I TESTED EARLY with fmu this morning 9/10 dpo with a FR

why oh why, now I feel like crap!!!! I tested because yesterday I had some wierd cm, almost green coloured (TMI!!!) and felt really nauseus ALL day at work, and crampy.
Does anyone here use the CBFM? This is first month using it. My question is do you start

when you get a high?? And how often do you do it and when do you stop?
Hey this has been my first month using it too, a lot of people using it BD every other day on highs and everyday on peaks, but other say don't because the quality of sperm isn't as good if you do it that much, argggrgggghh!! We didn't because I got highs from cd6 so was toooo tired by the time I peaked haha! My advice is not to go all out too quickly because we bd'd cd 5,7,9,11,12,14 then we were really busy (with other stuff) over my PEAK weekend (cd 17/18) that we only BD'd once on my 1st peak day cd17, then nothing for ages!!!
And now I think I'm out