May 2017 Testers - 59 Mother's Day Hopefuls & 14 BFPs so far

I started reading all your posts and that made me wanting to join your groupe. :) May I?

TTC since january 2016, two miscarriages in june (7 weeks) and in november (9 weeks). Since november I just really hope getting pregnant again very soon and I'm soooo impatient.
So this time, to make this awful TWW shorter, I thought it's nicer waiting with other nice ladies. :)
By the way, af due date is may 15th.
Well BFN this morning on FRER. I'm 11/12 dpo and about 80% of POS tests show up by now. Can't say I'm surprised. Looks like it's IUI for me.
Bugger Belle!

As people always say - You're not out yet though... I only got an extremely faint BFP after I was late... They are still light and I'm 4 weeks 5 days.
On a good note atleast you know you have IUI coming up which is a new method for you to experiment with.
I hope you have a fabulous time at the wedding today. And enjoy those drinks!
Belle, it's actually around 68% that test positive on 11 dpo and about 72% on 12 dpo. That still gives you around a 30% shot of a positive still showing. I still have some hope for you.

Nilaut- Welcome and good luck!
Welcome nilaut!

Afm: I think I've lost it. I had a dream about getting a bfp last night so what do I do? Wake up this morning and poas at 7dpo LOL bfn of course. Will try again on Monday. (feeling absolutely nothing symptom-wise today. Cm back to creamy)
Lol pooh..Yeah, I would agree to you losing it testing before 9dpo lol Good luck though!
10dpo today. No extremely strange or obvious symptoms but I'm proud of myself for not having tested yet so...yay for small victories!

Good luck to all those still hoping for BFPs! I watch this thread religiously so hugs for everyone.
Sorry belle :( same here ..... 12/13 dpo and bfn on IC and frer.

Welcome nilaut :)

Chocolate chip , you got willpower!!! I always start testing 7/8 dpo
Thank you Cppeace (if it wasn't for that dream I wouldn't have done it!) Lol
You know what's really throwing me off though? The pre-natals I've been taking since December generally make me super bloated and gassy (sorry)from the iron, like it feels like they slow down my entire digestive system. I haven't had any of that this cycle which is weird!! Maybe my body has adjusted to them? Idk I mean I've been taking them for a few months now so I would think my body is already used to them. Hmmm
Well ladies, just as suspected, I am out. AF came right on time. It's funny that my LP is always dead on but prior to O is a whole different story!

I'm hoping the laproscopic surgery for the cyst removal and chromotubation will help things get sorted out! (Btw.. has anyone had either of those..?)

Meeting with doc May 18 to go over that and schedule it so hopefully soon! Hoping for BFPs for you ladies!
Lol Army you must be poas crazy to start that early just FYI testing before 9dpo and getting a positive is pretty much like hitting the lottery before that. The average implantation is 7-10dpo but even if you were to get the unusual and implant at 6dpo it takes 48 hours or more for the hcg to get into the urine and usually that is less than 20miu of it when most tests don't detect until 25 or more. The best practice for testing early is 10dpo. That is still very early but much more possible if you were an earlier implanter. Anything before 14dpo is an early bfp.

I understand the impatience an dit is of course up to you if you wish to test early but lol just wante dto make sure you know the actual likelihood of getting a positive before 9dpo is probably 2-3% at best and would only happen if you had an unusually high amount of hcg to start off with.
Sorry to hear that TB. Hope the procedures help you out.
Tbfromlv - I had a laparoscopy on 20th Feb. I fell pregnant this cycle (currently 4 weeks 5 days so fingers crossed).

I went in for my follow up lap appointment only two weeks ago and they said that they wouldn't send me for an IVF referral until the end of the year as most woman fall preggers 6-9 months after their lap. I fell pregnant a lot sooner than that which is great.

Fingers crossed the same happens to you if not before!
Thanks ladies
and thank you London! That gives me hope! I hope to follow the same path then :)
Hi ladies

sorry to jump on your thread
But just seen my donor today and will see my donor on Monday too but we tried last month and I think no success,
I say think because I had a light + hpt at 8dpo and negative since, doctors agreed it was + too but won't give blood test to see because of the - test since then
So I started to think I wasn't pregnant or a chemical when I had a very light period which would been 4/5 days late and only 4 days long but very light(spotting on day 5) light enough to not even where a pad for the last 2 days, my period is normally 7 days with a least 3 days heavy and clotty(sorry TMI)
But now I'm still having symptoms like my boobs normally stop hurting instantly on CD1 but are really painful still 2 weeks later, i feel different and there's like a tightness all the time in lower abdomen, I feel so tired and I have been starving all day but could only manage one burger oppose to normally 2 burgers, and feel sick now, it's so strange but the mind is a powerful thing I guess too
I tested on CD9 and was negative just to make sure
So just carrying on as if it's a normal cycle
Well today my CP was higher then I've ever had before (I could barely reach it) and really soft but could tell if it was open or not(never could really tell though)
So I think I've caught possible pending ovulation
Using the clearblue monitor this month plus cheapys in the evening(which have never ever caught my surge)
Last month I used CB digital opk and didn't get positive on them either
So basically I'm going by my CM/CP and temps to confirm
But only time will tell :)
I will add though my family are known never to get + on any urine pergnancy tests too
My mum with 6 kids didn't get one + urine
My eldest sister never knew she was pregnant until 3 months due to still having "periods" and negative hpt, she only knew because she started showing
And I've only just found out my other sister didn't get + hpt either even though she had an abortion later on but even after all that docs still refused to do blood test,
So I have even been contemplating going doctors and saying a little white lie and saying I've had no bleeding to just to try and stop my mind playing tricks
It's crazy
AFM, DPO7 and because I have 12 day luteal phases I will probably cave and test tomorrow. I'm calling it like it is, I have no patience, lol.

A big reason I can't help but test early is I have poor lining so I want to know asap if preggo so I can get on progesterone supplements right away.

TTC1 I'm trying to hold out until at least 9dpo on Monday to start testing. But I'm sure I'll convince myself to start on Sunday instead lol
You know what's really throwing me off?? I've been having an excessive amount watery cm today!! (sorry tmi) creamy cm is normal for me at this time, But watery?!? Definitely not normal

TTC1at31 and Poohbear, it's so hard to be patient, isn't it?! I have one test here at home and a few more on the way and I'm seriously trying to convince myself not to test tomorrow (8dpo) because I know it's silly, but all of these twinges I keep having in my uterus are like little jabs saying: "Hey....hey should test....hey....psssst....there could be a little bean in here." Yeesh! :dohh:

I started reading all your posts and that made me wanting to join your groupe. :) May I?

TTC since january 2016, two miscarriages in june (7 weeks) and in november (9 weeks). Since november I just really hope getting pregnant again very soon and I'm soooo impatient.
So this time, to make this awful TWW shorter, I thought it's nicer waiting with other nice ladies. :)
By the way, af due date is may 15th.

Welcome nilaut! You and I have been TTC since the same time (Jan 2016). I'm so very sorry to hear about your MCs :hugs:

My AF is due on the 13th, so we're close to cycle buddies! Good luck to you and lot of love! :flower:

10dpo today. No extremely strange or obvious symptoms but I'm proud of myself for not having tested yet so...yay for small victories!

Good luck to all those still hoping for BFPs! I watch this thread religiously so hugs for everyone.

You go girl! Be an inspiration for all of us who are tempted to test! Haha, you gotta have a voice of reason! Good luck to you as well <3

You know what's really throwing me off though? The pre-natals I've been taking since December generally make me super bloated and gassy (sorry)from the iron, like it feels like they slow down my entire digestive system. I haven't had any of that this cycle which is weird!! Maybe my body has adjusted to them? Idk I mean I've been taking them for a few months now so I would think my body is already used to them. Hmmm

I think you're right about the prenatals, I had a few months adjusting period but I've been taking them for over a year now so I don't even notice anymore. I wonder what it's going to be like once I'm finally able to be off of them!

Well ladies, just as suspected, I am out. AF came right on time. It's funny that my LP is always dead on but prior to O is a whole different story!

I'm hoping the laproscopic surgery for the cyst removal and chromotubation will help things get sorted out! (Btw.. has anyone had either of those..?)

Meeting with doc May 18 to go over that and schedule it so hopefully soon! Hoping for BFPs for you ladies!

I'm so sorry tbfromlv :hugs: I was told by a friend of mine who is a microbiologist that a person's luteal phase is always the same, but it's the length between the period and ovulation that can adjust or change. Whether or not that's entirely true, I don't know, but in my case it is. I always have a 14 day LP.

I have not had a lap or choromotubation but I did have an HSG in March and possibly in the next few months I may have a lap and salpingectomy. I was told that flushing out your tubes with a chromotubation or HSG can do wonders for those having trouble TTC! I'm on my first official cycle after my HSG and period so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Good luck to you and keep us updated on your surgery!
So, I've been so busy with school and work but in the interim I try to read most of the posts. Congratulations to all the BFP! &#128537;&#128537; So far I am 13dpo today & couldn't wait & got a "BFN". I have an OBGYN appointment for blood work on May 9th @ 16dpo feeling hopeful, since I've been feeling light headaches, abdomen & lower back pain, I've been waking up with server dry mouth, my hips are aching & Coffee doesn't taste the same anymore, my senses got stronger...everything seems to stink &#128567;, my a petite is less, I feel like butterflies in my tummy, heavy boobs, I got dizzy @ work Friday got my blood pressure & it was good, happy about that. But I did my test bcuz like for my other pregnancies I also had dreams. I dreamed that I did a pregnancy test & words appeated & I read, "5 weeks pregnant" then on the side of it said "It's a boy" now that's a new one for me. So of course, I tested today &#128532; I can't wait for that blood test augh! I was doing fine, bcuz I am so busy but that dream threw me off...I too have been reading everything about early symptoms & it seems that I have a few of them. ..I've been taking my prenatals just in case.

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