Try not to worry too much Heidi, I'm sure that everything is fine.
I'm also terrible at keeping my own secrets! I'm dying to tell my family and friends, I wish that DH's pay check would get here already so that we can make the trip up to his parents' already and get it over with so that I can. We agreed that we wanted to wait at least until my period was late but I was not expecting to have to wait until 5 or 6 weeks.
I'm also dying to pick out names, it's one of the funnest parts of being pregnant for me. DH has been absolutely insufferable since I got pregnant. He had a rough time handling my mood swings and symptoms my last pregnancy so pretty much as soon as I told him I was pregnant this time he's been acting like a complete ass.

I just don't understand it, getting pregnant was the goal and he knew it was going to happen sooner or later!