over feeding him and sick of MIL who keeps going on about how massive he is etc :nope:
:hugs: Glowie - I honestly think they'll all even out once our slugs get on the move... N has had a hideous 2 week cold and he seems much trimmer since - sometimes its nice for them to have some reserves :shrug: But you're right, we do all have our own set of worries don't we - which just shows what good mums we are... :hugs: what is J doing weight wise? whats happened with his centiles?? 15oz doesn't seem like a lot of milk at all in a day to be honest...I bet its his lack of activity more than excessive food but what can you do??! :shrug: I've given up on jeans with N - they just look painful on his tummy (and there's a load of overhang = vom inducing!!!) so he's making the most of the leggings!!!! Tell your MIL to sod off. xxx
Glow :hugs: We'll always find something to worry about eh? And MILs always find something to pick at, even if they are nice enough! :rolleyes:
Glow :hugs: Jacob is amazing and you are never in a million years eating too much. I agree with Paulo. When he starts moving he'll be using up much more energy. They will all level out in the end. Look how much weight Dee has suddenly piled on! They are all healthy bambino's. all of them!
I've not had him weighed for 3 weeks Waula but he was almost up to the 91st centile last time :shock: He's gradually crept up from the 50th the last couple of months. I know myself I'm not over feeding him but I do get a bit paranoid that people think he's a bit too fat.
I'm with you on the jeans too! He's got some good ones from H&M like maternity jeans that are slouchy and ok on the waist.
Aaaaw J is a weight will level out and drop off when slugs get on the move

I worried all the time about M's weight gain...thought i.was feeding her too much but.early days was bf'ing on demand snd she gained really quick. Everyone mentions that she big for her age...but she was 91st centile for height.and is long...not so much chunk. She only has one thigh fold...thats my measure has. She does have a pot belly though:blush:. I mention to everyone that she was only 6lb 3 when born....i miss my but also worry that she chunked up so quick...doubled birth weight by 12 weeks and tripled by 6 months!!! Anyway shes gone 9th up to 75th centile.....

Rambling...but anyway they are all different. Look at Loos D...born same day as M...approx same weight....M shot ahead anotxher month or two.they'll be similar
Glowie, I'm sorry you are stressing. J is perfect, ok? Please stop worrying, he's a happy, contented and healthy baby doing his own thing. Lots of people say E is big but I think she'll just bob along above the 50th centile.

If its any consolation I am having the same stress about introducing the next meal. Like you, E has breakfast and what is supposed to be lunch but can happen at 3pm depending on naps and lasts up to an hour and a half. I know I need to bring that back and introduce tea, even just little sandwiches or something late on. No clue about it though and feel overwhelmed about it all.

E slept from 7:40pm to 7:40am last night. Nice to know she can do it. Whether she'll do it again? Who knows.
MsC I am over the moon for E's mammoth sleep!!! Woo hoo!!!! :dance:
Glowie - please don't worry hun, soon our chunks will be on the moooooove then it'll be off down to Z's gym :haha:
Yay for ace sleeps!

Glow, don't stress, J is gorgeous and perfect. They all even out, but it's hard when you get fed and sit on your bum all day. He'll trim down once he learns to run about!
OK bnb definately the place for this little wobble......

So M has been a little more grumpy than usual the last couple of days. We had a screamy episode on Sunday for 20 minutes followed by a demand to be put down....5 mins sleep and then all fine again. I think she may have bit down on spoon during feed / aggravated her gums a bit. I have no idea if she is teething or not...yes she drools (no more than usual), yes she has hot red cheeks at least once a day....but she is sleep normally and STTN still - not off food and not off milk.

I feel a bit stupid - but how do I know if she is grumpy just cos she is getting more strong willed and they are just usual 'tantrums' or whether she is in pain grumpy and need to give calpol. I have only ever given it to her less than half a dozen times....dont want to just pour it down her neck if it is just babies being babies!??? Example today she normally goes down for nap at 11.30....gets tiredness from 11 it was 10.15....ended up putting her down at 11am. Not a problem but I dont just want to pack her off to bed and be a bad mummy if she was in pain. TBH she went off to sleep in 5 minutes flat....but is she trying to tell me shes in pain.

God I dont even want to read back through this probably think I am being nuts. I really hope shes not turning into a stroppy little mare already:haha:....maybe she is just trying to tell me something.

If she doesnt get her naps at set times....she goes into meltdown (well stroppiness anyway)....

Sorry just needed to vent and its a stupid post but wanted to get it off my chest x x
Mitch - not really sure but if you don't want to resort to calpol too quickly have you tried other teething stuff? If in doubt I throw a teetha powder down Z. At least then I can rule that out. Is only chamomile so not likely to do him any harm, and he now opens his mouth for me to pour it in so must like it. Also if she's falling asleep easily enough I'd say it wasn't pain - would have though that would had the opposite effect ie stop her sleeping? Maybe as she gets older she's just wanting to change her nap times a bit, I guess that's got to happen at some stage? We seem to have dropped a nap at the moment, I'm seeing how 2 naps a day works and sleeping no later than 3.

I can't wait for all slugs to be moving! The weight will fall off, you as well as them as you're constantly getting up to move them away from something! Z has te opposite problem o having gained nothing last time. Got a check up on Monday so I hope he's put something on. He's definitely suddenly eating and actually swallowing more.

Mealtime wise we're all over the place. Sometimes he has 3 meals, sometimes 2 and a couple of days only 1. It depends when he sleeps and what we've got on! There aren't enough hours in the day!

Flying on my own down to heathrow tomorrow for a few days, that should be interesting!!
Thanks Lozza....I think Sundays was definate pain poor thing so we did give calpol and a bit of bonjela....thats when she passed out for 5 minutes and woke up all happy again :wacko:. I have some teethng powders (OH couldnt locate them on Sunday which is why calpol was grabbed)....need to dig them out just in case. Maybe naps are just changing but she doesnt need to get all shirty about it:cry::haha:

Meals wise - we moved to 3 a day about 10 days ago....porridge or similar for brekkie and then savoury/sweet at lunch and dinner - not huge amounts. As we are spoon feeding it is alot quicker for us at mealtimes = about 30 minutes ish. If we are attempting new lumpy stuff can be longer on each mouthful....lots of purposeful chewing :haha:
Thanks lads....I have just noticed that when the other mums are with their babies, they dont get shirty and whiney...I guess every baby is different. At least I know she usually at that stage needs a nap...but she naps LOTS!!!!. Its a bit embarrassing when she does it and I cant put her down anywhere...yes I can pop her in the pushchair or something but then she would need walking around a bit.....oh god...I am moaning about nothing I know. She is just vocal when wanting sleep.....hope its not pain though:shrug:
Zach whinges when he needs to sleep, that's the only sign I get to be honest. Ive only just about worked out the difference between that whinge and the hungry one though! I thought all babies got a bit whingy before sleep?! Sure most of my antenatal lot do, at that point people tend to get going so they can nap in the cars!

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