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March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

I've also no idea what one of those scores is, but clearly bollocks. Congratulations again!! :happydance:
Thanks lads. It feels slightly chaotic here with humplet who cries every time he is put down and Dee who is kicking off upstairs for Al (who is getting stressed out saying "for god's sake!!!"). I'm trying to remain as calm as possible despite him suckling so much that he has sucked up a little blister on my nipple (but still wants feeding off it).

Time for Dee's nap, hopefully humplet will sleep, Al can go and buy food from supermarket and hopefully I can get a nap if the mw doesnt turn up.

Dentist and nails this afternoon and I want to do neither.
Ha ha still planning on that dentist appt then ;-) good luck with the two babbas Al x

So pleased for you Loo....I have a good feeling that Humplet is going to be a mellow baby....now get talking about that name or Humplet will stick ;-) x
Loo - it's day two isn't it...he'll just be trying to get your milk in!!! Did you have a stretchy wrap for Dee? I'm totally getting one for teeny tiny this time so I can have hands free for tiny. You're doing bloody brilliantly. Hope your nip aint too bad - get slathering on the lanolin. xxxx
Day 2 - done!

Dentist, nails and a visit to Al's school to show the kids before their summer holidays.

Am very tired, but very happy.

Quick, I need to sleep!
F obviously decided sleep was for losers last night. He decided to feed every 40-90 mins. I feel a bit broken today!

Can anyone tell me what is a good length of time for a feed at this stage? I know that they do a lot of stimulating, which is super important, but often he falls off asleep after 10 minutes, which obviously isn't filling up his belly because he wants more again soon after (sometimes as soon as 10 minutes after). My bb's are killing because they are not having time to recover, but I don't want to deny him the chance to feed because I know it's doing both him, and my milk production the world of good.

He is looking a bit yellow, especially in his eyes today, so I hope that clears up too.

My Mum is on her way back from France, and Al is picking her up in an hour. I can't wait to see her, as it's been about 6 weeks, but I know this visit is all about D and F!

Just reading my delivery notes, and surprised to read that my pushing stage was only 16 minutes (last time it was 2hours 40!). Also my waters only broke when I started pushing. Clever bodies!
Good work body with the pushing! :) xxx

To be honest for the first couple of weeks i think you need to let them feed whenever they want. I wouldn't worry about the 10 minute thing, you are still on colostrum and that stuff is gold. Plus, remember his tummy is currently acorn sized, so it doesn't take masses of filling! I'd slather on the lansinoh between every feed, and be really really strict with having a good latch however angry he gets about it. You need to save those nips! Feeding a newborn again takes a bit of getting used to when your last memories of bf are feeding an older baby! And all babies are different. If i remember, Roh never really fed for more than 10 minutes, unless he was having a growth spurt, so it might just be his style. Also don't forget about the little breaks, so stop when he doses, but then after a few minutes, check he doesn't want to go back on again. If that makes any sense??

Big hugs supermum! xxx
Yay for prunes! In my experience, pregnancy is grumpy enough without them!
wish I was a prune! But yay for a new ticker! Back to the start again... :)
Congratulations ft!

Today has been gross. F fed hungrily, but steadily this morning, then kipped for an hour or so waking at 11.50. He has only just fallen asleep at 9.15 tonight and has fed almost constantly all afternoon, and I mean almost constantly. One side to the other to the other to the other. I feel drained. On top of that I've been completely anxious and panicky. I can't really explain it, but a great deal of tears have been shed today.

I'm so sorry for the down post. I really hope he has a decent kip tonight and a better day tomorrow.
Loo, tears are natural... Think back to the early days with dharma.... I bet u were emotional then too. It's all your hormones trying to balance out Hun *hugs*

As for the feeding.... If you offered Flynn your finger to suck, is he just as happy? He may be just a 'sucky' baby like G was Hun?
He he actually feeding, as in swallowing? Z used to lie there and I'd think he was feeding until the bf counsellor made me realise he wasn't. I used to swap nipple for a finger like ft suggests (welcome back by the way "oh leader of the mamas!"

:hugs: Loo. Can you read back to the start of this thread and remind yourself it was tough but you got through it? You can do it again xx
I know I can do it. I just need to keep my head down and get on with it. He definitely wasn't feeding all yesterday, however he must have been stimulating milk and after struggling with D, I am to worried to cut him off in case it affects my supply for the worse.

He did just sleep for nearly 4 hours though. Hooray.
An ORANGE Laura!!!!!! Yikes, that's massive!!! :) xxxx
And Loo :hugs: nothing more to add..but so glad he did a 4hr stretch for you. It is so hard to remember what newborns are like isn't it, all I know now is what Noah does. I will be looking back through this thread to keep me sane I think! I know milk supply was a pain in the bum, and I would probably be the same and just let him suck if it gets your supply in on the early days. Better that than the ol' honk honk mooooooo again. Big hugs. It will get easier. Promise. Love xxxxxx
Yay FT...welcome back to being reduffed....and dont you lads be off starting a new preggo page without us non reduffed mamas!!!!!!

Loo....Jugs....keep at it you are doing a fab job....remember 6.9%!!!!! Clever girl and clever F x
you'd best not be joining a new group farty!!!!

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