March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Usually they'll go by your first scan date, but sometimes will stick with your LMP unless there's 5 days or more different. You said your first scan is Friday, so that's probably when you'll get an official date.
Kalon those sigs are absolutely adorable! I can't wait to find out what I'm having so I can use one :)

What are everyone's plans for telling? I told my mom and sisters but that's it. I still need to tell my dad and brother. I'm leaving it up to my DH on when he wants to tell his family. I'll have to tell my principal soon so a can schedule a long term sub. Other than that we'll wait until after the 12 week scan.
Hi may I join u? If little pea stays put, il be due around the 17th. Congratulations everyone xx
Welcome Fabpop :)

in terms of telling people, i dont know! we're not telling close family until we've seen a heartbeat, but we think we might do something a bit silly for an announcement, still coming up with ideas though!
We found out Thursday, told mom, dad, sister & her husband yesterday. We will tell MIL & FIL today, along with sis in law & her husband. That leaves my brother & his wife and DH's two brothers and their wives.

We figure if something were to happen, we would share that with our parents and siblings, and look for their love and support, so why wouldn't we celebrate with them right from the beginning?! :)

I will also tell my 3 best girl friends, who I happen to be seeing next weekend (we live far apart, so it's perfect timing). We are not telling our 17 nieces and nephews until a bit later. I doubt we will wait the full 12 weeks, but if something were to happen, that's something I wouldn't want to be discussing with them.
We are waiting to tell family and friends until 12 weeks or so. Let's see if we hold out lol!

We plan on telling in early September, week of labor day. We are trying to figure out creative ways to tell our family. We want to do something that goes along with the season which in September could be apples or back to school, etc. I think we came up with my parents.... I am going to make an apple pie and buy a pie dish and on the bottom of the pie dish it will say something like "Grandma and Grandpa" " Start Date: March 2016" they won't know until we cut the pie and then they will see the bottom of the dish and be surprised. Hehe. My husband came up with this. For his father we were thinking of getting scratch offs and one will say "Congratulations you won Grandpa" or something like that. Still have to figure out his mom.
Any seasonal ideas for me?
I'm really glad that you like the banners ladies! I think that they're pretty cute myself. I might make a few more to give people more options if they want though. :D

AF was due yesterday so she is officially late today. :happydance:

Hello, welcome, congrats, and H&H 9 months to the new ladies! :wave: :flower:

At this rate I'm not sure when we're going to tell people, but I hope it's soon. We live near DH's parents so we're going to be visiting them in person to tell but my family all lives far enough away from us that we're going to have to tell them over the phone anyway. So basically I'm not allowed to tell anyone I know until DH tells his family because it's not fair to them if everyone else finds out a week or two before they do. I have no idea when DH is planning to take us there to see them, maybe next weekend?

I think it's about time I repost the animal list, I think I'll do that every 10 pages if I can. :haha:

Here's the list:

Mama Otter ~*KalonKiki*~

Mama Bear ~*xxemmyxx*~

Mama Lion ~*jbell157*~

Mama Fox ~*littlelily*~

Mama Duck ~*CurlyRose*~

Mama Mouse ~*azure girl*~

Mama Hawk

Mama Rabbit ~*struth*~

Mama Panda ~*kittiekat7210*~

Mama Raccoon

Mama Tiger ~*BellaRosa8302*~

Mama Leopard

Mama Eagle

Mama Giraffe ~*Ostara84*~

Mama Cat ~*Camichelle*~

Mama Wolf ~*bombshellmom*~

Mama Deer ~*Emiloo*~

Mama Penguin ~*mewolkens*~

Mama Hedgehog

Mama Dolphin

Mama Monkey ~*Dawnlouise30*~

Mama Zebra

Mama Kangaroo

Mama Koala

Mama Owl ~*SilasLove*~

Mama Swan ~*joo*~

Mama Squirrel

Mama Chinchilla

Mama Hen ~*NDH*~

Mama Sheep

Mama Panther

Mama Husky

Mama Coyote

Mama Bat ~*Buttercup84*~

Mama Badger

Mama Horse

Mama Seal ~*batesbaby*~

Mama Crab ~**~

Mama Goat ~*KatOro*~

Mama Butterfly ~*Left wonderin*~

Mama Frog ~*Beankeeper*~
Those banners are adorable Keely!

Does anyone think my test is getting darker? Not sure what dpo I should be, I got the first positive on 7/9 at 7dpo, so I guess that would make me 10dpo today? I also used a different brand than last time, of course I'm POAS addict still - and I'm going to get the better brands when DH gets paid but I'm freaking myself out a little wondering if they're even getting darker. And again I think I O'd earlier than I thought!

First photo is from 7/9
Last two are from this morning, very last one I used my flash on my phone


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Great job on the banners!

We won't be telling people until after the anatomy scan somewhere around 17-20 weeks. The only people who will know before that is my parents, my sister and his dad and stepmom. Everyone else has to wait lol
We've told my parents, his will be told as soon as he finds out when they're free. I've also told two of my closest friends, plus a selection of work colleagues - but as I've said before, work will have to know early due to the nature of my job.

I have a selection of people down to tell at 6 weeks and after our scan at 8 weeks, then the wider family and friends will know from 12. I am awful at keeping my own secrets though!
Try not to worry too much Heidi, I'm sure that everything is fine. :hugs:

I'm also terrible at keeping my own secrets! I'm dying to tell my family and friends, I wish that DH's pay check would get here already so that we can make the trip up to his parents' already and get it over with so that I can. We agreed that we wanted to wait at least until my period was late but I was not expecting to have to wait until 5 or 6 weeks. :nope:

I'm also dying to pick out names, it's one of the funnest parts of being pregnant for me. DH has been absolutely insufferable since I got pregnant. He had a rough time handling my mood swings and symptoms my last pregnancy so pretty much as soon as I told him I was pregnant this time he's been acting like a complete ass. :cry:
I just don't understand it, getting pregnant was the goal and he knew it was going to happen sooner or later! :wacko:
Try not to worry too much Heidi, I'm sure that everything is fine. :hugs:

I'm also terrible at keeping my own secrets! I'm dying to tell my family and friends, I wish that DH's pay check would get here already so that we can make the trip up to his parents' already and get it over with so that I can. We agreed that we wanted to wait at least until my period was late but I was not expecting to have to wait until 5 or 6 weeks. :nope:

I'm also dying to pick out names, it's one of the funnest parts of being pregnant for me. DH has been absolutely insufferable since I got pregnant. He had a rough time handling my mood swings and symptoms my last pregnancy so pretty much as soon as I told him I was pregnant this time he's been acting like a complete ass. :cry:
I just don't understand it, getting pregnant was the goal and he knew it was going to happen sooner or later! :wacko:

I'm sorry DH is being like that to you! I kinda know how you feel - my DH comes home from work and doesn't help with the new pup or our daughter he just gets on his laptop and plays his games. I have talked and yelled at him about it but nothing seems to help. He doesn't even take out the garbage for me. I've also been having mood swings and DH just can't deal..

I'm beginning to think that's just how every man is lol. I've talked to a few women on here that have the same problems as I. But I hope it gets better for you <3 have you been super moody this time around? And I know right lol what did he think, you were just having a trial run?! :haha:
Those banners are adorable Keely!

Does anyone think my test is getting darker? Not sure what dpo I should be, I got the first positive on 7/9 at 7dpo, so I guess that would make me 10dpo today? I also used a different brand than last time, of course I'm POAS addict still - and I'm going to get the better brands when DH gets paid but I'm freaking myself out a little wondering if they're even getting darker. And again I think I O'd earlier than I thought!

First photo is from 7/9
Last two are from this morning, very last one I used my flash on my phone

They look like they are getting darker to me and are great lines for only 7-10dpo xx
Try not to worry too much Heidi, I'm sure that everything is fine. :hugs:

I'm also terrible at keeping my own secrets! I'm dying to tell my family and friends, I wish that DH's pay check would get here already so that we can make the trip up to his parents' already and get it over with so that I can. We agreed that we wanted to wait at least until my period was late but I was not expecting to have to wait until 5 or 6 weeks. :nope:

I'm also dying to pick out names, it's one of the funnest parts of being pregnant for me. DH has been absolutely insufferable since I got pregnant. He had a rough time handling my mood swings and symptoms my last pregnancy so pretty much as soon as I told him I was pregnant this time he's been acting like a complete ass. :cry:
I just don't understand it, getting pregnant was the goal and he knew it was going to happen sooner or later! :wacko:

I'm sorry DH is being like that to you! I kinda know how you feel - my DH comes home from work and doesn't help with the new pup or our daughter he just gets on his laptop and plays his games. I have talked and yelled at him about it but nothing seems to help. He doesn't even take out the garbage for me. I've also been having mood swings and DH just can't deal..

I'm beginning to think that's just how every man is lol. I've talked to a few women on here that have the same problems as I. But I hope it gets better for you <3 have you been super moody this time around? And I know right lol what did he think, you were just having a trial run?! :haha:

He complains that I haven't been spending enough time with him but the moment I want to spend time with him that's when he decides that he's busy doing his own thing. Also he's a teacher so he's been home all summer so far and still has until August 10th before he has to go back to work. I'm going nuts! I'm one of those people that needs their space to be alone sometimes and it's just not possible because we need to get my license renewed and he's home with me all day. :wacko:

He also complains about me sleeping in and wishes that I would get up with DS more. Wtf? First of all I get DS up EVERY DAY that DH is working which is many more days than DH has had to get up with DS so far this summer. Secondly I'm PREGNANT in my 1st Trimester where exhaustion is the most common and generally earliest symptom. He can't be a little more considerate of that for the summer while he's at home pretty much on a 3 month vacation anyway? :growlmad:

Anyway, end rant. Hopefully I'll be in a better mood when DH is back to work or after we get my license renewed so that I can at least go somewhere with or without DS to spend some much needed time away from DH.

Maybe he's just grumpy because he was expecting more baby making :sex: before we got pregnant? :haha:

Also I think I can add nausea to my list of symptoms now, which is completely weird to me because with DS I didn't experience any nausea at all until 6 weeks. I just find it hard to believe that it would happen this early. While I was eating my breakfast this morning (Cream of Wheat with blueberries), when I was almost finished and had just a few more bites left I put another bite with blueberry in my mouth and just suddenly felt so put off by it. I tried another bite and felt even more put off by it. So then I tried a bite without blueberry and wasn't as put off but still felt nauseous so I immediately stopped eating and dumped out what was left of my breakfast. I almost instantly felt better after I stopped eating but it was really weird. :shrug:
I've one of those DH at home too !!! Lol..... I'm afraid to complain too much as I really wanted another and kinda talked him into it !!! Lol.... I am a but touchy too so can't blame him totally .... Hormones I love them :)

We have told my sisters and mum and dad . After my experience of a mmc at 12 weeks I changed my views on waiting to tell . We had waited with that pg ... And then I had to share sad news instead of happy which I'd planned on . I needed my family so much that I now reckon there is no point in waiting . I want them to share the joy of my news but if the worst was to happen ill need them . Everyone else can wait till 12 weeks including work

Oh hasn't told anyone yet he wants to do it face to face so will need to take a trip home soon .

Ps my boobs are really sore tonight !!!
I've one of those DH at home too !!! Lol..... I'm afraid to complain too much as I really wanted another and kinda talked him into it !!! Lol.... I am a but touchy too so can't blame him totally .... Hormones I love them :)

We have told my sisters and mum and dad . After my experience of a mmc at 12 weeks I changed my views on waiting to tell . We had waited with that pg ... And then I had to share sad news instead of happy which I'd planned on . I needed my family so much that I now reckon there is no point in waiting . I want them to share the joy of my news but if the worst was to happen ill need them . Everyone else can wait till 12 weeks including work

Oh hasn't told anyone yet he wants to do it face to face so will need to take a trip home soon .

Ps my boobs are really sore tonight !!!

I'm so sorry for your loss hun, I really hope that this is your rainbow. :hugs:

That's the same way that I view waiting to tell people. I've never has a pregnancy loss but if I ever did then I would need my family and friends for support. I just wouldn't be able to cope on my own. :nope:
Those banners are adorable Keely!

Does anyone think my test is getting darker? Not sure what dpo I should be, I got the first positive on 7/9 at 7dpo, so I guess that would make me 10dpo today? I also used a different brand than last time, of course I'm POAS addict still - and I'm going to get the better brands when DH gets paid but I'm freaking myself out a little wondering if they're even getting darker. And again I think I O'd earlier than I thought!

First photo is from 7/9
Last two are from this morning, very last one I used my flash on my phone

They look like they are getting darker to me and are great lines for only 7-10dpo xx

Hoping they are! Lol amazing I still want to test every time I urinate! How are you feeling?
Ladies I went to the hospital today. I had a couple minutes of cramping that was stronger then it has been (no blood) and pain in kidneys. On July 4th my hcg levels were 378.1, today they are 4,601.0. Doubling, so that's great! But I have a UTI. That's why I keep having white/clear discharge (esp when I pee) because there is epithelial cells coming out from lining of bladder. Apparently they are common and I'm not miscarrying thank goodness. If anyone else is having stronger than mild cramps and discharge I would go to doctor and get checked!

I liked march-mallow but the monkey banner is too cute!

I like the idea of team colors.

I know we want to know the gender ASAP. We are both too impatient and want to start buying everything we can and setting up nursery. Thank you to whoever makes the team banners... As long as its cute, I'll love it..

How's everyone feeling and doing ...?

I believe I have a UTI or kidney infection as well. I alsperiod been having what you experienced! I think I will go get checked out!
Hope your UTI gets better girl!

Definitely go! Mine happen in a few days time span... If you think there is a chance, go get checked.. You don't want it to get bad and spread or make something happen to you that could hurt pregnancy... Every time I peed discharge was coming out... I could see it in the toilet (but sometime I would have discharge while sitting or laying, run to bathroom thinking its blood, n it would be white/clear discharge).. And the cramping was almost like before period (only latest for a minute or two but long enough to scare me) and pain in both my kidneys. As soon as I got the pain around uterus I went to er...
Batesbaby - I had a UTI too. Thats why I was having a lot of discharge. I finished my course of antibiotics a few days ago. Are you on antibiotics too?? I hope you feel better soon.

Yes, they put me on nitrofurantoin mono 100 mgs as antibiotics and phenazopyrid 100 mg for pain (turns pee orange)..both safe for pregnancy.

What did they have you on? And did it completely clear up now? Hope your doing great and the uti-s stay away from us! Lol

Thanks to everyone who responded about getting better... I hope all you ladies are doing great!
Absolutely LOVE those pink, blue and yellow banners!! I will definitely be finding out gender if the fates allow. We found out last time but didn't tell anyone. Not sure we will keep it secret this time though. I can't wait to find out, if only to get one of those banners :) As for telling people, last time I only told two or three people early on and waited until 12 weeks to tell most family and every on else. haven't told anyone yet, was planning on waiting until 12 weeks again but worry in case something is wrong and I might need some extra support with a toddler to look after.

Love your pic emmy, my little girl was gruffalo mad xx

Where in the UK are you? That pic was taken in the gruffalo forest which is a free country park trail you walk around finding the different characters it's really excellent! It's in Brentwood in Essex xx

I'm in East Yorkshire. We were going to go to the Dalby Forest one when the gruffalo was there but OH couldn't get the time off work :( We can still do he trail another time but we just really wanted to go when the gruffalo was there.

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