Like Miranda, I live in the great country of U.S. of A., which hates families. From what I understand, only 2 states have paid maternity leave programs, and mine (North Carolina) is not one of them. So I guess whatever I get off will be however many hours I can accrue of paid time off, since we can't really afford unpaid leave. This is our first (and unexpected) baby, and we had no idea how parental leave worked, and when Hunter (hubby) asked someone in human resources at work about paid leave, she pretty much laughed at him, saying, "You think we would PAY you to take time off?"
Sorry to sound bitter, but it does make me sad how the U.S. is, and I AM jealous of some of you girls.
Someone else offered me a job, which I was considering for a while (and then turned down), and knowing that I was pregnant, the lady who would have been my boss asked me how much maternity leave I would want to take. She said that the job wasn't stressful (a desk job) and many new mothers only took a week off after birth before returning to work. Mat leave isn't only for recovery from the physical stress of birth. It is also for bonding with your NEW CHILD. Jeez.
Sorry again for the rant... haha.