March Mummies 2011

Blessed - I use littlelamb bamboo with wrap and reuseable liners I'll take some shots tomorrow. the bespoke ones I've ordered are AIO (all in ones) one size birth to potty and if they fit ok will order more but I have heard that AIO's can be more leaky so just trying a few first. I am also looking for a pattern to try and make my own

would love to see some pics hun!!! :happydance: wow making your own, thats impressive, wanna see some pics if you do that too

tanikit that poor baby girl! glad its better with kirima:hugs:
Great pics membas!

I am in awe of anyone who has the time and energy for cloth diapering. I just could not do it. But I think it is great for anyone who can! It is all I can do to keep up with the laundry I already have :rofl:
we cheat and use a diaper service--my DH's work gives that as a gift to their employees--6 months of free diaper's normally $50 a month. Once our gift period runs out we will continue to do the service. It makes it easier and we've budgeted for it for now. We wash our own cloth wipes and covers but I don't think with me going back to work full time in September that we'll be washing our own diapers anytime soon.
We tried Totsbots with Cameron, say no more!! :haha:

By the way i am a bum cream expert after having a lactose intolerant baby who used to do acidic poos that burned his poor bum and i'd highly recommend Thovaline, its and old nappy cream and had Zinc, Lavender oil, lemon oil and sunflower oil in it, its a great barrier cream and touch wood Harrys bum is still as peachy as the day he was born xx
Got AF today :( I was hoping to be one of those that went a year of BF and no AF! BF, Co-Sleeping, Baby wearing...all those things that they say may help keep AF away--I do them all and here I sit 3 months post baby and a period. Blah. Guess it was a year ago I ovulated and got pregnant :) so I had a good year off from AF....
Got Max's teething necklace today. It seems to be helping, but cant tell to much yet as we have been out all day. Still waiting for Sophie the giraffe to come in the mail. I swear I can feel a tooth bulging up on the bottom. I think he will get one very soon.
Getting the rest of my papers off to the college. They decided to put me as a nonresident since we lived out of state for a year. So I have to appeal their decision. As a non resident the classes are 3x as much. I dont want to have to put off going just for that!
I agree,I could never do cloth diapers. I think anyone who does is awesome! I just have way to much laundry and everything else. I would always have a nasty pile of diapers sitting around! Haha I am not someone who loves any kind of housework, so the less the better. I have started trying to coupon though, to save some money. So we will see how that goes.
Hope everyone is doing good!
Brai, I coupon as well and love it! I fell off the wagon without the time qnd energy afternhaving Ethan, but I am getting back into it! I miss my deals lol!

I may have to get one of these necklaces for Ethan. He is still having issues with the teething pain and it sounds like they really do help.

Membas I also got my af back around 12 weeks and thought the same as you, but then I had quit breastfeedingna few weeks before. Mine seemed to stay away until I quit.
i hear ya on the couponing! we watched a couple episodes of extreme couponing and i want to do it on a smaller scale, but have no idea where to start. angela you may have to tell me how to do it! we are a fam of 7 now, need all the help we can get...

brai- i hope the school accepts your appeal, thats crazy!

got a necklace and it works fab! im so glad i did. it was the last one they had so have to get another tomorrow. i didnt think he was teething since his gums are still hard, not squishy at all. but he is drooling everywhere, having low temps all day, sucking on his fists, and pretty cranky. put it on him yesterday and moved it to his ankle for overnight, back to his neck today, talk about a new baby! im not taking it off him. i have to get one for jax but will have to sneak it on him. he wouldnt let us put this one on.

here are the cloth dipes im thinking of getting. anyone use them? do they look like some good ones?:shrug:
oh i'm glad the necklace is working blessed! not sure about those diapers but they look nice :)
sorry about af membas:growlmad:

yay for giggles! have you used a wash cloth and tickled her palms? mine giggle it up, must be ticklish.

so i am a member of babies and they sent me a promo code for a free sling and nursing cover. if anyone in US wants them, here they are... i assume anyone can use them in US....

if you enter the promocode BABIES on both you will only have to pay shipping:thumbup:
i'll have to try the wash cloth trick...she was laughing at DH playing with caught us off guard so only able to get the tail end, she was laughing more before i was able to get video but did catch a few giggles on video. she was so tired tonight from lack of napping and you can tell she sort of laughs but sometimes looks like she might cry and then just zones out--and laughs again. kind of funny. video in my journal shortly.
Booh to Af Membas, but Yay for Olivias first laugh :happydance:

Wow everone seems to be getting great results from the necklaces! This is Harrys first day wearing his and i'm sure he seems a little more settled. Blessed can they wear them on thier ankles overnight then? :flower:

My big boy is getting better, he's had a horrific dose of scarlet fever poor kid. It was terrifying to watch him go downhill so fast. I'm so relieved he's on the mend :happydance:
Hey girlies!

Boo for af! Gotta love the giggles though... Phoebe is doing it daily now which just makes my day. I nearly cried at it the other day! Peekaboo works wonders!!

Have no idea what these necklaces are but Ashton and Parsons powder seems to go down well :)

Glad your boy is getting better Rachael. (seems weird spelling my name that way!!)

Natty - hows the pregnancy? Hope you are ok xx

Tanikit - think i already said it but Kirima is soooo cute... actually all our march babies are!!! Lucky group eh?

So its 7 weeks til the wedding... argh!! I went into the dress shop to try on my dress.... burst into tears! I didnt like the way i looked, didnt look like a princess. Feel better about it now, just gotta keep up with weight loss. The issue wasnt the dress (i tried loads more on) the issue was the weight. But still so excited!
You'll look great Rach, you've plenty of time to shed a bit of weight :hugs:
wow your gonna be married in no yime rachel!!! i hope we get pics!:flower:

rachael- i am not sure if it helped on his ankle, but seemed to. the store we bought ours from had bracelet ones for babies and even mommy necklaces that will work to transfer it to baby in breastmilk. i thought that was pretty neat. last night i took it off for his bath and he started to get a low temp after a while so i put it back on. left it on his neck all night since its a breakaway clasp. i co-sleep with him so was awake making sure it wasnt too tight off and on all night. might try the ankle again. the guy who sold it to us said it works best when theres a little heat, so i might put a sock on over it.

sarah- we use coupons to save money on groceries. im surprised you dont have them there? some peope have found ways to get hundreds of dollars of groceries for free or at very little cost. with 5 kids im very interested, lol!

sooo this is weird ladies....
i dont BF because i have some issues. have never BF any of mine, and honestly have been happy with FF. i do get milk in after having them though. a couple days ago one of my breasts started leaking??? it should have dried up long ago. it sparked some questions for me and i got on a website called lact-aid which is a relactation site that helps women who have adopted or stopped BF. thinking of asking a friend of mine who has extensive knowledge of BF to see if its a possibility for me to start.
It's always a possibility :) I wish I did it but I think it was to ease my guilt for not bf rather than the right reasons x
Blessed, that's interesting. I guess I would have thought your milk would have dried up too--but anything is possible! :) I'll be curious if you decide to explore this more.

Olivia's afternoon naps are sometimes hard to get in...she fusses/cries/fights it pretty bad. Sometimes I lay in there and pat her til she's just about out and that works, but can take forever, sometimes I am able to nurse her to sleep but if I put her down she wakes up (this is really just the last 2 naps around 2/3 and 4/5 that she fights it--especially the 4/5 one). Anyways...a friend had given us this spoken word CD from Earth Mama/Angel Baby product line. It's this really calming woman's voice with light music in the background. I haven't listened to it all but from what I can hear she's just doing some sssshhhing, and twinkle twinkle little star, and 'time to close your eyes and rest' etc...just really calm. Olivia was fussing when I put her down--I closed the door to our room and went to make my lunch and within 30 seconds she was down to just kind of talking to herself and now she's pretty quiet. I put the CD on continuous play so it won't stop in 20 min and wake her up...but I think that's the quickest afternoon nap we've gotten in. Could be a coincidence but I might be setting up a CD player in our room permanently :haha: It really is a relaxing CD--even tells you at the beginning "Do not listen to while driving". It would put me to sleep for sure.

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