hhimayy - I'm pretty sure levels are suppose to stop climbing as quickly at that point. When I went to fertility specialist they stopped taking blood after about 6 weeks and an ultrasound as it was no longer a good indicator. At least you are being followed closely though! Good luck for your next draw.
kmpreston - i think your tests look fine. I also didn't tell them i was pregnant when i booked with the specialist 2 years ago.
Taz - yay for a strong heartbeat! It was a great feeling in my last pregnancy to graduate from the fertility clinic too.
Sara0108 - sorry you're not well
Livvy - yay 5 weeks!
mirandaprice - i also can not wait to be out of the first tri!
Sunnie1984 -
they gave me the same EDD today and i also have a bad feeling but promised myself no stress
afm - had my scan today. She dated me at 5+4 which is not what I was expecting. Based on LMP I should be 7 weeks and knowing that my hubby and I dtd after my fertile window and not at all before I figured I'd be about 6+3. I know that scans can be off by about a week and it was a quick abdominal scan but it still was enough that I'm now worried. I will call the doctor tomorrow and see if she will let me do a repeat scan in a week or two. The waiting is going to be brutal!