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March Mummies 2011

i had a night like that last night!! Mason slept the day away! hardly heard a peep outa him from 11pm - 4.30am he was awake! i got 2 hours sleep b4 i got up with the other 2!! shattered.com!! lol
i think im in for a rough night... phoebe wants food every 2 hrs and wont go down after
Hopefully the feedings and alert time will be good for sleep tonight Rach - not the other way around!
All these babies are just too gorgeous.

The Hv came round today and weighed Niamh. She is now 7lb 2oz (6lb 12oz on thurs) so 6oz in 5days :happydance: im so glad all this BF has paid off.

BF is going well but she is constantly on the boob and im finding it difficult with the other 2 kids. I will see how it goes but i feel the other 2LO's haven't got enough attention today :cry:

I hope eveyone is doing well
I hear you on the constantly on the boob pinky! It would be very hard with 2 other little ones :hugs:
I understand as well. I'm currently only pumping but in the next few days we'll be trying to work the nursing back in. Little guy had lost too much weight so the pediatrician required us to just supplement him with formula. Now that he has regained weight we are cleared to try again with the nursing so I am hoping for better results this time. It is really hard tho when they want to nurse constantly. I'm not getting full feed amounts at each pumping session so we will have to continue with some formula, and I am already struggling with the idea of going back to nursing PLUS bottle PLUS pumping. Ack!! All of this every 2.5-3 hours!

Im thinking of starting to pump more... i pumped 4oz earlier today out of one boob. So if i did both a couple of times a day i should be able to get some "stock". I just don't want to introduce the bottle to early in case of nipple confusion. We still haven't mastered BF'ing so i figure i'll just pump and freeze for the mean time.
So have had a bit of a rough day. I am cramping so badly, it hurts so much! The doctor only gave me a day and a half of pain medicine, and it is gone. So I am thinking will it get better soon? I dont want to call the doctor for more medicine. Also Max is wanting to nurse constantly, he cries when he is not. I dont know if he has an upset stomach or what? He has burped and spit up a couple times, so I know he is getting milk. Dont know what to do. Here is a new pic of Max and daddy.


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What pain med's did they give you Brai?? I was told to take 2 tylenol and 1 advil every 4 hours... however i haven't had any cramping :shrug: not even when BF'ing... Hope the little guy is ok? is he throwing up like reflux? or just spitting up?
Just normal spitting up. I think he is feeling better after a big poop he had. Usually i don't need much after having a baby, but the cramps are so bad this time. I had hydrocodone, but its gone and i have been trying to live off of ibuprofun. I am sure it will let up a little in the next few days.
Oh brai, I'm sorry. I wish I could share some vics with you. I was lucky and my doc gave me 30, I'm only halfway through it. :hugs:

I've been wondering about LOs poo, I honestly can't remember what the consistency is supposed to be like. She is formula fed and sometimes it can be a bit runny. She's also pretty gassy bottom wise. Should I bring this up to her doc when I see them next to see if I need to switch formulas?
Brai sorry about the cramps! I had mostly pain from my stitches, and not too much cramping. I took tylenol only, just because i was breastfeeding and pain meds never agree with my body anyway. They all make me sick which is worse thain pain. Hope you feel better soon!

Sara i am SO jealous of your breast milk lol! I can only get about 30-40 ml per pumping session every three hours or so, and would give anything to just be able to breastfeed this baby without having to pump or use formula. :cry: unfortunately it seems there is just not enough milk in there. I am still hoping more will come in but, at two weeks, I dont know how much longer it should take!?
Hi ladies brai I suffered with horrendous cramps this time and I still do every day and Ethan is a month on Friday !!!

Cathryn and kns have graduated at last still awaiting times weights etc x
beautiful babies ladies!!!!:happydance:

sorry i havent been on much. really enjoying my family and this spring weather is so nice.

brai- i found that with each baby my cramps get worse and worse. i dont even remember them with my first. hope they clear up soon :hugs:
Cathryn has text baby hunt was born last night via vaginal delivery at 8:09pm weighing in at 9lb15 mummy is ok but v sore due to alot of stitches x
Yay for Cathryn!
As for the cramps, I am going to wait a couple more days, and if they don't get better I will call the doctor.
Congrats Cathryn!

Brai hope the cramps settle down or that you can get some more pain killers - maybe tr something OTC for now?
Congrats Cathryn and KNS!

Hope you feel better Brai.

Angela - have you looked into fenugreek?? also people say that beer helps up supply LOL. the pumping will get better - i assume you are pumping 5-10 minutes after the flow stops? :hugs:

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