May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

palmer- love that you have a little sweet pea right now!! so cute:)

Thanks! I'm excited but terrified too. My dh has sworn me off of google as of yesterday. Haha guess after all this time I keep expecting the worse. :/

hope everyone is doing well! Seems a few of u aren't too far from the 2ww!!!!
I am soooooooooo loving your tickers MrsP! Definitely going to steal them when I get my BFP :winkwink:

Mrs JA, I really hope they can classify your bleed last week as AF, so you don't have to wait another cycle. I really want you back on the ball again. Wishing you all the very best and sending a ton of :dust: your way.

Good luck this cycle, Sar :thumbup:

Yay for ovulating Caz!!!! Hoping this cycle works out for you hun!

Lyndsey, Lola, TTC, Kel....everyone....hope you're all doing great!!! As for me, I'm looking forward to my FS appointment tomorrow. I really really can't wait to get this party started!!!
Wow Palmer, you're already past 6 weeks?!! It seems so fast...when did you ov?

Jess, I really hope your bleed means the start of a new cycle for you. We need to get this show on the road :)

Hope everyone's doing well. I'm feeling surprising well, just a bit tired but no morning sickness. This Friday will be 8 weeks, so I'm thrilled to hit that milestone. I'll feel better after a few more, though :)
Hi ladies. Hope everyone is doing great!!

I went for my FS appointment today. It was a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!! I got more from the 1 hour appointment that I had in 20 cycles with my beloved Ob/Gyn! Totally fantastic doctor who enlightened me so much!!! But that's the good news. The bad news is that IVF might be the better option for me. He believes that my 1-tube situation, along with the minor adhesions I had in the past, might not make IUI a viable option. And you know what, I think I'm impatient enough to agree!!!
is- glad everything went well. hope you can start ivf soon.

mrsja- hoping you also can restart the ivf process very soon!

lola/palmer-take good care of those little beans!!

afm- started clomid today. we will see what this month brings.
Mrs Ja - Yep we are waiting buddies it looks like...LOL

Sarlar- yeah on the soft cups and preseed, that is my plan of action once I can start trying again.

caz - yipee on Oving!

Isi - so glad you had a good appt. So when do you think they will set you up for IVF? Those damn adhesions has me really scared after this surgery I just had...I hope I dont get to many and my lil eggy find somewhere comfy to implant.
Thanks ladies. have nothing to fear, dear. Adhesions don't happen all the time. I had minor ones that were cleared during my lap. My FS just believes that, given it has taken this long, in addition to the fact that I have a blocked tube, IUI might not really up my chances. I'm hoping to get the ball rolling sometime in September or so...

On a lighter note, I :plane: out tonight :happydance:. I'm going to miss my DH sooooooo much, but my bestie and I have so much to catch up on! I'll definitely log on tomorrow or next. Ciao bellas!
Hi lovely girls!

Isi, haaaaaaaappy holidays lady! Hope you have an amazing time with your bestie. I'm so glad you had a good visit to the FS too. If you do end up being an IVF'er, I promise I will keep you company and give you all the good IVF advice :friends:

Lola, I can't believe it's been 8 weeks already! Such a good thing to get through that milestone, and especially to see your little heartbeat! Has the family situation settled down?

Sarlar, I'm glad to see you're off again and starting your clomid cycle. Here's hoping honey!

TTC, how you feeling? Sitting around and waiting up a storm like me I bet! ha ha...

So, I spoke to the clinic this week and the response from them was less than ideal! They think the bleed I had was probably not AF, so I have to keep waiting. They said if AF doesn't show by the end of August (!!) I should call and they will see what they can do (ie induce a bleed or something I guess.)

Anyway, I am just trying to be really Zen about it at this point. This baby is clearly going to happen in it's own sweet time, so I'm trying to make the best of it.:wacko:

Caz and Palmer, hope you guys are good!

Sending lots of love and babydust xxxx
Hi all,

Just to let you know that from sat I am away for a couple of weeks. Will try to check up on you all now and again but am going to have a nice relaxing holiday and not worry about ttc!

Love to you all xx
Aww, thanks MrsJA :hugs:. Looking forward to being your IVF bud :friends:.

My holiday has been great so far. Arrived yesterday, and just shaking off the jetlag now. Totally loving reconnecting with my bestie and meeting my Godson! Absolutely loving it!!!! Miss my DH plenty though :cry:

Hope everyone is great today!
hi girls,
just saying hello! I have been away for a week, so I have just been catchin up with where everyone is!
PW I can't believe you are 7 weeks already and
Lola is 8! It is going so fast!

Hope everyone else is doing well,
Kel- have a fab holiday,
Good luck to everyone whether it be IVF or Clomid still.


quick update hope you don't mind; have just started to feel baby move, hubby felt a little kick today too which was fab!
isi - Thanks for the explanation. I hope you are enjoying your time away!

Mrsja - oh yeah...this waiting is starting to get under my skin now that I am feeling a bit better.

daisii - congrats on the baby movement that must be so exciting!

AFM - getting antsy and really wondering why I have to wait till oct...maybe sept might be ok? UGH, I am soooo impatient.
daisi - so happy for you!! thanks for the baby update. just makes us realize what we have to look forward too!!!!
Thanks great news, Daisii! How many weeks along are you now?

Jess - Sorry the wait may be a bit longer. August is going to drag on, isn't it?

TTC- Wishing you loads of patience, too.

Sarlar - Really hoping this is your month...everything crossed for you.

Kel & Isi - Hope you're both enjoying your vacations.

I am praying I make it through this next month all the way to 12 weeks. I will breathe a big sigh of relief once I hit that milestone.
I get you there! I booked a private scan just to make me feel better! Then I bought a doppler so I could hear the heartbeat from around 10 weeks ish! I still worry now though, it's not quite as bad as before 12 weeks but I still worry!!

I am 17 weeks now! tiny bump showing!!! Just look a bit chubby compared to normal though!!!! my next scan is on the 23rd august, I can't wait, hopefully I will know if it is a boy or girl then!!!!

Morning girls!

Lola and Daisii, it's so great to see the two of you progressing! I can't believe the baby is moving now Daisii, that's sooooooo exciting!

TTC, I hear you about the waiting... it's not ideal is it? I'm trying to make the most of the time by going out with friends, and being busy at work - which helps a bit, but at the end of the day it's still a really long wait!

Isi, it sounds like you are having a blast! I'm jealous! Me and the DH are planning a holiday at the moment. We're thinking Vietnam for 2 weeks in October. Now if booking that, and risking the morning sickness doesn't mean I will get pregnant for SURE in September, then I don't know what will! LOL!

Sarlar, how are you doing honey? Been thinking of you.

Big hugs to caz, Kel, Palmer and the rest! xxxx

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