Brai I am having the same problem and have started putting Kirima into bed with us - DH gets a bit worried, but sleeps through it. She won't let me put her in the sling - it worked once and then never again - so I also often land up holding her while I eat and actually while I do most things.
cluster feeds are hard work my nipples still feel tender he is latching on right I think trush again!!! after the high dose of antibotics I had in labour its haunting me not happy at all
Thanks Im so fustrated with it now, think its thanks to the GD I had as well your more pron to it! if the cream doesnt work Im going back to the doctors
sooo tired today so thats not helping either im such a moan!
Celtic, may be worth going back to drs as if bubs has oral thrush you will just keep passing it back and forth, may need to take tablets so it passes through to bubs in milk and sort their thrush too (if they have it).
Im not looking forward to the growth spurt stage. Not doing bad at the moment, Lydia will give me a good hour or so between feeds, shes started to sleep in the moses basket too between feeds which is great as I can get on with stuff between BF'ing!
I ordered a sling so hopefully its here soon and I can get on with a lot more even when she doesnt want to be put down!
I cant believe shes a week old tomorrow! Shes getting more beautiful everyday
Ive given myself a week to get over the birth but as of Monday I have to start a diet!! I can not keep looking at this jelly belly everyday for much longer I need to see it going down!!
well i told ou girls when that i lost 10lb while being pregnant having annissa i lost another 10 lb and since then another 11 lb i guess running round after 2 under 2 is a great diet lol by the time i have my last baby i might be a size zero lol
hi everyone..just popping in briefly. dont have much time for typing it seems olivia and i are doing well. my milk came in yesterday so today she is quite content, moreso than yesterday. she had tons of gas yesterday and was quite cranky but we had a good night--she nursed every 2.5 hours last night and today about every 1.5 hour. we got out on a walk again and so far she loves being in the wrap. DH has been the best...cooks all the meals, does all the dishes, waits on me, and last night slept with Olivia so I could rest a bit more between feedings. Olivia quite enjoyed sleeping all snuggled up next to daddy. we have a cosleeper crib and she uses it, especially for naps, but last night DH wanted her--and it worked out quite well for us all.
i hope you are all doing well. i haven't had a chance to really catch up on what's going on with everyone so i'll just have to wish you and all the LOs well. it took me all day but I did post a birth story in my journal yesterday.
Brai, i started weight watchers 2 weeks ago loving it!!... lost 4lbs last week.... still 2 stone to go lol but... its a fab diet, been a wee bit naughty today though went for a meal and had lots of wine!! whoops!!! maybe all us weight watchers ladies can support eachother and give tips!
Kirima has her fist st of vaccines today and I am a bit anxious about it - firstly I have to take my 3 year old with me which is not ideal and secondly they have updated the list of vaccines so it is quite alot she must get and about 3 needle pricks now.
Phoebe still has her cold and had a real phlegm cough now which sounds AWFUL. had to ring outofhours docs cause she kept doing a high pitch wretch cough to try and clear it. Then she vomits! I feel so sorry foe her. I feel Like I'm missing her being newborn cause she's poorly so not smiling as much etc.
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