March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

This insomnia is for the birds. Finally got up after tossing and turning for over an hour with no sleep in sight...its 4:51 AM:growlmad:
I would have happily slept last night but it was like constant acid coming up my throat! The ranitidine was no match for whatever was going on last night, and I finished off my last bottle of gaviscon, so I was waking up to chew on Rennies instead. I hope tonight it's better! DH has moved into the guest room for now though as apparently my snoring is incessant and I have too many pillows around me. That part is great- I have the whole bed to myself with my pillows, though last night I was sharing with both cats too!
I've been having HORRIBLE heartburn as well coughing up acid and stuff and it always seems to be around the evening time right be4 dinner and then I try to eat normally makin it worse :( milk hasn't even been helping!! I'm def having false labor already and the tossing and turning I feel you insomnia has become my best friend lol 33weeks with number 3 tomorrow and my body is already trying to prepare itself for baby boys debut!! I believe we've come up with a name we're just stuck on which middle name to choose either Corben Keith or Corben Daniel!! I sure do hope all you ladies are doing a little better this morning!!!

Some Good news my 1 year old DD (2 April first) did not wet her pull up all night and went pee pee as soon as she got up getting closer to almost completely potty trained :) yay! yesterday she pulled her big girl panties off and told me poo (tmi) but as soon as I sat her on it she went ans started clapping yay and telling me wipe wipe! ! So happy!

Hope this hump day treats you all well!
Yes, I hear you ladies about the lack of sleep.... Sunday night, I was surprised to say, I actually got a good night of sleep for the first time in a LONG time! But, the vast majority of the time I'm either awake until 12 or 1 AM, or if I'm actually able to fall asleep, I'm awake at 3 or 4 AM. In addition to that, for the past week or so, the time that I'm actually sort of sleeping, I'm just tossing and turning - awake, asleep, awake, asleep - not getting any sort of stretch of sleep. Really sucks when you have to get up and go to work in the morning too! :nope:
Right there with you ladies...its 9:14am here and Im like "is it bedtime yet":sleep:
Me too, AMP!!! Doesn't help that this week, I've had so much to do after work... Monday is always grocery shopping day, yesterday I had a doctor appt, and today I have a hair appointment. Tomorrow (if I go - since I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed) I have my monthly breastfeeding support group... Looking forward to Friday!!!
Heartburn has been getting more frequent again, but so far nothing that a couple tums can't handle.

Man ladies i feel for you all that are not sleeping....I toss and turn constantly, but I swear I am good at just falling back asleep or rolling in my sleep. But I have had to go through many children just to get to this point.
I toss and turn all night !!! Stay up till I can't bear it any longer 1 or 2 am with the hope o
Ill sleep but nope ..... Haven't given in though and gotten up before 5 yet !!! Its coming though lol....

Went shopping for baby today soooooo much pink !!! Made me very excited :) think I've gone overboard !! Was supposed to be for my hospital bag packing but I came home with zero for me ! Lol
I'm also right there with the ladies that have pregnancy insomnia for various reasons. Right now it's mostly this stupid cold that's keeping me up but before it was a lot of baby movement and heartburn.

I'm excited to finally get to go on my big baby shopping spree after my baby shower. I'm sure we'll have lots of stuff that we'll need to get and our federal tax returns should be here by then. :happydance:
Hi workinonbaby2, nice to see you back :) Congrats on being team blue! I love the name Corben, it was one I really liked for a boy but didn't make the cut with OH.
Keely, the nursery is looking great and I love the colour and theme. OH's sister did her daughter's room lilac and it's really pretty, bit different to the usual pink :thumbup: The video of Thea yawning is so cute aswell :)
Daisy, hope your false labor and flu-like symptoms calm down soon :hugs:
I'm with you ladies who are on the exhausted/no motivation train! I did too much yesterday and my pelvis was killing me by the time I went to bed. I don't think I have full on SPD thankfully but it does ache when I do too much. I feel like i'm barely able to look after the girls and do the most basic of house chores (dishes, laundry etc) without needing to sit down or go to the loo after about 10 minutes :wacko:
Corben Daniel is cute! :thumbup:

Mama Bat - Thanks! I'm really pleased with how the nursery is looking so far, I really wanted to do forest animals with DS but DH wanted dinosaurs for his nursery and won out so I'm really glad that we were able to find this cute set for Miss Thea. It was also really nice of the tech to put the clip of her yawning on the disc with the photos for us, it was a nice surprise and I'm sure that she didn't have to do it. :kiss:
Also Struth's baby boy was born on the 23rd, not the 22nd. :blush:
Hi ladies.

Sorry some of your are suffering with insomnia, I have it some nights but other nights I manage to catch up on lost sleep.

Just had midwife appointment, measuring 37 weeks, baby head down but back to back at the moment.
Discussed my mood, and a planning meeting has been booked for 8th Feb with health visitor to discuss support. Midwife said after baby comes they can visit everyday for the first week or two as well. They also want me to arrange cbt therapy via Dr's, I'm not sure if I need that...... I don't know, I don't feel depressed, just anxious, in all honesty I don't know if I need or want more appointments to attend, but I don't want it to seem like I'm not willing to accept help or advice...... my head feels a muddle.
Dawn, can you accept the help for now & cancel if its not necessary? I feel like that would be easier than cancelling now and realizing you need the help. :hugs:
Had my weekly fetal monitoring today...while reclined in the chair I had another episode of feeling light headed, couldn't breathe, and over heated. Dr. now thinks I could have a heart issue and is referring me to a cardiologist. Blood pressure and blood sugar was fine and baby seemed oblivious so at least he is doing well. His heartbeat was fine and he was very active. Based on my growth scan from the 14th they estimated him at that time to be around 5lbs 3 oz (67th percentile). I have another growth scan Feb. 12th.

They have scheduled my induction for Monday February 29th (39 + 2 days) as they dont do inductions on the weekend. But I am hoping he comes earlier on his own.

I just wish they could figure out why I have been having this episodes. Dr. said if its what she thinks it is its not that Im not getting enough oxygen, its something to do with my heart and blood flow. Basically my heart isnt pumping the blood properly and so my brain is sending a signal saying I cant breathe when in fact I have enough oxygen. Never had issues before, but she said it could just be the pregnancy.:shrug:
Dawn I also have a bigger baby....I am measuring 35 weeks, but baby is estimated at 5lbs 5oz, and I am 33 weeks today.....

Funny as I get light headed while laying down on a slight incline too.... I just figured it was normal. Let us know what they figure out.
Dawn, maybe see them a few times and if you think it's not for you, you can always cancel. Don't try to talk yourself out of getting help if you feel you might benefit from it. Seeking therapy for anxiety is the same as seeking therapy for a bad back or high blood pressure. It can be hard to think about on top of everything else that's going on! Really hope you start to feel more positive about the pregnancy.

AMP, sorry to hear you are having issues and are being sent to doctors. :hugs: hopefully they will get to the bottom of it and it is nothing serious. On the bright side, bub is a good size and doesn't seem to be in distress because of it. Are they inducing you because you've been having these dizzy spells? Looks like you might just be a February Lovebug after all. GL dear and I hope you get to some relaxing
Hi ladies :hi:

How are we all doing? So lately I've been having bad heartburn, and feeling sock all of a sudden. Movements have changed feels like a rolling wave underneath my skin :haha:

I think our little mans name is finally chosen.... I think we will go with Charlie Jacob Meehan I think that is cutest :cloud9:
I get that don't feel like I've enough oxygen too recently and have to stop to take deep breaths !!! Was told its normal and just my diaphragm being squished .
The dr. mentioned I may have vasovagal syncope which after I read up on it after the appointment seems pretty spot on. Unfortunatley, I cant seem to figure out what triggers it. It just seems to come out of nowhere. But the symptoms are very accurate to what I experience. They will be inducing me on account of the gestational diabetes.

As per what I found (in case anyone else is experiencing something similar-)

Vasovagal syncope: Some people get dizzy when they strain to cough, pee, or have a bowel movement. These actions can prompt their blood pressure and heart rate to fall, leading to dizziness and fainting. (Vasovagal means your vagus nerve is affecting your circulatory system; syncope means fainting.) Dehydration, anxiety, and pain can also be triggers.

Pregnant women are more prone to vasovagal syncope. Besides lightheadedness, it's often preceded by warning signs such as a feeling of warmth, paleness, sweating, nausea, yawning, and hyperventilation. Pay attention to these symptoms and lie down immediately to help keep yourself from fainting.

AMP, sorry to hear you are having issues and are being sent to doctors. :hugs: hopefully they will get to the bottom of it and it is nothing serious. On the bright side, bub is a good size and doesn't seem to be in distress because of it. Are they inducing you because you've been having these dizzy spells? Looks like you might just be a February Lovebug after all. GL dear and I hope you get to some relaxing[/QUOTE]
Angela - I'm sorry that you've been having what appear to be heart issues. I hope that everything is okay. :hugs:

Dawn - Like the other ladies have said, maybe give it a try and cancel if you really just don't need it? :hugs:

wwchix had her baby boy today!
Noah John Arthur Shaw at 9:15 am January 28, 2016. :blue:
4 lbs 12 oz
32+4 weeks gestation

She and baby boy are both doing well and so far he's been breathing on his own just fine and hasn't needed to be hooked up to any tubes or anything. :D

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