March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Gave birth to my little boy on Sunday 6th March - mothers day in the UK. He was 7lbs 9 oz. Tough delivery over 36 hours but we made it and he is worth every minute of it. Good luck ladies
Congrats mama fox! Pleased your little boy has arrived, but shame it was so tough. Hope you're recovering well, what a perfect mothers day present!
Congratulations mama fox :) a long time in labour !! Hope your resting up and having lots n lots of snuggles with your little boy xxxxx

Dawn great news from your appointment :) how many of us still waiting ?
Me :wave:

I am very exhausted today, guess the cold has caught up to me....even though I feel better....just need to sleep for a day....:sleep:
Congrats on your little :blue: bundle, Mama Fox! I'm sorry that you had a rough labor but glad that you and baby are both okay. :happydance: :flower: <3

Dawn I'm glad that all looks well with baby and hope that your sweep gets things moving. :thumbup:
Hey. Congrats to all the new mamas! Question- I feel alternating sweats and chills today and left work early. Labor symptom or sick? Don't really feel contractions just cramps but been feeling like that all week. Thoughts?
Difficult to say, but try get some rest in case it us labor symptoms. Xxxx

Hey. Congrats to all the new mamas! Question- I feel alternating sweats and chills today and left work early. Labor symptom or sick? Don't really feel contractions just cramps but been feeling like that all week. Thoughts?
Congratulations mana fox!
Gave birth to my little boy on Sunday 6th March - mothers day in the UK. He was 7lbs 9 oz. Tough delivery over 36 hours but we made it and he is worth every minute of it. Good luck ladies

Congrats! Happy mothers day!
Congrats mama fox!

Feeling emotional over here. DH making me angry.

Dawn - fingers crossed for you!!
My little man, Paddy, arrived at 12:45 PM Tuesday, the 8th. 7 lbs 4oz. We're both pretty happy/healthy!
Congrats Mama Penguin!
Congrats on your new little :blue: bundle, Mama Penguin. :happydance: :flower: <3
Congratulations mama penguin.

There can't be many of us left now, seems like there has been loads of wonderful birth announcements recently xxxx
I'm finally feeling ready for this baby, and am very nearly to the end of my to do list. My birth space is all ready to go and supplies gathered (I'm home birthing), I've finished making my cloth nappy stash and finished off all my crochet projects. Tonight I'm folding and putting away baby clothes when they're finished drying - one I've finished building the shelf. I still don't have a place for peep to sleep though but its in the works (we'll be using a hammock and its taken me months to source a second hand one - just waiting on payment details from a seller) and we'll just have baby in bed with us in the meantime if necessary. Still hoping to find time to dye some more clothes and blankets though, and paint a belly cast I made.
Congratulations - gone for a day and 2 new babies are here!!! :baby::baby:

A friend of mine gave birth yesterday at 26 weeks and although they are both doing as well as can be expected, I was feeling so anxious I haven't slept at all. The baby was happily waffling around in my bump though so no stress for him, obviously.

So yeah, still waiting, but my BP has been acting up so I'm getting the urine tests on Friday at 38w. Either way, everthing is set and ready for LO to arrive.

Good luck to everyone waiting! :hugs:

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