May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

morning girls :hi: well i have had a headache all night and still have it now the joys of clomid hope i get my bfp this month soon be ovulating again x x x
kel- so sorry dear. enjoy your month off, relax, and hopefully third times a charm!!!

caz- clomid sucks!! take care dear.

ttc- how are you hun?

well, afm, we have some new enlightenment today. not sure if I feel it is good or bad. kinda mixed feelings. The MD has phoned and explained that my glucose tolerance test showed high levels of insulin, so she started me on metformin. I am tapering from 500 mg up to 1500 mg. IN many ways this explains a lot of things. I gained weight rapidly in the last few years, have a vERY hard time losing it, have some hair in weird places, dont ovulate, feel sick all the time, nauseous ect. So I am so hoping this is the piece we have been missing all this time. Me and the dh had started south beach diet on sunday and now I am so thankful. I have heard low carb is the best option. So praying the side effects dont kill me and we are one step closer to our dream baby:)
kel- so sorry dear. enjoy your month off, relax, and hopefully third times a charm!!!

caz- clomid sucks!! take care dear.

ttc- how are you hun?

well, afm, we have some new enlightenment today. not sure if I feel it is good or bad. kinda mixed feelings. The MD has phoned and explained that my glucose tolerance test showed high levels of insulin, so she started me on metformin. I am tapering from 500 mg up to 1500 mg. IN many ways this explains a lot of things. I gained weight rapidly in the last few years, have a vERY hard time losing it, have some hair in weird places, dont ovulate, feel sick all the time, nauseous ect. So I am so hoping this is the piece we have been missing all this time. Me and the dh had started south beach diet on sunday and now I am so thankful. I have heard low carb is the best option. So praying the side effects dont kill me and we are one step closer to our dream baby:)

Oh!!! That IS good news!! At least they have found something they can fix!! Fingers crossed this does this trick xxx
sarlar that great new hun fx for that bfp soon hun wwooopppp x x x
hi girls! hope you dont mind me joining you !!!

Went to our fert specialist today and he has prescribed us clomid 50mg for 6 months !! would love any information anyone can offer on it ! am aware that we have to take it days 2-6 but when can i start doing OPKS?? would anyone recommend pregnacare while taking the clomid?

good luck girls ! have read back through a lot of the thread and wish you al the best of luck !! xxx
:hi: summer you can start to use opk 3 or 4 days after your last pill hun the side effects are headaches hot flush moody af light if i was you i would take it at night you don't get the side effects as much good luck x x x
hello caz & bob :) thanks for replying !!

so taking it at night wont effect it at all ?will still all work the same ?? Im sorry i know im rambeling but the specialist didntreally go into it much and just told me to take them !! lol

a friend suggested takig the pregnacare tablets when i start it .. did take them previously but as i wasnt conceiving , we stopped :( would it be a good idea to start them back up again ???
yes hun i would take the vitamins you need them with clomid you can take it in a morning or when ever i used to take mine in the day but the side effects was to much so i stared to take it on a night and i feel much better it all works the same hun most people take theres on a night x x x
ah thanks hun !!!! :) are you currently on a cycle??

( oh and rather dimmly lol. when he states day 2-6 , the day i get AF is cd 1 isnt it ? so do i take it the second day of my period and so on?) x]
summer cd 1 is the first day of full bright red flow requiring full coverage. so then you will start clomid the second day of normal flow. i also took guiafensin(mucinex) from the day i finished clomid until ovulation to help with cervical mucus. clomid can dry you out! I take prenatals as well. grapefruit juice also help with cm. I also used preseed and soft cups wich many people have had great luck with. hope that helps!!

thanks kel and caz! I am trying to be positive. I am glad for something finally being diagnosed; however, i wish it wasnt insulin resistance!! metformin can be a really nasty drug with lots of side effects so just praying it works well for me!!
summer cd 1 is the first day of full bright red flow requiring full coverage. so then you will start clomid the second day of normal flow. i also took guiafensin(mucinex) from the day i finished clomid until ovulation to help with cervical mucus. clomid can dry you out! I take prenatals as well. grapefruit juice also help with cm. I also used preseed and soft cups wich many people have had great luck with. hope that helps!!

thanks kel and caz! I am trying to be positive. I am glad for something finally being diagnosed; however, i wish it wasnt insulin resistance!! metformin can be a really nasty drug with lots of side effects so just praying it works well for me!!

Good luck hun xx :hugs:

Summer: Welcome aboard the clomid train!! Fingers crossed it works nice and quickly for you. I use the clear blue fertility monitor to indicate ovulation...I find it very clear and accurate.
Thankyou ladies !!

Im SO sorry to sound Dim , but i know a lot of people mention using preseed??? Can i ask what it is and where I can get it from ?? Have found out a lot of information on the softcups and will definatly be giving them a go ! am also on the hunt now for a good grapefruit juice! :happydance:
its a lubricant sperm friendly it help the swimmers stay up there you can get it off ebay or amazon hun x x x
well I have finally had a good news appointment!! the us showed my lining had thinned properly. the sgh was clear (no fibroids, etc.) ! dh has a repeat sa on friday and monday we have our "whats next" appointment. Excited!! I am up to 1000 mg of metformin and adjusted ok, so hoping it stays that way and I can increase to 1500 mg soon. fingers crossed for a positive plan on monday!! cant wait to get back in teh game with you ladies:)
whats next appointment tomorrow! pretty excited to finally sit down and make a real plan:)
:hi: girls how are u all afm waiting for a nice line on a opk hope i get 1 today good luck hun on your appointment x x x
Hey Caz,

I'm good thanks. Got back from NYC at the weekend so just trying to get myself back in the UK time zone! Had a fab time and feel much more relaxed.

FX for your OPK line hun xx

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