May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

JA- love the ticker!

Sarler I know I'm not in the position to offer advice, but LTTTC is horrendous, we all know it. hope you feel better soon. x

Kell: hope things improve, or that whatever you decide is the best for you.

hope everyone else is ok.

Yeah for the ticker MrsJA!! Did you find that the EPO helped your cm?????

Sarlar - take all the time you need hun, we will be here when you are ready to return!

Yomo - woohoo for your scan! I cant wait to hear the results!

Daisii - so nice to see your ticker pregressing nicely!
:wave: ladies how are you all weekend again whooppp these weekends are coming fast well done another opk and its a bit fainter than yesterdays ttc not long now hunnie xxxxxx
caz I cant wait!!!!! It looks like your body is gearing up to O!!! have fun bding this weekend!
Hi ladies!!

TTC, re the EPO, yep I think it did help with CM. They say EPO also helps with regulating the symptoms of PMS, like mood - so that has gotta be a good thing to take if you are doing a clomid cycle! You're only supposed to take it up until you O though, and then stop...

Lyndsey, I ended up stimming for 12 days, so quite a long time. By the time I finally had my EC I felt like I must have had about a million eggs in there, it was quite uncomfortable! Good luck with your scan on Tuesday honey!

Kel, sorry to hear that things are no better on the job front. I know exactly what you mean. I had a little cry at work on Friday because I got so stressed out having to present at a leadership meeting. (I didn't cry during the presentation though thank god!) I thought to myself.. do I really want to be doing this to myself for the next 8 months??

Anyway, I think it's time we both starting thinking about doing something else!! Thinking of you honey.

Palmer, Daisii, Sarlar and Caz, hope you guys are having a nice weekend xxxx
Hi ladies!!

TTC, re the EPO, yep I think it did help with CM. They say EPO also helps with regulating the symptoms of PMS, like mood - so that has gotta be a good thing to take if you are doing a clomid cycle! You're only supposed to take it up until you O though, and then stop...

Lyndsey, I ended up stimming for 12 days, so quite a long time. By the time I finally had my EC I felt like I must have had about a million eggs in there, it was quite uncomfortable! Good luck with your scan on Tuesday honey!

Kel, sorry to hear that things are no better on the job front. I know exactly what you mean. I had a little cry at work on Friday because I got so stressed out having to present at a leadership meeting. (I didn't cry during the presentation though thank god!) I thought to myself.. do I really want to be doing this to myself for the next 8 months??

Anyway, I think it's time we both starting thinking about doing something else!! Thinking of you honey.

Palmer, Daisii, Sarlar and Caz, hope you guys are having a nice weekend xxxx

Hi hun,

You are right "it's time we both starting thinking about doing something else!!". I am going to try to see this situation as a new opportunity.... and going to start looking for something else.

How are you and bubs? What is next for you? Scans? Bloods?

Kel xx
Hey Kel - the next thing is a 6 week scan which is booked in for Monday next week (although we'll actually be 6 weeks this Thurs.)

How about you hon? Finished with the clomid and waiting to ovulate now?

Lyndsey, good luck with your scan today - write back and tell us how your follies are doing!

TTC, Palmer, Daiisi, Caz and Sarlar, hope you are all well xxx
Hey Kel - the next thing is a 6 week scan which is booked in for Monday next week (although we'll actually be 6 weeks this Thurs.)

How about you hon? Finished with the clomid and waiting to ovulate now?

Lyndsey, good luck with your scan today - write back and tell us how your follies are doing!

TTC, Palmer, Daiisi, Caz and Sarlar, hope you are all well xxx

Arr that is exciting! :happydance:

I woke this morning with lots of twinges, did my CBFM and got a Peak! It is only CD13 and my first scan was not until tomorrow. I called the fertility unit and they booked me in for a scan first thing. The results were interesting and surprise, surprise I have lots (well 7 actually) of follies as a result of the clomid. I have 2 @ 25mm, 1 @ 14mm, 2 @12 mm and 2 @ 10mm. The nurse said that realistically I probably have 3 potential eggies and officially should not try this month becuase of the risk of multiple births. But to be honest I was not even supposed to be having tracking this month so would not have known. We didn't BD last night so will speak to DH and see how he feels. NOTHING IS EVER SIMPLE!!

Hope everyone is doing well, Lyndsey....good luck for today!
hey ladies... just thought I would check on you all. mrs ja glad to see everything with baby is well and the scan is coming up soon. always the best to get to hear that first heart beat!! kel-crazy all those eggies!!! i dont know but i would be tempted to go for it and if you do end up with two it might be ok!! they all cant stick surely right?? will be an interesting choice! ttc, glad to see you start joining us so soon!! yomo, you must be full on ivf and getting ready for teh next phase now. hope all goes well. daisi-always nice to see you on. love the bump pic!

afm- kind of enjoying the time away, although you probably know i am still thinking about it a lot in the back of my mind. just trying to not worry and look forward to finding an fs after we move. did finish my clomid couple of days ago but i dont even think i am going to do opks this month. we'll see.

take care ladies and i will check on you all soon:)
hey ladies... just thought I would check on you all. mrs ja glad to see everything with baby is well and the scan is coming up soon. always the best to get to hear that first heart beat!! kel-crazy all those eggies!!! i dont know but i would be tempted to go for it and if you do end up with two it might be ok!! they all cant stick surely right?? will be an interesting choice! ttc, glad to see you start joining us so soon!! yomo, you must be full on ivf and getting ready for teh next phase now. hope all goes well. daisi-always nice to see you on. love the bump pic!

afm- kind of enjoying the time away, although you probably know i am still thinking about it a lot in the back of my mind. just trying to not worry and look forward to finding an fs after we move. did finish my clomid couple of days ago but i dont even think i am going to do opks this month. we'll see.

take care ladies and i will check on you all soon:)

Hi Sarlar :hugs:

Glad you are finding the time away helpful hun... and at least you are trying treatment again this month - I know how frustrating it is not having anything to focus on. What CD have you been ovulating on with clomid? - I am 3 days early so glad I monitored with my CBFM again this cycle.

I think we will try this month although the mulitple pg thing does scare me a bit! :wacko:

Take care xxx
well the three months i took it on days 5-9 i o'd on cd 16. then last month on 3-7 i o'd on 14. i bet i will be closer to 14 if it works. not doing acupuncture this month so.....

and I am SOO about twins:) secretly i would love it!!
Ok hun... I took this cycle of clomid CD 2-6 and am ovulating now (CD13/14)..but the last time I took it at 2-6 I ov on CD16. I don't mind though... I will hopefully have a slightly shorter cycle. :)
Hey girls!

Awww Sarlar, I am happy to see you here honey. :hugs: I think you're right on the money not bothering with the acupuncture and OPK's this month. Maybe you should have yourself a couple of glasses of wine to boot!

Kel, your eggies sound awesome! 2 at 25 mm is brilliant! :happydance::happydance: Do you think you'll just go for it?? Tell us what the DH thinks!

Lyndsey, hope the scan went well!

Hope everybody else is good!

Lots of love xxx
Mrsja: Spoke to DH and its all go, go ,go! :happydance::happydance: I'm a bit scared to be honest but we will see what happens!

How are you doing hun? Your ticker is moving nicely xx
go for it Kell! Twins would be awesome.

JA- OOOH 6 weeks already! how are you feeling? any sickness/tiredness yet?

Hi everyone else, sorry for the quick post, I just popped home for lunch! bit of a hurry!

Hey girls!

Awww Sarlar, I am happy to see you here honey. :hugs: I think you're right on the money not bothering with the acupuncture and OPK's this month. Maybe you should have yourself a couple of glasses of wine to boot!

Kel, your eggies sound awesome! 2 at 25 mm is brilliant! :happydance::happydance: Do you think you'll just go for it?? Tell us what the DH thinks!

Lyndsey, hope the scan went well!

Hope everybody else is good!

Lots of love xxx


How are you feeling hun? Scan went fine got to go back 2morrow for another one to check that they are growing well xx
Morning girls!

Kel, hurrah for having a go! :happydance: I hope you and the DH make the most of those follies my love!

Lyndsey, glad to hear the scanning is all going well. Have they given you any indication when they think your EC will be? So exciting!

Daiisi, how are you doing honey? Re my sickness and tiredness the answers are yes and yes! At the start I was ravenous, but now the thought of eating ANYTHING makes me gag. About the only thing I can manage at this point is mashed potatoes!

Sarlar and Isi, sending hugs :hugs:
Morning girls!

Kel, hurrah for having a go! :happydance: I hope you and the DH make the most of those follies my love!

Lyndsey, glad to hear the scanning is all going well. Have they given you any indication when they think your EC will be? So exciting!

Daiisi, how are you doing honey? Re my sickness and tiredness the answers are yes and yes! At the start I was ravenous, but now the thought of eating ANYTHING makes me gag. About the only thing I can manage at this point is mashed potatoes!

Sarlar and Isi, sending hugs :hugs:

Hi mrsja

we are on the pea!!! Love it. How you feeling?

Went for another scan today, looks like I am on for Monday! Will know more when they call later thanks for asking babes so sweet of you xx

Hi ladies,

Yomo: fingers crossed for lots of lovely eggies! MrsJA: I found ginger nut buscuits helped with feeling sick!

I have not long got back from the hospital where the have confirmed I have ovulated. 2 Follies have gone and other one was breaking down....'off the record' she said we could try. The nurse was fab and said that we have a good chance of pg this month. Had some blood results back which were spot on from CD1. Got to have another blood test next week to see the quality of the ovulation. If we are unsuccessful this month I am going to have a baseline scan at the beginning of the cycle and a reduced dose of clomid (2,4,6) so they can monitor a little better. So I guess I am back in the 2WW....oh the joys! Going to try to relax!

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