March Mummies 2011

For all of those with unexplained fussiness don't forget about the 6 week growth spurt, it tends to be a killer (not for everyone) but others I know just pull their hair out during it as they want to feed constantly and want to be held all the time. Or it could just be the transition from newborn to baby when they become a bit more aware of whats going on. Either way good excuse for cuddles - if you really need to get things done will they settle in a sling / baby carrier?
Brai - glad its not what the dr thought, hope the medicine helps. I'm still bleeding too after J it was 12 weeks so I'm hoping its not that long this time ... getting lighter but still need mat pads.
Thanks Cathryn I did not know about the six week thing. I do think some of it is awareness as he is just starting to look around more and notice and interact more.
hi everyone--

brai hope your LO is ok and doesnt require surgery.

i just read 3 days of posts and now i dont remember what i i just have to wish everyone well.

my sister comes for a visit this weekend which is great! olivia is doing well...still dealing with painful gas and the hours on end of fussiness some days but i think last night we were able to soothe her with a warm bath and tummy time on me...she passed lots of gas during both--even pooped in the tub with me...nice.

:hugs: to all.
Could the 6 week come at 4? heh :haha:

I think we've got it a 3 but were 10 days late so I'm guessing its possible and your little girl was a big bub too wasn't she (Lyndon was just shy of 10lbs)
Lydia can get very fussy, mainly in the evenings. I think its because she feeds quite often for a couple of hours in the evening and she prefers the feeling of a full breast which obviously must have a faster flow. When shes fed alot and they seem empty (I know they dont actually empty but they feel like it! lol) she doesnt like having to work harder to get her feed, lazy :haha:

Shes sleeping really well at night, too well maybe :wacko: She only wakes for 2 feeds - one around 12am and again about 5am then when I wake her up about 8am but even then she sometimes just falls straight back sleep after being latched for a couple of mins :dohh: Im not worried as she feeds every 1.5-2 hours during day so I think she must be getting enough :shrug:
olivia has started to lengthen the time between feeds at nite so that i have to wake her to feed. not sure if i didnt wake her how long shed go before waking herself. she was waking me every 3 hours...then every 4 and last nite i was waking her at 4 1/2 to 5 hours and just now tonight she fed at 915pm and i put her to bed...just woke her at 2am to feed. do others wake their LOs to feed or do you just let them be?
Membas Let her be - she will wake if hungry, if she's sleeping she's happy as long as your getting wet & dirty nappies and gaining weight then don't wake her. Lyndon tends to wake twice as long as he's fed well during the day or if he's had a sleepy day he will feed 3/4 times at night. I will wake him during the day if my boobs feel "too full" to try and make sure we all get good nights sleep. HTH
At night I just let Kirima wake me up - sometimes its 4 times a night and other times only twice - after my last DD though who woke me every 2 hours all the time, I do sometimes worry that she is sleeping too long as I have had 6 hour stretches out of her on occassion.

Yes, the 6 week growth spurt is tiring. Glad to know wanting to be held all the time is part of it - its very hard to get Kirima down at all now and I spend my life with her asleep in my arms and doing things one handed.
ditto to the 6 week growth spurt.... yuk. the penicillin is making her poo loads now she has nappy rash... its one thing after another.
Hi Ladies, I've a question for anyone that breastfeeds, if you could help that'd be great.

I'm having some BF probs this time, i don't remember any probs feeding my son who's now 5 but then again 5 years is a long time! Since the weekend my supply "seems" not so good, up until then my boobs were pretty engorged and i had loads of milk. Now the engorgement has gone and they feel pretty empty to me most of the time, the only time they feel properly full is through the night if i haven't fed baby for a longer time. He's having to work harder and is emptying both boobs everytime it seems. He's having plenty of dirty and wet nappies still so maybe he is getting enough, i'm really confused?! I'm panicking he's going to be hungry before i've had the chance to make enough milk for a proper feed.

Shit i'd forgotten how hard this was :nope:

Thanks in advance x
thanks ladies. tonight i will let her wake me and see how long she goes. i guess the first few days when i saw pediatrician and told the doctor she had taken some 3 hour naps doctor said not to let her go more than 3 hours without eating, but that was like day 2 when she was just getting colostrum before milk came in, and she's putting on weight just fine. she poops and pees. so does make sense to let her tell me--i let her tell me all other times when she's hungry, so why not night. :) thanks ladies...that's why i love this board...a little reassurance :) it's hard to know when you are doing everything for the first time!
Roonsma - I know that once supply is established you don't tend to get engorgement unless they go longer between feeds than normal - how old is your lo now? The BF forum is fab for this sort of question as you also get "experts" answering - HTH's

Membas now you've said that she will wake every 2 hrs just to be contrary lol ;-)
I felt like I was having the same issue with Max, but he is gaining tons of weight so I guess it was just me worrying. When I am worried I just try and guzzle water and let him feed as often and long as he wants.
Roonsma, just wanted to say what MumtoJ said - once milk supply is well established then you don't get engorged anymore - the fact that you do in the night after a longer break means you are producing enough.

Kirima was awake more today than usual - hopefully she'll sleep well tonight. She is still having a difficult time early evening (can't call it colic cause it is too mild for that but it makes early evenings rough) She's very alert now, but seems to only sleep when in my arms during the day and in the bed with us at night.
:flower: Thanyou ladies, Mum my lo is now 2 weeks and 5 days, i really need to get my tickers sorted:blush: I did post in breastfeeding and got some great help:hugs:

Thanks Brai, its nice to know i'm not the only one fretting! He is gaining weight too, he went from 8lb 1oz at birth to 8lb 10oz at 2 weeks and 1 day so i should be re-assured by that.

I really need to stop stressing now x
Roonsma its natural to frett especially when thay have a fussy day or two - thats the great thing about these forums is getting reassurance and advice.
Hey girls! I think we decided to go for the wedding... In august!! Went dress shipping yesterday and found 4 favs. Decisions decisions! Do any money saving ideas girls much appreciated :)

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