March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

kalon, we did a Daniel tiger party for my DD's 2nd birthday :) I wish I got pics of everything I did! Thee are lots of ideas & pro tables on the PBS parents website. I bought a trolley and used her character figurines on top of her cake. I even had at shirt made for her on etsy! She loved it!

Here's a photo, but I had a really hard time getting her to stay still!! :haha:

Oh goodness!! She's so cute!!
Hi ladies :) hope you're all having a good weekend :)

Can I be mama giraffe if no one else has taken it? (I didn't see it when I was reading through, but I had 5 pages to read, so might have missed it!) I look how cooky giraffes look!

I'm 5+5 today. Mostly ok - very tired and a bit crampy, feeling very nauseous and nervous about our first scan on Wednesday, but otherwise good!
I updated everyone's names on the Mama Animal list. :D

Mama Tiger what wonderful birthday pictures! Your DD is so adorable. :cloud9: <3
I still can't believe that my baby boy is turning 2 in about 2 more months. I couldn't even believe it when he turned 1. He's growing up way too fast and I have a feeling that this pregnancy is going to fly by more quickly than my last did. :cry:

I've finally reached the 4 weeks mark, yay! Now I feel like I can officially be counted as a pregnant woman. :haha:
My test this morning was a little darker than yesterday's and the :witch: appears to be MIA so things are looking great so far. It'll be a relief to reach tomorrow so that I can officially count AF as late.

Verizon Wireless's customer service is terrible, they disconnected our phones today even though we post dated a check to come out on the 15th when we get paid. So we had to pay it today which has now overdrawn our account so now we're going to have to pay a $30 overdraft fee which is just lovely. We're probably going to switch to AT&T ASAP, we've been really tired of Verizon's customer service and their mobile coverage ever since we moved a year ago. :grr:

Here is my test from this morning at 14 DPO:
I updated everyone's names on the Mama Animal list. :D

Mama Tiger what wonderful birthday pictures! Your DD is so adorable. :cloud9: <3
I still can't believe that my baby boy is turning 2 in about 2 more months. I couldn't even believe it when he turned 1. He's growing up way too fast and I have a feeling that this pregnancy is going to fly by more quickly than my last did. :cry:

I've finally reached the 4 weeks mark, yay! Now I feel like I can officially be counted as a pregnant woman. :haha:
My test this morning was a little darker than yesterday's and the :witch: appears to be MIA so things are looking great so far. It'll be a relief to reach tomorrow so that I can officially count AF as late.

Verizon Wireless's customer service is terrible, they disconnected our phones today even though we post dated a check to come out on the 15th when we get paid. So we had to pay it today which has now overdrawn our account so now we're going to have to pay a $30 overdraft fee which is just lovely. We're probably going to switch to AT&T ASAP, we've been really tired of Verizon's customer service and their mobile coverage ever since we moved a year ago. :grr:

Here is my test from this morning at 14 DPO:

YAY the line is so strong now!! :hugs:

So sorry about your bad experience with Verizon! I dislike them as a phone company as well - we have T-Mobile and they're pretty descent! xoxo! Yay for 4 weeks!! I have no idea what I am lol - but glad you are at that mark now!!
Verizon's customer service has always been pretty rotten but ever since we moved their mobile coverage has been crap every time we leave our house as well. So if we still have to deal with their crap customer service while now dealing with crap mobile coverage, why not switch to AT&T and probably still get the same crap mobile coverage out here but at least pay less on our bill and probably get better customer service? :p

I'm really excited for my test lines to get darker and darker over the course of this week. I'll probably stop testing once I hit 5 weeks or if the test line gets darker than the control line by then I'll stop testing sooner. I didn't get to see the :bfp: progression with DS because I tested with him at 4+5 for the first time so I feel so lucky that I started testing when I did with this one so that I knew exactly which day I would get my first :bfp: and now I can watch it progress for as long as I want. <3
Kalon I tested this morning and it was much darker too! AF hasn't shown up yet and she's usually shown her face by now so I'm pretty excited.

Is it weird that I'm jealous of your sweet pea Emmy? I saw your post and was like man I want to be a sweet pea already :)
Kalon I tested this morning and it was much darker too! AF hasn't shown up yet and she's usually shown her face by now so I'm pretty excited.

Is it weird that I'm jealous of your sweet pea Emmy? I saw your post and was like man I want to be a sweet pea already :)

Forget the sweet pea, I wanna be a raspberry already! :haha:
I felt this way with DS too. I couldn't wait to be a raspberry because that seemed like the turning point to me where your baby started to become a "real fruit". 9 weeks (the olive) is also exciting because that was when baby officially became a fetus rather than an embryo. :blush:

Can i be Mama Monkey, since i am currently a mama to a little boy who clearly is a monkey in disguise :haha:

I have been a bit crampy today but i think that is normal. on and off tired and an odd taste in my mouth. terribly constipated too :wacko:
I have been testing daily and lines are getting darker which is reassuring.

we have some provisonal names, have to try and make them go woth DS name (Isaac), so we have for a boy: Noah, Caleb, zachery, Tobias (but i know it would get shortened to Toby which i am not so keen on). for a girl we like Elizabeth (shortened to Lizzy), Ariadnie, Lillyanna and Ffion.

Hope you are all well.

Dawn x
Crikey, I feel like I can barely keep up, night shifts addle my brain at the best of times, but you guys are so busy! I'm so impatient to be more pregnant, I'd like to be past this horrendous bloat, I look about 6 months gone after every meal right now.

Anyway, welcome to all the newbies, and I will do my best to keep up over the next few days, but I can't promise much!
Welcome and congrats MommyOf1Girl, Camichelle and Left wonderin (what's your due date please? I'll add you once I know :)

The animal names sound fun :D I'll be Mama Bat!

Since it's been a week since I posted the name poll i've gone with the majority vote today which is March Monkeys! I've attached the adorable graphic mewolkens made earlier for if anyone wants it for their signature :flower:


  • attachment.php.png
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Can i be Mama Monkey, since i am currently a mama to a little boy who clearly is a monkey in disguise :haha:

I have been a bit crampy today but i think that is normal. on and off tired and an odd taste in my mouth. terribly constipated too :wacko:
I have been testing daily and lines are getting darker which is reassuring.

we have some provisonal names, have to try and make them go woth DS name (Isaac), so we have for a boy: Noah, Caleb, zachery, Tobias (but i know it would get shortened to Toby which i am not so keen on). for a girl we like Elizabeth (shortened to Lizzy), Ariadnie, Lillyanna and Ffion.

Hope you are all well.

Dawn x

Welcome Mama Monkey! Congrats on your :bfp: and H&H 9 months. :happydance: :wave: :flower:

I've considered Lilyanna for a girl since one of my sister's names is Lily and my paternal grandmother's name is Anna. I've also been considering Annabella Lily since one of my other sisters is named Isabella. DH really likes Denise for a middle name for a girl though after his late Aunt Denise who passed away in 2010 and my father Dennis. So far I have zero ideas for boy names since DH thinks that Ian sounds too much like Liam (our DS's name) but I really like the idea of Cody for a middle name since that is my brother's name (my sibling closest in age to me, we were always best friends growing up and he is the only sibling that I share both parents with). If at all possible I would love to name a DD after my grandmother in some way, she's very dear to me and there are so many pretty things that you can do with the name Anna.
Yay March Monkeys! The best way to get the banner into your signature is to go to quick links, edit signature, then paste after clicking on the insert image icon!
I was routing for March-Mallows because I thought that it was a really cute idea since seeing the March-Mallow 2015 thread last year but March Monkeys is still very appropriate since 2016 is the Year of the Monkey in the Chinese zodiac. :)

I thought March Hares was really cute too, but I love Alice in Wonderland. :haha:
I'm having issues getting the banner in my signature. I copy pasted the long after hitting add image but it just shows a little square... Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
I was routing for March-Mallows because I thought that it was a really cute idea since seeing the March-Mallow 2015 thread last year but March Monkeys is still very appropriate since 2016 is the Year of the Monkey in the Chinese zodiac. :)

I thought March Hares was really cute too, but I love Alice in Wonderland. :haha:

I loooved March Mallows too!! But March Monkey's is still super cute!
Out of curiosity, is anyone planning to do any March Monkey 2016 team :blue:, team :pink:, or team :yellow: banners? :flower:
Lol yes I meant make them. I could technically do it but I'm not that great at it so I want to see if a better artist wants to give it a go first before I put in the effort. :haha:

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