March Mummies 2011

Hey girls thanks for the encouragement! We are hanging In there. The breastfeeding issue is a combination of low milk supply (i only produce about a third of what he needs to eat) and little one not nursing effectively. He has to have the bottles because of the milk supply issue, and that has produced some nipple confusion (when he already was sort of sleepy at breast). Between the lack of energetic nursing on hs part and the low milk supply on my side, we are thinking we may not be able to continue with it and may have to go to just formula once hubby goes back to work. W have been trying to keep up with at least pumping, hoping supply would inrease over time but it is increasing very slowly and after three weeks, i do not have a lot of confidence we will be able to keep up with pumping once hubs is back at work. It is too hard to find the time every three hours in addition to everything else to be done, so will have to see. It kills me because i really wanted it to work but we just arent seeing improvement much. We do have access to lactation consultants, and they are great as far as they go, but no one has been able to tell me any surefire ways to increase milk production except nursing every two hours which (because he falls asleep constantly at brest) is really just adding to the frustration level for both me and baby. I think it is comforting to him but he definitely does not get much milk when he nurses. I get much more when i pump than I think he gets because he only sucks actively for a couple minutes per side. I am not ready to give up on pumping yet, to at least give him what breast milk i can, but am honestly losing the energy to keep fighting the issues. :-(. I hate it but we are so sleep deprived right now that trying t nurse, pump and bottle feed each feeding is impossible, so something has to give. S far we have basically given up trying to nurse, and i am just pumping, but milk does not increase much that way.

Anyway sorry for the venting. Just frustrated!

Hugs to all and i hope everyone who has sick little ones or spouses get well soon!

(Sorry for typos, am typing on iPad)
I could have wrote that post hen Phoebe was Tongue tied. I feel for you xxx
:hugs: to everyone with sick babies and hubbies

Angela - really sorry to hear about the bf'ing issues :hugs: you have done awesome by fighting for this long!

im seriously the luckiest mommy. i had an easy pregnancy, and a very easy baby. we nurse every 3 hours, at night she will be awake for the period between 2 feeds (last night was 10-1, but sleeps right away after her other night feeds. Im gettin 6 or 7 hours of sleep every night, broken but still good sleep. she'll take a couple good long naps during the day, so my house is reasonably clean and dinner gets cooked. Now not every second is easy, and we have had a couple long nights but generally speaking being a mommy is pretty awesome!
Angela - :hugs: There are some medications that can help increase milk supply. I was on one almost the whole time I nursed Big E (13 months). Also, skin to skin contact with your baby can help too. You can use a wrap (or other baby carrier) to "tie" him to you so that you can still get some stuff done while doing skin to skin.

OR you can just take a day and hang out in bed with baby, him only in a diaper and you as naked as you feel comfortable. Lots of cuddles and nursing on demand can help.

Hi ladies :flower:
:hugs: to all with sick kids and OH's.

Rottpaw- i think you have done really well to keep up the BF, pumping ,feeding routine for so long. I know how hard it is.

Niamh was very unsettled yesterday, BF constantly, then being sick then feeding etc all day, so last night i gave in and gave her a4oz bottle of formula. She guzzled it straight down and slept for 6hrs.Now im worrying she isnt getting enough from me :wacko: but she has gained 6.5oz in a week :shrug:and i have plenty of milk, i can see it in my nipple shield and can hear her sucking and swallowing.
I hope you are all having a good day xx
My baby is doing the same thing lately! I am also worried he isn't getting enough. But he is gaining weight and having wet and dirty diapers, so I think I am just stressing out about nothing?
If your babies are picking up weight then they are getting enough - and also if there are wet nappies and they are neither crying a lot nor listless. Try not to worry too much - its hard not knowing what is going in and especially with reflux too (Kirima is throwing up quite a bit too)
sometimes you can have a day or two of crazy nursing during a growth spurt or the baby could be working on increasing your supply (remember it's actually demand and supply not the other way around).

Those days (and expecially nights) can be so rough, but hang in there, if you are getting weight gain and lots of wet and soiled diapers then everything is working like it's suppose too :thumbup:
i hope all the feeding issues with everyone clears up! :hugs: i know things will work out for everyone and these hard days will be a distant memory. your all in my prayers:winkwink:

i am absolutely in love with my family :cloud9:

my girls are on spring break so no school this week. we have all been sleeping in til 9am! this makes nathon have 2 feeds at night instead of 1, but well worth it to sleep in. when i go back to getting up at 7am he will only need 1 feed again. he is really only up twice a day. once in the morning to play a little, then once at night to poop and bathe. he loves to take his bath and his siblings really just adore him. im so in awe of my little blessings.

as for the house, we are a family of 7 now. i have 1-2 loads of dishes and 2-3 loads of laundry every day!!!! staying so busy makes the days fly by. and now that nathon is getting in a routine we are getting ready to start our library outings, exercising, and bible studies again. with all these extras our evening family quiet/prayer time is so very valuable and necessary. im so thankful to God for my sweet gifts, precious each one of them :flower:
Melissa... i love that post... Being a parent is fab. I love Phoebe so much, cant wait to have more!
Oh and the hv came today.. shes put on another 12oz but is still on the curve she should be and she is now going every 2 hrs for 5oz so she said to up it to 6 and she should go longer. she said i prob wont have to change amount for a while after this.

So drum roll please... Phoebe weighs 10lb2... what a fatty :) but shes too cute though!! And guess what... she SMILED!! it wasnt wind. I'll try and get the photo up but its on my phone :)
So girls, I have a question. Max is now almost 2 weeks old and I am still having lots of bright red bleeding. It seemed to have lightened up a lot, but then it has come back bright red and heavy. When should I be worried?
I was told its ok, unless i pass clots the size of golf balls....
I've been told a few times during this recovery that after the 2nd week the bright red bleeding is your bodies way of saying "take it easy". The nurses said that watch the pattern and lots of times it happens after a very busy day. So try and put your feet up a bit more (if at all possible) and remember that recovery takes 6 weeks.

This is what I keep getting told at least :haha:
Thanks ladies for the sweet notes about the breastfeeding issues. We are working on at least pumping as long as possible. We will see how it goes!

Brai you might just call your docs office to ask - I was told any sudden reversion to heavier or brighter bleeding could be a issue, or maybe just a sign of overdoing slightly. Might just ask so you dont have to worry. I am three weeks and two days and still have pinkish discharge, but have been able to switch to pantiliners instead of heavier pads so that is nice.

Hugs all!
I've been told a few times during this recovery that after the 2nd week the bright red bleeding is your bodies way of saying "take it easy". The nurses said that watch the pattern and lots of times it happens after a very busy day. So try and put your feet up a bit more (if at all possible) and remember that recovery takes 6 weeks.

This is what I keep getting told at least :haha:

I get that when I do too much, and throbbing pain. DH is home with a broken ankle so I'm doing double time when I should be resting. :wacko:
I know for me mine has gone back to being bright red but I know I'm probably doing too much - with the building works still going on I'm trying to be out of the house as much as possible, and have been trying to do lots of walking with 1 dog, 1 pusher and 1 3yo so getting pulled in every direction ... But Brai if your at all concerned phone the drs better to double check than worry.

Had the HV come around yesterday for her first visit, even though the MW haven't signed me off (very confusing) she's asked me to make a dr's appointment for Lyndon at the drs as he keeps having little seizures, he's only had a couple and I thought it was when he got too warm but she thinks its something else so thats my task for the day. OH has taken the day off to look after J rather than me drag him around with me. Please keep your fingers crossed its nothing serious.

Angela, you've done so well with the BF, its so hard if your not getting the practical support sending you lots of positive vibes, I know Sara mentioned it before but have you tried herbal remedies, I am taking Fenugreek (sp?) and that seems to be helping my production compared to last time, have got more quicker. Also make sure you drink as much as possible, you need so much fluid in order to produce milk.

Hope everyone else is getting on ok, and those with poorly bubs and OH's and other children all recover quickly.

everything crossed for you cathryn xxx

My bleeding has stopped completly and not needing pantyliners either... just waiting now for dreaded AF! xxx How weird is it to write "the witch" hahaha x
Nix that is great on the smile! Kirima smled for the first time yesterday and again today (she still gets some windy ones but these were the real ones)

Cathryn hope things go well at the doctors - when is your appointment?

I have my 6 week check up at the gynaes next week and then Kirima must go for her vaccines next Monday too.
Back from drs, although they are not worried, as Lyndon appears in good health, bak to birth weight and passing all the reflex / tone test they have refered him to the community peadatrician to invstigate further, so now just have to wait for the appointment to come through.

I can't wait for the smiles, we are at least beginning to have some awake times so that we can "play"

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