*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Congrats bumpin! Stick to your guns and get the wedding you want :)

Exciting stuff Boothh. Did it bring back memories?
bumpin2012: It's great that you are finally going to get married! I can't believe you had to cancel so many times because of other people :( Hopefully this will make up for it :)

Nits: You have a lovely bump!

KendraNoell: I am sorry about the lack of maternity leave in the US. I can't believe that a country can treat it's own citizens like that :( Good luck :hugs:

vespersonicca: I think I will also be doing a lot of baby wearing. A friend from the NP Forum has loaned me her Moby so I just need to start practicing. At my 34 week appointment I found out that baby is head down (was breach before phew!) and engaged. I think baby is engaged already because I had an emergency c-section with my son.

Boothh: Wow that's really exciting! I am hoping this baby looks like my DH because Bobby looks a lot like me. We are not going to have anymore kids so it would be nice for my DH if this was the case. Hope you enjoyed your shopping.

What's everyone's plans for the weekend?
Aww Bumpin! Lovely wedding plans!!
Boothh, exciting, I hope it isnt lomg for you.

I feel odd today, like hungover and achy ! I'm off to my mums and to my cousin baby shower so baby can't come today :rofl:
Must be a sign my boots parenting club stuff came today the day I'm about to go finish buying baby things, so I've got loads of vouchers and extra points etc to use now ;)
Id like him to stay in for another week or so because we have no car til 20th and then we need a new exhaust so would rather he waited til I didn't have to spend £20 to get a taxi to hospital lol. X

FF have fun at baby shower :)
Thanks ladies for the congrats! This is the 5th time i've tried to plan a wedding and its going to be the LAST! Everytime we had so many people complaining about how inconvienient it will be for them, so this time we made it clear that this is the last time we are planning one! If we hear one complaint, they are welcome to not come, and if we hear a lot, we're going to city hall on our own, and everyone will find out after the fact! So Im thrilled that this time we might actually get to have a proper wedding!

We eloped and LOVED IT. My fmaily was in Argentina and DH has a very small family. We met 5 years ago when I came to the US to work during the WInter at a Ski resort. He was working in the cutest small town bookstore ever. That's where we met and where we spent a lot of our time.
Two years later, we went to the bookstore and the owner (who's also a judge of peace) married us :happydance:
It was just us three and the owner's little girl, who was holding a flower :haha:
I called my mom a few days before that to let her know but most people found out after the fact. I don't think we'll ever have a "real" wedding. There's way too many people in my fmaily who would get offended if they and their SO and LO don't get fed and drunk for free :growlmad:

KENDRA :hugs: I hear you. I had to go on early maternity leave because of my blood pressure so I'm not getting any paychecks at all. They only have long-term dissability insurance, which doesnt start for 90 days, by which time the baby will be born :growlmad: it sucks. Financial stress, just what you need when you are trying to keep your blood pressure low.
Thankfully, I have insurance through my husband, or I would have had to keep paying the whole premium out of pocket!!!!!
Yeah I go through COBRA right now because I switched jobs @ 20 weeks and my new job doesn't have insurance for me unless my temp position gets extended at least another month. Which it probably will but in the mean time I pay $400 a month for insurance. It is awful :(
Ladies - in the past 2 days I have done 12 loads of washing!!! I think I've turned my house into a chinese laundry! There are baby clothes everywhere! lol :wacko:

That's one thing that I really cannot complain about the UK. Maternity provision is pretty generous. Before my maternity leave I was on minimum wage, so the drop to the maternity allowance isn't that big of a hit. Plus because I used to get paid one month in hand, my last pay packet hasn't come in yet! I opted to take my pay 1 month from then, so have effectively managed to stretch 9 months worth of benefits to 11 months. :thumbup: I am incredibly lucky though and I really do appreciate it. Add into that the fact that my hubby is a full time student and from the 24th May to the middle of September he's off for his summer break. If he got a job, we'd lose money on his student funding for his course, so it's better for him to be at home and for us to spend 4 months together trying not to spend too much money lol :wacko: I know a lot of people complain about the fact that you have to work hard to earn the same amounts as are given out, but I like the fact that when you need it, it's there. I wouldn't ever want to be on benefits forever, but for the next 11 months, I'm truly grateful! :thumbup:
Aimee Lou - I'm with you! I've done five, FIVE loads of just baby clothes today and I went and bought more today so that's another load :dohh:. I woke up at 5am with an urge to perfect the nursery and put everything in it's place, re pack my hospital bags and CLEAN! Knackered now but just want to nest!
I can't believe how jealous I feel of you ladies for being able to get ready for your LO's births. I just want to move already :hissy: I wanna wash clothes too and set up the nursery :cry: Pack my bag :cry:

You must all think I am insane :haha:
What a nightmare Kendra! Im so very thankful that where I live has a decent maternity/parental benefit, and also that my job has fantastic sickleave/mat leave benefits...

I don't even HAVE 12 loads of baby clothes!!! I think I might have 1!!! and it was done a few weeks ago. I haven't been able to find a lot of gender neutral stuff so I am having to wait for baby to be here before getting a lot of clothes. I have about 12 onsies most of which are white, a couple of green/yellow sleepers and thats about it!
Modo, we are looking for a bigger house to rent too. Don't feel crazy, hehe. All my baby's things are in boxes. I should start washing clothes, though. I let you know how many load I have to do but I am sure she has at least one outfit for each day of the year O_O
People have been too generous!
Modo I'm with you :haha: I keep saying we've only just moved in here but actually it's been 2 months now! The rest of the house is unpacked and ready but our bedroom isn't!
We lost the screws for our bed so we've slept on our mattress on the floor for 2 months!! The bed frame is in the corner I want to use as the babies area and I there are bags and boxes piled everywhere that will go under the bed when it's up!
We havnt had a car since we moved in either as we couldnt afford to renew the insurance because it ran out when we moved and then dh overtime stopped :/ we should be insuring it this coming Friday though so can FINALLY go get some new screws to put the bed together and go pick up the rest of the baby things like his crib etc that are in storage in the cellar at my dads shop. Hopefully next weekend I can have things ready! It makes me sad to see all his cute little baby clothes etc still shoved in bags! He's going to be here in just over 3 and a half weeks!!

And btw if anyone feels like coming to do my washing :haha: my LO is potty training and we have just moved on to the wearing clothes stage so were getting through about 5 pairs of trousers a day at the moment lol, he doesnt have full blown accidents he just likes to carry on playing and sometimes dribbles abit haha!

My mum came and took LO to her house yesterday afternoon for a sleepover! It's been literally months since I havnt had him by my side 24/7 and I've been seriously lost without him, it's been so nice to have a little break though, me and DH even had an afternoon nap and abit of romance if you know what I mean lol ;)
We went and bought some last minute bits like extra bibs, cotton wool balls, baby bath, baby sponges etc, and then best of all we got in bed at 9.30 and slept!!!! With no toddler shuffles along the landing, getting in our bed in the star fish position, I was actually comfortable and slept for hours straight :happydance: I've been awake since 5 am though haha guess I'm too used to it now!
LO rang me up last night too to tell me nanny bought him McDonald's! And he watched toystory and he's been a good boy playing with my sisters and even used his potty all day!' I really miss him and feel a bit guilty to not have him with us but sometimes I think I just have to admit I need a break, especially at this far pregnant it's not very easy to run around after a toddler lol.
He will be away 4 nights when I have my section! Feel like it will be like having my arm cut off!
Boothh - I'm the opposite at the moment. Earl and I are flying solo lol. Hubby is back after tea tomorrow so not much longer. :happydance: He's been a little star this last 2 days so this morning (once we're dressed) we're off out to the car boot sale, then to the local retail park to get a couple of bits and pieces, and I think his pocket money (he gets the change out of my purse once a week to go in his money box and it now weighs a tonne!) may get spent on a new toy :winkwink:

In my defence, only 9 loads were baby related, and 3 of them were blankets and bedding....so only 6 loads of baby clothes.

Bumpin, I feel your pain with the gender neutral stuff. Mothercare used to be great but I've barely bought anything new this time (just a few rompers and things for the summer). Everything we had in newborn (only a few bits) and in 0-3m was pretty much beige or white lol. I counted - 25 vests and 19 sleep suits......why do I have that many? :dohh:
There are some nice bright unisex things in next! I have a few unisex bits just incase and I don't like all the baby blue stuff anyway :haha:
I just feel a tiny bit bad even though I know it's good for him to be with other people and he will be getting spoilt and having a great time! The house is just so quiet without him! He's back this afternoon though and I bet by bedtime I'll be wishing for a bit of peace lol x
I really got sick of the baby blue from when I had Bobby, I honestly used to love the colour before that but all his clothes were that colour :dohh: I don't know if Two-ey is a girl or a boy but I have def gone for a much brighter wardrobe this time. My friend from Natural Parenting introduced me to Swedish stores and I really like their kids wardrobes.

I got a lot of stuff in the January and Birthday sales of this store called Love It Love It Love It which is really expensive otherwise. I also got some bits second hand from ebay which are in great condition. Also Green Baby who are having a 50% Sale right now.

Nits: Glad I am not the only person moving this late in pregnancy! I had loads of stuff for my son as well and he didn't get to wear all of it. My Mom, sisters and extended family bought me a lot of stuff! I am really trying to limit it this time :haha:

Boothh: Hope you can get the car insured on Friday and get all the stuff you need to get done! It must be driving you crazy :haha: That's really great how your Mom is watching Jesse and giving you and DH some time alone :) A toddler can make it pretty hard to get the romance in :dohh: I know all about that :haha: If DH and I try and cuddle in front of Boo he makes an "arrrgghhhhh!" sound and tries to separate us :haha: That's fantastic news about the potty training. He seems to be doing so well :D I am worried about Boo while I am in hospital giving birth. The plan is my sisters will watch him in our house and I if I get my vbac will hopefully try and come back the same day with the baby. Otherwise DH will come back home after visiting hours are over. He and B are very close :cloud9:

aimee-lou: Hope you had a great time at the car boot sale. I also really want to go to get B some toys. Glad Earl is being a star for you today :)
Modo - she used to have him alot but we live further apart now since we've both moved so its not as often! Jesse is very attatched to his daddy and I often get in trouble for cuddling him haha, it's a wonder we are even pregnant again because he sleeps in our bed (in between us) about 90% of the time lol, that's the only thing we are still working on that we don't seem to be getting anywhere with :dohh:

Lollipopbop - love H&M! :) got some really cute things from there and I love it for jess too. He's obsessed with dinosaurs and spiderman and they always have clothes with those things on in H&M hehe x
Boothh - Next are good actually, you're right. It's only while I've been sorting that I've noticed how much Next stuff we have, mainly due to MIL and SIL who are Next-aholic! lol. I refuse to pay the OTT prices (just my opinion there - kids clothes really needn't cost the same as grown up stuff lol).

Modo - even though we've been team yellow both times I seem to have a bit of an obsession with orange lol. I have sleepsuits, t-shirts, trousers, jackets, all sorts in browns and oranges. I think I may have favoured it too much though. Hubby used to laugh at Earl in orange saying he looked like a convict! :haha:

Oh and I forgot to say the 6 loads of clothes were for newborn, 0-3m and 3-6m (Earl was in 3-6m clothes by the age of 6 weeks so I have done them all and that way I wont have to worry about sending hubby up on a mission to find them all. I also have the box of 6-9m clothes that Earl was in at 12weeks, under the bed ready lol. :wacko:
Aimee - I can't help myself haha both Jesse and LOs wardrobes are about 90% next, but they last so well and sell on for a decent amount so I don't mind, orange is a no go for us lol, dh and Jesse are ginge and it make jess look ill cus of his colouring so I totally avoid it now lol, I imagine the new baby will be the same! Icant believe earl was in such big sizes so quickly! Jesse wasn't a small baby at all but he seemed to be in tiny baby and newborn for ages, think he was about 6/7 weeks when he went in 0-3 and even now the jeans he's wearing today are abit long and they are 12-18 :haha: x

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