March Mummies 2011

nice dress nix!

roonsma sorry about the supply issue :hugs:

celtic glad you are feeling better! we are definitely allowed to have those down days

tanikit--i dont think i could go much healthier with eating, dh cooks all our meals--which are high in protein and veggies, i snack on yogurt, nuts, fruit, cheese, and we keep zero junk in the chips no sweets, etc--although dh took me out to the local bakery yesterday where i got a piece of cheesecake, yum! as i hadnt had anythin sweet except fruit in 2 weeks...i just need to work movement into our day to keep maintaining...which i went out yesterday and got the newborn insert for my ergo carrier so now it will be much easier---ergo being way easier than getting her in the wrap on my own,,,so yay! we will figure it all out!

hope everyone is enjoying the weekend...olivia didnt go back down very well after her 5am feeding but she napped from 9-11 so i did too...yay!

here are new pics while doing some tummy time yesterday---about 2 1/2 weeks old


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Love the pictures membas - she is adorable. It sounds like you are doing all the right things and glad you got your carrier sorted so you can get moving more.

How often and for how long do you do tummy time with her? Kirima doesn't seem to mind it too much, but we usually do it for very short periods a couple of times a day. She can raise her head quite well so I am not too bothered but wondered what everyone else does?
she does some tummy time on my tummy which she will stay happy with for some time until she falls asleep since its so warm and cozy there :) yesterday was our first day on the floor and she did about 3-4 minutes...longer than i expected her to do.we will keep doing a few minutes a couple times a day and increase when it seems like she can go longer. i read eventually you want to build up to an hour total each day even if its in segments throughout the day....not sure where i read that or how accurate it is...but i say do as much as LO will tolerate...a few times a day.
Membas! She is beautiful! :happydance:

I think Harry is starting to comfort suckle Tanikit, he gets quite cross when theres milk and he doesn't want it! Can't win can you!
rachel- that dress is gorgeous! your gonna be an angel in it:thumbup:

membas- she is way too cute! your certainly gonna have to deal with too many boys knockin, lol!

tanikit- love the new avatar:flower:

hope everyone is having a wonderful day. cant member everything i read so hope all the babies are wonderful today
I'll let daddy deal with the boys :haha:

i bet he cant wait for that lol! i know my hubby is already getting prepared and our girls are only 10 and 12. i feel sorry for anyone who breaks their
Hi girls

Membas she is so cute!
Rach that dress is gorgeous!! i want my wedding day back lol loved every moment of it!!
Girls Mason is getting such a chunk! we have even nicknamed him 'chunk' lol seriously he dont stop growing im gonna have to get the 3-6 month out soon cuz hes tight in all 0-3!!!
Lovely baby pics girls! and lush wedding dress hun!

I'm struggling to keep on top of the tidying! At the moment i've resorted to doing a room a day :D The only trouble is when i've done al the rooms the first one needs doing again! But it makes me feel a bit better :D
Kirima seems to have colic - its not as bad as some of what I have read up, but every evening she starts yelling around 16:00 and doesn't stop til 19:00 or 20:00 no matter what I do. She doesn't have winds, she doesn't need food (I try), that is bath time anyway so her nappy is changed. It is so frustrating and Laurana is starting to really complain about it.

Tonight was just the last straw as she started earlier than normal then DH was late home from work so I had to cook supper with both girls yelling and Laurana clinging to me saying monsters were going to get her and I yelled at her because she was dangerously close to things boiling on the stove so she started yelling even more. In some ways it sounds funny when I write it, but I've been rocking Kirima for almost 4 hours straight and I am exhausted as bouncing her when sitting down doesn't work so I have to stand and walk.

Sorry just had to get that out. She does this every day, but some days it is more manageable than it was today. They say colic ends at 12 weeks or so - please let this be true!
Tanikit that sounds hard work, I know all of mine had a fussy time in time in the evening but not like that it could be colic all right, maybe try colic drops or infacol or can you give her some gripe water see if that helps in any way hope it eases off soon :flower: love the new picture :hugs:
Tanikit, you have my sympathies, Jacob suffered with colic wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I found cutting out certain foods had a positive impact and drinking fennel tea. I didn't find any of the over the counter remedies did anything.

I have had to start pretty much cooking dinner in the morning so it can be re-heated at dinner time as Lyndons cluster feeding hits anytime after 4 which then makes cooking difficult.

Nix lovely dress, looking forward to the progress updates.

Sorry everyone else can't remember what else I've read, but hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their bubs.
Hi ladies just wanted to check in. I don't get much time to read the threads because Ethan is having daylong fussiness and so at five I finally put him down in his crib to either cry it out or sleep LOL, mommy needs a break from the screaming. We are finally starting to get into a sort of routine here during the days, which is great, and the little guy is starting to sleep better for us overnight (thank God, because I need some rest in the worst way!) The nights are improving while the days are worsening (in terms of bouts of screaming) - he just wants to be held 24/7. He will sleep all day as long as he's being held, but I can't hold him constantly. So once he's fed, changed, and clean I put him down in his crib sometimes for his naps. He's pretty much refusing to settle for naps these days but I figure if he wears himself out during the day I guess he will catch up on sleep at night. I don't know what else to do as he just doesn't seem tired during the day unless we're holding him.

Only read back a page or so but congrats on the wedding Rach!

Tanikit, lovely new photo and on the tummy time, I don't really bother. Ethan holds his head up great and is getting stronger daily so I am not too worried. He also loves his baby Bjorn and that gives him a sort of tummy time, so I don't worry too much about the tummy time. He hates it anyway and it just adds more screaming to our day, which we don't need right now LOL!

Blessed so glad to hear you are doing well! How is Nathon sleeping for you guys?

Cathryn I am trying the same thing with dinners; did not get it done today because little guy had a diaper blowout right after I'd given him his first bath of the day, necessitating a second bath. I'm thinking leftovers for dinner LOL!

As far as the housework, I'm keeping up okay on that front. Mostly becaues I am a neat freak and my sense of feeling in control of things is directly related to how clean the house is LOL. If the kitchen is clean and laundry is caught up, I feel pretty good about everything. I know, I'm nuts! But it really gets to hubby when it's a mess so I try really hard to keep it up. He's very appreciative when the house is clean so I feel good about that even though I can't do much about little guy's screaming fits right now.

The last of the nursery furniture was delivered last week so I am finally getting that put together. I will try to post some pics soon.

Hope everyone and every baby are well! Hugs to all!
angela- sorry your having such a rough time with the fussiness. have you tried mylecon? it worked really well for peyton after 2 months of screaming. i never gave jaxon or nathon the chance, had it ready before they were born. nathon is sleeping really well, i have no complaints. he is not on a real routine just kind of eats, sleeps, and poops on demand- lol! proly will try to start one after a while but its still going well so not too concerned. he sleeps a lot still but is sleeping good at night. co-sleeping babies tend to sleep a lot more during the day so im not concerned about that either. i would def give the mylecon a try if you havent. you can use it up to 12 times a day, or after every feeding. works wonders for mine.
Thanks Melissa! We may try it again. We tried it once and had a really bad night with him that night but it may have been a coincidence. Thanks for the suggestion! :hugs:

So glad Nathon is sleeping well for you!
angela and tanikit :hugs: sorry for the rough time with fussiness. olivia has had some of those long days and i know how hard they can be. she was also having a fussy time from 530p-9p. it has eased now but for the first 2 weeks i dreaded the approach of 5pm. we also had several all day events where you spend so much energy trying to soothe and nothing works for very long. i hope both your LOs settle soon. we still have our days sometimes too :hugs:

so i got out for an hour walk today! yay! we used the ergo carrier with infant insert--perfect! although not ideal for hot or warm weather...they would get too hot in that insert--but its only 50F here with sun so pretty ideal. i also got to my chiropractic appt 10 min early and olivia was pretty good although she screamed the first 5 min of my appointment...still we made it and i feel better after my adjustment and more and more confident the more we get out just the two of us!

finally got her fingernails trimmed and filed enuf to not wear gloves--she had super nails at birth and scratched her face and mouth up pretty bad. couldnt get them short enuf! but i think i finally did...

hope eveeryone is well..

blessed--why do cosleeping babies sleep more in daytime? we cosleep but use a cosleeper crib so she is right next to me but in her own space. yesterday and the day before she slept all day but then she has days when she barely sleeps at all and just eats all day--when she sleeps all day she is more restless in the early morning hours like 5am-8am...ugh! i would rather her stay awake in day than have her up then :)
Sorry haven't been on much. Max is very colicy and I am trying very hard just to stay sane.
angela- i would make sure after he eats and you give him the mylecon he gets a good burp up. of course every baby is different and it might not work for ethan like it does mine. i hope everything works out really soon for you and him. i know how hard it is to try to comfort a baby when nothing is working.:hugs:

membas- i was always told its cuz of two reasons. they get more stressed and confused being one. their needs are immediately met during the day but not at night and it raises cortisol levels. that hormone can bring havoc on their still developing bodies and since they have no other way to show they dont feel good they cry a lot and uncontrollably in response. and the other reason is cuz they sleep better and longer when they co-sleep at night. it seems logical that if they stay awake a lot they will be exhausted and sleep more, but actually it makes them sleep less and the quality of sleep they do get is poorer. good sleep brings about more good sleep. so in essence, they sleep more at night bringing more daytime sleeping. here is an article on co-sleeping...
angela- i would make sure after he eats and you give him the mylecon he gets a good burp up. of course every baby is different and it might not work for ethan like it does mine. i hope everything works out really soon for you and him. i know how hard it is to try to comfort a baby when nothing is working.:hugs:

membas- i was always told its cuz of two reasons. they get more stressed and confused being one. their needs are immediately met during the day but not at night and it raises cortisol levels. that hormone can bring havoc on their still developing bodies and since they have no other way to show they dont feel good they cry a lot and uncontrollably in response. and the other reason is cuz they sleep better and longer when they co-sleep at night. it seems logical that if they stay awake a lot they will be exhausted and sleep more, but actually it makes them sleep less and the quality of sleep they do get is poorer. good sleep brings about more good sleep. so in essence, they sleep more at night bringing more daytime sleeping. here is an article on co-sleeping...

Thats a brilliant article !! x
blessedmomma nice to see some positive information to co sleeping esp that it helps prevent SID :thumbup:

I had my hospital app yesterday and delighted to say Im diabetes free :happydance: fasting 4.8 and two hourly was 5.7 :happydance: very happy with that.
it was funny though, I had Paul with me and my mum was minding the rest but every one kept assuming he was my first :flower: and had a look of shock when I said no he is my 5ty:haha: I must look to young:haha: oh well

Paul was up a bit last night no crying though he just wanted two hourly feeding but went back to sleep easy enough, think it was the driving yesterday and the heat it was very warm. but my DD who is two was up every hour crying she fall back to sleep ten wake up crying again, I gave DH the calpol for her DH will be shattered to day he got up with her every time.

rottpaw you mind your self dont over do it ok :flower: get DH to help even a little when he comes in, it helps so much :winkwink:

Tanikit how are you doing:hugs:

braijackava:hugs: hope he is better soon and you get a break/rest

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