March Mummies 2011

Im frightened Cameron resents LO aswell, logic tells me that lots of kids have younger siblings and it all works out but i can't shake this awful feeling of guilt. I do feel better knowing you're going through a very similar thing although i wouldn't wish it on you iykwim x:hugs:

I think you feel like its only your child thats going through it dont you, i didnt get dressed until 4pm today so you can imagine the attention that Finley has had = zero !:( i find myself putting a dvd on for Fin to keep him entertained ,he moans about Ethans crying and keeps coming to me saying love you mum and kissing and hugging me, its emotionally heartbreaking god its so hard. I hope our LO's settle soon so we can spend some time with our big men :thumbup:
Im frightened Cameron resents LO aswell, logic tells me that lots of kids have younger siblings and it all works out but i can't shake this awful feeling of guilt. I do feel better knowing you're going through a very similar thing although i wouldn't wish it on you iykwim x:hugs:

I think you feel like its only your child thats going through it dont you, i didnt get dressed until 4pm today so you can imagine the attention that Finley has had = zero !:( i find myself putting a dvd on for Fin to keep him entertained ,he moans about Ethans crying and keeps coming to me saying love you mum and kissing and hugging me, its emotionally heartbreaking god its so hard. I hope our LO's settle soon so we can spend some time with our big men :thumbup:

Sounds like we're living in the same life at the moment! I'm presuming there's lots of us out there in this situation. It does break you heart:cry:

I hope they settle down soon too hun, in a few months we'll look back on this and wonder what all the tears were about:hugs: x
my ds peyton was just like that. it seemed like there was always an issue. he didnt like his swing, he had trouble with eating and sleeping. i got a book called the baby whisperer and used her method to get him in a routine. it was really rough for a couple months. if he got too tired forget about it, he screamed his head off for hours. man i walked the floors with that kid day and night. i feel so much for you two, its rough. he is still so sensitive too.

do either of you have a sling? with my next one jax i got a sling right off the bat. just thinking of how much my arms and back hurt from carrying peyton all the time made me get one. it was a godsend. jaxon was in it all the time and now nathon is a lot already. i swear they have magical abilities. i wish i had one with peyton. when mine are in it the house could fall down around us and they wouldnt wake up. i literally wear my babies while doing some housework, teaching my kids, anything.
Ladies my bizarre one with settling Lyndon when I need to, is the spin cycle on the washing machine, a couple of times now he's been really hard to settle gone into the kitchen and he goes quiet, today I really needed to get out the door, and he hates his car seat, washing machine was on spin and 2 mins later he's fast asleep.

I have the same issue though with Jacob and feeling like he's not getting the attention, have been letting the boys bath togeather and having Lyndon on my lap when doing puzzels, reading or us all lying on the floor pulling faces to try and make Lyndon smile. Or I have Lyndon in a sling while doing dinner and get Jacob to help as he loves cooking. But when I'm tired or Lyndon is really crying from wind etc its too easy to be short tempered, I just make sure I apologies if I'm unhappy with how I've been and we have a cuddle and I tell him how much I love him - kids are forgiving.

Does anyone elses LO's drink the bath water? Lyndon got real cross when I stopped him, didn't really want him to drink it as there was Lavender oil in it - he's sleeping well now though ...
Thanks alot melissa i will look into buying one of those maybe i will be able to have aq wash before midday then!!l!! Cathryn thanks once again for your useful advice i think i will give that one ago tomorrow. I just wish sometimes there was some time for doing things with just fin, im sure the time wil come, im not ready to part with Ethan even for a few hours yet i think i need to think more about doing things with them both and maybe worry less about the housework and the washing! Ethan hasnt bothered with the bath water he is miserable even in the bath because he isnt in your arms lol. I can remember as a kid though i used to suck the flannel !! Strange admission i know i was a sick child lol x
Melissa, thanks for advice:flower: its good to know the situation natty and I are in is normal. with Harry i do think he tires really easily an hour of being awake and he's ready to sleep but he seems to flick a switch from ok to screaming and totally overtired. My eldest was the same and funny you should mention it is a sensitive little boy. I do have the baby whisperer books and i used some of her methods with Cameron, if i could just settle Harry in his basket to get jobs done and spend some time with Cameron i'd be ecstatic! x

Mumtoj, i'll try the spin cycle out next time! and i need to get a sling, my arms are aching! Its good to know we all are in the same situation :flower:,You made me smile with the bath water! Good he slept so well after!! Shouldn't think it'll hurt him, maybe leave the lavender oil out next time!! xx

Natty, i think part of my problem is i struggle to ask for help. I don't want to give my boys up, they're mine and i see it as my problem iykwim. But i've bitten the bullet for Camerons sake and asked my Mum to help one eve so i can focus on him more, hope todays a better day for us hun xx :hugs:

Thanks again Ladies xx
cathryn- i have heard about the washing machine working as well, so there must be a lot of babies who like it. its a really good idea, i have just never tried it. i think when they are crying so much i dont even think of sitting them anywhere, i just keep carrying them trying to console them. with a sensitive baby its a vicious cycle seems like. thank heaven nathon is so content, must be more like his daddy than me!

with my girls i just took them for a car ride. they would sleep for hours after. it got to be so common that if they got cranky i would sit them in their car seat and they would fall asleep before we even left. i thought thats how babies just were back then. i should have appreciated how easy they were.:dohh:

my boys hate the car seat and never fall asleep in the car. have no idea why. my boys have been much harder to take care of all in all.

natty and rachael- i know exactly what you two are going through. i had to put things into perspective and decide whats most important. if the housework doesnt get done, it will certainly wait til tomorrow. there wont be any hurt feelings from my socks if they stay dirty another day, lol! when i look back on things i want to have good memories of happy kids, not clean dishes and laundry:haha: if theres something i learned from my girls its that they grow up so fast, there is only a limited time to cuddle and hold them. i used to try to be the supermom too and not get any help. i do know now that a happy mommy makes happy kids. if you are able get a break, take it! even if its to play with another one of them. be thankful you have someone to help that you can trust with your baby. you will come back to them more refreshed and with new energy. i think its twice as important when you have a sensitive baby to take a break. they need mommy to not be frustrated! :hugs: to both of you and tell yourself this season of life will not last forever. one day we will be looking after our grandchildren for our children and miss these days.
cathryn- i giggled about the bathwater too. what a cute image you gave me! jaxon sucks the water out of his washrag after i clean him up, yuck!:haha: i think i may have to give him one to suck on while i wash him up so its not dirty.
Glad to know I am not alone with a lot of this. I often feel guilty about Laurana who does not get the attention she craves cause I am carrying Kirima around all the time. She keeps asking me to put Kirima down and complains when she yells. I'm also battling to get Kirima down in a stroller or carry cot so if I do succeed I have to try really hard to make use of that time with Laurana. I also am very grateful to go to the inlaws as they pay Laurana a lot of attention which leaves me free to see to Kirima. Mostly though I am on my own as DH is at work til late and the inlaws stay quite far away.

Today I had a friend round whose eldest is Laurana's age and she has an 18 month old. It was so nice to have all four children together and have some adult company - much of the time I long for DH to come home from work so we can start the bed time routine and then have a short time to ourselves (ok well its really Laurana to bed and then watch TV while rocking Kirima, but at least it is adult company and a chance to hand Kirima over for a bit if my arms are aching)

Laughed about the bath water. Its getting cold here now so no time for sucking water - its literally in and out the bath as fast as possible and its not even the coldest time of year here yet (we have no indoor heating so outside and inside are both cold)
tanikit- yay for some time with your friend. i feel the same, i crave adult company. cant wait for my hubby to get home in the evenings. i have some family here but dont really hang out with the ones in town. my kids dont really know their grandparents or aunts and uncles. the ones that are here are really busy with their own lives and dont make much attempt to see our kids. holidays are the only real time we visit them. thankfully my hubby gives me breaks from the kids. and like you i love our moments alone when kidlets are in bed.

so you have no heat?? how cold does it get there at its coldest?
Still about, reading a lot rather than posting. Phoebe is 12lb2 today! fatty!

She been crying for the last 1/2 hour, i think she's tired :( Off to buy my wedding dress tomorrow wahoo! Can't wait for easter to be over cause all I do is eat chocolate! Im going to start excerising properly now. I want to lose 1 stone, maybe 2.
:rofl: nathon is a lil fatty too. was 12 lbs 4 oz on tuesday. our babies are the same size right now:baby:

i started my diet this week, boo. already tired of vegetables:haha:

how did the vicar visit go hun?

yay for wedding dress shopping. i really loved my dress and planning my wedding. did you say august? what day?
Melissa outside here can get down to -1C (30F)(I think the lowest ever was about -4C(25F)) which means inside can get down to the low teens (about 10-12C(50-54F)) We just wear warm clothes and use electric blankets. It has only snowed where we live once (does so about every 25 years) - the day it did snow was really freezing inside and we do not have clothes suitable for the snow either because it is not supposed to snow.

Right now though it is still fine - June and July are our coldest months but we do have to start wearing warmer clothes inside and out and also bathing Kirima faster because of it. I will put a heater in that room when it gets very cold though if necessary.

Nix yay for wedding dress shopping. My brother is getting married in August (13th) this year and we are heading there so Laurana can be a flower girl. Trying to arrange flights soon to get us all there. When is your wedding - so exciting.
i so sympathise (sp) with you ladies who are struggling with more than one child. I heard Laura asking her dad to go and play with her in her bedroom cos "mummy doesn't play games anymore cos baby is always eating her boobies" :blush: :cry: so hubby and I decided that i would give her only 1 or 2 BF a day and the rest EBM or formula.i have so much more time for the girls as she was feeding 24/7 before.

Rach- enjoy planning your wedding, mine seems like forever ago and the actual day went sooo fast xx
Thanks girls. 15th August. Vicar went well, he was lovely. Meeting again soon, gotta chose hymns.... suggestions welcome!

Starting my diet soon melissa too. have to moticate each other. what are you doing? any weightwatchers or slimming world?
Thanks girls. 15th August. Vicar went well, he was lovely. Meeting again soon, gotta chose hymns.... suggestions welcome!

Starting my diet soon melissa too. have to moticate each other. what are you doing? any weightwatchers or slimming world?

Ooh you've picked my birthday

I start my diet on monday, not doing a set program but need to stop the junk, will have to work out how much I need to loose, though I think I need to focus on inches rather than lbs / kgs.
Sorry haven't been on much. I think Max has colic, and my hubby has been out of town. I am about to go crazy! Starting to feel depressed. Hubby should be home any minute though, so hopefully that will help. On a good note, I started weight watchers last week and have lost 4 lbs so far. Hope you are all having a better time of it than me.
Forgot to say AF came Wednesday... Feels like the end of an era!
Well done on weight loss. We will have to motivate each other!
we should all motivate each other!:friends: with my girls i was 20 and 22 so i lost the weight super quick. seriously it took less than a month. had p at 29 and still had about 10 lbs to lose from him when i got preg with j, over a year and half later. since j was only 5 mos old when i got preg with n i still had 30 lbs to lose:blush: i dont know if its cuz i was younger and had a quicker metabolism or cuz i started smoking again after my girls, but its so much harder to get the baby weight off now seems like. havent smoked for years now though and not willing to start, and im 33 now so its gonna be a battle.

im not doing a program, although i have heard good things about them. im doing a lot like cathryn. trying to cut out the junk. in college i lost 60 lbs in 3 mos only having fresh veggies and water. want more variety this time. plan on a ton of water, veggies, baked chicken and fish, turkey sammies, rice cakes, soups, etc. would like to add exercise but right now its really not an option time-wise.

chrissie- your lil girl sounds adorable. made me laugh. the little ones say the cutest things.

brai- thats good for a week! great job hun!

rach- sunday i should be having my first ovulation, yikes!!!! its scary to think i can already get preg again:shock:we are NTNP but will be careful the first couple of months. aug 15 sounds like a fab day, i want pics!!

cathryn- i heard on a fitness show that weight is less of an issue in being healthy as inches around the waist. they said the amount of inches a man and woman should be under to be healthy but cant remember how much.

tanikit- thats our hottest months, how crazy. yay for your brothers wedding! where is it at?

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