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May 2013 babies

I am officially nauseous today!! First day....don't know how I am going to be able to sit at this darn desk all day!! I sure wish I worked from home :)
I started the nauseousness a day or two ago. So I went from wanting to eat all day to not really wanting food unless I am really hungry! So Ive decided to just slowly munch on good for me foods all day kinda helps keep the sicky feeling away.

Yesterday was kinda a crap day for me, I went to try on my brides maids dress for my friends wedding in October. Well it didnt go as well as planned :cry: And i know I am just feeling sorry for myself but...the dress barely fit! But only in the waist and I know its because I am bloated but if I expand at all any further in the next few weeks Im screwed! ~sigh~ I know its all for a great reason and I wouldnt change any of it for the world I just thought I would be able to get away for the next few weeks flying under the radar so to speak lol :blush:

I hope all is well with everyone!
anyone having mild to dull cramps? i have them.. is it normal..
I had some mild cramps 2 days ago on the left side. No more since I am thinking it is just stretching ??
We went out for dinner tonight and I couldn't watch my OH eat. His sandwich was making me want to puke! I never had food aversions with my son, so this is a first. Like I really could not even look at the food. I didn't want to eat my food either. I was laughing though. It was comical to me. I'm happy to have the symptoms for sure.

And Piya I've had off and on dull cramps. They don't last long but they are definitely there. I think it's pretty normal.
Can I join you ladies? I have been having a lot of the same symptoms as y'all. I'm feeling nauseated a lot of the time, I have headaches, and tonight I had my first food aversion (peanut butter! WHY?). I woke up with some spotting this morning and was totally freaking out but I am feeling better reading that you all have some mild cramping and stuff too. I have never felt so pregnant in my life! (And I've been pregnant a lot.)

I had a scan on Wednesday and we saw a heartbeat! 101bpm, and the baby measured 6+1 at .5cm. I thought I was only 5+2 so I was really excited. I have a scan next Thursday, can't wait!
welcome mighty mom,
i am back from gyne appointment today.. my urine culture showed staph bacterial infection.. so on antibiotics now..for 5 days..
on 27th will be next scan date around 8-9weeks..
Aw Piya I hope you feel better on the antibiotics! I had a uti while pregnant and that was pretty uncomfortable.
Welcome MightyMom! Sorry about the peanut butter aversion. LOL.

Hope you're feeling better soon Piya!
I had the same thing happen this morning...My son and BF were eating cheese bagels. I started to gag! lol eww it smelled like feet! BF started laughing at me. He's like well your def preggers! Thinking about it now makes me want to gag! :haha:

Piya I hope you feel better :flower:

Welcome MightyMom!
I made DD some macaroni and cheese and I usually love the smell. But tonight it smelled like powdered mold. Yuck!
I have been very nauseous all weekend!! DH made me a eggs and I could not eat them...yuck. I usually like eggs!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!! Only 4 more days til my first appt.
Today everything smelled awful! My trip for groceries was torture! And nothing sounds appetizing. I have had to make myself eat all weekend even tho I don't want to at all. I'm not nauseous or throwing up tho. So that good. :)
I wonder if they have a countdown ticker for appointments? LOL Then I can be like "Only 104 hours until my next appointment!" :)
hey, i got best way to deal morning sickness... i drink chilled plain milk with sugar in morning first thing i do after wake up.. then take breakfast 1hr later.. now no sickness since 5days.. try this out friends
Hi Ladies!

I have a quick question for you all...anybody have a good way to get rid of a headache other than with Tylenol? Ive had a killer headache for the last three days and I cant seem to get rid of it.
Hi Ladies!

I have a quick question for you all...anybody have a good way to get rid of a headache other than with Tylenol? Ive had a killer headache for the last three days and I cant seem to get rid of it.

Did you drink a lot of caffeine before you found out you were pregnant? Maybe it is withdrawal from caffeine?
Hi Ladies!

I have a quick question for you all...anybody have a good way to get rid of a headache other than with Tylenol? Ive had a killer headache for the last three days and I cant seem to get rid of it.

Did you drink a lot of caffeine before you found out you were pregnant? Maybe it is withdrawal from caffeine?

LOL, I was going to suggest drinking a cup of coffee! Caffeine can give you headaches, and it can take them away.

Could also be dehydration, try drinking a liter of water.

Aromatherapy can work really well for headaches, you could try going to the store and finding an essential oil that helps you. (I forget which one was supposed to help headaches.)
I didnt drink a lot of caffeine before I was pregnant..but what I have been doing with my morning coffee is as soon as I found out I was pregnant I started doing half decaf and half regular...working my way to all decaf. I ended up having to take a tylenol :/ I could barely see.

I hope everyone feels good today...I am going home to put my feet up!

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