March Testers :) Thread for Support, Chatting, and Peeing on sticks ;)

Twinkie- thanks for shedding light on the twins subject! I did a ton of research on twins a few years ago and I always get a little frustrated when I hear someone say "It skips a generation!" lol. It happens to skip a generation sometimes but that's just chance. Everything you said lines up with what I have also read.

Does you being a twin have something to do with your username Twinkie? :)

Yes it sure does! Growing up rather than calling us by our names, my sisters would always say twin if they weren't sure who it was, it drove us crazy!! So one of my sisters decided to start calling us twinkie so that it would be "sweeter" Since then, we've been twinkie1 and twinkie2, obviously I was born 2nd!
Glad you brought up that generation thing, not sure how that ever got started but its total malarky! No science behind it, just one of those things that won't die.
Lynny, :hugs:. We'll catch the egg one of these days.

Fx to all of the ladies who are still in their TWW. I hope to see many more BFPs.

AFM, I got the ball rolling on fertility specialist. I have a phone appt on April 17. Still over a month away. Oh well. We'll have one more month trying to do it ourselves. DH is getting pump on eating healthier and getting more zinc in his body while I'm not doing much. I was like that 5 months ago so he is just catching up lol.
Hey ladies I am 10dpo and seeking advice! Af is due the 17th I had a period induced from provera started on feb 17th and lasted 6days. Anyways yesterday at 9dpo i had a TMI! huge glob of yellow ewcm along with a few cramping spells today at 10dpo I checked my cervix high and soft only thing that is worrying me is the wet feeling I have and usually have before AF shows and some lower back pain I really wanna test tomorrow any advice??

Wet feeling is there in pregnancy too! Good luck testing!

I know I don't post much, but I've always been lurking and all these BFP's have been so exciting! I myself am going a little crazy. I'm 9dpo right now. Since 5dpo, I've been having an increased amount of discharge, like I was shocked when I saw how much yesterday, as typically the week before my period I'm dry. Yesterday I started peeing a husband even made a comment about it. I've been sneezing at random times, but it never turns into a full blown cold. Over the past week, all I want is salsa. And not the chunks from salsa, but the sauce of the salsa...if that makes sense?? I've been having pinches behind my bellybutton all day and also have been having some lower abdominal cramping ever since ovulation. I'm thinking of testing tomorrow, but don't want to be dissapointed:-/ I just feel so different because I have a couple of actual tangible symptoms, instead of all the symptoms being completely in my head. After all, you can't dream up discharge and you can't dream up peeing a lot either. What do you ladies think? I swear if I implanted, it was on 5dpo because that's when all the discharge started. I know that's super early though.

Excited to see how it goes for you in the next couple days :D. Sounding great!

Extremely bad headache and I'm feeling light headed, lotion-like CM. AF hasn't showed yet. I'm hoping this is my month!!

Hope it is too! When will you test?

I'm out. I did a cervix check and came back with some brown. It's so disheartening. Seven failed cycles. So heartbreaking.

So sorry lynny. But spotting doesn't mean you're out. Hope AF stays away.

Lynny, :hugs:. We'll catch the egg one of these days.

Fx to all of the ladies who are still in their TWW. I hope to see many more BFPs.

AFM, I got the ball rolling on fertility specialist. I have a phone appt on April 17. Still over a month away. Oh well. We'll have one more month trying to do it ourselves. DH is getting pump on eating healthier and getting more zinc in his body while I'm not doing much. I was like that 5 months ago so he is just catching up lol.

Hope you get the BFP before the appointment comes around :winkwink:
Omg guys! I think I have implantation bleeding. My temps seemed to show a dip and just now, I could have missed it, but tinged toilet paper, so I used a qtip and def dark blood on it! Felt my cervix and it feels harder than yesterday. When should I test? I almost think it's too good to be true..
Omg guys! I think I have implantation bleeding. My temps seemed to show a dip and just now, I could have missed it, but tinged toilet paper, so I used a qtip and def dark blood on it! Felt my cervix and it feels harder than yesterday. When should I test? I almost think it's too good to be true..

Ooooh! I hope it was IB!! If you implanted yesterday, you should wait at least two days from implantation before you try testing so the hcg has a chance to build up, of course the longer you wait, the less likely the chance of a false negative...bfns suck! But I know I wouldn't be able to wait more than 2 days...I'd probably make a day and a half tops:haha:
I never had those little cheapie tests till this cycle so I did one, knowing it's ok if it was negative, and it was, but I feel ok about it, I know it's really early!

When I saw that blood it was almost like a positive test.. I've never had temps like these or noticed spotting like that. Now I'm just hoping I won't get a chemical (is that possible with ib?) or that there are other reasons besides pregnancy that my cycle is weird. Hopefully I can just find out within a couple days either day!
14dpo today and bfp


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Thanks everyone. I amextremely excited but really scared too.I hate have told a couple people just close friends and family. I have a doctors appointment on the 19th. I found it so ironic the minute I left my house today I got passed by someone who has the bfp in their license plate lol
WOOHOO rtebbe89! That's wonderful news. I hope it all goes well. :D
Congrats rtebbe!! Tested today at 10dpo and BFN. Then had some tan spotting. The crazy person in me thinks its IB, the reasonable person thinks its my period starting early:-/
Oh my goodness!!! Another BFP!


So I have a question, according to FF I am now in my third fertile day and ovulation could occur for the next week. However, I had a temp spike this morning so I'm thinking o may have occurred yesterday or the day prior.

DH and I BD the night before the temp spike, and we bd 3 days prior to that. So BD on CD11 and CD14 and temp spike CD15. We didn't start bd a lot yet as I wasn't expecting to O for awhile...

So could there still be a chance? Would I have o the day before or two day before the temp spike?

Also I had two glasses of red wine on CD14 and I haven't had any alcohol at all in about 5-6 weeks.

Could that have caused a temp spike? Or is it more like O for the temp spike? Have we possibly caught the egg?

So confused, and feedback is appreciated!!!
I would say you ovulated CD14, so sex on CD11 and CD14 isn't bad at all, it's great!
Awesome thanks! I've been reading and it says more than one glass of alcohol can cause a temp spike... So I'll see if it's up again tomorrow. If it is, then I think o is confirmed. If not, then I better bd as o isn't far away!
So turns out TTC is such a tease. Looks like AF just came early, and I had a short LP. Or.. I ovulated earlier,or didnt ovulate this cycle.

Ive been taking FertilAid for at least 3 months, without realizing how many bad reviews there were from people with regular cycles. Hoping it's just that, and not something else. Stopping that now of course.

Really disappointed, bummed out, and annoyed by the whole ttc process. Really thought this was it, for a day at least. DH will go to the doctor to get a SA though, so maybe we'll get some answers.

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