March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Ladies I went to the hospital today. I had a couple minutes of cramping that was stronger then it has been (no blood) and pain in kidneys. On July 4th my hcg levels were 378.1, today they are 4,601.0. Doubling, so that's great! But I have a UTI. That's why I keep having white/clear discharge (esp when I pee) because there is epithelial cells coming out from lining of bladder. Apparently they are common and I'm not miscarrying thank goodness. If anyone else is having stronger than mild cramps and discharge I would go to doctor and get checked!

I liked march-mallow but the monkey banner is too cute!

I like the idea of team colors.

I know we want to know the gender ASAP. We are both too impatient and want to start buying everything we can and setting up nursery. Thank you to whoever makes the team banners... As long as its cute, I'll love it..

How's everyone feeling and doing ...?

I believe I have a UTI or kidney infection as well. I also have been having what you experienced! I think I will go get checked out!
Hope your UTI gets better girl!
Ladies I went to the hospital today. I had a couple minutes of cramping that was stronger then it has been (no blood) and pain in kidneys. On July 4th my hcg levels were 378.1, today they are 4,601.0. Doubling, so that's great! But I have a UTI. That's why I keep having white/clear discharge (esp when I pee) because there is epithelial cells coming out from lining of bladder. Apparently they are common and I'm not miscarrying thank goodness. If anyone else is having stronger than mild cramps and discharge I would go to doctor and get checked!

I liked march-mallow but the monkey banner is too cute!

I like the idea of team colors.

I know we want to know the gender ASAP. We are both too impatient and want to start buying everything we can and setting up nursery. Thank you to whoever makes the team banners... As long as its cute, I'll love it..

How's everyone feeling and doing ...?

So glad your pregnancy is going well so far! Hope you get over the UTI quickly. Those are so awful! :growlmad:
I have been catching up, and can I be mamma mouse?

Also, Kalon, I believe we were WTT together. :)
Hey Mama Mouse, I do remember you from WTT! Welcome to the thread girlie, it's good to see you again. :hugs:
Congrats on your :bfp: and H&H 9 months to you. :happydance: :flower:

Sorry to the ladies that are experiencing problems with UTIs right now! I hope that they clear up for you soon.

We did dinosaurs for DS's nursery, I let DH pick since we were having a :blue: with the promise that I would get to pick the nursery theme for our second baby. If it's a girl we're doing a very pretty pink princess theme and if it's another boy we're doing forest friends with cute little foxes, owls, hedgehogs, ect. :cloud9: <3

I might see what I can do about bump team banners tonight. Hopefully I can find a monkey that I like and feel that I could work well with. I have no problem with effects and animation, finding images that I like to piece together is the hardest part. I had actually already saved a cute little marshmallow clipart that I was going to use if we became the March-Mallow thread.
Hey Mama Mouse, I do remember you from WTT! Welcome to the thread girlie, it's good to see you again. :hugs:
Congrats on your :bfp: and H&H 9 months to you. :happydance: :flower:

Sorry to the ladies that are experiencing problems with UTIs right now! I hope that they clear up for you soon.

We did dinosaurs for DS's nursery, I let DH pick since we were having a :blue: with the promise that I would get to pick the nursery theme for our second baby. If it's a girl we're doing a very pretty pink princess theme and if it's another boy we're doing forest friends with cute little foxes, owls, hedgehogs, ect. :cloud9: <3

I might see what I can do about bump team banners tonight. Hopefully I can find a monkey that I like and feel that I could work well with. I have no problem with effects and animation, finding images that I like to piece together is the hardest part. I had actually already saved a cute little marshmallow clipart that I was going to use if we became the March-Mallow thread.

Those are cute ideas for baby rooms!! <3 Our LO has a pretty princess and butterfly room atm. We haven't even talked about bedroom ideas yet lol. And I think Lillyana is a beautiful name if you get your girl!! :) I think it was you that liked that name?

I think there were a few of us that liked the name Lillyanna, but if I were to use it I would spell it Lilyanna. :blush:

I got around to making some bump team banners! I really hope that you all like them, I've been working on them for a few hours now. :wacko:
the banners are so cute!!!!

i'm finding out what i am having, but my and hubby are completely agreed on 90% neutral nursery and in theory we could have a surprise but i REALLY want to find out, i'd find out now if i could!
Love your pic emmy, my little girl was gruffalo mad xx

Where in the UK are you? That pic was taken in the gruffalo forest which is a free country park trail you walk around finding the different characters it's really excellent! It's in Brentwood in Essex xx
Kalon I tested this morning and it was much darker too! AF hasn't shown up yet and she's usually shown her face by now so I'm pretty excited.

Is it weird that I'm jealous of your sweet pea Emmy? I saw your post and was like man I want to be a sweet pea already :)

Haha it is funny that we really want to progress to larger sized fruits for 40 weeks we are all crazy!! Lol
Love the banners creative ladies! Well done.

Names we are thinking of are Oscar Sebastian for a boy and Alaia/Alaya Florence for a girl ( not sure on spelling yet) what do you ladies think?
Oh disaster!! I somehow got unsubscribed from the thread?!! I have just got caught up!

I love the banners well done!

I think we will find out the gender because I am too impatient xx
Morning ladies :) the banners are too cute !!!! We found out on DS , I think this time I'd like a SUPRISE . Its likely to be our last so I'd like to experience both but we will see but for now I'm staying team yellow . I did a tatty teddy theme nursery last time and so enjoyed doing it . Mmm ill be looking for inspiration this time round as it will need to be neutral !

I also need to think about putting a ticker up :) could I be MAMA Butterfly :)
Hello everyone :) we'll be finding out the gender, because I'm too impatient not to lol
How do I get the banner to show on my sig ??

i probably did it the longest way but the only way i could have it is save it on my computer, put it on photobucket and use the url from photobucket to put it in my signature
Good Morning!

AF was officially due today! She's not here!!! But I got THIS:

I am so excited now. Seeing the digital change was kind of a big turning point for me, I'm going to allow myself to believe that this one may just work out <3
How exciting stucki!! Congrats!!

I am 4 weeks today according to lmp. First u/s is Friday with more blood work! It's going to be a long week waiting!
Oh Stuck what a beautiful line! So hopeful for you!

Today my line was as dark as the control! Its hard not to be excited to see it so dark and i really think this is my rainbow too.
Thank you NDH for your help with the due date, ill stay with what u said for now. Makes me 4 weeks today. So confusing. I wonder when my doc will tell me my due date for sure...

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