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March Mummies 2011

Hey Sara have not tried herbs yet but will look into. And a beer sounds fab lol! I was pumping 30 mins but talked to consultant today and she promises 15 minutes is plenty. :shrug: ??

I really really want the bf'ing to succeed. :cry:
I hope it does Angela :hugs: There is a fantastic sticky on the ins and outs of exclusively pumping in the breastfeeding part of the forum if you haven't seen it.
Hi Mommies! I have a question--I had my OB check today and still sitting at 1 cm, soft cervix but still thick and baby floating/not engaged at all. I'm 39 weeks today according to LMP. Anyone else recall where they were at when 39 weeks for those that didn't go before then? Doctor and doula told me that I can sit here at 1cm/unengaged and all of a sudden be in labor in a few days--or I could be looking at 42 weeks..nobody knows...which I know is the way it goes. There's no predicting. I know SAMMY said she was 1cm when her water broke and she had her first...so that gives me some hope. I just don't want her to go to 42 weeks have have to be induced--anyone else not engaged this late in the game?
yay kns and cathryn!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::baby::baby:

angela- i hope the BF works out. i will be praying for you, i know how much you want it! :hugs:

membas- i wish i could help more. im usually dilated really early, that happens a lot after the first. but like you said, you could still go at any time. effacement is a better indicator of impending labor than dilation. so, hopefully it wont be much longer!:flower:
Here are some more pictures and my birth story if anyone is interested.

I went to my doctors appt on Thursday March 10th. They did a growth scan and estimated baby to be 9lbs 5oz, which was concerning to them as the biggest baby I have delivered was 6lbs 6oz. So when I went to see my doctor I was a little suprised when she suggested inducing me the next day! I was expecting it to be at 39 weeks, which would have been Tuesday March 15th. So I hurried home and called everyone and got babysitters etc set up. I took something to help me sleep the night before, since I knew I wouldnt get any sleep otherwise. I still ended up waking up at 4am. Took a shower, had a light breakfast, and called L&D to see if they had room for me. I was soooo disapointed when they said they were very busy and they would call me later in the day. Well after several more phone calls back and forth, and them telling me I might have to wait for the next day, I took a small nap. I woke up and realized my phone was not in a service area. So I hurried and called them back and they said to come in right away! So we hurried out the door. When we got to the hospital I went up to the room, I was worried they would send me home again if I didnt hurry. Hubby got the kids off with the babysitter and him, my 11 year old son, and my cousin came up to the room. By then the doctor had already been in and broke my water. I was 2cm dialated when she broke it at approx 12pm. They then started an IV and started fluids and pitocin. For the first hour I was feeling fine, besides losing huge amounts of fluid. It was rather funny, because my husband who watched the whole birth with no problem, was actually gagging at the sight of the amniotic fluid. After that I started to get small contractions, nothing horrible. Then they started getting more uncomfortable. I asked for some IV pain meds, and they helped me to relax and breath through them better. Then it started to wear off, so I asked for the epidural. I have a history of the epidural not working at all for me, but I wanted to try it again. Once he was done the pain in my stomach from the contractions slowly went away. At this point my son and cousin were in the waiting room. I was still feeling some pressure below my waist, but I could breathe through it. Everyone eventually left the room besides my husband. Then the pressure started getting really bad. They had to turn the pitocin off because my body was overreacting to the pitocin. I was having way to many contractions, with barely any rest inbetween. When I received my epidural I was 4+cm, when I started feeling the pressure she checked me again and I was 7cm. This was within about 20 min. Then everything is kind of a blur. I was in so much pain, I could feel everything and the epidural was not working at all anymore. Next thing I know my husband was running down the hall for the nurse and she was calling the doctor for delivery. The doctor got there and checked and I was 9cm, she set up then I was 10. Then I started pushing and it was horrible. I had about 10 sec beak between each contraction, and I had to push with each one. The babies heartbeat was dropping down to 90 because he had no breaks from being squeezed. So they put oxygen on me and a vacuum on his head. He was finally born at 408pm weighing 8lbs 7oz. He was very pale when he was born and the NICU had to come down and stimulate him, but he was fine after that. I ended up having 2 small tears that had to be stitched. Sorry so long! Congrats to anyone who read all of this!


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Yippee I've graduated

I will catch up properly soon.

Lyndon is very swollen & sore and not very comfortable in his skin at the moment so is taking up all my time to keep calm.
Cathryn I just came on to update your little mans name :) hope he feels better soon hope your feeling as well as you possibly can feel xx
yay catherine!!!! what a gorgeous name! get some rest hun:hugs::happydance::baby:

brai- he is so adorable :flower: great birth story
Can you add me to your front page?
I had my girl Jessamy Laurel on 03/03/11 at 41+6 :)
how are all you mummies doing!?

HV told me Phoebe had put too much weight on... but she loves milk! She suggested giving her cooled boiled water... Phoebe doesnt agree haha! So what if she is a fatty... she'll burn it off when shes a toddler... anyway 1lb in a week isnt that bad! shes only 9.5 - some babies are born at that weight??!!
oh im dreading this same thing Rach im getting him weighed on tuesday i just know hes put on lots cuse hes so chunky now! he dont stop eating now after a rocky start! he drains 5oz now every 3 hours!!
That is crazy - they really watch weight a lot over there don't they? Babies don't pick up weight evenly anyway - so she may slow down or speed up at times. Kirima will only be weighed again at the beginning of April.

How are the nights going for everyone. Kirima is sleeping well til early morning and then staying awake for long stretches which leaves me exhausted - she was up for 2am til 7am this morning - luckily its a public holiday today so DH gave me some time to sleep til 09:30 after that and he also helped a bit at 05:00am when I had had it. She's been awake since then too so hopefully will go down for a nap soon.
Phoebe takes 5ozs every 3hrs sometimes she wants it sooner!!

Our nights are like our days.. She wakes every 3 sometimes 4 hrs. But the struggle is getting her to sleep in cot. She will fall asleep on us very easily but not in the cot :( last night I swaddled and she did go down. It seems to be when she relaxes her legs in the cot it wakes her!!
Hi ladies, :flower:

Hi Nix thanks for pointing me in the right direction:thumbup:

Tanikit, I know that feeling Paul is doing the same at night, I know it will come right though I just hope soon.

my DH took the day off ,as last night was very bad, baby awake, then the rest of kids woke up getting sick they all have gastero:cry: that on top of my very painful nipples made for a very very long night:dohh: it was 5am before I dozed off to be woken at half to my eldest getting sick.

glad DH was able to take the day off and I have an appointment with the doc this afternoon, Im hoping its not mastitis.

hope every one is having a much better day :flower:
Yep sounds just like my greedy monkey Rachel!....ah well will see 2moro how he does

Mason is pretty good at night we are doing the same as we did with our other 2 and not putting him in his moses basket at all in the day and trying to keep him entertained a good couple hours b4 bed not let him sleep a long stretch b4, and it works! he now has last feed at 11pm and goes down till 4am so i get that few hours which is so needed, then he will go down again untill 7am and that gives me a hour or two sleep and then im up at 6am with the other 2 so least we get breakfast in and them ready b4 he wakes up again lol then after that feed i sort myself out for the school run... so getting a routine going here now which makes life much easier!
Friday night we had a bad night but that was cuz we went for a meal for a couple hours why my mum sat here and watched the kids for my birthday and we let him sleep cuse she would prob panic to try keep him entertained and the other 2 to bed lol he woke up twice that night! x
Celtic sorry you are having such a hard time - hope it is not mastitis and that your kids are better soon and you can get some rest.

Kirima stayed awake til 12:00 then woke up again at abut 13:30 but went down again before 15:00 so its been a busy morning and she'll probaly sleep all afternoon so at least I can give my eldest some attention now.

Rach that does sound a lot but I have no idea how much Kirima is getting - she has a bit of reflux too an is tending to snack a lot now- no more feeds every 3-4 hours, now it is almost every hour for a while and then a reasonable break while she naps.
Baby is supposed to go get his billi and weight checked again today, and I am pretty sure my DD has strep. So I called the doctor first thing this morning like I was told, and they said oh we cant get them in today maybe tomorrow! I had to remind the lady this is a newborn that the doctors told me to bring in today, and my daughter is only 5 with a high fever and is in pain. They then said oh we will try to fit you in. Waiting for them to call back.
Celtic sorry you are having such a hard time - hope it is not mastitis and that your kids are better soon and you can get some rest.

Kirima stayed awake til 12:00 then woke up again at abut 13:30 but went down again before 15:00 so its been a busy morning and she'll probaly sleep all afternoon so at least I can give my eldest some attention now.

Rach that does sound a lot but I have no idea how much Kirima is getting - she has a bit of reflux too an is tending to snack a lot now- no more feeds every 3-4 hours, now it is almost every hour for a while and then a reasonable break while she naps.

She might be having her growth spurt eary, sounds like she is increasing your milk supply. kids are dare I say it a lot better so far, my DD keeps getting a high temp which makes her sick again. so keeping that down so she can keep some fluids and food down :happydance: so FX for a better night

Doc thinks I have trush, so got some cream for that to put on and some drops to take to work on the inside. I will be right in no time :flower:

Baby is supposed to go get his billi and weight checked again today, and I am pretty sure my DD has strep. So I called the doctor first thing this morning like I was told, and they said oh we cant get them in today maybe tomorrow! I had to remind the lady this is a newborn that the doctors told me to bring in today, and my daughter is only 5 with a high fever and is in pain. They then said oh we will try to fit you in. Waiting for them to call back.

Did they ring you back, hope your daughter is ok, strep B is a horrible dose
So turns out baby max has thrush, but the good news is jaundice is almost gone and he is now 1oz above his birth weight. He is 10 days old today. My 5 year old DD has an ear infection. So needless to say today was an interesting day.

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