May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

Lola-glad to see you back the next cycle. positive thoughts for this time:hugs:

I wasnt able to get preseed as no one in the area carries it. i am going to order some online but dont know if it will be here for this cycle. i have however been diligent with grapefruit juice, lotsa water, and tussin and it seems to be working. So far all negative opks. symptom wise, i have been very bloated and also have had cramps especially on my left side-kind of like an ache more than anything i guess. otherwise nothing else!! hard to say.... hoping i at least get an o! :shrug:

palmer- let us know the results of the progesterone level- that may tell ya if it was implantation or not!! fingers crossed:)
Glad to have you back, Lola! I'll be cheering you on to that :bfp: this cycl :dance:. I have to wait another 2 weeks for my next cycle to I have 2 weeks of

Sarlar.....wishing you all the best with the Preseed et al. Even if it doesn't get to you on time, it sounds like the water, graperfruit, etc. are already making a difference. Good luck girl!

Palmer, I had cramping from HELL my first round of clomid, but that was combined with injectibles. This last time, not so much though.'re ya doin hun? :hugs:

As for me, I'm wondering if I should switch to injectibles (alone) next cycle. My cycle 1 when I combined them with injectibles, I over stimulated and went through HELL. This last cycle, I did just clomid....and I produced 3 good eggs....but just one on my good side. I know injectibles produce more eggs, so still wondering what to do really. What do you ladies think?
Hello lovely ladies,

Sorry for being so absent lately! I was out Wednesday night watching SATC2 with the girls, then again last night for dinner.
It's nice to be home and having a couch night!

Lola, it makes me smile to see you back and getting on with the next round. You are great. I LOVED your rant too by the way, it really made my day!

Sarlar, hope you get that + OPK soon! Sounds like you've got all your bases covered with the water and the grapefruit juice and all that.

Isi, I've never done injectables before (other than the gonal-F ones I'm doing now for IVF) so I'm not sure whether that's a better way to go. What DPO are you now?

Palmer, good luck with your day 21 test. Let us know how you get on!

All's great with me. I've started my stimulation injections, so I'm now on the countdown to egg collection! My next scan is on Wednesday, so I'll know by then whether I have enough good follies or not.

Hope everybody else is great!!!

PS it's been a while, so here is an emotion of a cow
Hi MrsJa :hugs:. Well I am zero DH and I weren't able to BD accordingly, so this cycle was pretty much a bust :dohh:. So I'm already looking forward to the next cycle starting next week.....
Ladies, I have a question (I'm super new to all of this). I got a positive read on an OPK this morning (I'm on cycle day 16 as well). We BDed yesterday (at night). Should we BD again today, or do we need a day between? When's the best time in your opinion? Also, what is found out at the progesterone test on Day 21? I had to schedule that, but I'm really not 100% sure what it's checking. Hmmm...

Other than that, I hope all of you are doing well. You all seem to have it pretty together with this TTC business! :)

Baby dust to all!
hey mn lady- the opk means you will ovulate within like 12-24 hours so i would bd today and the next day! some people bd every other day which is sufficient, but i also try to bd as soon as i get the opk and the day after! the 21 day progesterone checks your progesterone level, which indicates ovulation. basically it tells if you ovulated or not!
crappy i know it is normal to o later with clomid but the opk today didnt even really have a second line at all. isnt it suppose to show a little and get darker as o gets closer?? i feel super awful today-nauseaus, stomach ache, headache, sideache, tired- and now i feel like i am not even gonna o. ugh. sorrry for the vent...
Thanks, sarlar...that helps. BD will happen both days. ;) I hope you start feeling better. My OPK has fluctuated from being nonexistent, to light, to dark (not in that order). It seems to change all the time, but today was the darkest it's been. You might be O'ing right now and just missed the surge! I'll be hopin' for ya'!
mrsja-nice to have you back! it's great you have been keeping busy with fun stuff- i think it makes this process so much easier than the days and weeks we totally OBSESS about it! hoping for lotsa perfect follies!!

Lola-i also loved your rant! sometimes we just gotta get it out there in order to start fresh!

Isi- no experience with the injectables. if you o using the clomid what is the advantage of doing the injectibles too, especially if they overstimulate??

Palmer- any lab news?

ttc, mn lady- hope the bding is going well!

Hope everybody else is great!!!

AFM, I have realized in my brilliance another symptom....mood!! I think I have been dominating the page with my obsessions! :nope: Just dying for at least an O so I can finally have some hope!! Fingers legs arms and toes crossed!!
Palmer - Are you temping...that is really the only way to confirm when you Oved. Also let us know what your tests come back and say.

Isi - I do not know much about injectable but I would say to do whatever will give you the best chance of conceiving....

mrsja - thanks for the emoticon...I was ahvign withdrawls. How are you doing? I always wondered what type of s/e IVF would give off.

MNLady - sarlar is right get in bding as you got your Positive OPK. On the progesterone test make sure you are tested around 7 dpo...i know it is called a 21 day test but it is done ot make sure you Ov...some women ov later on clomid so if you oved on cd 19 or 20 and they do the test on cd21 obviously there wont be enough progesterone to confirm ov. so if you got your pos. then you will probably Ov in the next 24-36 hours.

sarlar- sorry you are feeling down, but you got a dark line right? You mightve missed the surge. Also, it sounds from your other symptoms taht you might be oving. I get like that...I get anxious, crampy, grumpy, and overall feel like shite!

afm - I feel so out of chart is doing nothing spectacular and my boobs are getting sore which is a huge af sign for me...just dont feel like we got it this cycle.
ttc- hoping your wrong about those symptoms!!

and no i have never got a dark line. i only get really light colored lines and negative smiley faces. i have been opking 2-3 x day so i dont know how i missed it but i definately fell something. just dont know what it might be.... today still have abdominal pain-especially on my left. back ache. bloated. ewcm. just gonna bd and hope!!
Morning ladies!

Isi, that sucks about missing your BD window this cycle honey, sorry to hear that. Did you manage anything in the run up to O, or do you think it's a total wash-out?

MN, our fertility doc suggested every second day was best, but if your man has good swimmers it's OK to do it every day if it makes you feel better! lol..

Sarlar, glad you liked the cow - hope it cheered you up! What's the latest on your o situation? I'm glad to hear you are BD'ing just in case... I have never trusted OPK's, sometimes they don't pick up ovulation when they should. Your day 21 test will tell you for sure...

TTC, 8DPO for you today - my fingers are crossed honey! Let's hope those sore BB's are not a sign of AF, but a sign of impending BFP.. Re your comment on the side effects - so far I have been really good. I was a bit grumpy on and off during down regulation, but now that I am in the stimulation phase it's a breeze. Will see if I say the same after my day surgery for egg collection! :)

Hope all the rest of the girls are doing good. Lola, thinking of you :flower:

And now for another emoticon, just because I am on a roll.:serenade:
sarlar - Yeah it really sounds like your body is gearing up to OV...I would defo keep bding! I will do an extra Jig in my Oving dance for you tonight ;)

MrsJA - Thanks I really hope so to but I just am not feeling it..already having pms cramps..have been all day. Oh well! Those symptoms dont sound to bad...funny my girlfriend who I went to lunch today knows what I have been going through with the ttc stuff and she says...why dont you just do IVF and take out all the questioning....and I said...Hmmmm I might just jump on that train by the end of the year if I am not pg.
mrs ja- glad to hear you are feeling well and ivf is going perfectly! i have a great feeling about it.

well i had more -opk today. im wondering if i missed the peak somehow?? i have had these bad cramps/abdominal pain for 2 days now, lotsa ewcm, bloating, back ache... feels like it could be an o but i just dont know. bd'd today and very gracefully put my bum on a pillow and my legs on my headboard for 30 mn post bd!! guess like you said ill just be waiting till after my 21 day labs!!
Sarlar - just keep testing & keep at the BD, too. I find I have EWCM two days before the surge, but really none when I actually get my surge & O. If you' still have EWCM, you may not have O'd yet but will soon.

Jess - You're getting close, too! Only 1 more week before the next big step, right?

TTC - Hoping you're still in the game so you can avoid your doctor's appointment later this month!

I'm at the midway point of taking clomid this time. I've been reading about how clomid isn't very effective for those that ovulate on their own, so I'm good with my doctor limiting me to 3 cycles. DH and I decided we are going to do IUI this month (I was wavering), and we'll give it one last intentional shot at happening. If it doesn't, we'll go back to NTNP. I just have to get off this roller coaster at some point!! I'm not down about it, but if I'm not going to have kids, I just want to get busy living the life of a couple w/o kids. There are advantages to that and I don't want to give them up with infinite TTC.
lola - I completely understand what you are saying hun....sometimes you just have to say enough is enough....we discussed our cut off to be this december if nothing happens and just deal. That way it will be 1 1/2 years. huge hug to you hun, I really hope you get your bfp and dont have to deal with all of this anymore.
MrsJA, the earliest was about 5 or 6 days before o, and next was 3 days after o, so I'm not holding my breath at all. DH and I began to feel the ttc strain and have decided to bd for the passion of it, not just for ttc. We'll try again next cycle :winkwink:

Thanks ttc :hugs:

Sarlar, I'm just hoping for something that can give me better chances, given my 1 tube situation. I'm hoping that if I don't combine the 2 (ie clomid + injectibles), I shouldn't overstimulate. Well, not decided anything yet. I see my doctor on Tuesday, so we'll discuss the course of action for next cycle.

Lola, I know what you mean. Dh and I are on a mini ttc break till next cycle. Its a crazy roller coaster, this ttc ride we find ourselves on. Hopefully it will be over soon.
Morning girls!

ttc, yes the symptoms are not that bad - although I say that now, we haven't gotten to the fun part yet - ie egg collection. Or to the part where you maybe have to deal with an IVF failure. Ask me in a couple or weeks! If IVF is an option for you though, it's definitely worth considering. It's got much better odds than anything else you can do, especially if you do IVF with ICSI.

Lola, I'm glad to hear you are trying IUI this cycle. I understand what you mean about needing to get off the rollercoaster at some point. It has been a long time for you guys. Would you look at IVF too, or is this it for you?

Isi, fair enough about wanting to BD for passion and not babymaking. It gets to be SUCH a chore. DH and I had both had more than enough of it by the time we started IVF. Now we haven't BD for weeks!

All good with me, except I had a minor crying spell last night over something minor. I think the hormones are starting to build in my body now! Come on Wednesday...

Hope everybody has a great Monday :hugs:
lola hun i am glad you are trying a shot of the IUI. i am really praying for you to get your bfp this month! you deserve it so much after all this time!!

and as for me, i have news!! positive opk!!! it was the most beautiful smiley face i have seen thus far!!! i think the only thing that could make me happier is a bfp!! bd'd yesterday and today so hoping we covered it. will try to bd tomorrow too. feeling bad, my oh is getting sick of this scheduled sex already!! i asked him today if there was anything i could do to help the scheduled sex and his response was yeah get pregnant already!!! lol

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