*** May Babies ***

Hi ladies.
I have been a bit worried as I have been having a few pains in my lower belly last night and today. I have been REALLY horny the past week or so (sorry if TMI!!!!) and can't get enough of sex at the moment! I am just worried we've hurt the baby. I'm hoping its just my uterous stretching though!

I wish I was horny!!! LOL...HUBBY WISH I WAS HORNY:haha: I just get in bed and want to sleep, sex never even crosses my mind anymore!!!!

I was the same up until last week! Try watching some naughty videos! Hehe. Thats what I did. I had to do something as I was so dis-interested! Felt like I was failing as a wife. Now I can't get enough of it! LOL :sex:

Hahaha...I think we need some new videos!!! Yay, I am going to have to get interested again soon, hubby has now resorted to begging and trading chores for sex:haha:
Hi ladies.
I have been a bit worried as I have been having a few pains in my lower belly last night and today. I have been REALLY horny the past week or so (sorry if TMI!!!!) and can't get enough of sex at the moment! I am just worried we've hurt the baby. I'm hoping its just my uterous stretching though!

I wish I was horny!!! LOL...HUBBY WISH I WAS HORNY:haha: I just get in bed and want to sleep, sex never even crosses my mind anymore!!!!

I was the same up until last week! Try watching some naughty videos! Hehe. Thats what I did. I had to do something as I was so dis-interested! Felt like I was failing as a wife. Now I can't get enough of it! LOL :sex:

Hahaha...I think we need some new videos!!! Yay, I am going to have to get interested again soon, hubby has now resorted to begging and trading chores for sex:haha:

Try pornhub.com!! :winkwink:
I don't know what I'm thinking! :wacko: The appointment is at 8.45am! First wee of the day it is.

thanks all.

Wow - never stops amazing me how different things are done over there! We just pee in a cup at the office. Seems strange to me that you would have to bring it with you!
Sex? Whats that? LOL. I think the last time I had sex was when I got pregnant! Poor hubby.

I had my appt today. No ultrasound... but heard the heartbeat on doppler. Baby is doing great. I go next week to the specialist for an ultrasound. Should hopefully find out the sex (I'll be 16 weeks 3 days). If not - I'll have to call my doc right away because at my next appt with her I'll be 19 weeks already but she didn't say anything about doing the "BIG" ultrasound. SO - since this 16 weeks one doesn't really "count" I want to make sure I still get that one! I MUST find out what gender I'm having. I can't stand the suspense!!!

I got my swine flu shot today. Kind-of a relief. I have decided to just suck it up and go to school tomorrow. (even with the students being vaccinated). I'm just going to be extra careful about handwashing and sanitizing everything... Hopefully all will be okay. :)
I hate peeing in those tubes they give you to take home... so messy! Or is it just me that can't get it in the hole?? They must have been invented by men! I bought the best thing on the Mothercare website a few weeks ago called We Collect. It's like a little funnel on a long stick... so much easier for collecting wee!! Lol. Sorry if TMI! Just thought i'd share with you all!!

Logans mama, good luck with your ultrasound. I hope they can find out the sex this early on for you. I know how you feel about being in suspense. I can't wait to find out what we're having!!
I don't know what I'm thinking! :wacko: The appointment is at 8.45am! First wee of the day it is.

thanks all.

Wow - never stops amazing me how different things are done over there! We just pee in a cup at the office. Seems strange to me that you would have to bring it with you!

I can't pee on demand, I get stage fright.

So anyway, I went up to the community hospital and they weren't expecting me and then my regular midwife says I can't have my blood taken here as the hospital that I'm going to deliver in won't accept it. Seems a bit strange. She phoned them up and had a bit of go at them as she sent all paperwork off on the 20th October and they said they have them today so now I have to wait until Friday to see if they send a scan date through or phone again. The midwife I spoke to yesterday gave me completely duff information. Makes you lose faith in the NHS thats for sure.
oh daisy, i completely agree with u loosing faith with the nhs n i worked for them! they prob wont accept your bloods from there because someone else is contracted to pay forr it, everything comes down to penny pinching!

forgot to say to whomever has took over the list that my due date is still 14th may x x x x
Awww I didn't even notice yesterday that the little baby on my ticker grew!!! I guess I was to busy talking about sex!!! Which by the way Pixie81 I had some yesterday:haha:=D>

And it has been 3 days since I've thrown up! I hope that is the end of morning sickness because it sure did leave with a bang!
oh daisy, i completely agree with u loosing faith with the nhs n i worked for them! they prob wont accept your bloods from there because someone else is contracted to pay forr it, everything comes down to penny pinching!

forgot to say to whomever has took over the list that my due date is still 14th may x x x x

AH, but they have slightly redeemed themselves today as they called and offered me a scan for tomorrow afternoon 4.15pm. Its just as well I work from home. Probably can't get my bloods done unless I go in early as I'll have to take a ticket and get in line so I might go on Friday or the weekend if its open (probably not). But I'll stop moaning now as I get to see my baby twice in a five days as I had a private scan on Saturday as I couldn't stand the wait. :happydance:
am so fed up of work. have applied 4 a job in another school but i'm not 2 confident abt gettin it as some1 is already acting the position there. i'm also hopeless in interviews! agh! as far as the pregnancy is concerned i'm feeling less sick but i'm still tired but that said when my son woke me 4 the 3rd time last night i couldnt get back 2 sleep and now am exhausted 4 school!!!
Morning ladies!
I feel terrible this morning and feel like i'm just posting moans everywhere!
Am so tired of being sick, and being so so so so tired!! I have terrible sciatica and the worse back and hip pain ever! My little girl was up all night so i've literally had 3 hours broken sleep, and i have to go and do a day at work!
I feel like just hiding away until i feel a bit better!!!
Sorry guys moan over................need to dust myself down and get on with things!

Anyhow how is everyone doing??? Has everyone had there dates for the 20 week scans yet? Maybe we should add them too the due date list?

Well will catch up with you all later but cup of tea then shower i think!!
Morning ladies,

I feel awful this morning, so sick and stressed out. I thought we were supposed to feel better in second tri? At the moment I feel a bit better but this morning its like I have gone back to feeling how I was in first tri! Ahh sorry for the moan!

How is everyone else doing? x x
May babies due dates

May 1st

May 2nd
Mrs A

May 3rd

May 4th

May 5th

May 6th
Mrs RC

May 7th

May 8th

May 9th
Su B

May 10th
bright eyes

May 11th

May 12th

May 13th

May 14th

May 15th

May 16th

May 17th

May 18th

May 19th

May 20th

May 21st

May 22nd

May 23rd

May 24th

May 25th

May 26th

May 27th

May 28th

May 29th

May 30th

May 31st
Morning ladies, bloomin heck not been on since monday and i had a few pages to catch up on! I think I have updated the list correctly?? Iznil8 i didnt see your due date anywhere? and Punch I put your date as the one thats on the 1st tri thread, im a little too tired to quite concentrate this morning so if its wrong i am sorry! :) anyone ive missed just pm me or something :)

Not much for me to report today, been feeling rather blue this week, not sure why! i can cry on cue at absolutely anything! Been busy sorting out my daughters b/day party for next week, slightly regretting saying she could invite her class....thats 30 kids! im gonna be grey! Looking forward to my next midwife appt on monday morning, just want to hear the little heartbeat going :) been feeling alot more flutters of late, mainly when im laying down ..least i think its flutters, ive been really windy lately (sorry TMI!).

Someone mentioned feeling really horny or not feeling like sex at all...well my sex drive is back with a vengance, so much so i cant get back to sleep if i wake up during the night! and all the OH wants to do is sleep, bloomin typical when he has been moaning cos of the lack of sex! i cant win lol
Hey ladies! I see morning sickness is back for a lot of you:nope: That sucks! Since I've hit 13 weeks (except for the first day) I have been feeling sooo much better, it has been 4 days since I've thrown up:happydance: I am so hoping that MS is gone, but it seems that it comes and goes...I really hope it doesn't come back because week 12 WAS ROUGH (throwing up 2x a day everyday). I am also having a great day as it is a holiday today and I am getting a paid work day off and no school!!! Feeling good, although I should be really stressed out as I have TWO 10-page papers do next week and I have not started!!!!

Although week 13 has been great (no MS) my back has started hurting every morning, what is this???
hey babyhope - What are you studying for? Are you finding it harder to concentrate while being pregnant? Im finding it impossible to get anything done! x x x
hey babyhope - What are you studying for? Are you finding it harder to concentrate while being pregnant? Im finding it impossible to get anything done! x x x

I am studying to get my B.A in psychology, I am currently in my Senior Sem which is why I have so many papers:nope: and I need 3 more classes to graduate. I am finding it hard, especially with the morning sickness, headaches, and being so tired! When you are feeling horrible and just want to lay in bed how do you prepare yourself to write a research paper or get up and go to class:dohh: What are you studying for?
Hey Jolou, my due date is the 12th May, it would be great if you could add me on to the list.
Hi ladies :)

Just moved over a little late from 1st Tri. (also been really slack as i'm still permenantly knackered lol) Anyhow, a big hello from me!
I saw the due date list, and wondered if you could add me to May 8th? (which i see is a popular day :)

I hope you are all feeling well :)

Hi Ladies,

Hope your all ok?
Just moved over from 1st tri, Had my scan yesterday - was amazing :thumbup: and my due date is 16th May.

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