May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

Jess - hmmm....stranger things have happened, maybe this one will pull through. Did the clinic say there's a chance? Look at it as a positive - there was clearly something in the works down there! If not this time, it's coming soon for you.
mrs ja- hoping this weekend flies by and we willl have another miracle bfp monday:)

lola- loving the new ticker!!! and yes you better stick around and wait for us to join you because i cant live without you guys!!
Evening girls,

I just wanted to say thanks again for how wonderful and supportive everybody has been to me over the past few days. It has helped me more than I can tell you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

So a little update...

I had to go in for a blood test this morning, as part of the IVF protocol, knowing already what the result was going to be because I've been bleeding for 2 days - but unfortunately I didn't get the straightforward negative I was looking for.

It's come back positive but my HCG level is really, really low. Which means I've got to go back for a follow up blood test on Monday - but my expectation is that the pregnancy will be no more by then.

I haven't decided yet whether this makes things worse or not? I am probably either way. It does mean we're in limbo over the weekend anyway, which isn't great.

My beta is 5 so I think it is very unlikely I'm going to get good news on Monday - probably just another kick in the guts :(

Anyway, sarlar, I am loving the relaxed approach this cycle, you sound really chilled out and good to go!

Lola, thanks for the post-BFP symptom update, I loved it. I still can't believe you got your BFP - it is the best news ever! PS - yes, you are not leaving us, you are just going to have to wait til we all get our BFP's too - lol!

TTC, Isi, Yomo, Kel, Caz and Daisi - sending big hugs and lots of love xxxx

oh babes, I am so sorry, bet you don't know what to think. I hope you are feeling better soon :hugs::hugs::hugs: x
Mrs JA, I'll be praying for a miracle for you! :hugs:

Thanks Lyndsey. We were able to manage it, but I won't be holding my breath though :shrug:. Thanks babes. How are you doing? You o in a couple of days, right? Good luck sweetie!

Lola, its normal to be uber excited! And your ticker is awesome :winkwink:

Sarlar, Kel, caz, ttc, hope everyone is well!
MrsJA - well I would try not to get my hopes up because the disappointment always seems worse but look at the fact that maybe it was a chemical so that means that you got just didnt stick. ALSO, there is great evidence that once you have a chemical you will probably get pg the next cycle. Will you be trying the IVF again? I am not sure if what I am saying is making you feel better or worse, but I still have high hopes that you will have your BFP very soon.

Lola - Oh I am so happy for you hun!!!!

Hi Isi, Sarlar, and Yomo
Thanks guys. Love you all :hugs::hugs:

TTC, I think you are spot on - I think it's likely to be a chem, but I do take some comfort from the fact that little embie did hang on there for a while.

It's no fun not having a definite result, but I have prepared myself for the worst on Monday. Having said that, I'm sure you ladies can all relate to that stupid little bit of hope that always gets us when the witch turns up!

I spent half of last night googling success stories with low beta's. Very dangerous!!! (PS - I think the verdict is much the same as what I thought - not impossible but certainly very unlikely)

We have to take a break from IVF so my body can get rid of all the drugs, so it'll be back to doing it the old fashioned way next month. So anyone who doesn't get a BFP this cycle will just have to put up with me again!

Lola - how are you feeling?? I want to know how your DH reacted to the news! Tell us all!

Isi, holding my breath for you just in case!

TTC, sending love and hoping you're having a nice, relaxing NTNP couple of week

Yomo, Sarlar and Caz hoping you have a great weekend. Sarlar, are you done with clomid and up to the BD part now??

Thanks Mrsja...well I am trying to not stress about relaxing but I must say it has been weird not temping and do everything else....

You never know all those drugs will still be in your system next month so doing it the old fashioned way might just work!
Yes i AM done with the clomid-had no side effects this month. started the every other day bd schedule although i probably wont ovulate for one more week. started the tussin and grapefruit also.
Hi girls, :friends:

Nice and busy on here at the moment! The support is wonderful and you all deserve a lovely BFP really do! Love to you all sweeties!

I'm having a relaxed cycle too this month... I think I have ov although the CBFM is all over the place so I am giving that a miss this cycle. I definitely ovulated from my left ovary as I felt it (after 3 months of not ov due to pg it was very painful) and then thing I ov from my right ov as well the next day! How strange?! BD every other day (JUST FOR FUN!!!) as I am kinda using this cycle as a bonus.... not expecting anything but bding just in case :)

Well, after a really crappy two weeks I think I am finally starting to come out of the other end. Apart from one horrible day at work this week.... it has been ok! Roll on the summer holidays! We have booked a couple of weeks in portugal and am also off for a girlie few days too! Can't wait just to totally relax!

Although having a m/c has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, it has just shown me what wonderful people I have around me....I feel very lucky! It really does make you stronger and is just LIFE I guess! Still feeling positive and reminding myself of a wonderful quote: "We can't change our circumstances but we CAN change our RESPONSE to our circumstances"!!!!!!

Have a great weekend girls

Kel xxx :hugs::hugs:
Hey beautiful ladies :kiss:

Kel- I'm so glad you are having a relaxed and enjoyable cycle and a positive one at that!! So inspired by you :) Hoping this au natural thing is working its nature wanders!! Sounds like it is....

ttc- hoping for a miracle or else a funfilled summer till surgery!! enjoy this time off from all the work of ttc!!

mrs.ja- hope you are holding up sweetie. come back to us next week!! thinking about you lots:hugs:

is,caz,yomo- hope you girls are doing great!!

AFM- just hanging out!! :coffee: Hope everyone has a fun filled fourth of july weekend:)
Good morning, girls!

Kel - I was so happy to read your message and see you're rebounding. Good for you...I can't imagine a better response.

Sarlar - Sounds like you're just about ready for this cycles trying. Are you going to use pre-seed, too? I like that stuff.

Jess - Hope the weekend is flying by for you. Everything triple crossed for a miracle this time or success with your next IVF.

Isi - My DH was impressed I now have a friend in Nigeria. Very exotic from our vantage point :)

AFM, I'm feeling like I should have a lot to do - like reading about nutrition, preventing stretch marks, exercise to do/avoid, etc. But somehow I feel very calm about this, which isn't like me!

I told DH on Friday night. When he got home from work, I was sitting in the nursery (this empty room has haunted me for the 2 years we've lived in our house). The house was quiet and I knew he'd come looking for me. Eventually he opened the door to find me sitting there with a pink balloon, a blue balloon, +HPT and a note that said "Daddy, I'll see you in March". He was pretty stunned, even though I had told him I knew it had worked a week before. He's been on his best behavior since then - bonus of pregnancy, I suppose!

I'm very excited we're telling my family tomorrow. It's so early, but even if something were to happen, I would want their support, so why wait?

Wishing, praying, hoping we can all hold our babies in 2011. Now get to work & make it happen!
Lola- I LOVE how you told your dh about the baby. It was the sweetest thing i have ever heard and perfectly fitting for you!! I agree it is great to have support from family if anything were to happen so go for it!! I approve:) I am just so so happy for you and so excited!!

I am not using preseed as I have had plenty of ewcm as long as i follow through with the grapefruit juice and tussin. actually last month it was almost too much lol!! is it still necessary to use even if you have lots of your own???
Good morning, girls!

Kel - I was so happy to read your message and see you're rebounding. Good for you...I can't imagine a better response.

Sarlar - Sounds like you're just about ready for this cycles trying. Are you going to use pre-seed, too? I like that stuff.

Jess - Hope the weekend is flying by for you. Everything triple crossed for a miracle this time or success with your next IVF.

Isi - My DH was impressed I now have a friend in Nigeria. Very exotic from our vantage point :)

AFM, I'm feeling like I should have a lot to do - like reading about nutrition, preventing stretch marks, exercise to do/avoid, etc. But somehow I feel very calm about this, which isn't like me!

I told DH on Friday night. When he got home from work, I was sitting in the nursery (this empty room has haunted me for the 2 years we've lived in our house). The house was quiet and I knew he'd come looking for me. Eventually he opened the door to find me sitting there with a pink balloon, a blue balloon, +HPT and a note that said "Daddy, I'll see you in March". He was pretty stunned, even though I had told him I knew it had worked a week before. He's been on his best behavior since then - bonus of pregnancy, I suppose!

I'm very excited we're telling my family tomorrow. It's so early, but even if something were to happen, I would want their support, so why wait?

Wishing, praying, hoping we can all hold our babies in 2011. Now get to work & make it happen!

It is fab telling the family Lola - I was so excited! I like you told people because I wanted the support but think I will have to wait until my 12 week scan next time....I need to be sure in my own mind! I dont regret telling people at all and would not change it if I could go back in time so go for it girl!! :happydance:
dizz - wow what great PMA....I am so happy you are coming out the other end of that horrible dark tunnel! I hate that tunnel. I am praying you get your BFP really soon!

Lola - what a wonderful way to tell him....I have always been on the fence about telling anyone when I get pg...but I think that is a good point. You will want their support.
hi girls got a bfn on a superdrugs and done an ic 2nd wee and a very very faint line so test again in the morning xxxxxxxx
Sarlar - If you have plenty of CM on your own, you probably don't need the pre-seed. I tend to dry up by the time I get my peak, so I found it really helpful. 4 days to eggie popping!

Caz - a faint line sounds familiar! Hoping today's is undeniably positive.

Kel & TTC - hoping your relaxed cycles are at a minimum chilled out & fx productive.

Other than caffeine withdrawal (oh i miss my coffee!), I feel fine. The lower back pressure has subsided and only my bb's feel a little sensitive. Overall, so far so good. I took another test this AM, and it came up + straight away. I needed to see another before telling the family.

Do any of you think you'll try IUI? It's easy, quick & pretty inexpensive. Just a thought to help increase your chances. I'm obviously a fan.
Lola- glad to hear you and bean are feeling good!! Did you ask your doc for IUI?? mine hasnt really offered that option. i just saw him before starting the clomid and through the testing and havent actually seen him in the office since then. his nurse just calls me with lab results. he started the clomid and said he thought it would be easy and no problem gettting pregnant once i was ovulating on clomid and didnt really discuss any other options at this point. just wondering how i approach that suggestion as I would love to try anything that would increase my odds!!
Sarlar- You should just ask/tell the nurse you want to add IUI. Some docs are less proactive than others. Mine is pretty laid back, so I had to initiate it. I asked what else I could do and then asked them about the procedure. They sent me the instructions in the mail & it was so easy. I took it from that point...notified the clinic I'd be doing IUI, called the day I peaked, then showed up the next day. The only thing that gave me some anxiety was getting DH there on the specific day, ready to "perform". :)

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