*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

I bought Jesse a card for when the baby is born, just as a keep sake really and going to get him a big brother badge too :haha:
This is the message inside the card though! It makes me well up everytime I see it! I'm such an emotional wreck at the moment lol!
Awwww Boothh I love that card!
So glad I dont have any washing to do :haha: i have enough day to day stuff to do. luckily my 2nd hand stuff has come from 2 very close friends who washed and ironed everything for me!
I'm not sure I'm going to be much longer, or maybe it's wishful thinking :rofl: Yesterday night had bad stomach pains and thought it was a bug as I said, but they coincided with BH . i times them an they were about 10-15 mins apart and lasting 45-65 seconds. I must have gone to sleep but woke twice thinking I needed the loo, loads of pressure on my bum but nothing. Had period pains all day today an lots of CM but not plug.
Had 4-5 very pain BH or even contractions today and feel very tired. I kind of think it might be early labour. Once I get home tonight everything is ready, so it's fine for her to come!
No doubt after all this, i'll still be here 12 days after EDD :rofl:
I want baby D and baby V to come so we can plan our mini meet haha!
I keep thinking my waters have gone but in reality it's my rubbish muscles failing at keeping pee in! I keep getting a few hours of regularish pains that disappear to nothing so I'm not sure what's going on but I'm beginning to think he might arrive sooner than planned anyway!
I want baby D and baby V to come so we can plan our mini meet haha!
I keep thinking my waters have gone but in reality it's my rubbish muscles failing at keeping pee in! I keep getting a few hours of regularish pains that disappear to nothing so I'm not sure what's going on but I'm beginning to think he might arrive sooner than planned anyway!

:haha: I have the wee thing too. I feel damp and think. ahhhh but nope :haha:
Yeah definately need our mini meet so come on babies!! :thumbup:
fingers crossed we wont be too long xx
Boothh: I wish we had co-slept with Bobby. Every sleep regression we have had are a nightmare because he can't sleep in our bed. As soon as we put him in there he goes hyper and wants to play, not great at 3am :dohh: I love that card :cloud9: Made me tear up. I am such a sap :haha:

Lollipopbop: Thanks for the tip :thumbup: Will check out h&m :)

aimee-lou: I have some Next sleep suits from Bobby and I will be def using them again :thumbup: I am also love the colour orange. I really like putting B is bright colours especially is spring and summer. I don't know what this baby will be like but B outgrew his clothes pretty quickly. He is on the 98th percentile right now for height and wears 3-4.

Flowerfairy: Oooh good luck! That's so exciting :happydance: I never went into natural labour with Bobby (failed induction -given epi before having waters broken- emcs) so will be following your posts :)
Ugh, feel like total crap today. Woke up and throat was pretty much swollen shut and hurts :( was drinking coffee so waiting a few before I take my temp to make sure I don't have a fever.
Boothh and modo - Earl is currently somewhere around the 75th %ile for height and is wearing 2-3's and 3-4s depending on the shop. Mostly 2-3 trousers and 3-4 tops as he's really long in the body (his school uniform is 4-5 years! :wacko:). He went through the clothes at a rate on knots when he was tiny as he was always so chunky and he's got big feet too :wacko: - I think it really calmed down when he got to about 1 year though - he was in 12-18s and 18-24s for a long time I think, and then he's been in 2-3s for ages lol. Summer wardrobe is all 3-4s with a couple of 4-5 tops just in case - shorts hide a lot of 'you'll grow into them' space, as my mother called it! lol :haha:
Btw - ladies who are showing signs. I'm so jealous. I have pretty much completed my preparations (just have a couple of frivolous purchases to make at the end of the month lol) and While I am bittersweet about the fact I may never be pregnant again, I cannot wait to meet this little person. Earl has completely changed my life, totally for the better, so I dread to think what kind of impact this one will have! lol :baby: Hope you're all feeling ok and it's not just slow labour. :thumbup: I remember having full on 'false labour' when I was about 39 weeks - lasted about 6 hours then disappeared completely, didn't happen for real until I was 40+3 and I dismissed it for the first 2 hours thanks to the week before's experiences! lol
so many posts!!!! I guess it's a busy evening today in England =P

I just wnated to add that I am tired of all the pink things I've gotten >=(
(someone was saying the same about blue).
The few things I've bought are pretty much gender neutral or more boyish even.
Nits - I actually love to see little girls in more boyish stuff. I've purposefully kept all the boys clothes from Earl and the vast majority of it can be used on a girl, so if we have a girl, she will wear them. Have the most adorable mickey mouse, baby blue sleepers. Girls are allowed to like Mickey aren't they?! :shrug::haha:
After having 2 boys and 10 years of blue washing I'm having a very stereotypical girl. She has pink everything :rofl:
That's one good thing about girls, you can get boy clothes and just put a head band or barrettes in their hair and you're good to go! Can't usually do the reverse with pink clothes and a boy :)
Aimee - Jesse has always been short, he was 8lbs 9oz at birth and then went up to 91st centile for weight for a good while but has always fitted in smaller clothes because he has short little legs haha, me and dh are both quite tall so I don't know where he gets it from! I tried some 2-3 pjs on him tonight as he got them as a gift for Easter and the bottoms wouldn't stay up at all they just fell straight down! The top was abit big but not too bad!
He was 89cm around Christmas I reckon he's about 91cm now but definitely not much bigger. He's just going into size 6 shoes:haha:
so all day today I've been having really frequent contractions. like every 10 mins. They are more uncomfortable than braxton hicks, but they are not getting any worse. They are regular, but not getting any closer together. I have changed position, gone for a walk with the dogs, had a shower, and had a rest on the couch with no change in the pattern or intensity. They are exactly the same as they were when I woke up this morning... What is going on? Im getting so frustrated!
Well it could be slow labor! Fingers crossed for you! Keep us posted!
well, ladies. I convinced OH to DTD to see if we could get something to happen. Contractions are closer together and gaining in intensity. They are painful enough that I can't sleep. So I think this is it! Still hanging around home, got the bags all packed and ready. Pain is still manageable, even though they are only a few minutes apart, so im just waiting for it to be too much and then im going in... hopefully this is not going to take very long!
Awww Bumpin. Good Luck!! I've been having fairly regular BH but no way will my OH DTD :rofl: I woke up with period pains again, but I dont want labour to happen during the day as it's much harder to sort kids out !
I really hope this is it for you and you can be our first May Mummy :hugs: xxxxx
Arghhhhh!! You've no idea how excited I just got haha. Soooooo happy for you


Really hope this is it and you're our first may mummy :D good luck and keep us updated! Xxxx
FF I made dh dtd on Saturday and I think he'd forgot how you do it it's been that long :rofl: we did it more than once a day upto when I went into labor with jess, having a toddler definitely teaches you sleep appreciation though :haha:

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