March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

:hugs: Lozza. Think of the just put him down awake...and now he's asleep! What has been your trick with him? Or do you think he just learned it as a developmental thing? Xxx
I think he's just getting the hang of sleeping. He's being less screamy when zipping him into the sleeping bag even. I'm sat downstairs though now slightly regretting not feeding him. I'll never get to do it again assuming we stick to our plan to have one. I miss the cuddly feed already - its not the same with the bottle as he faces away from me! Booooooo
It's hard Lozza. I cried a lot when I thought Noah had given up. It's hugely more emotional than I was expecting. My head says its just milk, whatever...but my heart thinks its very different. I'm just so pleased that sleep is happening and hopefully all in time for work too. I remember Loo saying it was a sad time stopping with Dee and that it took a few days - so just enjoy these next few weeks and I'm sure it'll be a smooth transition. (Oh and I totally think you pair should have one more...a pink one...think of the ponies....!) xxx
Hmm, well he just had about 3-4 oz and then refused the bottle and cried until
I bf him. Oops. He's having a good guzzle too. This giving up isn't going well. Think I'll have to get n to do him one night soon so that he has no option.

On the plus side, after a 6 minute feed I put him down awake, stood quietly next to him, rubbed his back for a few seconds them just stood there and he fell asleep within minutes. I think he might have learnt to get himself to sleep (she says with very crossed fingers and touching wood). If he has and I've avoided controlled crying then I'm delighted!!

Oh and Waula, if we just have Z there's a chance I could afford a horse again. Boys can ride (not in N's world but...). They can head off and do boy things and I can ride!!
Did you Girls set up a facebook group? Hope you are all well & babies growing nicely x
Kelly!!!! Come join us on FB. Just PM me with your name and I can add you.
Alright! Ive not been feeding overnight, except I did last night about 3am - what he needed was nurofen but I was too exhausted so just fed him. Shouldnt have bothered as he then cried out every 5 minutes for the next half hour at which point I did nurofen and he slept 4am til N slammed the front door at 8.15 and woke him! He's got two teeth virtually thru so I'm hoping when they're finally there he'll be better.
Last night he went to sleep with no boob at all which made me a little sad. Tonight he had minute and then settled himself beautifully while I hid by the door!

You still needing to get up for N? How's that working if you're on call?
Sounds great Lozza! And double great that its been consistent through teeth coming through!!! :dance: you still sticking to 14th feb?
Afm, yep, still do one feed overnight...he grumbles at 11ish but then sleeps til 3/4am and then gets enraged. He then sleeps til 7/7.30. My HV said not to do anything drastic whilst I've just started work/childminder etc. hoping he just grows out of it. It's just an extra stress when on call but I figure it's not very often so we'll just use a bit of formula if needed...theoretically it could be a bit of a bugger with weekends etc but he's good at waiting!
I underestimated how hard being at work was going to really sad this morning. All the farmers keep asking about him, how old is he etc and when I say 10months they all say "oh really tiny then" and I cry a bit inside. I'm hoping the first week is the hardest... Xx
Ah I'd forgotten I'd mentioned 14th! I think actually that being organised enough to make up a bottle first thing in the morning is not me. If I feed him I can at least snooze for another 30 minutes or so! It only took a few days to adjust to the new schedule - my boobs are now fine in the morning, the first few days was like waking up on rocks, they even leaked for the first time since being a newborn!
Hello lads, been catching up on the thread, I was a little frightened to load it in case there was no one here but there were a fair few pages to read and mostly positive, I'm so so glad about the better sleeping you're both getting Lozza and Waula. I hope it keeps getting better and better.

What are people's plans on breastfeeding? I don't really have any, I always aimed for a year but I'm not sure. Sometimes I think soonish would be good but my head can't think anything through. Being at work, the snuggles are something I'm not sure I want to let go of yet. That said, with meetings, the logistics are sometimes tough. Part of me just doesn't know what happens when I stop, two formula feeds a day? At what point do they stop with feeds?

Having a bit of a sad day, E was whiny in bed this morning when I brought her into ours for her morning feed so I got grouchy, I'm so tired. She napped well after breakfast and has been happy ever since but my heart gets crushed that some precious hours of our weekends were less than happy. I'm finding the work thing really, really tough. At work, I'm fine, I just get on with things, despite being overworked due to staff sickness, but it's when I get home later some days and think, well I've seen her for 1.5 hours today. It's so shit. I'm really upset by it all.
Ms Crow, I understand your feelings about the work thing. Most work days I'm like you, lucky if I see her for an hour and a half. It's poo. I don't think there's an answer for either of us though, other than to grin and bear it.

On the bfing thing, I don't know. I don't know what you're supposed to do about formula/bfing after a year. Is cows milk good enough? I think I'm going to carry on for a while longer, morning and evening, because I can't imagine not feeding her at the minute. For all the reasons you mention. I was thinking I'd aim for a year initially but now that's so close I'm thinking maybe 18months.... In my case it's going to come down to whether or not its going to stop me getting preggo again I think. What does A think? N wants me to stick at it as long as I like, he suggested 2.
I think if you are cutting out bf in the next month or so, going straight to cows/goats milk is just fine. I suppose it depends how much they are eating, but nutritionally, with 3 meals a day and a couple of little snacks cows milk is sufficient. They're growth rate really slows down after the first year, so you don't have to try to ram the calories in quite as much.
I'm the same with work. Although I only work part time, so I get afternoons at home, I miss the mornings so much, and whilst I'm at work, I just get on with it, I find I hugely resent every extra minute I have to spend away from home.
I think its the curse of being a working mother, or a mother at all in this era. As much as we try, we can't have it all, and finding a balance in life once there are children to consider too is a delicate thing at best, an impossibility at worst. I think once Roh is in pre-school in the mornings, it will feel a bit easier for me, although I'm sure I'll feel like I'm missing out on time with F. Its a toughie. I think given the choice, I'd not work for a few years, until they were in school. Then I'd resume a career after a break.
Wsh we all lived in a erfect world eh?
Emera said the other day on fb that they need 500ml "milk" til they're 2. :shrug:
I feel like bf before/after work is my catch up time with him. Personally I'm going to hopefully keep going to 18m then reassess. If its morning/night and he can cope with me sometimes not bring there because of on call so having some ff then that'll do for me. If me being on call is too much a pain in the ass we'll reconsider then. MsC/Laura...I honestly have a lot of respect for you doing 5days a week. I was so broken after 3 last week.
Bf feels like quite a monumental journey - everyone will come to the end in their own way, in their own time. I feel very proud to have gotten this far...but also slightly scared as the longer I feed him the more I worry that it's going to be more and more traumatic (for both of us!) to stop!! I'm going to put my head backin the sand now ;) xx
Waula - that's fab!! :happydance: I wonder if it's cos he's cracked crawling, like Z is sleeping better since cracking walking?

Re the bf, the only reason I've cut out the evening feed is in preparation for going back to work. There may be an evening back too late from London or I'm away overnight and I need N to be able to put Z to bed, or at least not say he can't because I'm bf! I never had any expectation about bf for a length of time - I guess I thought around 8/9 months or I'd stop when teeth appeared. Surprisingly N thought I'd keep going longer, but only because he assumed that was the "right" thing. Although I've been doing a bottle for a week I'm still actually also doing a short bf - I've managed one night without it. Suits me to gradually cut down. In a week or so I need to get N to try a bedtime so I know he can do it without the bf. I'll do the morning one for a while longer I think.

Interestingly my friend got measured for new bras last week at John Lewis and they told her if you bf less than 6 months you pretty much bounce back to normal but longer than that your boobs are forever smaller/different shaped! Mine definitely seem a bit more pathetic than they were!!!!! The mothercare nursing bras I have now have a lot of spare room in them!!

Inlaws are here for a couple of days so I'm going clothes shopping tomorrow then a kit day on Tuesday - making the most of babysitters, although this will only be the 3rd and 4th days I've left him with anyone other than N! Nursery should be interesting in a few weeks then!
Shoop-da-whoop! Just to report, F slept 7pm-8.30am last night, as did Roh! Shame I was up at 5am for work, but still! She's been doing well for about a month, sleeping 7-11 then 12-8 (ish), then 7-3.30 and 4-8 ish (last bit in our bed!). So keeping fingers crossed she's on the way to dropping the wake up!

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