*** May Babies ***

oo and u just made me think MrsJD (which is an achievment in itself) i am planning to have a c-section due to the horrible experiance i had with sophie and i dont want the stress and worry again, not just to me but to my family (mum has MS and stress makes it so she cnt walk) do the normally do it slightly earlier than your due date? ive not seen the consultant yet (still waiting for a letter i assume).
Hi All

This is my first post in 2nd tri, I have had such a busy couples of weeks that I have only been able to catch up in the May thread in the 1st tri. Have just spent the last hour and a half catching up on the 2nd tri thread. Its so good to see that everyone is feeling better and that everyone seems to be progressing well.

I am off work today as loaded with the cold, I usually just get on with it but this time I decided that I am not just looking after myself, plus I have such a busy week next week at work and would rather be off now than next week. Its so rubbish when you cant just pop pills to feel better. I got my hubby to get vics vapour rub last night and it helped me to get off to sleep last night.

I had my 12 week scan two weeks ago and it was fab, i don't get the NT scan routinely so am just getting the AFP bloods done in 2 weeks time. My hospital has just started offering the 20 week scan so thats booked for the 18th of Dec. I hope it goes ok as would be a lovely christmas present. When I had my booking in appointment I saw the consultant and she has also booked me in for 28 and 34 week growth scans due to high blood pressure. So i feel like I am being looked after.

I got a phonecall from my GP surgery yesterday inviting me in for my swine flu jab on the 17th Nov. I have thought very hard about this and I think I am going to get it. I am a nurse myself who may be asked to go back to work in critical care over the winter months if swine flu esculates. I am also overweight so I feel I have quite a few risk factors and feel I have no choice because i certainly do not want to catch swine flu and put myself and my baby at risk of dying.

I am 14 weeks tomorrow and feel most of my symptoms have gone and no change in the size of my stomach so just wondering if everything is ok in there!.

Anyway enough of my ranting, I hope to be able to join in more in this thread and look forward to progressing well in 2nd tri

Hi Laney =) Hope you feel better soon...

Well today I am 14w. I am scared to say this but I think I'm gonna tell all my friends this weekend. I know some already have a feeling since I don't drink anymore LOL BIG giveaway but no ones said anything. Later today I'm gonna take a 14w bump pic too haha I'm a nut =)

Hope everyone that's feeling sick feels better today. Hugs
Good Luck with telling all your friends, I am sure they will all be delighted for you. I have been telling all my friends and work colleagues over the last 2 weeks. Was delighted at peoples reactions, its such wonderful news to be telling everyone
Thanks, I had told people right away last time and it was hard to tell people over and over I had MC.. So I waited this time to mention it to alot of people. It's been hard not saying something hahaha
Hey ladies,this is my first post in 2nd tri, I had my NT scan today and they have put me forward to 13w 4 days, I am so excited.

The scan was great, the bambino was jumping all over the place and waving and wiggling, I got a great pic and can't believe how much I love the little thing already.

I feel a bit out of my depth in 2nd tri, everyone is worring about a whole new set of problems and I feel like the new kid in town.
Hey ladies!!!! I am officially in the second trimester!!!! :happydance:So happy!!!:happydance:
Hey all!! I am braving it over here in 2nd tri for the first time too!!! Bit nervous though (like you iznil8!!!! I am due 12th may.
:gun:i'm so angry the dr still hasn't emailed me about my nuchal test blood results and he was supposed 2 on thursday. it was £193 and i expected better treatment than this!!! :gun:
finally after some chasing have got an email from the dr saying i'm low risk after the nuchal scan and bloods. my risk is 1 in 9813! yey! :cloud9:
:gun:i'm so angry the dr still hasn't emailed me about my nuchal test blood results and he was supposed 2 on thursday. it was £193 and i expected better treatment than this!!! :gun:

Omg you havent had your e mail. I would be demanding a refund as you havent had the full service that you have paid for, I can imagine how quick they would be sending you that e mail then, although I would still push for a full if not part refund as you didnt have the full service........Hello to the newbies in here.....Hey Elaine, Im going to be 14 weeks on Monday and I havent sprouted a belly yet, although Im putting that down to the baby belly I have got left over from my other children, my trousers are starting to get a little tight on me, but thats all I got for now, but I can wait for my belly as I usually end up really huge lol..........Hope everyone is ok today, I am suffering with cramp yet again, only this time it is in both legs, its more painful too when its like that, so Im trying not to do too much as walking and moving my legs in general just makes the pain worse ouch, just hope it dont get too bad I end up crying.......My baby got a chest infection now though, took him to Drs last night hes on anti biotics and needs to have a ventolin too, although dr isnt saying hes got asthma just yet, so fingers crossed I havent passed the asthma down.......Speak to you all soon......Ruth.....
i couldnt believe i had 2 chase the dr after paying that amount of money but it is ok in the end as i have a 1 in 9813 risk factor. i hope your baby is better soon shady_r. how many children have u got?
Hello all!

well I woke up this morning feeling a bit more awake than I have for ages so thought I would do some gardening as it is a lovely sunny autumn day! It seems I have overdone it and now am super tired again and its only midday....oops...xx
Hope&Faith - Thats awesome news about your house! Congrats! Very exciting! About the wallpaper... I bought this spray stuff at WalMart - its called DIF (its a wallpaper stripper), and this little tool that punches holes in the paper so the spray soaks through. It was a total of about $10 and worked REALLY easy. Of course - I was only peeling off border paper when I tried it, but it came off like a breeze. Maybe try that before you invest in a steamer!

Omi, Bexxi, and maybebaby3 - Congrats on the good numbers /low risk news!

Joulu - I LOVE my coffee when I'm not pregnant, drink it all day every day, but I HATE the taste now. The thought of drinking coffee makes me gag. I usually like coffee flavored things like ice cream too, but not now! When I really want something hot to drink in the morning I will usually hoave a hot cocoa - but thats pretty rare too. Its funny how our tastes change so much while pregnant. Normally I'm a total choco-holic too, but while pregnant, I tend to prefer vanilla flavors. Weird.

And yes. About a scheduled c-sec, normally they will schedule it about a week before your due date. They tend to want to avoid you going into labor on your own.

AS FOR ME - I am currently feeling pretty good. I have gone from the ALL DAY sickness to just occasional bouts here and there. Generally - I feel good more than not though. THANK GOD.
I have gotten really big really fast this time. I am 15 weeks today (CAN'T BELIEVE IT!) and have gained about 13 lbs already. It sucks cause I am only about 5 feet tall, so I just look FAT. I do have what's starting to look like a baby belly - but the belly doesn't excuse my fat arms, face, and ass! I gained 50 lbs with DS, and REALLY planned on doin better this time... but so far, I'm on the same track. SUCKS. I really really need to do better about eating more protein and veggies and less carbs. I'm good about the veggies. BAD about the carbs. Grrr..
Other than that little rant though... all is well. I go back to the doctor Monday for a check-up. Not sure if I'll get a scan or not, but hope i will! :)
OMG! I though morning sickness was suppose to be letting up already!!! It is getting worse for me, I am now throwing up 1-2 times a day and EVERYDAY!

Yesterday we went to a restaurant to celebrate my moms promotion, I threw up before the restaurant, and when we were leaving I started feeling sick AGAIN....the restaurant was 30 minutes away from home....i held it for 30 minutes!!!! Got in side and barfed my brains out!!!!!
babyhope - So sorry. Maybe this is just a long strong LAST bout! Fingers Crossed you feel better soon.
Joulou - I haven't had tea or coffee at all as it makes me so sick. Must be the caffeine - can only drink peppermint tea now which is a bit dull after a while. Really miss lattes and cappuccinos. Re c-section, I had one last year with my DD at 38+5. It was fantastic - admittedly the recovery is longer than a natural delivery - but I scheduled the date in advance with my consultant and it was all a very calm and wonderful. I shall be having another one this time.

Logansmama - glad to hear you're feeling well, lucky thing! I'm with Babyhope and now being really sick in the evening...as well as morning and all day! This HAS to ease up soon I keep telling myself! I too am much bigger earlier this time round - still haven't put on any weight but look huge. Keep telling my DH it's bloat! Bit worried what I'm going to look like as time goes on if I'm this big now!! And in answer to your question, no we didn't find out the sex....I know, I know...super-tempting but want to see if I can hold out for a surprise.

ShadyR - hope your cramps get better soon, my legs ache alot and feel like lead when I'm in bed at night. How old is your son? It's horrible when they're poorly isn't it. My DD is 21 months and is also on anti-b's for a bad cough. We were given a ventilin for her as DH has asthma but not easy to administer - she doesn't like it. Here's hoping our little ones get better soon.

Welcome to all the newbies and congrats to all you ladies with good scan results!

Off to watch X Factor now - hope John & Edward go tonight!
well, at my ultrasound last week according to my dates, i was 13w 1d, but my ultrasound results say i was 14w 2d... not sure how that's at all possible. that would mean i was 15 weeks today.

anyone else have that? i heard that the dating part isn't as accurate after 8 weeks...

Anyone done this before and able to tell me if swelling above their pubic bone - is this my uterus growing?? I can really feel it when I am laying flat.

Congratulations on all of your NT results!!
well, at my ultrasound last week according to my dates, i was 13w 1d, but my ultrasound results say i was 14w 2d... not sure how that's at all possible. that would mean i was 15 weeks today.

anyone else have that? i heard that the dating part isn't as accurate after 8 weeks...

i had my dating scan a couple of weeks ago and my daue date has been brought 4ward by a week 2. my periods r irregular so i reckon that i had a short cycle. maybe u ovulated earlier than u think hence your baby is bigger than u thought.

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