May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

Hi ladies,

Sarlar, hope you had a good rest, nice to see you back.

TTC- good luck with this round of clomid; I hope for no headaches or side effects of any kind for you.

nina, god luck with the tww. and good luck with testing. let us know when you crack!!!

FP- good luck with the tww, do you have any symptoms?

JA- good luck with the ivf, I had to inject my friend a couple of yers ago on a daily basis as we were on holiday and she was in the middle of IVF!!!! did they make you practice on an orange?

LB- good luck!!!!! and have a good rest in a few days time when the marathon is over!

Lola- good luck and have a lovely weekend.

yomo- hope you ok and holding up in the wait! hoping for good news for you!

sorry to anyone I missed!

no change from me! did another hpt today!!!! clearblue digital now reads pregnant 3+ weeks. Had to check! Appart from sore boobs, I don't feel pregnant!!! If I had not done the clomid and tested, I honestly think I would not know! grrr! it makes me worried! I can't wait for morning sickness to reassure me! I tried to convince DH that we should pay £80-£100 for a private early scan to check if everything is ok, but he said it was a waste of money and we could buy a cot with that money in a couple of months instead! We settled on me going to the docs next week to ask for bloods to see if everything seems ok! I think I am cracking up!!!!! I mean I have no bad symptoms, no spotting, only very mild cramping approx 3-4 times a day, but I get so worried!

sorry for having a moan on here, I know it's not what you all want to hear and I desperatley want you all to join me stressing about your own little beans!!!!

Oh sorry rambled on again!!!

Thanks, Don't wish that morning sickness on...... you shall be on here on a couple of weeks saying god I wish the morning sickness would go away :haha:

put ya feet up xx
I can totally agree with you.....but surely all this hard work will pay off, I have borrowed my niece today she is 21 months we have taken her to the park and we have fed the ducks. Got my nephew coming tomorrow he is 3 months, I have to keep getting my fill with them only trouble is I never want to give them back. We need to keep our chin up at least we have each other x

Sorry if I don't come on here that often, I am also up to sommat so don't get much spare time, dont think I am ignoring you lovely ladies xx
Evening ladies,

I am a bit blah today, having just got home from a baby shower for a friend (which I am sure everybody on this thread can also relate to!!) :dohh:

So, my IVF appointment on Friday was OK and all pretty standard, but I'm not very happy with my doctor. For some reason his office didn't lock in dates for the next phase of my treatment when they should have, so we might now be delayed by a couple of weeks. Grrrr! Waiting to hear more about that tomorrow, so stay tuned...

The good news is that I made it through injection training, so I am now fully qualified to start injecting myself in the stomach at will! Yayyy!

Sarlar, welcome back!!! So nice to see you in the thread again, and glad you had a great holiday! My fingers are crossed that the witch flies in quickly, so you can get started on your clomid cycle!

Faith, glad to see you making your way through the 2WW. I hope the time goes quickly and you come out the other side with a BFP honey!

Lady, yayyy for finishing the BD marathon and making it into the 2WW also! I know what you mean about dp getting sick of all the compulsory BD. It's not fun for anyone really is it?! Sounds like you've covered all your bases though, so well done.

Speaking of BD - Lola, I'm loving the strategy of waiting til you get the peak and not overdoing it. Good thinking lady! It's all just too much otherwise isn't it? Anyway, let us know how you're getting on - hope the weekend away was great.

Nina, your symptoms are still sounding good - let's hope you are our next thread BFP!:happydance:

TTC, Caz, Daisi and Kel - hope you guys are good!

Lots of love and babydust xxx
MrsJa: Totally understand about the baby shower! double edged sword for sure. Hang tough :bodyb: Hoping your appointments get straightened out and you continue on the fast track to IVF!!

Faith and lady- good luck during this most difficult 2week period!! praying for the witch to stay far far away!!

Lola, ttc, caz- hope everything is going well and your symptoms arent too bad!


Dais, Kel: keep taking care of those little beans!
Kel-is there for sure triplets?? i think i missed a post or something when i was gone!! fill me in!!

Everybody else, hugs and dust:friends:
PS. MRS JA I Love your wedding picture!! BEAutiful!
Morning all. Guess I am NOT in the 2ww anymore. Temps have stayed low despite ewcm and +opks and my crosshairs have gone now. Boo....
thank you for all the best wishes girls and wishing me a bfp!!!! oh God, i really hope all of you are right!!!!

yesterday i went to my friend's son's b-day. he just turned 2 and there were all moms with young kids!!!!! except me of course. and obviously everybudy kept on asking...."what is going on with you??? anything new???" - i just wanted to slap them across their face. i mean don't they know by now not to ask!?!?!? or if there was something new, that i would've told them....they really pissed me of. anyway today is the new day....

dragonmummy - does that mean you didn't even O yet?? do you think you will?

mrsja - some clinics are just not competant enough....i hate when that happens. but, don't worry....they will sort everything out and before you know it, you will have 2 strong lines on your hpt!!!!!! are you doing a long or short ivf protocol??

kel, daisii - thank you so much for your encourgement!!!! i hope i join you this month! can i aks you when did you start having sore bbs???? if at all???

yomo - how many days post O are you?? any symptoms???

sarlar - thanx for BFP wish!!!! i hope you get one this month as well!!!

caz - how are you feeling so far??? did you start clomid yet??

AFM - 9 or 10 dpo. absolutely no sore bbs, no cramps, no twinges, no nothing!!! what is going on???? every other month i have at least one or two symptoms - but then bfn as well. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

kel, daisii - did yo feel anything at all before expected bfp???
ye hunnie i have finished it hun i am ready to ovulat because im getting af like pains xxxxxx
@Nina - no idea! I thought I had but temps haven't confirmed. I could go for CD21 bloods on Tuesday morning but I dont really see the point - my chart is pretty conclusive. :(
Hi all, good luck everyone.

DM hope the chart is wrong and that everything goes well this next week.

Nina- I only started to get sore bb this last week, but they are still not hugely sore just a bit tender. My only other symptoms were a bit of hip pain at about 9dpo (felt like my endometriosis pain was back! Got very upset at this point!!! and I got a cold that started about 8dpo. But that is it. everyother month I had twinges galore, sore bb's etc. But the month I got my bfp, I was absolutly convinced I was out!!!!!

Best of uck, when are you testing?

I am still trying to work on DH (gently!) for an early scan!!!!! we shall see how it goes.

best of luck with oving, tww, testing where-ever anyone is.

Kel- any more scans booked? Three so far that's amazing!!!!
Hi Girls.

How are you all?

nina- i know how it feels when you go to a kids party and every one asks you when will it be you grrrrrrrrrr i hate that. my little brother's party is in june and 4 of my family members are pregnant and due in july/august/september and im not looking forward to all the pregnancy talk etc.its going to be realy hard espeacialy if im not pregnant by then :cry:.

Well im currently 2DPO and have no symptoms (i wouldent expect to have them any way as it is way to early for that) the only thing ive been experiencing since this morning is an ache in my uterus it feels quite sore dont know what that is all about.

I hope you are all keeping well and hopefully enjoying your sunday i cant realy say im enjoying mine as the weather is so miserable around here :growlmad:

Hi all, good luck everyone.

DM hope the chart is wrong and that everything goes well this next week.

Nina- I only started to get sore bb this last week, but they are still not hugely sore just a bit tender. My only other symptoms were a bit of hip pain at about 9dpo (felt like my endometriosis pain was back! Got very upset at this point!!! and I got a cold that started about 8dpo. But that is it. everyother month I had twinges galore, sore bb's etc. But the month I got my bfp, I was absolutly convinced I was out!!!!!

Best of uck, when are you testing?

I am still trying to work on DH (gently!) for an early scan!!!!! we shall see how it goes.

best of luck with oving, tww, testing where-ever anyone is.

Kel- any more scans booked? Three so far that's amazing!!!!

Hi hun,

I have one on Tuesday..... would be lovely if DH would agree!

I am now updating in my pg journal: x Kel's Diary x
thank you for all the best wishes girls and wishing me a bfp!!!! oh God, i really hope all of you are right!!!!

yesterday i went to my friend's son's b-day. he just turned 2 and there were all moms with young kids!!!!! except me of course. and obviously everybudy kept on asking...."what is going on with you??? anything new???" - i just wanted to slap them across their face. i mean don't they know by now not to ask!?!?!? or if there was something new, that i would've told them....they really pissed me of. anyway today is the new day....

dragonmummy - does that mean you didn't even O yet?? do you think you will?

mrsja - some clinics are just not competant enough....i hate when that happens. but, don't worry....they will sort everything out and before you know it, you will have 2 strong lines on your hpt!!!!!! are you doing a long or short ivf protocol??

kel, daisii - thank you so much for your encourgement!!!! i hope i join you this month! can i aks you when did you start having sore bbs???? if at all???

yomo - how many days post O are you?? any symptoms???

sarlar - thanx for BFP wish!!!! i hope you get one this month as well!!!

caz - how are you feeling so far??? did you start clomid yet??

AFM - 9 or 10 dpo. absolutely no sore bbs, no cramps, no twinges, no nothing!!! what is going on???? every other month i have at least one or two symptoms - but then bfn as well. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

kel, daisii - did yo feel anything at all before expected bfp???

Think I am 4dpo no symptoms but I am getting AF pains???How are you? xx
Nina- have u done hpt yet?? This wait is killing me.. I think u r about 3 to 4 days ahead if me.. Wishing u good luck Hun for BFP..
yomo- so how many dpo r u now?? Any symptoms huh?? Stay positive.. Baby dust to u..
ttc- I guess u r done with ur clomid now.. So how r u goin Hun? Jest prepare itself for all those bd's.. :)
lady- hope u r fine Hun..
dragon mum- don't give up.. Until u miss or get ur periods u r not out and we r counting u in for a BFP this month..
mrsja- sorry to hear about missing ur appointment dates n stuff.. It's so frustrating when things happen thus way.. Hopefully everything is gonna begin soooo soooon ... Fingers crossed for u Hun.. Btw ur profile pic looks great...
salar- hope u had a good holiday.. Iguess ur done with provera rite? Have u got ur af yet? Hope it shows up soon for u to start taking clomid..good luck
kel& daisi- hope u ladies n ur lil beans r doing great.. So how's everything goin? Scan n stuff.. Keep us all posted.. U girls r our source of energy n inspiration..

About myself... I think am 7-8dpo.. No symptoms as such.. Feeling pretty normal... Jus had milky white cm ( little bit ) sorry TMI...
I have very very mild back ache.. And a bit of bloating n I think that's coz of clomid's side effect.. Have to pull on this week...

If I have missed anyone sorry..i wish u all. Goodluck with ttc..
Wishing u all for a BFP...
C ya.....
LOL13- I hope you get a BFP this month. My dr told me that the second dose is usually successful. So hopefully it come back +!!

My dr gave me estrogen and clomid 100mg to help with CM as well. Im hoping we have good luck on the second round this month! Fingers and toes crossed.
Hi girls!

Um, did I miss something??? Did someone say Kel is having TRIPLETS???

Kel, what is going on???

Daisii, I hope you get your DH on board so you can have that scan you want, and that you're feeling good this week :flower:

DragonMummy, hope you're OK honey. That sucks about your chart. I really hope your time in the 2WW is not over, but I'm sure you know better than we do. Could this be an opportune time for a glass of wine??:hugs:

Faith, yomo, lola and lady, good luck with your continuing 2WW's

Sarlar, thanks for the support on all things IVF. (PS - I love that pic from my wedding too, the photographer did an awesome job!)

So I did manage to get the next lot of dates from the IVF clinic at last today. I'll start on Synarel this Thursday, then the Gonal-F injections on June 2. Then if all goes to plan we'll be doing our first transfer around June 15.
Fingers crossed ladies!!!
Good morning, ladies! I think I've caught up on all the postings these last few days.

There are so many of us now to mention by name. Sorry if I don't make complete rounds.

Jess - so glad your plan is back on track. Crack the whip if you have to!

Kel - so we should know tomorrow how many pips, right? If there are more than two, can I have one??!

Daisii- Hoping we get a glimpse of your pip soon.

Sarlar - You should be just about done with the provera now. Can't wait for you to officially start the clomid. You've been like our little sister this whole time!

Tnt - welcome & thanks for the good wishes. Sending you loads of luck for your second round, too. Keep us posted.

Faith - I think you'll be our first to report results for this cycle. Let's set a good pace for this thread!

Lady - I really hope you have your own stories to share at that party. Of course I'm sure you'll be sensitive to anyone else attending that might be in our shoes!

Nina & Yomo - I'm right behind you in cycle days. Here's to the longest two weeks!

I finally got my peak this morning and managed to BD before DH went off to work. I probably could have waited until tonight, but then I would worry all day that my egg would pop early. My plan is to do it again tomorrow morning. That should cover all bases, although I always stress out that I haven't done enough at the right time. I'm just glad the testing is over for now!
Hi Girls

lola-yey for the peak, i think your plan is great hun.x

mrsja-yey for getting all the appointments sorted its not too long till the 15th of june im excited for you huni i wish you all the luck in this world for a bfp :kiss:

faith-how you feeling hun still no symptoms? i hope you get some good news in a few days.x

dragons mummy-hang in there hun ur still in with a chance.x

daisi-kel- how r u girlies feeling? wow kel triplets yey.x

ttc-how r u hun?

caz- how r u hun?

sorry if ive missed eny1.

Well im currently 3 dpo and have noticed this morning that 1 of my nips is sore(sorry tmi) that is weird as ive never had sore nips ever before just sore breasts when my af is around the corner so hopefully its a start of something good. i also have a feeling of a uti as i keep wanting to pee and if i dont go straigh away i get realy bad cramps down below.

I think all these symptoms might be linked to clomid as it is way to early for it to be a pregnancy :dohh:

we'll see what happens in a weeks time im thinking of testing next week monday as i will be 11dpo but not very hopeful that i would get a BFP :cry:

how is every1 feeling?

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