March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

That sounds horrible AMP, hopefully you'll feel a lot better soon though. I have to take extra iron too, took a much higher dose pre-pregnancy which I was taken off, but back on a low dose now. I don't think it's enough really though and am seriously considering doubling it - I used to be prescried the equivalent to 65mg iron 3x daily and am now taking just 28mg (in pregnancy supplement and seperately) once a day and it doesn't feel like it's enough.

Also wondering at what point I give up trying to sleep in bed and just hibernate on the sofa all night. I get my best sleep here now, napping before bed, and am having to come back down quite often in the night to sleep. If only OH wasn't upstairs I don't think I'd bother with bed at all, but I'm soppy and I miss him otherwise!
Curly thankfully I'm still sleeping once I fall asleep this time round ... But boy do I toss n turn !! Lol OH ends up on the couch ALOT as I drive him crazy !! ( not quite sure why he doesn't use the 2 spare bedroom ???!!!!!! . Last pg I was up all night every night from around 34 weeks till he arrived . Could seriously only sleep from 6-8 am . Still plenty of time for that to happen .
Curly and Left ~ I couldn't imagine sleeping on the couch or not getting enough sleep.... gosh seriously only a couple hours of sleep?? UGH I would be a nasty nasty monster!
I've also been having trouble sleeping lately. Between heartburn, DH's snoring, getting up to pee, and near constant baby movement at night it's practically impossible. DS got up early today too, I think he had a nightmare. DH couldn't get him even though he has the day off because apparently he's sick *sigh*. As soon as DH gets up I'm taking a nap, or if DS happens to go down for his nap before then.
Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA, but DD has been REALLY sick - she had between 103 & 104 fever that lasted 5 days straight. Now the fever is broken, but she's still not eating & just worn out! Trying to catch up here....

Daisy, Yes - ESL is basically the same as ESOL - ESOL is just the more politically correct term - assuming that students can speak many languages and that English might be their 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc language rather than their second :thumbup:

Kalon, how exciting about the nursery! Nice that you'll def have it ready in time! Personally, I just (finally!) made a decision on the theme we're going with, as NOTHING sounded good to me. Really excited now though, & can't wait to get to work on it - but I can't do that until we get DD into her new room, which DH is still working on :dohh:

Dawn, is it Charlie Horses/cramping in your calf? If so, try flexing your toes up toward your knees. That's what stops mine in their tracks. As for breastfeeding and cosleeping - let's talk cosleeping first. My DD was in an Arms Reach cosleeper until around 10 months - AMAZING for breastfeeding especially, and gave her her own space. I'd personally be afraid of sleeping with her actually IN my bed, but it was great to have her sidecar'd right next to me, and really helped to make breastfeeding easier. So far, we've breastfed for 32 months (yay!) but I think she may just have weaned this past week... we will see. She has gone a week before, but she really seems adamant that she's done now. But, that's okay with me... I just wanted to make sure it was on her terms rather than mine (personal choice). I'll outline some breastfeeding tips in a second post. I have a lot of experience, I'm very passionate about it, and I would love to help anyone who needs someone on hand to speak with :flower:

Silas - Same, I'll be doing a separate post on breastfeeding, but please feel free to contact me if you have any questions even after baby comes. I'd be more than happy to help!

Fezzle - YES! Breastfeeding classes are really helpful! I took one and it was wonderful to have a few tricks up my sleeve ahead of time!

Sarah, So sorry to hear about OH losing his job! I thought you were settled on a name :haha: Stick with Charlie Jacob. It's a good name! :flower:
Ok, my breastfeeding post:

So, I've been breastfeeding for 32 months & we will see if DD has weaned, or if this is just a longer hiatus than previously :haha:

Anyway, please don't feel doomed (although I know it's hard to tell someone how to feel!) Personally, I feel like attitude/how badly you want to nurse determines how it goes (to an extent - I know there are definitely exceptions, people who don't make milk, etc. - don't get me wrong). Personally, I felt like formula wasn't an option for me (and I had a lot of milk). I was in a lot of pain in the beginning, which I believe was due to a shallow latch as well as my nipples are SO SENSITIVE! (They always have been. I don't even like my DH touching them). So, it was just tough for me in the beginning. But, like I said, I didn't feel like formula was an option for me, DD was gaining weight as she should, and I just kept on trucking - with the help of a lactation consultant, and a breast pump. Yes, it was so bad, and I was so engorged when my milk came in, that I ended up exclusively pumping & bottle feeding my expressed milk for a short amount of time. But, I told myself that if I could just feed her on the breast once per day, I could handle that... then once became twice, became 3x, and before I knew it, we were completely breastfeeding!

Okay, looking back on that, I feel like it was a lot thrown at you. Here's my advice...
1. Don't give up (unless a doctor tells you that your baby isn't gaining weight/you're not producing milk).
2. Don't feed formula (because breastfeeding is a supply and demand process. If baby doesn't drink the milk there, because you're formula feeding, your body will think it doesn't need to make that milk.)
3. Get in touch with a lactation consultant ASAP - while you're still in the hospital. And find one NOW for when you're out of the hospital.
4. Get numbers/dates/places/times for local breastfeeding support groups.
5. If you're on FB, join breastfeeding support groups on there. The ladies on there can be VERY helpful if you're in need of immediate answers. Really - someone is always awake somewhere in the world. It's great support. (Some great ones - Breast feeding mama talk privately (for both breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding moms), Dairy Queens, Working Dairy Queens)
6. Remember that if adoptive moms can induce lactation to feed their babies (yes, they can!) you absolutely can do this too!

I went through a lot in the beginning to breastfeed my daughter. I have advice up the wazoo if anyone has personal questions & I'd be more than happy to help!

I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting at the moment, but that's a start. I wanted to get back to you all!
Curly and Left ~ I couldn't imagine sleeping on the couch or not getting enough sleep.... gosh seriously only a couple hours of sleep?? UGH I would be a nasty nasty monster!

I feel like such a witch some days because I've had so little sleep but every night almost I'm wide awake at 3 am not cool....
Curly and Left ~ I couldn't imagine sleeping on the couch or not getting enough sleep.... gosh seriously only a couple hours of sleep?? UGH I would be a nasty nasty monster!

I feel like such a witch some days because I've had so little sleep but every night almost I'm wide awake at 3 am not cool....

I've never been much of a sleeper, but honestly, I fell asleep at 11ish last night, and managed to stay asleep until 4.40 this morning, with only minor wakes to turn over (about 5 or 6 times) and it feels like untold luxury! I'm not too grumpy without sleep, because I'm so used to it, but it does make me a bit dim and struggle with much of the rest of the world!
I hear you on the lack of sleep ladies. Weird because I'm so tired during the day and convince myself every day I'll sleep like a log, but just awake and uncomfortable.

People keep saying 'get lots of rest now while you can'...impossible!
Another thing that 'they' say (who is they? no clue:shrug:) is that getting up so often to pee and not sleeping well is because 'it is natures way of preparing you for the little sleep you will get when baby is here'

I used to be a great sleeper- I'd go to sleep and not be aware of anything until I woke up 8-9 hours later. Now I have to pee usually twice in the night, and also am drinking water all night because my mouth is so dry from sleeping with my mouth open. At least the heartburn is better- before I got the prescription, I was also swigging Gaviscon several times a night too.
I'm not doing too badly on the sleeping front, still wake up on my tummy, poor baby. up a few times for a wee but normally manage to nod off quite quickly once I have got up for a wee.

Still doing the reading on the breastfeeding, I have no idea when I feel I will have read enough. ..... I guess in part I won't know till baby is here. My one concern, and it may seem silly is that Isaac would struggle with the periods of cluster feeding that I read newborns do, I know that he will take full advantage of me feeding ie throw toys, cause all levels of trouble etc, not sure how I will manage that, or how I can prepare him for it.
Other well meaning people tell me to toughen up my nipples? , I think it's advice from years back but I have no idea how your meant to toughen them up???
I am also thinking more that co - sleeping *bed sharing* will be the way forward for us. Ideally I'd prefer a cot that attaches to the bed but we don't have the room for that.

Kind if feeling a bit unprepared with it all. I am sure I was more prepared the first time round.
Dawn~ don't worry about when is enough about reading. You do as what makes you feel more comfortable. Eventually you will just be reading pretty much the same things, maybe just explained a bit differently, but that is ok if you still need to do it. There is nothing wrong with that at all.

As for Isaac you will come a pro in no time. You know your child the best, you will hear tons of different things that worked for other people, but you will figure out of all those things what is the best for him in the end. What worked for me is putting on his favourite movie, having some reading time, even playing a small board game on the couch with him. You can make cluster feeds very much a bonding period for all of you.

As for the toughen up the nipple thing....I don't think there is really any evidence in it at all. Mothers in third world country's who BF don't do any of the sort......Just making sure that you have a good latch is what is important, and have a big circle of support, whether it is family, friends, or even a outside one.
I had my appointment with my OB yesterday and since I had a low birth weight baby last time and I'm concerned about the possibility of inadequate placenta/preeclampsia happening again my OB was nice enough to book a growth scan for me on Monday. Baby is head down though and both our vitals are still looking good and I gained a pound since my last visit at 28+5 weeks. My fundal height however has been consistently measuring a little on the small side. I'm nervous about my scan on Monday but at the same time I'm really excited to see little miss again. I'm really hoping that my worries are for nothing and she ends up measuring well.
I'm not doing too badly on the sleeping front, still wake up on my tummy, poor baby. up a few times for a wee but normally manage to nod off quite quickly once I have got up for a wee.

Still doing the reading on the breastfeeding, I have no idea when I feel I will have read enough. ..... I guess in part I won't know till baby is here. My one concern, and it may seem silly is that Isaac would struggle with the periods of cluster feeding that I read newborns do, I know that he will take full advantage of me feeding ie throw toys, cause all levels of trouble etc, not sure how I will manage that, or how I can prepare him for it.
Other well meaning people tell me to toughen up my nipples? , I think it's advice from years back but I have no idea how your meant to toughen them up???
I am also thinking more that co - sleeping *bed sharing* will be the way forward for us. Ideally I'd prefer a cot that attaches to the bed but we don't have the room for that.

Kind if feeling a bit unprepared with it all. I am sure I was more prepared the first time round.

Read up, girl! Are you on FB?? If you are, I really do recommend you join those groups I told you about - NOW! Because you'll hear what types of advice people are asking for, answers from experienced moms, and that's how you really learn what's going to be going on. Also, if you're on FB, I'd be happy to be friends with you (if you like) so that you can more easily reach me via private message if you ever need some help, even at odd hours of the day and night.

As for toughening your nipples - DON'T DO IT! Definitely old advice. I had the question also, before I started breastfeeding, because it was something my MIL tried to tell me I should do. It makes me cringe to just think of it! Like Allforthegirl said, just make sure baby is opening his mouth really wide before you let him latch on, make sure it's a deep enough latch, and if not, pop him off (using your little finger to break the suction - otherwise OWWWWW) and latch again. Don't wait until he's wailing for a feed - otherwise he'll be frantic and this perfecting the latch will most likely go badly. One of the early signs of needing to eat is mouthing on a fist. When in doubt, offer the boob. Chances are, if it doesn't bring nourishment, it at least brings comfort.

Be determined and things will turn out fabulously! :flower:
I had my appointment with my OB yesterday and since I had a low birth weight baby last time and I'm concerned about the possibility of inadequate placenta/preeclampsia happening again my OB was nice enough to book a growth scan for me on Monday. Baby is head down though and both our vitals are still looking good and I gained a pound since my last visit at 28+5 weeks. My fundal height however has been consistently measuring a little on the small side. I'm nervous about my scan on Monday but at the same time I'm really excited to see little miss again. I'm really hoping that my worries are for nothing and she ends up measuring well.

I hope your scan turns out beautifully. :hugs:
So are we at " labour watch " aka 37 weeks with anyone yet ??? Who is first ??? I'm getting very excited about the months to come :)
I think we have at least 3 more weeks for the first to going into the "labour watch" status....

Oh my goodness I am not really ready to hear that I am even close to that spot. I wanted to wait until the end of the month before I bring all the baby clothes, and cloth diapers back from storage unit.

Plus I wanted to wait to find out what my Dr's plans are if this monster doesn't turn by 36 weeks.....
We've started gathering things for the hospital and I've just started packing today- though that's more just to keep it all together. We have a date for the new kitchen now, so as long as she stays in until 38 weeks, we'll be fine- preferably it would be good for her to stay in until her due date though!
Kalon, GL at your scan!!

Sorry to hear so many are having trouble sleeping. I have just now seemed to find a method that works. I sleep with a pillow under my side, and cuddle with a body pillow. Out like a light!! Hips don't hurt at all in the AM anymore :happydance:
Plus eating a special treat to help me relax every once in a while doesn't hurt :haha:

Leftwondeirng I believe that Mama Bat will be the first to be on labor watch! Her EDD is 29 Feb. Then Mama Fox and I are due next on the 2nd of March. It's coming up!

Have hardly started packing my maternity bag. Jeez so much laundry is piling up, it will have to wait until there are some clean panties to spare. We will hopefully only be there a few hours PP meaning if all goes well at the birth center and I don't get transferred.

Had 34 week appt yesterday, Zodi's HB was 130 again and measuring perfect for 34 weeks. Was able to discuss a birth plan again with her--it seems the whole clinic is centered around as little intervention as possible. They don't even administer pitocin for failure to progress, they will try other methods and then transfer me to a hospital. Which is pretty cool. She says all my symptoms are normal and that we will be starting weekly appointments after my next one at 36 weeks.

It will be here before we know it

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