What I'm doing at the moment (and I've no idea if its "right") is bottle when he wakes up (tend to make 6 oz and he takes between 4 & 6), then breakfast an hour or so later. Them mid morning snack with a tommy tippee cup of milk (only about 50ml so that's what 2oz?) which he sometimes drinks or only has a sip of (its cold cows milk) then lunch with water, then milk in a cup again in afternoon, then water with dinner, then he's having about 8-10oz just before he goes to bed! I basically fill up the bottle, warm it up and he either empties it, needs more or leaves aome. It might be too much at night, he's really wet in the morning, but i can't seem to get him to take more earlier. As of today he's just on cows milk.
The during the day milk is what they do at nursery so I'm trying to replicate that, he hardly drinks it though to be honest. I don't always remember to give him milk.
The during the day milk is what they do at nursery so I'm trying to replicate that, he hardly drinks it though to be honest. I don't always remember to give him milk.