F obviously decided sleep was for losers last night. He decided to feed every 40-90 mins. I feel a bit broken today!
Can anyone tell me what is a good length of time for a feed at this stage? I know that they do a lot of stimulating, which is super important, but often he falls off asleep after 10 minutes, which obviously isn't filling up his belly because he wants more again soon after (sometimes as soon as 10 minutes after). My bb's are killing because they are not having time to recover, but I don't want to deny him the chance to feed because I know it's doing both him, and my milk production the world of good.
He is looking a bit yellow, especially in his eyes today, so I hope that clears up too.
My Mum is on her way back from France, and Al is picking her up in an hour. I can't wait to see her, as it's been about 6 weeks, but I know this visit is all about D and F!
Just reading my delivery notes, and surprised to read that my pushing stage was only 16 minutes (last time it was 2hours 40!). Also my waters only broke when I started pushing. Clever bodies!