First 3 births are now in the first post, how exciting! I'll stick to just putting usernames and first/middle names (if known) for privacy reasons
My consultant appointment today... Didn't actually happen! Due to an admin error I ended up seeing the mental health midwife who I thought I had opted out of seeing. Kind of annoying since myself and my community midwife had both spoken to the hospital to check there hadn't been a mix up (for some reason the consultant and the mental health midwife are listed as the same clinic there) and we were both assured my appointment was with the consultant. NHS bureaucracy at it's finest!!

So now I have an appointment on 10th Feb with an actual consultant to confirm my plan of care for labour. Quite late since i'm due 29th but the midwife said she expects i'll be offered sweeps from 38 weeks and induction at 40 weeks so fingers crossed the consultant agrees. I already had another growth scan booked for 2nd Feb so if anything is amiss with that i'd be induced earlier regardless. Looks like i'm nearly at my one month countdown, wow! Feeling excited and can't wait to know if it's a girl or boy, only one more scan left to resist finding out