Hi girls!
Lovin' all the poplin' in
I turn 20 weeks on 10/18 but maybe I'll schedule it for the 16th so we can make it a big day on the thread. Although, DH and I are planning not to have the sonographer tell us right away and we were going to open the envelope on our babymoon. But perhaps I'll do some kind of reveal event with another child
I'm WAAAAY to excited and dying to find out!!! Must talk to DH about this
Stephanie - so glad your appt went well! I was back to my prepregnancy weight on my last 14+5 week check in (doc wanted to see me before we flew out to Poland for 3 weeks). But I've been eating a lot over here and the food is pretty rich. Not to mention I have to eat out as it's just WAY to hard to cook in this tiny kitchen in our rental apartment. SO I'm expecting my numbers to please the doc when I get back
MindUtopia - I'm a back sleeper as well and have started trying to side sleep since week 14 to give myself plenty of time to change over. I hate it as well. Lots of hip discomfort and I wake up 4-5 times a night trying to get comfortable or turn over. I did buy the Snoogle but only slept 2 nights on it before we took off for a 3 week trip to Poland so I'm not sure if it's worthy the price. It worked great in preventing me from flipping onto my back for sure! As the pillow I use right now keeps moving away
I've instructed DH to sleep close to that pillow to help wedge it in place between us but he moves away in his sleep too.
I'm glad I still have 4 weeks until it's critical that I don't sleep on my back to figure something out
let me know what you come up with!
baby_maybe - like I said above, sleeping on my side sucks too. Lots of hip discomfort. Let me know if you find any answers!
AFM, I've been really struggling with (TMI) constipation this week. Nothing I've tapped into in the past is helping and I'm getting worried about getting hemorrhoids
I don't want to take medications yet
but I will definitely have to talk to my doc about this. Anyone got any advice they are willing to share?