March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Me again :flower:

I am still trying to distract myself from the TWW, so I added some gender banners to my original design. Hoping I get to use one of these myself soon! I have also been making some April ones for the fun of it. Eek! I really should be doing my marking instead.

Congrats once again :hugs:


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man the exhaustion has set in big time. last night I.laid down for an hour before the girls' bedtime, then at 8 once is snuggled them to sleep got up and went to my bed at 8. Had a couple interruptions as usual but essentially didn't wake Il til 7 this morning. and I'm still soooo tired.

I'm with you on the exhaustion NDH - I'm so tired I just nearly fell asleep at my work desk. It is only 12 noon and I'm looking forward to my bed tonight already!

I got around to making some bump team banners! I really hope that you all like them, I've been working on them for a few hours now. :wacko:

These are great! Thank you!

I've one of those DH at home too !!! Lol..... I'm afraid to complain too much as I really wanted another and kinda talked him into it !!! Lol.... I am a but touchy too so can't blame him totally .... Hormones I love them :)

Same here - my Dh is like that too but I don't want to complaint to much as he has only just come round to the idea of baby number 2(pregnant while on the pill and he wasn't very happy) so I don't want to rock the boat too much!

Question ladies....have any of you had any spotting early on? I had a small speck on tp this morning and was freaked out...haven't had any since but still uneasy. I'm running to the bathroom every minute checking...

I had some on Friday night - just a bit of pink spotting which cleared itself up by morning. I had some with my DS too - I spotted from quite a few days with him - so much so I went for an early scan to check all was okay. All was fine - it can be completely normal. I hope yours clears up very soon. Try not to worry too much :hugs:
Ooh - I forgot..... can I be Mama Rabbit? I was going to ask for Mouse but I think that has gone already :-(
Squirrel, great banners.

So tired today but can't seem to sleep well at night.

Is anyone else having an early scan?
Quick question as I notice there are quite a few ladies on here with children already. Did any of you have a premature birth with your children? And if so (and if you have had more) were subsequent children also premature? My son was born at 35+5 - no idea why, my waters just went and then I started contracting. I'm just concerned as to whether I am likely to have a second premature birth. From what I can see it seems that it may be more likely but it depends on the reason for the premature birth in the first place.

Something to speak with my mw about, I guess but I just wondered whether any of you had been through similar?
Mine currently hurt the same amount (just checked) but they seem to vary day to day!
hi ladies,

well finally caught up :-) Hope you are all well.

we are planning to find out what we are having since we have everything from our son so would need to get it out and washed etc, or buy pink instead.

we have told family and close friends but kept it off facebook. My nearly three year old son heard us talking and he has kind of decided i have a baby in my toe (very cute lol), i have not corrected him yet hee hee.

has anyone else been strangely hot recently, it seems like my internal central heating system has gone into overdrive, i was sweating loads the other day which is very unusual for me.

well the witch never turned up and i am now officially 6 days late, several positive tests later and i kind of believe it all to be true now..... however i need to stop testing as in my opinion they dont seem to be getting darker, but not helped by the fact that i dont test the same time each day, or that i dont hold wee too long.

i feel strangely anxious this pregnancy and i hope thats not a negative sign.

Quick question as I notice there are quite a few ladies on here with children already. Did any of you have a premature birth with your children? And if so (and if you have had more) were subsequent children also premature? My son was born at 35+5 - no idea why, my waters just went and then I started contracting. I'm just concerned as to whether I am likely to have a second premature birth. From what I can see it seems that it may be more likely but it depends on the reason for the premature birth in the first place.

Something to speak with my mw about, I guess but I just wondered whether any of you had been through similar?

My son was born at 37 weeks so not technically premature as he was term but 3 weeks early nonetheless. I think there is a pattern and I am expecting this little one to make an early appearance too. My mum had my brother at 39 weeks and me at 38 and I was told it was likely mine would come early too. That will make this one a February baby- same as me!
Hi ladies. Can I join, tentatively?

Congratulations to you all.

I am roughly 11 days late for my period and had faint bfp today. I will test again later in the week to ensure they are getting darker.

I'm scared. We had miscarriage in March. I had a scan at 8 weeks approx which showed no baby, only a deflated sac and I mc by taking the tablet. Since mc I've had two periods 35 days after MC and then 34 days after that. I've not had a period since May 30th.

As for dating. I've no idea. By my last period I should be six weeks approx - due early March. But considering I haven't had lines until today at 11 days late (frequently testing before) I'm not sure when to date it . Either way, it'll be some point in March.

I've had some symptoms for weeks And have been feeling sick frequently for about two weeks. And I already have a nice bloat/bump going.

I am very scared to mc again. Last time there was no indication there was something wrong.

Happy and healthy pregnancies to everyone. Xx
Hi ladies. Can I join, tentatively?

Congratulations to you all.

I am roughly 11 days late for my period and had faint bfp today. I will test again later in the week to ensure they are getting darker.

I'm scared. We had miscarriage in March. I had a scan at 8 weeks approx which showed no baby, only a deflated sac and I mc by taking the tablet. Since mc I've had two periods 35 days after MC and then 34 days after that. I've not had a period since May 30th.

As for dating. I've no idea. By my last period I should be six weeks approx - due early March. But considering I haven't had lines until today at 11 days late (frequently testing before) I'm not sure when to date it . Either way, it'll be some point in March.

I've had some symptoms for weeks And have been feeling sick frequently for about two weeks. And I already have a nice bloat/bump going.

I am very scared to mc again. Last time there was no indication there was something wrong.

Happy and healthy pregnancies to everyone. Xx

Welcome and a careful congrats!! I hope this bean is sticky for you xx

I had a chemical pregnancy (as per my doctor) so I know what you mean! I am also terrified to mc this time! Some very sweet ladies have told me worrying will do more harm than good so to not stress about it! Enjoy your BFP, and hope we all get our sticky's!! <3 How are you feeling otherwise?
Good morning!

Last night I went to bed with heartburn (YES! this is usually my indication of pregnancy!) and woke up with nausea! :happydance:
So excited for morning sickness - but hate the feeling!! How is everyone else feeling?
Been feeling really sicky for the first time for a long period today. Yuck. Bit of heartburn too. But mostly nauseous and super tired.

Hope these are all good signs!
Gosh, it's taken me so long to catch up!
We are staying team yellow, and I've changed my banner to reflect that, thanks Kalonkiki!
Congrats to all the new ladies, and sorry for many of your losses, I hope that we'll be rainbow mamas in March.
I've told a few of my friends, mainly for support. Like others, it's nice to be able to share happy news, even if the happiness doesn't last. Every pregnancy should be celebrated, such a blessing.
We haven't told family yet, but will do after we've seen the hb on a scan, hopefully after our scan on the 24th July!
Hi ladies. Can I join, tentatively?

Congratulations to you all.

I am roughly 11 days late for my period and had faint bfp today. I will test again later in the week to ensure they are getting darker.

I'm scared. We had miscarriage in March. I had a scan at 8 weeks approx which showed no baby, only a deflated sac and I mc by taking the tablet. Since mc I've had two periods 35 days after MC and then 34 days after that. I've not had a period since May 30th.

As for dating. I've no idea. By my last period I should be six weeks approx - due early March. But considering I haven't had lines until today at 11 days late (frequently testing before) I'm not sure when to date it . Either way, it'll be some point in March.

I've had some symptoms for weeks And have been feeling sick frequently for about two weeks. And I already have a nice bloat/bump going.

I am very scared to mc again. Last time there was no indication there was something wrong.

Happy and healthy pregnancies to everyone. Xx

Welcome and a careful congrats!! I hope this bean is sticky for you xx

I had a chemical pregnancy (as per my doctor) so I know what you mean! I am also terrified to mc this time! Some very sweet ladies have told me worrying will do more harm than good so to not stress about it! Enjoy your BFP, and hope we all get our sticky's!! <3 How are you feeling otherwise?

I think that advice is very wise. I have anxiety disorder so worrying is something I do naturally. Lol.

I feel okay. Some pulling pains in my right pelvis and achy boobs at the minute. Sickness on and off. Although I haven't been physically sick in about ten days which is always a plus.

I'm already fretting about whether to tell work. I do a lot of moving and handling and work with the elderly with dementia/Alzheimer's so the environment can be very unpredictable. Yet another thing to worry about.

The joys of being a woman. Doesn't help that my oh keeps saying " don't get excited, it's maybe not for definite until lines are stronger " etc.
Hi ladies. Can I join, tentatively?

Congratulations to you all.

I am roughly 11 days late for my period and had faint bfp today. I will test again later in the week to ensure they are getting darker.

I'm scared. We had miscarriage in March. I had a scan at 8 weeks approx which showed no baby, only a deflated sac and I mc by taking the tablet. Since mc I've had two periods 35 days after MC and then 34 days after that. I've not had a period since May 30th.

As for dating. I've no idea. By my last period I should be six weeks approx - due early March. But considering I haven't had lines until today at 11 days late (frequently testing before) I'm not sure when to date it . Either way, it'll be some point in March.

I've had some symptoms for weeks And have been feeling sick frequently for about two weeks. And I already have a nice bloat/bump going.

I am very scared to mc again. Last time there was no indication there was something wrong.

Happy and healthy pregnancies to everyone. Xx

Welcome and a careful congrats!! I hope this bean is sticky for you xx

I had a chemical pregnancy (as per my doctor) so I know what you mean! I am also terrified to mc this time! Some very sweet ladies have told me worrying will do more harm than good so to not stress about it! Enjoy your BFP, and hope we all get our sticky's!! <3 How are you feeling otherwise?

I think that advice is very wise. I have anxiety disorder so worrying is something I do naturally. Lol.

I feel okay. Some pulling pains in my right pelvis and achy boobs at the minute. Sickness on and off. Although I haven't been physically sick in about ten days which is always a plus.

I'm already fretting about whether to tell work. I do a lot of moving and handling and work with the elderly with dementia/Alzheimer's so the environment can be very unpredictable. Yet another thing to worry about.

The joys of being a woman. Doesn't help that my oh keeps saying " don't get excited, it's maybe not for definite until lines are stronger " etc.

Girl!! I have anxiety and panic as well - I so know those feeling all too well! I was in and out of the hospital a year ago because I thought I was dying and had constant anxiety for 2 months!! Sounds silly but it was the scariest time of my life!
And hopefully when you let your work know they will understand and not let you lift or do anything strenuous! Like someone else said, every pregnancy is a blessing and something to celebrate! Hopefully when you go to the doctor they can put some sense of relief in your mind and comfort you! Wish you all the best <3
Wow you ladies have been busy, I have some catching up to do......My son was sick so I haven't been able to relax on here the past few evenings.....time to do some reading.
Oh, and I told my boss & my boss's boss, because I had to get authorisation to travel by train rather than plane in September. I know it is considered safe to fly until 3rd tri, but I'd rather not.
And could I be mama frog? Or is that taken?
So much catching up I had to do! It's great to see so many lovely ladies on here! I'm currently on vacation in a cabin on a lake in the north woods of Wisconsin so I haven't been able to post as service is in and out on my phone!

Such cute tickers and images. I can't wait to add some. Baby's an Appleseed today!

We're holding off on telling people although my MIL (big mouth DH, lol) and my sister know. In the past we've tried both telling and not telling. I feel like with all of my losses my family is sick of bad news so hopefully I can give them a nice surprise when I'm a little further along.

We will find out the sex. There's no way I could be patient enough to wait and not find out. Plus we have a DS so need to know whether to get his stuff ready or get some girlie stuff. We're hoping for a girl but at this point all that matters is that it's healthy. I have no feelings one way or another at this point. We also have no names. There's a few names we've talked about through the years but nothing I'm really sure on. DH wants Bella Storm for a girl.

Symptom wise just some mild queasiness and sore boobs although we went on a boat ride yesterday and I got totally seasick which has never happened before.

Welcome to the new BFPs! Hope everyone is doing well!

-Mama Cat &#128049;
Welcome to the new ladies! Congrats on your :bfp: and H&H 9 months. :wave: :flower:
Natasha I'm sorry for your loss and I hope that this is your sticky rainbow. :hugs:

We are definitely finding out the gender as well. We swayed :pink: so I'm too excited and curious to find out if our sway worked or not to go team :yellow: this time around. I'm also not a big fan of gender neutral stuff and I need to know if we need to reuse all of DS's old stuff of if we can buy girlie things. We'll still be reusing all of his furniture and whatnot because we chose fairly gender neutral things for the big ticket items but we will probably have to buy new clothes no matter what the gender is simply because DS was born at the opposite time of year that this one will be.

The clinic within walking distance of my house called me this morning and the OB accepted me as a new patient! My appointment/scan date is set for August 10th at 1:00 pm which puts me at 8+2. :happydance:

Here is the updated Mama Animal list:

Mama Otter ~*KalonKiki*~

Mama Bear ~*xxemmyxx*~

Mama Lion ~*jbell157*~

Mama Fox ~*littlelily*~

Mama Duck ~*CurlyRose*~

Mama Mouse ~*azure girl*~

Mama Hawk

Mama Rabbit ~*struth*~

Mama Panda ~*kittiekat7210*~

Mama Raccoon

Mama Tiger ~*BellaRosa8302*~

Mama Leopard

Mama Eagle

Mama Giraffe ~*Ostara84*~

Mama Cat ~*Camichelle*~

Mama Wolf ~*bombshellmom*~

Mama Deer ~*Emiloo*~

Mama Penguin ~*mewolkens*~

Mama Hedgehog

Mama Dolphin ~*Salembaby*~

Mama Monkey ~*Dawnlouise30*~

Mama Zebra

Mama Kangaroo ~*MommyOf1Girl*~

Mama Koala

Mama Owl ~*SilasLove*~

Mama Swan ~*joo*~

Mama Squirrel

Mama Chinchilla

Mama Hen ~*NDH*~

Mama Sheep

Mama Panther

Mama Husky

Mama Coyote

Mama Bat ~*Buttercup84*~

Mama Badger

Mama Horse

Mama Seal ~*batesbaby*~

Mama Crab ~**~

Mama Goat ~*KatOro*~

Mama Butterfly ~*Left wonderin*~

Mama Frog ~*Beankeeper*~

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