March Mummies 2011

Ive been taking fenugreek Brai and it seems to be doing the trick. Also i'm eating porridge morning and eve and drinking gallons of water. My supply has definately improved loads, never thought i'd be so pleased to have leaky boobs again! :blush:

Good luck with the bf Rach if you decide to give it a whirl, i was talking with my HV yesterday and she mentioned in hosp they give the mums with prem babies domperidone tablets to help with supply, or you could give the fenugreek caps a shot?:hugs:

Celtic, wow bacteria on the placenta? Thats scary stuff! I don't think you're reading to much into it, my LO had a knot in his cord and it makes my feel ill when i think of what could have happened. Probably best not to dwell on it though, i'd go round the twist :hugs:

I've never considered co-sleeping i've always been to scared:nope: to even think about it, it's good to know so many of you do it, wheres the best place to find info on it?

Think it's growth spurt time here, feeding so often i'm wondering where he's putting it? He is now 9 lb 7.5 oz from 8lb 1oz at birth so i'm really pleased with my boobies, considering the days we had last week with lack of supply!

Hi to all xx
ladies please dont feel guilty about how you feed your babies. there are so many abused and neglected children out there, we really should not feel bad about such small things. in my opinion you are all great moms and whether you BF or FF you are still taking care of and loving your babies. its silly how society can effect our emotions sometimes. feeding our babies should be a beautiful bonding experience no matter how we do it. guilt may get in the way of that magnificent time with our babies, but only if you let it!

afm- i have peace. i know my childrens health and well-being comes from the Lord, not food. i am forever thankful He takes perfect care of my babies.

i have heard about women BF after they stopped so its very possible. i wish i had more info to help out, but it was a while back when i read about it. if its what you want to do, im sure there is info out there about how to go about it, so it would be worth your effort to look into it.

as for co-sleeping- if it makes you uncomfortable there are so many other options. i think our babies sense when we are stressed in any way, which certainly wont have a positive effect on them. i have slept with all 5 of mine now and its comfortable to me, but i can definitely understand when someone is not. what is best for one is not for another. in the US its frowned upon to co-sleep, but i have researched it tremendously and i wouldnt have it any other way. one thing that impacted me was reading about how SIDS happens so much less in countries where its common practice, these are usually under developed countries as well which is fascinating. certainly before cribs and cots were ever invented it was the only way. with that said, if i was not comfortable with it i definitely would not do it. sleep should be a great experience for you and baby, no matter how it works.

i hope everyone who has issues with sleeping and eating can find some peace in doing what is best for them and their babies! you are all such wonderful mommies, im grateful to be on this journey with you all!:hugs:
Well said Melissa. I don't know why it bothers me so much (cause it's not the formula) I just would love to feed her myself ESP when we are together alone all day.
roonsma we drive our selfs mad thinking what if but at least our babies are here and healthy in our arms so thats the main thing even if we shudder at the thoughts of what might have been. Im very glad now they induced me when they did, it funny actually as my diabetic doctor looked at my blood sugar readings and said it was time for baby to come, he said my placenta was tired I delived the following day! I love co sleeping only time I would not have baby in the bed if either I or DH were after been drinking. as you sleep really heavy. so I dont mind skipping a drink for now LOL

blessedmomma what a great post:hugs: lovely words of wisdom and so right as long as our babies are love and cherished dont let feeling sof guilt over what way to feed babies spoil the enjoyment :flower:

Nix it is possible if your really want to give it a go, did you BF at all as its so early it would be possible to build a supply and teach her to latch again. it would be hard work as you would have to go with the flow and feed on demand for first I say 3 days and then when your supply is back up you could do both may be BF in the day and FF in the evening I did that on my DS2 most feeds were BF but he had two bottles in the day for me:flower: but either way I agree it doesnt matter what way she is fed your doing a brilliant job and be proud :flower:
hi everyone sorry i havent been around much i have been poorly :-( which aint good with 3 kids to look after i can tell ya!...
I was wether your little ones were more 'awake' now and alert? Mason is awake loads lately and we just dunno what to occupy him with he gets bored so easy, we have a swing a gym a bouncer and of course cuddles and walks in the pram, baths and car rides but it feels like sometimes i just cant seem to find anything to keep him occupied long! what do u all do?
Thanks for the support girls. I'm thinkin maybe I need to let it go and just try really hard with baby 2 (if oh let's me have another!!) we are concerned that it's going to get stressful emotional and well fail again.... Do i really want to upset my happy little cherub ??

On a plus side were meeting the vicar tomorrow!! Whoop!! Xx
Hi Girls,

I haven't posted yet but I had a little girl on the 31st of March. She is a very healthy 13 day old now but something is wrong today and I was wondering if anyone could help? She has been awake since about 11 this morning (and its now 10pm) with a nap of about half an hour. We have tried everything to get her to sleep. Rocking will make her fall asleep but the slightest movement and she wakes up, even a drive around in the car hasn't worked. When she is awake she is either screaming or needing feeding. I think she is just over tired but really dont know what we can do to help.

Any advice would be great x
Hi Girls,

I haven't posted yet but I had a little girl on the 31st of March. She is a very healthy 13 day old now but something is wrong today and I was wondering if anyone could help? She has been awake since about 11 this morning (and its now 10pm) with a nap of about half an hour. We have tried everything to get her to sleep. Rocking will make her fall asleep but the slightest movement and she wakes up, even a drive around in the car hasn't worked. When she is awake she is either screaming or needing feeding. I think she is just over tired but really dont know what we can do to help.

Any advice would be great x

Woweee thats really alert for how old she is, Ethan has been the same today though and the only way i got him off was a dummy held him close and patted his bum eventually he fell asleep and i carried on for ages until he was in a deep sleep, does she have some wind stopping her from catching her sleep? maybe she is feeling a little under the whether? Ethan nows when i move an inch and wakes up :/ cant really advise anything apart from maybe ensuring she is full up, winded and bum changed then go and lie in a dark room with her and pat her belly gently stroke her hair ? really sorry this hasnt been useful at all xxx
I'm also thinking about going back to BF, although not all the time as my hubby likes to feed Brody when he can. Which is one the reasons I stopped BF in the 1st place.

I only bf for 2 days and then we went onto bottles, Brody is now 4 weeks and I'm trying to get back to BF... I'll let you know how I get on, at the moment, he'll feed for a few minutes and then gets the hump and starts screaming as obviously the milk isn't coming as quick as he is used too... mmmmm
I'm also thinking about going back to BF, although not all the time as my hubby likes to feed Brody when he can. Which is one the reasons I stopped BF in the 1st place.

I only bf for 2 days and then we went onto bottles, Brody is now 4 weeks and I'm trying to get back to BF... I'll let you know how I get on, at the moment, he'll feed for a few minutes and then gets the hump and starts screaming as obviously the milk isn't coming as quick as he is used too... mmmmm

love the name brody hun, my adorable nephew is brody. i cant BF and my hubby always says he is glad i cant so he can feed them too. i have always thought though that if i could BF i would just express some in a bottle for him to feed them. maybe you could do that? or even let him FF when he feeds him and you BF when you feed him? im sure you two could come up with a compromise.

maybe you could get him some faster flow nipples for him. i had to get new ones for my little guy, he could barely get anything out of them. one of mine was on preemie nipples the entire time he was on formula
Hi Girls,

I haven't posted yet but I had a little girl on the 31st of March. She is a very healthy 13 day old now but something is wrong today and I was wondering if anyone could help? She has been awake since about 11 this morning (and its now 10pm) with a nap of about half an hour. We have tried everything to get her to sleep. Rocking will make her fall asleep but the slightest movement and she wakes up, even a drive around in the car hasn't worked. When she is awake she is either screaming or needing feeding. I think she is just over tired but really dont know what we can do to help.

Any advice would be great x

Im a little late, so hope she settled for you, but have you tried wrapping her so her arms wont startle her awake, they startle very easy at this stage and it wakes them up!:flower: if you are going to be close to baby put her on her side or failing that use a sling.

Chimpette good luck, I was just thinking may be try offering the breast at each feed let him feed, then when he is finished and I assume your topping up with a bottle, you should pump it will help build up your supply, you can take fungeek i think its called to help with supply and porriage is great and loads of water over time your milk supply will meet his needs and he will need less formula, but beauty of it your DH will still be able to feed him,

on my DS2 I did both, bf most of the feeds and he got about 2 to 3 feeds in the day so DH could feed him as well
Hi everyone,
Can I still join in here please? I was due March 20th but went a bit (lol!) overdue and my little man arrived on Saturday (9th April) - I still feel like a March Mum though ;)
Ceri xx
Hi everyone,
Can I still join in here please? I was due March 20th but went a bit (lol!) overdue and my little man arrived on Saturday (9th April) - I still feel like a March Mum though ;)
Ceri xx

Wow - that is quite a wait! Well done. And the anticipation of just 14 days nearly killed me! I still firmly feel like a March Mummy too, even though I became an April one :)
welcome hunny! i was due march 8th but became a feb mommy. i think it happened to plenty of us. that is an extremely long wait. you must have been so uncomfortable!

my mom was due on dec 5th with my brother and he wasnt born til jan 22! i cant even imagine.
Hi littlemissy and rainbowgroove! littlemissy hope your baby did settle or you found out what was going on - I know my first DD did that one day but she had bad winds I was not getting out properly I think.

I'm not allowed much beyond 38 weeks ever so cannot imagine being overdue let alone 2 or more weeks late - I don't know how you handle that.

I gave Kirima a bottle of expressed milk for the first time today but she would only drink a half ounce before she started yelling and refused more. Its better than I ever managed with my first who refused a bottle totally, but I will have to keep trying now and hopefully she'll manage. I guess both FF and BF have their own pros and cons but in the end as long as they are being fed and are healthy that is all that matters.
Hi Ceri! Super late babe! I nearly went mad waiting the 8 days for my little man to arrive:dohh:

I'm after some advice again ladies! My LO is sooo hard to put down, i'm permanantly holding him other than when he's in a deep sleep and i sneak him in his moses basket. I don't mind but hubby works lates and i need to be able to look after my 5 year old, i feel so guilty as he's not getting the attention he needs. i feel torn at the moment,i'm in a no win situation:cry:
Does anyone manage to settle their LO to sleep without holding them? if so how?? I think he gets over tired very easily and if he does its hell to settle him.

Sorry for post all about me :hugs: Hope you're all doing ok xx
Hi Ceri! Super late babe! I nearly went mad waiting the 8 days for my little man to arrive:dohh:

I'm after some advice again ladies! My LO is sooo hard to put down, i'm permanantly holding him other than when he's in a deep sleep and i sneak him in his moses basket. I don't mind but hubby works lates and i need to be able to look after my 5 year old, i feel so guilty as he's not getting the attention he needs. i feel torn at the moment,i'm in a no win situation:cry:
Does anyone manage to settle their LO to sleep without holding them? if so how?? I think he gets over tired very easily and if he does its hell to settle him.

Sorry for post all about me :hugs: Hope you're all doing ok xx

could have wrote that myself !!! x I feel like im always going on at Finley for being too loud to wake Ethan etc etc :(
Me too Natty, I've got tears running down my face thinking about it, god i feel awful! It got to get better hun :hugs:
Me too Natty, I've got tears running down my face thinking about it, god i feel awful! It got to get better hun :hugs:

Awwww :hugs: i put Finley to bed at night and i come down some nights in tears and i say to Tom this is ridiculous he is only 4 this isnt the life he deserves being shouted at all the time he is going to resent Ethan, he watches me from the corner of his eye when im feeding Ethan and i can see he is thinking what about me and all the while i try to put Ethan down and io start to play a puzzle or something with fin and Ethan starts again how nasty that makes me feel !!! :(
Im frightened Cameron resents LO aswell, logic tells me that lots of kids have younger siblings and it all works out but i can't shake this awful feeling of guilt. I do feel better knowing you're going through a very similar thing although i wouldn't wish it on you iykwim x:hugs:

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