Lola-glad to see you back the next cycle. positive thoughts for this time
I wasnt able to get preseed as no one in the area carries it. i am going to order some online but dont know if it will be here for this cycle. i have however been diligent with grapefruit juice, lotsa water, and tussin and it seems to be working. So far all negative opks. symptom wise, i have been very bloated and also have had cramps especially on my left side-kind of like an ache more than anything i guess. otherwise nothing else!! hard to say.... hoping i at least get an o!
palmer- let us know the results of the progesterone level- that may tell ya if it was implantation or not!! fingers crossed
I wasnt able to get preseed as no one in the area carries it. i am going to order some online but dont know if it will be here for this cycle. i have however been diligent with grapefruit juice, lotsa water, and tussin and it seems to be working. So far all negative opks. symptom wise, i have been very bloated and also have had cramps especially on my left side-kind of like an ache more than anything i guess. otherwise nothing else!! hard to say.... hoping i at least get an o!
palmer- let us know the results of the progesterone level- that may tell ya if it was implantation or not!! fingers crossed