March Mummies 2011

Hey rach im ok thanks how are you ?is Pheobe ok?

i have my 6 week postnatal appointment today which im not looking forward to as i have a few concerns, namely i havent been for a solid stool since birth :( and i keep feeling as if someone is putting saline through the vein in my back where the epidural was vv strange , has anyone else experienced this?

As for Ethan he is doing brill feeding 5oz still ever 3-4 hours but gaining his weight nicely.

There has been a series of attempted abductions in my area of kiddies and police are trying to track the scum bags down ! :(

KNS, we still havent seen any piccies of Lewis !! xx
Hi all!

hope everyone is well!!

Last night J fell asleep at 9PM, she fed at 11, 2, 5 and 7... she only woke at 2 though and it took me 15 mintues to get her back to sleep, the rest of the feeds she fusses till i wake and give her my boob and she eats sleeping LOL. We got up at 9 she ate again and is back asleep. This has been our pattern for a couple of weeks now - i pray it continues - but i keep waiting for the other shoe to drop LOL
Afternoon ladies - hope you are all well.

Brai hope Max and your DD feel better soon

Natty hope your check up went ok, how long before hand did your appointment details come through?

Nix hope phobe is feeling better

Well AFM I'm knackered - homeless during the day for the most part as the building works are really dirty & dusty at the mo so don't want to keep Lyndon in that environment so having to find things to do, have only just walked back in from 9ish this morning forgot to put pusher in car so couldn't even go for a wander in the park. At least tomorrow I have arranged to meet some friends in B-ham for lunch and will go for a wander around the shops. Need to go sort something for Dinner, but will have to clean kitchen first as it's an inch deep in crud from the building works - boo.
I had to ring to make my appointment, i made the app last Monday x Check up was ok i had alot of questions and things to sort some of which they didnt get round to so ive got to make another app, with the saline sensation in my back ive got to go back because she didnt have time, she has sent me for a series of bloods and to check liver is ok before im allowed any contraception , this happened last time and its such a bloody pain in the ass !! Tried to book a smear because my last one came back abnormal and they told me not to get preggers and i did, so i tried to book that and they said i have t be 3 months postnatal ! In relation to my stool she is sending me to have a camera up my bottom to put it politely :( not happy about that but i know it needs sorting, the things we go through ay ladies x
Natty - Hope everything gets sorted at your next appointment!

Brai - Aw poor Max, hope he's feeling better soon.

Cathryn - Oh I couldnt imagine being homeless all day!! Enjoy your lunch tomorrow :)

AFM - Im tired today as Lydia was up a lot last night, I dont remember what times or how often to be honest because by 3am I was so tired I was feeding / changing her pretty much in my sleep!

Today was the second day ive been alone with the kids and well.. its harder than I every imagined!! LOL I managed but it seems my boys know im not as able to run after them when Lydia is feeding and they take full advantage by doing everything they are not supposed to!! :wacko:
Thanks Natty, last time I had a slip come through - will wait and see. Hope they get through the rest of your concerns at your next app, how long do you have to wait? Hope the follow ups that are being arranged don't take too long to come thru xx

Anababe, hope the boys settle down for you soon - with Jacob, I try and make sure he has a drink / snack or the promise of something nice eg park, story etc but in fairness he's been good most of the time.
hi everyone
hope u and bubbas are all ok
I was told that the 6 week post natal is now 8 weeks? as i asked about mine as im coming up 6 weeks post natal this sunday... so gotta wait another 2 weeks for contreception much to OH's dissaproval lol
i have my 6 week check tomorrow.

hope they get things sorted natty. Phoebe is still coughing and bunged up so jus hoping these antibiotics kick in quick!

hope all is well. thinking of booking my wedding for august... either im stupid or crazy but thinking i can do it??!
Wedding planning how exciting - never got around to doing that - OH's given up asking now - especially when I told him he'd have to change his name to mine if he wanted us to all have the same name (the boys have my surname).

Where are you looking to have it?
So went to the doctor today for Max's spitting up issue thinking it was reflux and get some medicine. Turns out the doctor was quite concerned, and thinks he might have pyloric stenosis. Which pretty much means his sphincter that empties his stomach into his intestines is thickened or closed. I have to take him to the hospital tomorrow morning for an ultrasound, and if it confirms that is what he has he will have to get surgery. I feel so bad for him. Really hoping that is not what he has and some medicine will fix it.
Brai that sounds scary - i he pcking up weight though cause if the sphincter was closed he wouldn't be. Hope it all turns out ok.

MumtoJ while I am getting used to gettig out with both children now, I would hate to be forced to get out my house every day. How long will it take til you have a home again?

Rach I think it depends what you plan to do -sounds exciting though and I'd say go for it!

Natty sorry you are having so many issues - hope they all get sorted out at the next appointment.

Anababe hope the kids settle down soon and are more manageable. I've found Laurana has days that are better and worse but it has got better with time as I've found a routine and what works and doesn't.

Kirima had conjunctivitis two days back so had to get an eye ointment for her - is a bit better now but not 100% yet. Sh'e totally out of newborn clothes now so I am having to sort out her wardrobe again now. Time is flying by - 6 weeks sounded a long time, but really its gone so fast - she's 7 weeks now!
Brai, hope things get sorted and its not as serious as the dr thinks xx

Tanikit, we have kept J at the childminder for the moment so 3 days a week I only have to manage Lyndon and no house ... no idea when it will finish - yesterdays disaster was a wall had to come down as the bricks were crumbling - it was the old external wall so was a bit bizarre to get home yesterday to a gaping hole ... they are rebricking it now as I type.

I hope Kirimas eyes settle down, and the rest of you avoid picking it up xx
Aww hope her eyes are better soon tanikit xx Phoebe doesn't fit in any newborn suits or newborn trousers cause of her legs! I can get her in some tops still.

She weighs 11lb 5!
How often are people getting bubs weighed? I've been discharged from MW & HV so need to go to clinic if I want Lyndon weighed which is on a Friday so would have to take Jacob as well - so don't want to do it too frequently as its not much fun for a 3 yo to sit in a waiting room for ages.
He is picking up weight, which is what makes me hopeful he doesn't have it. He was 10lbs yesterday. The doctor actually said that normally babies pick up 15 to 30 grams a day and he is averaging 50? So not worried on weight at all.
Hope the eyes clear up soon. We had that going around our house a week ago.
MumtoJ I would hate not having my house to relax in during the day. Hopefully they finish soon.
Sorry if I forgot anyone. A little sleep deprived now.
Hope he's ok Brai :)

My hv likes to visit Every 1-2 weeks or I can go to clinic which has stay and play too and she's there to answer questions but the 1st hv I had only did it at 6 wks then at months after.
How often are people getting bubs weighed? I've been discharged from MW & HV so need to go to clinic if I want Lyndon weighed which is on a Friday so would have to take Jacob as well - so don't want to do it too frequently as its not much fun for a 3 yo to sit in a waiting room for ages.

With you on this one, after next Tuesday i have to go to clinic to have Ethan weighed bahhhh!!!! He was 9lb2 last week so i think he will be roughly 10lb this coming Tuesday and still fitting in his newborn clothes thank god because i havent any 0-3 yet i need to go and buy some but i like mothercares babygrows and they were somewhat limited last time i went in!!

Have to wait for an appointment to come through so i am not really sure on how long it will be uintil i get referred but knowing the health care around here probs be about 2013! lol xxx

Ethan has a right cob in him today i cant work out what is the matter, i went for blood this monring came back and ive doine absoloutely nothing in the house because he just wont let me apart from bottles, i had planned a good clean up and making a nice spag bol for tea aswell oh well excuses for lots of cuddles i suppose xx
hi girls hope your all well

Mason gets weighed 2 weekly Catherine.

Well looks altho mother nature has paid her first visit! im 6 weeks post natal on sunday and bled for 2 weeks after birth so its bang on time like it used to be!... i had a feeling it was coming i been very emotional last few days, bloated and feeling particually HUGE lol and i got in from meeting my friend for a coffee this morning and wham bam i was right, its light at the moment but im sure that will change!lol
Natty I know how you feel, my Ethan wont settle lately either. It is a constant need to be held unless is being fed. He just screams and screams if we put him down for a few minutes unless he is completely asleep when we do so. I love cuddling him but need to get things done as you mention! Trying to keep him in clean bottles is an all day job lol.

Cathryn we are weighing at home got a scale that we think is pretty accurate. I like to keep an eye on whether he is gaining or not... We weighed him qt doctor this monday and was just about the same as our home reading so that is good. He should clear ten pounds soon as he certainly feels that heavy lol! Hopoe your building renovations are done soon and things settle for you!

Brai i hope it is nothing serious! My guy spits up a lot as well and i believe has true reflux (comes up even hours after he eats). Please let us know wht they say.

Shells glad things are back on track! So far i have avoided af and am glad and hope she stays away as long as I am pumping lol! In no hurry for her to return till a few months if i can get away with it.

We are well here just dealing with th screaming fits lately. Otherwise he is great!

Hugs to all!
Ultrasound was normal thank God! So they are going to try some medicine for reflux.
He weighed 10lbs yesterday. The doc said babies normally pick up 15 to 3p grams a day, and Max is averaging 50! I am still bleeding, not fair!

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