May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

Hi Jess - I know, this is dragging on & on! I'm also with you on the lack of bb soreness. They were a little tender, but now feel basically normal. I looked back at my notes & the same thing happened last month - bummer! Usually they are killing me up until AF shows, so I was hoping it was a sign.

I might actually test Wed morning, even though I don't expect AF until Thurs. I usually don't test, but l got some IC's with OPK's this month. I'm holding out until then.

I had a pretty lonely weekend, to be honest. I wish your girls were local so we could meet up in real life :). I literally have no friends left without kids, and it can make life lonely. I looked for an infertility support group, but can't find one. I might need to start one.

Sarlar - we haven't heard from you in a while. All done taking round 2?
Mrs JA and Lola.....I am really praying for the both of you and looking forward to some great news from you :hugs: are you today? :friends:'s the 2ww coming along? Good luck hun!

As for me, well DH and I were not able to get any BD in over the weekend....last time was Friday night. Last night he was recovering from a hangover all day and just wanted to cuddle . I have to go all gangsta and seduce him tonight....probably have to dig in my repotoire for some extreme R rated seduction Any suggestions would also be welcome . I've also started feeling twinges....but from my left (dodgy) who knows about this cycle :shrug:. But I had a lily white OPK yesterday, so we hopefully haven't missed anything.

Oh, and so sorry to all my English gals. I swear, I felt just as gutted yesterday as when the Nigerian team crashed out. But the officiating was appalling though!
Mrs JA and Lola.....I am really praying for the both of you and looking forward to some great news from you :hugs: are you today? :friends:'s the 2ww coming along? Good luck hun!

As for me, well DH and I were not able to get any BD in over the weekend....last time was Friday night. Last night he was recovering from a hangover all day and just wanted to cuddle . I have to go all gangsta and seduce him tonight....probably have to dig in my repotoire for some extreme R rated seduction Any suggestions would also be welcome . I've also started feeling twinges....but from my left (dodgy) who knows about this cycle :shrug:. But I had a lily white OPK yesterday, so we hopefully haven't missed anything.

Oh, and so sorry to all my English gals. I swear, I felt just as gutted yesterday as when the Nigerian team crashed out. But the officiating was appalling though!

I am good thanks babes :mad:) Had toothache all weekend, but been to dentist today and got some tablets.

ha ha gangsta, I like it! I am sure you can seduce him Isi just turn up the charm! Hope you get your +opk soon honey xx
Aww sorry about the tooth ache, Lynds!! Hope you feel better today. Thanks hun! I will defo do everything I can to get those :spermy: tonight :winkwink:
hi ladies -

thank you so much for the well means to much to have such a great support group.

dizz - I am so sorry about your loss but it seems your dr is on top of everything.

Mrsja - Just a question, do you have a tww with IVF? I would think it is a 1ww because the egg doesnt have to travel down the tubes right? Well, bigger boobs is a great sign....I am so excited for you.

sarlar - I am so happy you ovulated...i hope this next cycle is it for you.

lola - fxed that af stays far far away. I can relate...I dont have to many friends who are babyless either.....

caz - how you doing hun? any symptoms?

Isi - I dont have any recommedations but I hope you get some bding in tonight.

afm - no surgery till august 11th. they said they would call if there is a cancellation but I am not holding my breath. We have decided to ntnp until after teh surgery. I have no idea where I am in my cycle and I am ok with that. I am just going to concentrate on losing some weight and getting healthy for the surgery. Until then I will hope and pray for all of you BFPs.
Good luck with the surgery, ttc. I hope there's a cancellation soon, but in the meantime, just enjoy your ntnp period. Who knows what could happen! Wish you all the best!
caz - oh itchy nipples is a great sign.

Isi - thanks for the pma.....I really hope you get your freak on tonight...LOL
MrsJA, I was wondering the same thing. When are you "allowed" to test?

Lola- I dont have any friends either that dont have any kids or who arent preggers. Its kinda hard cause being around kids makes me sad, and being around preggos makes me even sadder :(

Im currently on CD 16. I had ewcm sunday morning. we bd saturday and sunday night. Today Im having lots of cramping :shrug:....other than that, finally headache free!!!! :happydance:
I'm thinking about testing tomorrow at 11DPO. Do you girls think I should hold off? I usually don't have HPT's in the house, so there's usually no temptation. This time I have them & I feel so bloated. I'm probably reading into it. What do you say, test & risk disappointment or stay strong another day?
Evening ladies!

Lola, it's only 11DPO - hold out! I know the temptation is hard, but I would hate for you to get a BFN because you tested too early :(
PS - I wish we were there to keep you company too!

Isi, I love that you are considering getting all gangsta on your DH - lol! Hope those twinges turn into a nice, fat positive OPK.

TTC, shame you have to wait until August for your surgery, but I like your thinking about taking some time and focusing on your health while you wait. If this IVF cycle fails, that's what I'm planning to do til August too :)

Re the TWW... an IVF TWW is pretty much the same as a normal one. I had a 3 day embryo transfer so technically I was already 3DPO when the transfer was done on the 18th, but you've still gotta wait 2 weeks so that the embryo can implant and your body can start producing HCG at high enough levels to be detected.

Palmer, glad to hear everything is progressing nicely!

Kel, I hope everything is great with you :hugs:

Lots of love and babydust xxxx
Jess, I didn't check your message before my first AM wee :). I caved & tested. Let's call it a BFN, but there might have been the faintest of faintest lines. I honestly couldn't tell if I was seeing something that wasn't there, or if it was just the color from the back bleeding through. So that test was pretty pointless!
Oh Lola, I cant wait till tomorrow...will you test again?

Mrsja - I feel so positive for you, I really hope this worked.
Hi Ladies, about about 3 dpo and still having yall think this is normal? my other rounds of clomid werent like this- but then again i was too busy having hot flashes to realize anything else. haha
palmer - yeah it is normal. I had cramps almost a week after oving on 1 cycle. If it gets to bad though, I would call a dr.
TTC - I don't think I'll be able to resist testing again tomorrow. I need to confirm if my eyes are playing tricks on me or not. Hopefully 1 more day will be enough to make a difference. I feel a little crazy for thinking I saw something. Will feel so foolish if AF shows up!

Palmer - For me, my ovulation pains went away 2 days after my positive OPK. I knew I had ovulated and the discomfort disappeared. Sounds like that's not necessarily the case for others.

Kel - Thinking about you, toots.

Jess - Keeping busy? Or just going nuts? Rooting for your uterus :)
Hey guys,

Not doing so great at all today.

DH and I had a big fight last night. Not one but TWO couples who are close friends of ours announced their pregnancies yesterday. I was telling him how I felt about that and he said something I didn't like, so I yelled at him and then he yelled back.

I'm pumped full of IVF drugs which is making me a bi!tch to be around, and I'm so emotional. I cried so much last night I haven't been able to bring myself to go into the office yet because my eyes are all puffy :(

And to top it all off this morning I have started to spot.

Sorry about the miserable post, I just have nothing good to say today :( :(

Lola, really hope you get good news when you pee on that stick, I need something to cheer me up big time!!

Lola - any update????

mrsja - Oh I can imagine how those hormones are making you feel. I really hope you and dh work it out....and maybe when things calm down you can tell him that you are more prone to fly off the handle right now.

My best freind gave birth today to a beautiful baby girl....I am soooo happy for her but a part of me is so sad for myself.....I am working through it and I hope it doesnt last to long.
Thanks TTC,

Unfortunately AF has now arrived in full force - there are no ifs, buts or maybes and I'm certainly not looking to kid myself about IB. This IVF cycle has failed :(

DH and I are taking care of each other and the fight is forgotten, but I am so sad. I'm going to take a couple of days off work, and I am probably also going to take a couple of days off posting, but I will be watching out for you guys.

Lola, honey - hope your news is better than mine xxx

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