Well ladies, I'm home from my failed induction! Two rounds of cevidil and NOTHING. Still hard, closed and posterior.
They let me come home because I didn't want to push Pitocin with a closed cervix...I felt like that was just asking for a cesarean.
I got to shower and sleep in my own bed and was so happy to be home [the whole time I was in the hospital all I could think about was all of the things that I didn't get around to doing and it was driving me bonkers being stuck there]
I woke up this morning to my bloody show! So hopefully it will be soon and hopefully everything will go differently this time. I was so stressed out about the induction, I had really really wanted to try to go natural and was a hot, crying mess when they started talking about doing a cesarean...
Grace will be here when she is ready to come but in the meantime, I now have a chance to type up my birth plan, repack my hospital bag [totally didn't put any toothpaste OR floss in there...whoops!] and remove some of the things I realized that I didn't really need and replace them with things that I wish I had had with me....like, my own darn pillow! lol I'm also taking advantage of this time so I can vacuum and do some laundry! Hooray for house wifery!
I just ordered a pizza and my house is almost spotless so I'm feeling pretty content with my decision at the moment.
Part of me just knew that she wasn't ready, even if my bp was high...but it behaved the entire time so DH has put me on bedrest after today [he asked that I do some of the bulk cleaning so it's easier for him to keep up with between work, school, homework, the animals and me]
Congratulations to all the babies! I need to catch up on this thread