May 2017 Testers - 59 Mother's Day Hopefuls & 14 BFPs so far

I'm out ladies, AF hit full force this morning. Scheduled my baseline ultrasound and gearing up for my Hybrid Femara cycle (no IUI but two kinds of injectibles). Here we go with my first cycle of assisted conception... :wacko:
Welcome and good luck MombyChoice! :)

Congratulations koj518!!!

Good luck Selinet:)

Good luck and :dust: to all x
Well 11dpo today and my official testing day and another stark white bfn, looking like it'll be on to cycle number 5 for me :nope:
Quick update:

10dpo (I think, I don't temp but can usually feel O pains.)

Breast tenderness seems to be subsiding - but I always get a week of tenderness before af.

Still cramping this morning.
So on 12 dpo, I felt a TON of symptoms and was starting to get hopeful. 13dpo - most of those symptoms disappeared so in my state of sadness, I decided to just test and get the BFN over with. My urine unfortunately was basically the colour of water, but I tried to test anyway. Indeed a BFN. Not sure if that's a legitimate result because I'd only held my urine for an hour but I'm pretty sure I'm out. This morning I'm 14dpo and anticipating AF any time now. Siiiiiigh.
Sorry to hear that ttc1. Wish you the best for next month.

AFM: My temp is not up today, so either a fallback rise or haven't ovulated. Tomorrow's temp will hopefully clarify.
Hi Ladies!

Congrats to all the BFP!!!!


I am currently 12DPO and have been having af like cramps, and pelvic pain/twinges on either side (It rotates between sides). I never have cramps post ovulation except for the day AF arrives. No cm for the last few days but today I have lotion like cm. Headaches every morning for the past several days, that subside mid morning. Always feel hungry but when I eat I get full very fast. Sore/sensitive nipples but I always have that the week before AF. Stuffy nose for about a week now with bouts of blood here and there, and sneezing quite a bit yesterday. Yesterday I had pain in my right middle side/back region that lasted pretty much all day. Some back pains here and there but this could be from sitting at a desk all day. At 7DPO I did have a very little bit of brown spotting with cm, possible implantation bleeding? ( I Sure hope so!) Yesterday morning I did have a little touch of nausea and diarrhea (sorry TMI).

I am definitely having different symptoms then I normally have post ovulation and feeling hopeful but dont want to get my hopes up to much!

I did crack and test early at 9DPO and 11DPO both BFNs! I may test tomorrow but might just hold off until Saturday when AF is due....

Question: What is your preference in a pregnancy test? I have the internet cheapies and FR. I am going to the store tonight and may pick up some more but just curious as to everyone's preference and thoughts on others.

Good luck to all testers today, and baby dust to all!
Just coming back to say that I'm really having a hard time with this BFN cycle. Really trying to look on the bright side but this is the longest it's taken us to get pregnant again post-MC and I'm just starting to get really worried. Thanks for letting me moan and groan. :(
Welcome mombychoice
I too am doing it alone except I've been trying quite a while now, I was doing it with my gf until we split a few months ago but last cycle I had a faint positive HPT at 8dpo(even the doctor agreed it was a positive but I have had negative ever since except the odd very faint +
But doctors are refusing to do blood test I even tried the I've missed a period(it was half what it would normally be and no clots) white lie and still refused, my family are known for negative tests on urine too mum and 2 sisters had to get blood tests, hope you are lucky enough to get BFP on your first cycle, but I would advise not to test until AF due then you won't be where I am ATM, stuck in limbo :/

AFM: I need to know what's going on with my body, I am still having headaches everyday, sore boobs are still around, bloating, omg severe bloating, I look huge on parts of the day Haha
And when at work I'm on my feet all day and feel the pressure in my lower abdomen constantly and worse when I need to wee( I work 8 hours and each half I had to go twice within 4 hours, plus before I started and after I finish,
I'm still hungry all the time but then start eating but feel full quite quickly, like last night I cooked sweet potato fries(one of my favs ever) but I didn't like them and they made me feel sick
So I have booked an US for tomorrow now(privately costing £100) because if I'm not pregnant then surely something else is wrong, and hopefully if I have cysts then an US will pick that up at least I hope.
Day 10 Past O and I'm not so hopeful anymore, the pain and bloated and full feeling I had was extreme gas and constipation. Could be due to diet, but I have been relatively good with it in the last year and have had little to no constipation problems last 6 months. However, I could have slipped back enough to cause my old problems to return temporarily, or it could be due to starting stages of pregnancy. I just don't know...and I still have been having minor cramps, and small twinges of what I would be feeling if I was having AF. Who knows though, I think I've had this previously in a cycle but I don't know if I was pregnant or just late.

Still semi stuffy, still seemingly normal, no real symptoms so I have no real big hope. I will be testing early due to the fact we will probably head to a friends house and might be offered drinks so I want a clear conscience. May 12th will be the day I test early so I can drink for the day after. I'll be 12 DPO so it should show something if there was anything to show. Good luck to all the rest of the ladies, and Hugs to all the BFN and AFers....I'm sure I'll be sobbing with you soon...

Edit: wishing you luck hopeful, I'm right along with you with everything (also not candian, american married Canadian, working on PR)
chocolatechip I am sorry you are feeling down this cycle. I wish you best of luck in the next cycle if this is not your month. sending you a big hug :hugs:

AFM: 8DPO today, couldn't resist and tested this morning although 3 days before my official testing day. clearly got a BFN. Still no symptoms or cramps, but AF is not due for another 8 days
Just coming back to say that I'm really having a hard time with this BFN cycle. Really trying to look on the bright side but this is the longest it's taken us to get pregnant again post-MC and I'm just starting to get really worried. Thanks for letting me moan and groan. :(

I completly understand you! I'm in my 5th cycle since my last MC and it's hard to stay positive.
But we'll get our BFP very soon and until that, we'll be able to enjoy a glas of wine or smelly roquefort cheese with no guilt. :happydance:

I send you lots of positive thoughts :hugs:
it looks like there are a few of coming up to testing now. i'm 11dpo as well, and yesterday I felt like i was definitely out.

Today is a different story. My symptoms sound a little like yours Canadianmoose. Extreme bloating and it's been hard to sleep. I actually feel bruised in the pelvic region it's not my normal pre AF pain.

Good luck CanadianMoose though. especially if taking the test early. :dust:

Nilaut ahh the positives when Af appears. WINNNEEE!!! :wine:

Sorry Chocolatechip for your BFN. I understand the pain. Every month is so hard when you get too positive and then it's a big NO. :hugs:
Hi Ladies!

Congrats to all the BFP!!!!


I am currently 12DPO and have been having af like cramps, and pelvic pain/twinges on either side (It rotates between sides). I never have cramps post ovulation except for the day AF arrives. No cm for the last few days but today I have lotion like cm. Headaches every morning for the past several days, that subside mid morning. Always feel hungry but when I eat I get full very fast. Sore/sensitive nipples but I always have that the week before AF. Stuffy nose for about a week now with bouts of blood here and there, and sneezing quite a bit yesterday. Yesterday I had pain in my right middle side/back region that lasted pretty much all day. Some back pains here and there but this could be from sitting at a desk all day. At 7DPO I did have a very little bit of brown spotting with cm, possible implantation bleeding? ( I Sure hope so!) Yesterday morning I did have a little touch of nausea and diarrhea (sorry TMI).

I am definitely having different symptoms then I normally have post ovulation and feeling hopeful but dont want to get my hopes up to much!

I did crack and test early at 9DPO and 11DPO both BFNs! I may test tomorrow but might just hold off until Saturday when AF is due....

Question: What is your preference in a pregnancy test? I have the internet cheapies and FR. I am going to the store tonight and may pick up some more but just curious as to everyone's preference and thoughts on others.

Good luck to all testers today, and baby dust to all!

more or less same symptoms as urs...

will test again tomorrow.. im 11-12dpo today

anyone can sugggest a good hpt plzzz? the sensitive ones
Almost all hpt are 25 miu sensitivity. There are only a few brands that are not. For the most part IC or walmart 88c tests seem to get as many or more early bfp as FR these days.
I like the Wandfo and the $.88 cheapies from walmart. The wandfo's gave me my BFP in 2014 at about 8DPO.
it looks like there are a few of coming up to testing now. i'm 11dpo as well, and yesterday I felt like i was definitely out.

Today is a different story. My symptoms sound a little like yours Canadianmoose. Extreme bloating and it's been hard to sleep. I actually feel bruised in the pelvic region it's not my normal pre AF pain.

Good luck CanadianMoose though. especially if taking the test early. :dust:

Nilaut ahh the positives when Af appears. WINNNEEE!!! :wine:

Sorry Chocolatechip for your BFN. I understand the pain. Every month is so hard when you get too positive and then it's a big NO. :hugs:

here's wishing you luck gypsy! I still don't have boob pain or anything like that, had some weird dreams and been moody with hubs all week. Having the cramps still but I'm feeling like it's just normal pain of constipation, yet I've been pretty...ahem frequent. So I'm at a loss, and I don't really feel pregnant and I don't want to get my hopes up. I just have a gut feeling I'm not, but I had the same feeling when I was almost 6 to 7 years ago and I was. *shrugs* guess I'll find out friday *sigh*
BFP for me!! :bfp:

confirmed with beta today :) :cloud9:

Congratulations koj518! A happy and healthy 9 months to you! :happydance:

I'm pretty much feeling the same as you cheshire, last few days was pretty awake at night, but last night I actually got a good amount of sleep after drinking like 2 cups of water. Woke up feeling like mouth was the Sierra dessert, and had mini cramps all day now like I would be starting my period but I'm a week away and the cramps never feel like this before. It's more irritating than painful like a gnawing at my abdomen, and the last week pre Implantation I had the worst allergies and congestion, and suddenly it's "cleared up."

so here's hoping you and I have good news soon!

Thank you! I think I'm in the same boat as you as far as symptoms starting to subside and now feeling less hopeful. UGH. What a roller coaster of emotions TTC is. Good luck to you as well! :flower:

7 DPO today.. getting a little anxious to go poas already. yesterday at 6 dpo had major cramps most of the day, nothing today, no symptoms, no cramps. Last month I had stabbing pain on 7 DPO and bad cramping all the way till AF arrived. It's pretty crazy how different every month TWW is and I find new symptoms to get my hopes up lol

Yes! That's why my brain KNOWS it's ridiculous to symptom spot because no two pregnancies are alike and everyone has different TWW experiences that are never fully explained so I'm like...why do I make myself go nuts? LOL :dohh:

Hi ladies! Can I join in? 9dpo today, testing May 14th.

Having light cramping - not as strong as af cramps, but definitely there!

This is our first cycle trying, and DH had a vasectomy reversal about a month ago - so chances of a bfp this month are slim, but a girl can hope!

Hello HopefulVR! Lots of luck and dust to you! :dust:

Hi Ladies! Just spent the last two hours reading through this thread-and WOW, what an amazing roller coaster of emotions seeing you all progress through your cycles and TWW. Congrats to those that got their BFP and condolences to those who are out this cycle...and baby dust to those still in their wait or coming up on their wait!

As a first time TTC'er currently 8dpo in my first ever TWW, it's comforting to know that it is considered normal to be this neurotic about symptom spotting! My cycle is complicated with the fact that I ovulated via clomid-since I don't ovulate on my own due to PCOS. As I am solo and using a known donor, I have limited access to "the goods" and have to make every insemination count. I apparently am an obsessive symptom spotter and am really driving myself up the wall with what is likely false hope...but trying to be realistic-it's my first cycle and come on, how lucky can I be? I'll list my symptoms here, but will make the disclaimer that I don't know how much is related to clomid side effects post O, how much is related to PMS (of which I NEVER ordinarily suffer from), how much is just in my head and finally, if anything is actually related to early pregnancy.

O on cycle day 23, via positive OPKs and ovulation pains. 2 inseminations, one a few days before O and one the day of.
1dpo-woke up super bloated and gassy. Clearly I ovulated hard (clomid) and this is the high progesterone.
2dpo-5dpo-SAME, bloated and gassy. Post O progesterone continues. (I am on NO progesterone supplements)
6dpo-slighly less bloated, change in CM-tiny white cottage cheese like pieces (TMI sorry). Some twinges and ovary/uterine ache. One sided back/hip ache-new, never felt pain here before. Got up to pee at night which never happens.
7dpo-still slightly less bloated, twinges continue. Vivid breastfeeding dream-leaking milk everywhere. CM with white particles continues.
8dpo (today)-woke up super bloated again, blood tinged runny nose (nose attributed to allergies, has been going on since O, but blood is new)). Mouth has two sore places (weird!?). Woke up starving and had to eat before doing anything else, usually I can go a few hours without eating. Vivid dream last night about getting BFP. Twinges, aches in pelvis on and off all day. Never felt this before. CM continues with white particles. Skin clearer than usual.

I have had NO change in breasts. Do you see a theme though? I am getting MORE and MORE neurotic with symptom spotting as the days go by. Assuming it takes the full 6-12+mths to conceive, how will I survive this ridiculous obsession each month!?!?!? How!?!?!?

I will be testing each morning from here on out, fully expecting BFNs in these early days but getting more and more excited at the possibility of being first time lucky (but the realist in me is shaking her head, telling me that I should have thought of this cycle as a trial, to get my feet wet so to speak and to not expect so much). But it's my first ever cycle and I am so excited about the possibility of getting a BFP. I've just surrendered to the neurosis and am allowing myself to enjoy it. Just this one time.


Welcome MombyChoice! I know what you mean about those vivid dreams of conceiving, I get them ALL the time! Just goes to show my brain is way too obsessed about it and so darn impatient! Lots of luck to you in this crazy journey! :flower:

I'm out ladies, AF hit full force this morning. Scheduled my baseline ultrasound and gearing up for my Hybrid Femara cycle (no IUI but two kinds of injectibles). Here we go with my first cycle of assisted conception... :wacko:

I'm sorry to hear that TTC1at31 :hugs: I hope the assisted conception will give you your miracle you're waiting for! <3

Just coming back to say that I'm really having a hard time with this BFN cycle. Really trying to look on the bright side but this is the longest it's taken us to get pregnant again post-MC and I'm just starting to get really worried. Thanks for letting me moan and groan. :(

Aw hun, I understand the frustration. I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. My Hubby and I have been trying to conceive for a year and a half now with no real answer as to what's wrong (and we conceived so easily 10 years ago) so I know how many emotions must be flowing through you right now. Lots of love to you :hugs:

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