May 2017 Testers - 59 Mother's Day Hopefuls & 14 BFPs so far

Glad you are getting some blood work done Ranch. I hope it all works out okay.
Ugh I'm not a symptom spotter, but this is a symptom I've never had before. I am insanely thirsty. Like all the time. It doesn't matter how much I drink I'm still thirsty. It started yesterday when I was 8 dpo. I know its probably nothing and likely just a coincidence. I always get a little bit crazy towards the end of my TWW. Google doesn't help. You google literally anything and it'll come up as an early pregnancy symptom. Belle, if it's new it may be a good sign. Here's hoping!
Oh CP, I've read one too many threads on google where people have complained of thirst and turned out to be pregnant. Its given me hope, I actually started imagining a pregnancy test turning positive LOL. Hope is a terrible thing sometimes. I hope I'm not too disappointed in a few more days. I'll be testing on Saturday when I'm 11 dpo because thats the day of my brothers wedding and I want to know if I can drink.
Even we long term ttc gals get that hope on occasion. I had it last month when I started getting mild cramps all tww long from 4dpo on. I hope beyond hope you get you bfp, hon.
I feel the same way for you CP! It's bound to happen sooner or later, one way or another. Thanks for understanding and not thinking me too crazy for hoping lol
lol no crazier than any of the rest of us for sure :p
Ugh I'm not a symptom spotter, but this is a symptom I've never had before. I am insanely thirsty. Like all the time. It doesn't matter how much I drink I'm still thirsty. It started yesterday when I was 8 dpo. I know its probably nothing and likely just a coincidence. I always get a little bit crazy towards the end of my TWW. Google doesn't help. You google literally anything and it'll come up as an early pregnancy symptom.

I know you don't want me getting your hopes up... BUUUUUUT! When I was pregnant, I kept a 1.5L bottle of water on my nightstand and always finished it before I got up in the morning (and usually wish I had more water). I was INSANELY thirsty my whole pregnancy! I really hope this is it for you! I know all about long TTC periods and that they suck, but they've gotta end sometime! (usually!) Fingers and toes crossed!
Thanks Ranch, I really hope so. This is our last natural cycle before IUI so it would be timely
WTH!!! AF just hit me! Looks like I will be testing at the end of the month. Here's hoping this cycle won't be as wonky and I won't be 2 weeks late. Ugh. Just glad it's finally here and I can finally get geared up for cycle #8.

Aw, I'm sorry Cewsbaby. I hope your next cycle behaves itself this time! Good luck to you!

I ordered an OPK (Easy@Home) off Amazon that should be delivered on Friday. Never used before. Any advice? I mean it seems pretty straight forward lol

The best advice that a friend of mine gave me was not to use FMU, but instead to test in the afternoon. We use First Response OPKs so I don't know if the brand you have would be different but I had such a hard time getting a clear test result from FMU. Since testing later in the day I haven't had a problem reading my tests or not feeling reassured by the results. Hope this helps!

Hi all, I am new to this website!

I am currently in my tww window. I am 5dpo, with AF due on May 13th. I will probably start testing on May10th.

Good luck to everyone, praying for lots of BFPs!!!!

Hi tpdennis! Welcome! Lots of baby dust to you :dust:

Ugh I'm not a symptom spotter, but this is a symptom I've never had before. I am insanely thirsty. Like all the time. It doesn't matter how much I drink I'm still thirsty. It started yesterday when I was 8 dpo. I know its probably nothing and likely just a coincidence. I always get a little bit crazy towards the end of my TWW. Google doesn't help. You google literally anything and it'll come up as an early pregnancy symptom.

I tell you, I've nearly lost my mind trying to read symptoms lol. What I ended up seeing everywhere online was: "_______ could be a sign of pregnancy, or also could be a sign of your period beginning." and I'm like :dohh: Crazy! Haha! Good luck to you :flower:

Ranch, I would be going nuts right now if I were in your position! Keeping you in my thoughts, hopefully you'll have answers soon!
Belle, I also don't want to get your hopes up but thirst has been an early pregnancy sign for me every time I was pregnant. I usually don't drink much (I know I should) but when pregnant I'm gulping water like all the time.

Ranch, I'm sorry for what you're going through, I hope it's resolved soon and of course I'm hoping for the best.

Welcome to all the newcomers.

Congrats on the BFPs so far.

AFM, I'm 6 dpo, patiently waiting. Nothing to report really. Pre-AF cramping usually starts on 6 dpo, but it's still morning here.
Hey can i join now in the tww planning on testing on mothers day lol
Oh Katy I'm about the same, never drink enough and never feel thirsty. Part of me is wondering if my thirst is a result of being slightly more hydrated due to coworkers making tea and sharing it at work a couple times a day. They remind me to drink so I'm wondering if maybe my thirst got turned on because I'm more hydrated over all. I'm just trying to be realistic because I'm so sick of disappointment. Well in another 2 days I'll be testing.
Hi Ladies,

Here is a little about my TTC journey:

I have a healthy ten year old son born in 2007 who was conceived one month after stopping birth control. (I had been on bc since 16 due to irregular cycles, I would get maybe 2 cylces a year). After my son was born I never went back on bc and had somewhat normal cycles. I had an eptopic pregnancy in December 2011 due to ovulating late and had laparoscopic surgery to remove the pregnancy and clean out my tubes. Doctor was able to save my tube the eptopic was in but was not sure if it would work properly. My ex and I began ttc a couple months after surgery, needed to give my body time to heal. I was having normal 28-30 day cycles after the surgery. I was put on clomid and was taking opks but nothing. Needless to say the ex and I divorced due to some other issues.

I met my now DH shortly after my divorce and we I started our TTC journey in 2014 for about a year with no results. DH became ill and we needed to take a break from it. During this time we did not prevent it from happening if it should just did not stress over making sure we did what we needed to to conceive. We married in October 2016 and decided it is time to add to our family. DH is 40 and I am 36 so we need to get things moving quickly. Jump to 2017, DH finally had a sa done and it showed his count and morphology are awesome, however his motility is in the low to mid range, doctor gave it a 1 ranging from 0-3. I have been having very normal cycles over the past several years and my doctor does not seem to believe I have anything to worry about but did suggest the HSG test be done in the near future to make sure.

I have been taking prenatals again since January and DH has been taking zinc, he tried the fertilaid before and it gave him bad stomach issues. I read alot of great reviews on preseed and softcups so this cycle we opted to try them to see what would happen.

This cycle is as follows:

CD 10: - OPK, bd and used softcup, had to get used to using it...
CD 13: + OPK, bd, used softcup and preseed,
CD 14 - 1DPO: - OPK bd, used preseed and softcup
CD 15 - 2 DPO: intense left pelvic/ovary pain, moody, watery cm
CD 16 - 3DPO: left pelvic/ovary pain, not as intense as day before, mix of
watery and creamy cm
CD 17 - 4DPO: left pelvic/ovary pain kind of like a throbbing, watery cm,
in a blah mood, very dull right breast pain/burning sensation, 3
BMs today -very unusual for me, feeling more tired and sleeping
better at night- I usually wake 2 to 3 times a night, increased
appetite - I can eat a meal and then be hungry an hour or two
CD 18 - 5DPO: left pelvinc pain, indigestion - ate pizza for lunch so could
of been from that, watery cm with creamy mixed in, still tired
and sleeping better, increased appetite
CD 19 - 6DPO: left pelvic pain, bubbly/gurgling belly, mid pelvic
achy feeling kinda like a pulling stretching burning feeling,
creamy cm, increased appetite - can only finish maybe half a
meal though due to bloating but then I am starving an hour or
so later
CD 20- 7DPO: still have the left ovary/pelvic pain, its not constant but
still there, woke up STARVING this am, had to eat a bowl of
cereal, I usually don't eat anything until mid morning, creamy
cm; having some mild pressure like I need to have a bm

I usually have ovulation pain that last a day maybe two but never this long. Thinking it might be the little eggy making its way to my uterus for implantation....

I really want to test but know that it is to soon and do not want to be disappointed with a BFN this early on. Trying to hold out till at least 12DPO. Going on a weekend getaway to the beach so hopefully that will take my mind off of wanting to test.

Baby dust to all, praying for lots of BFPs!!!!
Hi Ladies,

Here is a little about my TTC journey:

I have a healthy ten year old son born in 2007 who was conceived one month after stopping birth control. (I had been on bc since 16 due to irregular cycles, I would get maybe 2 cylces a year). After my son was born I never went back on bc and had somewhat normal cycles. I had an eptopic pregnancy in December 2011 due to ovulating late and had laparoscopic surgery to remove the pregnancy and clean out my tubes. Doctor was able to save my tube the eptopic was in but was not sure if it would work properly. My ex and I began ttc a couple months after surgery, needed to give my body time to heal. I was having normal 28-30 day cycles after the surgery. I was put on clomid and was taking opks but nothing. Needless to say the ex and I divorced due to some other issues.

I met my now DH shortly after my divorce and we I started our TTC journey in 2014 for about a year with no results. DH became ill and we needed to take a break from it. During this time we did not prevent it from happening if it should just did not stress over making sure we did what we needed to to conceive. We married in October 2016 and decided it is time to add to our family. DH is 40 and I am 36 so we need to get things moving quickly. Jump to 2017, DH finally had a sa done and it showed his count and morphology are awesome, however his motility is in the low to mid range, doctor gave it a 1 ranging from 0-3. I have been having very normal cycles over the past several years and my doctor does not seem to believe I have anything to worry about but did suggest the HSG test be done in the near future to make sure.

I have been taking prenatals again since January and DH has been taking zinc, he tried the fertilaid before and it gave him bad stomach issues. I read alot of great reviews on preseed and softcups so this cycle we opted to try them to see what would happen.

This cycle is as follows:

CD 10: - OPK, bd and used softcup, had to get used to using it...
CD 13: + OPK, bd, used softcup and preseed,
CD 14 - 1DPO: - OPK bd, used preseed and softcup
CD 15 - 2 DPO: intense left pelvic/ovary pain, moody, watery cm
CD 16 - 3DPO: left pelvic/ovary pain, not as intense as day before, mix of
watery and creamy cm
CD 17 - 4DPO: left pelvic/ovary pain kind of like a throbbing, watery cm,
in a blah mood, very dull right breast pain/burning sensation, 3
BMs today -very unusual for me, feeling more tired and sleeping
better at night- I usually wake 2 to 3 times a night, increased
appetite - I can eat a meal and then be hungry an hour or two
CD 18 - 5DPO: left pelvinc pain, indigestion - ate pizza for lunch so could
of been from that, watery cm with creamy mixed in, still tired
and sleeping better, increased appetite
CD 19 - 6DPO: left pelvic pain, bubbly/gurgling belly, mid pelvic
achy feeling kinda like a pulling stretching burning feeling,
creamy cm, increased appetite - can only finish maybe half a
meal though due to bloating but then I am starving an hour or
so later
CD 20- 7DPO: still have the left ovary/pelvic pain, its not constant but
still there, woke up STARVING this am, had to eat a bowl of
cereal, I usually don't eat anything until mid morning, creamy
cm; having some mild pressure like I need to have a bm

AF is due May 13th but hopefully wont show!

I usually have ovulation pain that last a day maybe two but never this long. Thinking it might be the little eggy making its way to my uterus for implantation....

I really want to test but know that it is to soon and do not want to be disappointed with a BFN this early on. Trying to hold out till at least 12DPO. Going on a weekend getaway to the beach so hopefully that will take my mind off of wanting to test.

Baby dust to all, praying for lots of BFPs!!!![/QUOTE]
Welcome to the thread tp!

Pardon my ignorance, what's softcup?
Hi Ladies,

I usually have ovulation pain that last a day maybe two but never this long. Thinking it might be the little eggy making its way to my uterus for implantation....

Hopefully this is the case tp!


15DPO. The line was again, slightly darker this morning. Still bleeding bright red blood. Yesterday I went through 3 pantyliners, but I *could* have worn one, I just don't like the feeling. They're not saturated, they're just covered, if that makes sense.

Going in today to get my first blood test for hcg numbers. If anyone's wondering, this is called a "threatened miscarriage". I hadn't heard that term before, but I guess anytime you spot or bleed in early pregnancy (before 20 weeks) they call it that. The NP said there's a 60% chance of keeping the pregnancy... BUT I would assume his is for the people who are just having a bit of brown spotting. All this red blood seems kind of hopelesss... but there are women who think they have a period when they're actually pregnant, so I guess it's possible, if not probable. I wonder how long this will go on for...:wacko:
Welcome to the thread tp!

Pardon my ignorance, what's softcup?

Dream, it's like a shallower menstrual cup, or halfway between a cup and diaphragm. Some ladies insert them after sex to keep the semen close to their cervix for longer. I find the semen stays in me for long enough, thank you very much. Once we did it in the morning, and after work that evening I was grocery shopping and got a gush of semen coming out! I don't know how that stuff stays in there for so long!
Welcome to the thread tp!

Pardon my ignorance, what's softcup?

Dream, it's like a shallower menstrual cup, or halfway between a cup and diaphragm. Some ladies insert them after sex to keep the semen close to their cervix for longer. I find the semen stays in me for long enough, thank you very much. Once we did it in the morning, and after work that evening I was grocery shopping and got a gush of semen coming out! I don't know how that stuff stays in there for so long!

Very interesting. Sometimes i wonder if there's too much semen coming out, even immediately after. When I pee after BD (which I've heard you should do within 30mins to reduce your risk of a UTI, dunno if that's true) I wonder of it's "too much" semen coming out over the toilet.

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