May 2017 Testers - 59 Mother's Day Hopefuls & 14 BFPs so far

Will be testing tomorrow (11/12 dpo). Kind of nervous. I hate negative tests (which I'm expecting it will be) so I haven't tested in many many months because of it. But it's my brother's wedding tomorrow, so I think testing is the responsible thing to do.

Good Luck!! :dust:
Just wanted to update the thread. I am having a CP this cycle. Got a v faint pos on saturday and then continued getting faint (but more obvious) positives on several brands including a clearly there and pink but still faint positive on a frer. Decided to stop testing for a few days as i was really cramping and tests werent darkening up as i expected they would. Talked to my doctor who said she would see me/run tests but we have been through this enough times to know it wasnt sticking and doesnt change how we move forward. Started bleeding heavily and the cramps intensified overnight. Totally bfn on all tests this morning. Taking the day to be sad and then moving on to next cycle.

Congrats to everyone who gets bfps this month--- i wish you happy and healthy 9 months and my condolences to everyone who gets af--- ttc is such a b.
Sorry to hear Nuthatch. Sending many virtual hugs.
Hello & TGIF Everyone!

Quick update:

I am currently 7dpo and the left pelvic pains continue along with some af like cramping in the uterus area and feeling some pressure too, been super hungry lately (I can eat and be full but then an hour later be starving again), CM is water/creamy, slight headache this morning that lasted about 2 hours then went away on its on, woke up with a stuffy nose - not completely out of the norm for me because I suffer with allergies but had some blood when I blew my nose, some pains in boobs but nothing to significant.

I plan on testing on Wednesday at 12dpo if I can hold out that long....

Happy Friday! Good luck to everyone!!
Oh Nuthatch, that's so disappointing. Such an emotional rollercoaster!

BelleNuit - I'd do the same. Testing is definitely the responsible thing to do! I will cross all of my appendages for you!

AFM: The bleeding is subsiding I think... definitely not as much as there was the last two mornings anyways. It just seems so impossible to have that much bleeding and still be pregnant. I'm very curious to see what my test results are tomorrow!

I'm trying not to let myself get excited yet because it will just be so much easier if I do miscarry that way, but I told my husband last night and he's SOOOOO excited! It was so sweet! And then he admonished me that not getting excited is no way to live, and I should just be happy about it even if it's short-lived. My life goal is to be as happy as that guy is all the time!
Sorry to hear Nuthatch. :hugs:

Ranch, do you hon. Sounds good though and hopefully you numbers are 100+ tomorrow.

Belle, I crazily still test every cycle, but I never expect to see two lines- my insane limbo broke me of that.
I'm so sorry nuthatch :( I don't wish it on my worst enemy. Prayers for quick physical and emotional healing <3

Good luck testing Belle !

Ranch , Your number looks great ! Remember it's not the first number , it's the number that follows ! I had spotting and even bleeding with 2 of my girls .

AFM - still BFN :( ready to throw in the towel . Not sure I will
Test again till I'm late . I'm 11/ 12 dpo and I would think something would show up by now . Good luck ladies :)
Will be testing tomorrow (11/12 dpo). Kind of nervous. I hate negative tests (which I'm expecting it will be) so I haven't tested in many many months because of it. But it's my brother's wedding tomorrow, so I think testing is the responsible thing to do.

Best of luck Belle! Fingers crossed for you Hun x
Nuthatch I'm sorry about what happened. It sounds like you have been through this before? Have you had any testing?

Ranch good luck to you, sounds like things are going in the right direction!

Thank you everyone for all the good luck wishes sent my way. I think I'm definitely going to need it. I really dont expect to see a positive tomorrow, but it's good to know there are people rooting for me either way!
Oh no nuthatch I'm sorry to hear that!
Ranch Fx your numbers are even better with the second test! A very good friend of mine bled when she was 10 weeks and ended up being totally fine and her baby girl is almost 1!
Best of luck Belle! Fx for you!
(I apologize if I left anyone out)
Afm: 6dpo nothing really noticeable but I swear a couple of hours ago I had some ewcm?!? I've been having creamy cm which is normal for me, but this stuff stretched! (sorry tmi). Uterus feels a little achy and also having a little bit of constipation. Oh I've been incredibly grouchy today too lol
*sigh* it's probably nothing
I have a question for you ladies (5-6 DPO btw) about CM during your cycles.

Do most of you ladies get the "increased CM" boost after ovulation or after they are having "supposed Implantation?" Last few days I've had pretty much no CM in underwear yet it feels like there's some way up there. When I sneeze or push for other restroom uses (sorry) I do get the creamy/lotion like stuff but it's such a small amount.

However, when I eat the progestrone boosting foods (I.E. black beans and dark greens) I get a gush of the creamy for only a few minutes then goes back to nothing. I am just not having the boost in progestrone I should be having if I was pregnant now, or is eating the foods giving me unnecessary boost?

Anyone care to share their CM experiences and when it kicked up for them?
I can so relate to that! I was supposed to test may 3rd but AF got me early on march 29th so I guess I'll stick around in this thread. I was also told with my son ( born may 2015) that it would be very difficult for me to conceive. Well, it worked 1st month!!! Now, I've been trying for 3 cycle now and I was told recently that my endometrium is really thick so I would have trouble getting preggo again :( I'm so discouraged.. I bought OPK for first time yesterday...

Congrats on your BFP girls!!!!!!!:)
Baby dust to all!

3 cycles is not that long! Don't let yourself get discouraged! :flower: I've actually enjoyed using OPKs, they're very reassuring. I have many friends that were told it would be difficult to get preggo and they ended up having at least two to three children! Good luck to you and much love :dust:

Dream, I'm down for testing later in the month... Can you please remove that as I got my BFP on Tuesday. Thank you.

Good luck to all you ladies, I'll continue to follow your journeys

Congratulations to you London! :happydance:

5dpo and feeling absolutely nothing. Not a twinge or anything. Feeling like I'm out even though I really don't have a valid reason for thinking I'm out already. So what do I do? Google 5dpo no symptoms and read about all the stories of people getting bfp's lol

You and I are cycle buddies! :friends: I've been trying not to let myself get in that TWW symptom spotting mindset because I've also started a major diet 3 weeks ago so I could also been feeling symptoms from that as well. The light cramps I had a few days ago have subsided but I have had some sinus issues that started Wednesday evening. I know it's still early at 6 dpo so I'm chanting to myself: "Don't go on Google, don't go on Google" ](*,) Did it work? Yeah, no LOL. Gotta stay occupied so I don't keep reading stories! Haha!

Just wanted to update the thread. I am having a CP this cycle. Got a v faint pos on saturday and then continued getting faint (but more obvious) positives on several brands including a clearly there and pink but still faint positive on a frer. Decided to stop testing for a few days as i was really cramping and tests werent darkening up as i expected they would. Talked to my doctor who said she would see me/run tests but we have been through this enough times to know it wasnt sticking and doesnt change how we move forward. Started bleeding heavily and the cramps intensified overnight. Totally bfn on all tests this morning. Taking the day to be sad and then moving on to next cycle.

Congrats to everyone who gets bfps this month--- i wish you happy and healthy 9 months and my condolences to everyone who gets af--- ttc is such a b.

Aw, Nuthatch, I'm so sorry. I had that happen about 8 months ago, and it really tugged on my heart. Sending love to you! <3

AFM: The bleeding is subsiding I think... definitely not as much as there was the last two mornings anyways. It just seems so impossible to have that much bleeding and still be pregnant. I'm very curious to see what my test results are tomorrow!

I'm trying not to let myself get excited yet because it will just be so much easier if I do miscarry that way, but I told my husband last night and he's SOOOOO excited! It was so sweet! And then he admonished me that not getting excited is no way to live, and I should just be happy about it even if it's short-lived. My life goal is to be as happy as that guy is all the time!

Stick little bean, stick! That is so sweet of your Hubby! Haha, mine is the exact opposite, he tells me not to get my hopes up and to test much later so I don't get all disappointed. I just ignore him and continue to be hopeful and excited! He means well, he's just the ying to my yang when it comes to emotions and feelings. He had to marry someone who tries to be positive, since he can be such a crab (well, he IS a zodiac Cancer afterall lol). Lots of love and luck to you! :hugs:

Thank you everyone for all the good luck wishes sent my way. I think I'm definitely going to need it. I really dont expect to see a positive tomorrow, but it's good to know there are people rooting for me either way!

So much luck to you Belle! :hugs: I hope this is your month!
Now I'm having twinges in my uterus and I'm trying to ignore them lol. I will not go symptom crazy!
So so sorry nuthatch, I'm no stranger to chemicals so I really empathize with what you are dealing with :( wishing you better on your ttc journey!

AFM, DPO7 and because I have 12 day luteal phases I will probably cave and test tomorrow. I'm calling it like it is, I have no patience, lol.

A big reason I can't help but test early is I have poor lining so I want to know asap if preggo so I can get on progesterone supplements right away.

On that note, anyone have any success with over the counter progesterone cream?? I am using just cuz why not at this point.
TTC1 I'm trying to hold out until at least 9dpo on Monday to start testing. But I'm sure I'll convince myself to start on Sunday instead lol
You know what's really throwing me off?? I've been having an excessive amount watery cm today!! (sorry tmi) creamy cm is normal for me at this time, But watery?!? Definitely not normal
I'm trying not to let myself get excited yet because it will just be so much easier if I do miscarry that way, but I told my husband last night and he's SOOOOO excited! It was so sweet! And then he admonished me that not getting excited is no way to live, and I should just be happy about it even if it's short-lived. My life goal is to be as happy as that guy is all the time!

That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard! I love the way he thinks!! I'm also the same as you. I try not to get my hopes up just in case it gets crushed. I wish I could live like that too!
Put me down for testing on May 31st. If I ovulate on time I should be testing right around there!

Nuthatch, I am so sorry about the CP. They do suck. I had one in January and it broke my heart. Really hoping you get your sticky BFP soon.

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